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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Last time i see foreigners who says in Russia are all good. Who is this those peoples? For example

YouTube is awash with these kinds of accounts these days. Either directly paid propaganda merchants, or dickheads who just want lots of clicks and followers, and will say or do anything to get them. They are very easy to coerce and persuade.

My rule of thumb is that unless I'm seeing footage filmed by independently verified, trustworthy sources, I believe absolutely nothing coming out of Russia. Because they have a full time industry of misinformation and propaganda running 24/7.


Gold Member
Last time i see foreigners who says in Russia are all good. Who is this those peoples? For example

The guy is filming in Moscow where they are always going to ensure the shops are bulging with goods.. I recently read that KIA numbers for people from some remote regions in ruzzia are ~1 : 1 600 , but in the Moscow region the numbers are only ~1 : 100 000 .
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Vladimir Putin Removes Upper Age Limit For New Soldiers As Russian Troops Get Decimated In Ukraine​



Sky Is The Limit Pink GIF


YouTube is awash with these kinds of accounts these days. Either directly paid propaganda merchants, or dickheads who just want lots of clicks and followers, and will say or do anything to get them. They are very easy to coerce and persuade.

My rule of thumb is that unless I'm seeing footage filmed by independently verified, trustworthy sources, I believe absolutely nothing coming out of Russia. Because they have a full time industry of misinformation and propaganda running 24/7.

White guys in developing countries are easy marks. They went for the lower cost of living and became stuck there because they spent a decade effectively out of the workforce. Dangle a bit of meat and press a little to get them to do anything.
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Honestly, maybe the best way to win this war overnight is to get a gigantic EU force in finland and take sint petersburg then push russia on the table to tell them what they can or can't do.


Gold Member
I saw a clip from Rogan's podcast where a person was discussing Russia's demographics and how they are in trouble. The question that arises is if Putin has nothing to lose, is he more likely to use nuclear bombs?


I saw a clip from Rogan's podcast where a person was discussing Russia's demographics and how they are in trouble. The question that arises is if Putin has nothing to lose, is he more likely to use nuclear bombs?

The nuclear bomb threat went out the window months ago, when direct attacks on Russian soil occurred, and he did nothing - despite guaranteeing he’d use nuclear weapons if that happened. He’s full of shit. Always has been.


The guy is filming in Moscow where they are always going to ensure the shops are bulging with goods.. I recently read that KIA numbers for people from some remote regions in ruzzia are ~1 : 1 600 , but in the Moscow region the numbers are only ~1 : 100 000 .
That’s honest communism 🤣

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
YouTube is awash with these kinds of accounts these days. Either directly paid propaganda merchants, or dickheads who just want lots of clicks and followers, and will say or do anything to get them. They are very easy to coerce and persuade.

My rule of thumb is that unless I'm seeing footage filmed by independently verified, trustworthy sources, I believe absolutely nothing coming out of Russia. Because they have a full time industry of misinformation and propaganda running 24/7.

Oh fuck I recognize Don Simon.

It's a brand from spanish company Garcia Carrión.
Daaaamn, I wish they'd do the same with one of those hosts on those talkshows. Especially that demon looking cunt.
Not gonna lie when I first heard this I was so going "please be Vladimir Solovyov, please be Vladimir Solovyov" I was a bit deflated when it turned out it wasn't, but then the one that did get blown up was every bit as nasty and vile as they come. The "demon looking cunt" you refer too (I think she looks more like a fat pig with makeup on personally) is Olga Skabeyeva and the best fate for her would be to get conscripted into the Russian Army where officers are using female soldiers as cheap cum buckets now apparently.

The guy that actually got blown up was every bit a complete and utter bastard and the world is a better place without him in it. This Vladlin Tatarsky is as nasty as they get with such wonderful goals as "We'll conquer everyone, we'll kill everyone, we'll loot whoever we need to and everything will be just as we like it". There is an aftermath video floating around that shows this waste of DNA lying face down with his arse hanging out of his boxers. I don't often take pleasure in death but for this fucker I will make an exception, Never was there a truer saying "you live by the sword, you die by the sword".
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I don't care for a second that the guy got blown up, but I can't help it feel sorry for those who were inside the cafe at the time of the blast. I don't know the details, but I just hope there wasn't any children or employees hurt. Or any other innocent people for that matter.


Gold Member
I don't care for a second that the guy got blown up, but I can't help it feel sorry for those who were inside the cafe at the time of the blast. I don't know the details, but I just hope there wasn't any children or employees hurt. Or any other innocent people for that matter.
The cafe is owned by Wagner Boss Yevgeny Prigozhin and the people meeting there call themselves Cyber Front Z..
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I don't care for a second that the guy got blown up, but I can't help it feel sorry for those who were inside the cafe at the time of the blast. I don't know the details, but I just hope there wasn't any children or employees hurt. Or any other innocent people for that matter.

It appears that the people were there to hear Tatarsky talk… the guy who supported the systematic rape of Ukrainian women and children. So, you know, fuck them. As for kids or staff members, then they’d be unfortunate collateral damage, killed by their president for starting an illegal war and attempted genocide.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The cafe is owned by Wagner Boss Yevgeny Prigozhin and the people meeting there call themselves Cyber Front Z..

Yep. Reportedly Maxim was presented with a statuette and inside the object there were about 200g of TNT. We have videos from the event and when it detonated it was sitting within 5 inches of Maxim's ballsack.

As for everyone else at the meet, there are conflicting reports about the number of injured, dead, etc.


Gold Member

That's largely because of Japan's stupid attitude towards nuclear electricity generation since Fukushima (which was largely caused by their own incompetence, complacency, and face nonsense), which caused much of the Japanese public (who bother to vote) to turn against nuclear electricity generation.

Now they are really desperate for fossil fuels, and unfortunately Russia is and one of the few with large amounts of them.


The nuclear bomb threat went out the window months ago, when direct attacks on Russian soil occurred, and he did nothing - despite guaranteeing he’d use nuclear weapons if that happened. He’s full of shit. Always has been.
Not a fan of this logic. Just because he hasn't done it before, doesn't mean he won't do it in the future. It only has to happen once.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Not a fan of this logic. Just because he hasn't done it before, doesn't mean he won't do it in the future. It only has to happen once.

After so many redlines crossed, he could’ve just done a nuclear test in Siberia or Kamchatka and that would turn the worlds heads towards Russia.

Im starting to suspect Russia’s weapons might not be in working order.
Who knows at this point whether Russia will use a nuke or not. This is uncharted territory. A war of this magnitude with a nuclear power hasn't happened since World War 2. If the existence of Russia was at threat then maybe but the regime...no. Somebody in his circle will take him out before that. North Korea is more likely to use a nuclear weapon as they think there leader is pretty much a living God.


Gold Member
Who knows at this point whether Russia will use a nuke or not. This is uncharted territory. A war of this magnitude with a nuclear power hasn't happened since World War 2. If the existence of Russia was at threat then maybe but the regime...no. Somebody in his circle will take him out before that. North Korea is more likely to use a nuclear weapon as they think there leader is pretty much a living God.
I think it's India or Pakistan who are most likely to use nukes


Finland joining NATO

get fucked Putin!
Finland will officially be a NATO member on Tuesday.

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Russian author Mikhail Shishkin’s letter to an unknown Ukrainian
Do dictators and dictatorships breed slave populations or do slave populations breed dictators? Ukraine was able to escape from this hellish circle, to escape from our common, monstrous, bloody past. For this reason it is hated by Russian impostors. A free and democratic Ukraine can serve as an example for the Russian population, which is why it is so important for Putin to destroy you.
In Russia, we had neither de-Stalinisation, nor the Nuremberg trials of the Communist party of the Soviet Union. The result we see: a new dictatorship. A dictatorship, by its very nature, cannot exist without enemies, which means war.
You are not only defending your freedom and human dignity; now you are defending the freedom and human dignity of all humanity. You cannot be defeated because the war is not decided by the number of tanks and missiles, but by the power of love for freedom. You are free men, and those who carry out the criminal orders of the Russian generals are slaves.
Silence is a Russian survival strategy. Those who protested back then were in jail. This is how Russians have survived by silence for generations. Pushkin formulated this Russian way of life in the last line of his historical drama Boris Godunov: “The people are silent.” And with the beginning of the aggression against Ukraine, the people were “keeping silent”. But then mass mobilisation began in the autumn, and it is no longer possible to explain away the fact that hundreds of thousands of Russians obediently went to kill Ukrainians and be killed. This is something else, something deeper, something scarier.
I see only one explanation: my country has fallen out of time.
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What are we supposed to do, let Russia slowly take over all of Europe because nuclear blackmail? This is "hoping they will just leave you alone if you are a nice guy" Chamberlain style which emboldened Hitler.

If we have a zero-tolerance policy for avoiding nuclear threats, then all any bad guy needs to take over the world is one nuke and to like talking a lot.
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