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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Gold Member
Russia could have had a jet fighter ready for battle, even before the Germans in WW2.
But Stalin and Beria sent a lot of scientists and engineers into the Gulags, so the development of all airplanes in the USSR was slowed.


Gold Member

Russia will do everything to destroy at least one battery, even if it means to waste their dwindling stocks of cruise missiles.

Well.., according to ruZZian MoD they destroyed 5 Patriot missile launchers and a Patriot radar system:

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Ukraine tells China envoy it won't cede territory to Russia to achieve peace​


they should have told them: they would do it, if they recognize Taiwan as an independent country, as see their expressions go wild:

Angry Black And White GIF by Laff


The west could have had hypersonic missiles in the 70s, but they were judged pointless and a waste of resources even for the US military, the number one resource wasting organization around.
The west could have had hypersonic missiles in the 70s, but they were judged pointless and a waste of resources even for the US military, the number one resource wasting organization around.
Same thing with the nuclear powered cruise missile. The states found it not to be practical.
Russia tries and has a nuclear accident in the process.
What a fucking joke show, holy shit!
Russia arrest three scientists that are part of their “hypersonic” missile system (I can’t even say it with a straight face) because it’s getting decimated by a offensive weapon system created back in the 1970s’.
Anyone on this planet back in 90-91?
Remember the first Gulf war? Remember the state of the art, technology that no other country could possibly possess except Russia? The SCUD missile?
It’s a repeat of SCUD vs PATRIOT all over again.


It’s a repeat of SCUD vs PATRIOT all over again.

Except that todays Patriot isn't the desert storm Patriot and the Khinzal isn't the Scud.

It's worse, the Iskander and the Khinzal were developed to defeat defenses like the Patriots.

A little off topic now: The Scud threat in the desert storm wasn't because of their technological advancement. The Scud series was a glorified V2.
Yes... THAT V2.

The problem was that if Iraq launched a bunch of these at Israel and the US didn't respond. Israel would probably have responded and attacked Iraq and the coalition of Arab countries in the DS would have imploded.
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But why not a year ago? Why is the West just dripfeeding weapon systems?

Part of it has been stupidity.

  • Genuine fears that Russia may escalate in response (and they kind of have with the missile strikes)
  • Poor intel in some areas
  • An initial image of the Russian armed forces being corrupt by at least somewhat competent in parts (why else would the US have offered to evacuate Zelensky at the start of the war?)
  • Uncertainty of the resolve and integrity of the Ukrainian leadership
  • Uncertainty of the resolve, capability, and integrity of the Ukrainian armed forces and people
  • Massive cultural and political barriers to overcome: Germany and sending weapons, the EU providing military aid, etc.
  • Unpreparedness for a war, so needing to increase war materiel production
  • Considerations of countries' own defences and their obligations to others other than Ukraine
  • Training takes time, and neither 'The West' nor Ukraine want personnel and equipment wasted by not being used properly.
And many more.

Oh, and it's only been a year and a couple of months. That's really not that long, especially for long held beliefs and stances to change, equipment to be procured (in a good state), and Ukrainians to be trained on it.

I don't want to be too rude, but that's just after some very basic critical thinking and somewhat keeping up with the news.
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I see the sabre rattling is well in effect over Ukraine possibly getting jets.

Look like a bunch of clowns threatening the same thing over and over again.


Gold Member
Russia has been crying about crossing "red lines" so many times, while doing nothing, it has become a mere pathetic whine.
At this point it's pretty clear that Russia can't do anything stop the EU and USA from giving more weapons to Ukraine.


Russia has been crying about crossing "red lines" so many times, while doing nothing, it has become a mere pathetic whine.
At this point it's pretty clear that Russia can't do anything stop the EU and USA from giving more weapons to Ukraine.

Bit rich though isn't it. Having to rely on Iran to get suicide drones to attack civilian infrastructure, but soon as anything goes to Ukraine they spit their dummy out.

I wonder how many people in the Kremlin get nervous after saying this shit constantly knowing their army has been shown to be incredibly lackluster compared to how they've always presented it.


Gold Member
That is one good reason for Russia not to use nuclear weapons. If the rest of the world finds out that Russia can't deliver these weapons, it will nullify most of the fear it can project.
And it will mean that a lot of countries will want to buy western weapon systems that can protect them from Russia's nuclear threat.


The pro-Russian shills on social media really are having the biggest meltdown yet about the F-16s. It's fascinating to see what the Kremlin is really afraid of, because it always comes with the biggest backlash of misinformation and derision from the bots and sock puppet accounts. They know that F-16 = complete dominance of the skies above Ukraine.
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Gold Member
The pro-Russian shills on social media really are having the biggest meltdown yet about the F-16s. It's fascinating to see what the Kremlin is really afraid of, because it always comes with the biggest backlash of misinformation and derision from the bots and sock puppet accounts. They know that F-16 = complete dominance of the skies above Ukraine.

They are lucky the west is only giving Ukraine F-16. If it were F-15s, it would be much worse for Russia. And even worse if it were F-35s.
The likelihood of the USA giving F-35s to Ukraine is close to zero. But if it ever happened, Russians would have the biggest fit ever in their history.
Not even when they were raped hard by the Japanese in 1905, would match the level of copium necessary.


They are lucky the west is only giving Ukraine F-16. If it were F-15s, it would be much worse for Russia. And even worse if it were F-35s.
The likelihood of the USA giving F-35s to Ukraine is close to zero. But if it ever happened, Russians would have the biggest fit ever in their history.
Not even when they were raped hard by the Japanese in 1905, would match the level of copium necessary.

The F16 is good enough to terrify the shit out of them, I think. Has a wide spectrum of potential armaments and technology available to it, and perhaps most importantly, can carry cruise missiles.
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Gold Member
The F16 is good enough to terrify the shit out of them, I think. Has a wide spectrum of potential armaments and technology available to it, and perhaps most importantly, can carry cruise missiles.

The F16 is great. But the F15 would be even better.
And the F35 would be like playing will cheats :messenger_beaming:


The F16 is great. But the F15 would be even better.
And the F35 would be like playing will cheats :messenger_beaming:

I think the F16 might be a better bet in this situation than the F15, given its better manoeuvrability. Pretty limited air space they’ll be operating in, and I doubt the F15’s greater speed and ceiling would matter that much.

The F35 is entirely a different matter though. On another level - but the US aren’t handing any of them over.


They are lucky the west is only giving Ukraine F-16. If it were F-15s, it would be much worse for Russia. And even worse if it were F-35s.
The likelihood of the USA giving F-35s to Ukraine is close to zero. But if it ever happened, Russians would have the biggest fit ever in their history.
Not even when they were raped hard by the Japanese in 1905, would match the level of copium necessary.

I really wish we'd have time to fit the Strf 90 with adativ before we sent them. Would have been hilarious to see the RuSSkies deal with it.

Or, someone order some and lets try out the CV90120-T Ghost in real combat conditions.. :p

Hopefully Ukraine will get some of the more advanced systems, planes, tanks, even some of the modern helo's would smack all that WW2 era tech back to the stone age. The Archers are doing extremely well so far, and no losses, that is what we want to see, even if there is a risk of some equipment getting captured, RuSSia is in no state to take advantage for a long time. And, the west is allready well on the way to develop into the next generation.


Gold Member
I think the F16 might be a better bet in this situation than the F15, given its better manoeuvrability. Pretty limited air space they’ll be operating in, and I doubt the F15’s greater speed and ceiling would matter that much.

The F35 is entirely a different matter though. On another level - but the US aren’t handing any of them over.

The F-16 is a cheap all around fighter. The F15 is the best air superiority fighter ever.
But why not a year ago? Why is the West just dripfeeding weapon systems?
I like to think of it is as NATO and the US applying the boiling frog syndrome to Russia. Most will know what that is, but just in case. If you stick a live frog into a hot pan it will immediately leap out. But if you put the frog into a cold pan and slowly heat the pan up the frog will happily boil alive. I think this is what the Western Allies have been doing. I don't doubt that if we had been doing half the shit we are doing now right at the beginning of the war it would have provoked a more catastrophic response from Russia. However by gradually increasing our military support to Ukraine the good ole Russian Army is slowly being boiled away (sometimes literally inside those shit tanks of theirs).

Admittedly they could have progressed things faster after all we are dealing with a bunch of fuckwits that have less intelligence than a frog.


About the F-16 debate.

The F-16 was chosen because it's simply the most common and abundant fighter aircraft of that generation. I believe it's the most produced fighter of the Cold War after the Mig 21. The supply chain, training and the ground crew availability is ample and available in a lot of countries.

This isn't about raw performance, it's all about logistics.

As an example, they could have chosen the legacy Hornet. Performance wise they are very similar to the MIG 29 that Ukraine operates for years and Australia has a huge fleet of these retired, stored and available. But the supply chain of legacy Hornets spare parts is unavailable. (It can still be included in a future package, we'll see)

The most important question now is which armament will be included with F-16. Another example. Some analysts said that old Amraams still are outranged by the Russian's most modern missile, although they are probably available in great quantity, and I don't know if the coalition would be ok to supply the most recent ones.


Gold Member
They are lucky the west is only giving Ukraine F-16. If it were F-15s, it would be much worse for Russia. And even worse if it were F-35s.
The likelihood of the USA giving F-35s to Ukraine is close to zero. But if it ever happened, Russians would have the biggest fit ever in their history.
Not even when they were raped hard by the Japanese in 1905, would match the level of copium necessary.
Some older F-16 A/Bs are close to being nothing but junk by now, but the newer upgraded F-16 C/Ds with upgraded engines, radars, glass cockpits, weapons compatibility etc. (I think the latest ones that was sold was called Block 50/52) they'll be a good fit for Ukraine. /AFAIK
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I wish Sweden were able to give The Sukhoi killer, aka. Gripen.
It would have been the ultimate aircraft for this conflict according to Perun.

But there are not enough of them. We need them ourselves.
F16 will still kick ass.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Well, the battle for Bahkmut is over. It's been more than 9 months that have fixed the russian army and wagner against an easily defensible target. It's given Ukraine 9 months to train people, to arm people, for its western allies to deliver pledged equipment and materiel. All for the counteroffensive, whatever shape it takes.

And now we wait, we wait for the moment Ukraine decides to unleash 9 months worth of accumulated military power. Let's hope it bears fruit.


Well, the battle for Bahkmut is over. It's been more than 9 months that have fixed the russian army and wagner against an easily defensible target. It's given Ukraine 9 months to train people, to arm people, for its western allies to deliver pledged equipment and materiel. All for the counteroffensive, whatever shape it takes.

And now we wait, we wait for the moment Ukraine decides to unleash 9 months worth of accumulated military power. Let's hope it bears fruit.

Thought it was only Wagner leader claiming it's fallen?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Thought it was only Wagner leader claiming it's fallen?

Ukrainian sources are reporting it as well.

In truth for the past week or so there was no permanent ukrainian presence left, they would go into to defend the last bit, then retreat to trenches outside since in order to take the city the russians demolished it in its entirety and there was no place left for them.

Of the city of Bahkmut only the name, and rubble, remains. It's nothing but a ruin. This link shows the cost of imposing "the russian world" on unwilling subjects.


Well, the battle for Bahkmut is over. It's been more than 9 months that have fixed the russian army and wagner against an easily defensible target. It's given Ukraine 9 months to train people, to arm people, for its western allies to deliver pledged equipment and materiel. All for the counteroffensive, whatever shape it takes.

And now we wait, we wait for the moment Ukraine decides to unleash 9 months worth of accumulated military power. Let's hope it bears fruit.
It was only a matter of time, with the tactics the orcs were using defending it is not possible.

Bakhmut is only a pile of rubble now.

RIP to all that gave their lives defending this city. Heroiam slava! 🫡

Edit: Many months ago I saw a video from Willy 0AM [Youtube] where he interviewed a man (civilian) living in Bakhmut. The man didn't want to leave the city... and ever since I have been thinking of this man hoping he is alright. I hope he is.
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Ukrainian sources are reporting it as well.

In truth for the past week or so there was no permanent ukrainian presence left, they would go into to defend the last bit, then retreat to trenches outside since in order to take the city the russians demolished it in its entirety and there was no place left for them.

Of the city of Bahkmut only the name, and rubble, remains. It's nothing but a ruin. This link shows the cost of imposing "the russian world" on unwilling subjects.

Ahhh, nothing on the guardian (I get my news there, I'm lazy).

They've done well to hold it for so long.

It's been equated the Paschendale for conditions & Dresden for destruction. Hopefully when the UA counteract begins they steamroll through it and take Wagner leader out at same time, if Putin doesn't throw him through a window first.
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