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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Tetris was made and came up with in Russia .. right ? But I think Lemmings (the game) takes points from Russian society. They keep running rondheid deaths .
Tetris was made and came up with in Russia .. right ? But I think Lemmings (the game) takes points from Russian society. They keep running rondheid deaths .

The game Lemmings is based on bad information that Lemmings are prone to mass suicide. An idea popularized by Disney in a film where they staged a scene of the animals jumping to thier death.

Really the real lesson you should take from Lemmings is that you should not believe everything you hear.



Russian AA/artillery unit received 6 Tunguska air defence vehicles from MoD, likely from long conservation followed by major repairs - as a result, all six vehicles are dysfunctional.
In the full version of the video, the reporter states that upon reception, three vehicles were running but after a 30-km march all broke down with major suspension problems, another two suffer from armament control system malfunctions, and a sixth is too dangerous to even start.
None of the six transport-reloading vehicles (TZM) were functional either.


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Simps for Amouranth
Crazy to think in this day and age Russia continues to engage in an unwinnable war that does nothing but degrades both countries, Russia more so due to the fact that its now forever associated with war crimes and atrocities, such a pity the Ukrainians couldn't get a major break through and are now in a war of attrition, hopefully something breaks soon and personally i don't have any issues with cluster munitions going to the frontline to be used on Russians, yes they are an awful weapon that lead to civilian deaths down the line but people are forgetting that Russia has lobbed so much ordnance into Ukraine, mined so many fields that Ukrainians will be suffering this for years and if these bombs wreak havoc on the front lines and kill, maim and fuck up the orcs en masse then I'm all for it


Crazy to think in this day and age Russia continues to engage in an unwinnable war that does nothing but degrades both countries, Russia more so due to the fact that its now forever associated with war crimes and atrocities, such a pity the Ukrainians couldn't get a major break through and are now in a war of attrition, hopefully something breaks soon and personally i don't have any issues with cluster munitions going to the frontline to be used on Russians, yes they are an awful weapon that lead to civilian deaths down the line but people are forgetting that Russia has lobbed so much ordnance into Ukraine, mined so many fields that Ukrainians will be suffering this for years and if these bombs wreak havoc on the front lines and kill, maim and fuck up the orcs en masse then I'm all for it
As a military expert (I have played some games by Paradox) and an expert on Russian culture (I have played Metro Exodus), I can say that the only winning move for Russia is to get your troops back home and just declare victory.


Can’t Git Gud
Crazy to think in this day and age Russia continues to engage in an unwinnable war that does nothing but degrades both countries, Russia more so due to the fact that its now forever associated with war crimes and atrocities, such a pity the Ukrainians couldn't get a major break through and are now in a war of attrition, hopefully something breaks soon and personally i don't have any issues with cluster munitions going to the frontline to be used on Russians, yes they are an awful weapon that lead to civilian deaths down the line but people are forgetting that Russia has lobbed so much ordnance into Ukraine, mined so many fields that Ukrainians will be suffering this for years and if these bombs wreak havoc on the front lines and kill, maim and fuck up the orcs en masse then I'm all for it
The worst part is that they do that and will keep doing that ad there is nothing anyone can do or is willing to do


Gold Member
As usual, Russia attacks civilian targets instead of military targets.
Ukrainian farmers will suffer because of this action by Russia. And the rest of the world as well, especially poorer countries.
We can expect price increases for grain and a lot of people in poor countries won't be able to afford to eat.
Thanks a lot Putin, once again you proved yourself to be a complete bastard.


As usual, Russia attacks civilian targets instead of military targets.
Ukrainian farmers will suffer because of this action by Russia. And the rest of the world as well, especially poorer countries.
We can expect price increases for grain and a lot of people in poor countries won't be able to afford to eat.
Thanks a lot Putin, once again you proved yourself to be a complete bastard.

"It is a crime that is pointless from the military point of view"


US announced another aid package:

Phoenix Ghost and Switchblade Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS);
Precision aerial munitions;
Counter-UAS and electronic warfare detection equipment;
150 fuel trucks;
115 tactical vehicles to tow and haul equipment;
50 tactical vehicles to recover equipment;
Port and harbor security equipment;
Tactical secure communications systems;
Support for training, maintenance, and sustainment activities.

Ukrainian F-16 pilots will be trained by the private company Draken International. The company published a recruitment ad stating that the military instructors would work at the Borc Feteşti military base in Romania.

Now all the conditions have been created to return Bakhmut, said the commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of 🇺🇦Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi.
"At this time, all the conditions have been created for us to return this city, but with ten times less losses (than the Russians — ed.). Because, in general, the location of Russian troops currently resembles such a bow, which is concentrated in Bakhmut. And they are in such a semi-environment. Well, you just can't help but use it," he said in an interview with the BBC.

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Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF




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voted poster of the decade by bots

Been thinking about this, now that Nato has mutiple large borders (Finland), they should mass a huge amount of troops along the border to force Russia to divert a large portion of its forces away from Ukraine.
Take no aggressive action.......just force them to waste resources.
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voted poster of the decade by bots
this really is how world wars start, posturing :LOL:

lucky for us tho most the world are too fat to be called up these days.

Nah, all the world wars were actually started by someone invading. Wwi was Austria in retaliation of an assisnation, wwii was Germany invading Poland.
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Gold Member
Been thinking about this, now that Nato has mutiple large borders (Finland), they should mass a huge amount of troops along the border to force Russia to divert a large portion of its forces away from Ukraine.
Take no aggressive action.......just force them to waste resources.

That is something I also wonder.
For example, the USA and South Korea used to act huge military drills, during the harvest season, near the border with North Korea.
Because North Korea is an under developed economy, it still relies heavily on manual work in the harvest season. So they have to send most of it's army home to help with the harvest.
But with the USA and South Korea doing military drills near it's borders, North Korea had to keep it's army on high readiness during this time. So they could not send most men home for harvest season.
This really hurt North Korea's economy, because a significant part of their harvest was lost.

Curiously, this was also the reason why WW1 started a month after the start of the July crisis.
von Hötzendorf, as usual, sent his men home in July to help with the harvest. When the Austrian-Hungarian government decided to go ahead with the invasion of Serbia, Hötzendorf had to tell them to wait a couple of weeks.
This from a man who had made 23 official requests in 1913 alone, to the Emperor, to invade Serbia. And when he got his permission, he couldn't do anything.


They not only invaded Poland in cooperation with Germans. They were also helping them in the other ways. Economical cooperation was massive. In the first year, Germany received form USSR one million tons of cereals, half-a-million tons of wheat, 900,000 tons of oil, 100,000 tons of cotton, 500,000 tons of phosphates and considerable amounts of other vital raw materials. The Soviets also helped Germany to avoid British naval blockades by providing a submarine base, Basis Nord, in the northern Soviet Union near Murmansk.[211] That also provided a refueling and maintenance location and a takeoff point for raids and attacks on shipping.[211] In addition, the Soviets provided Germany with access to the Northern Sea Route for both cargo ships and raiders though only the commerce raider Komet used the route before the German invasion, which forced Britain to protect sea lanes in both the Atlantic and the Pacific.

Also, even without cooperation with Germans they would not be good guys. Soviets killed even more people (well mostly their own "citizens") than Nazis.


So many signs of the F-16 being, finally, fast tracked now. Hope it is true, and that they can also get some longer range stuff, yesterday.

Crimea 💥💥😊 another ammo depot down.

The Ukrainian General Staff confirmed the destruction of an oil depot and warehouses of the Russians in occupied Crimea

Another video.


Gold Member
Most leave the role of Italy out … to be honest .

The death count on Italy's hands during WW2, pales in comparison to the death toll and crimes that Russia and Germany committed.
In great part due to the utter incompetence of the Italian army and Navy. But also, because they were not as fanatics and evil.
But the thing is, no one paints Mussolini and his regime as good and heroic. Unlike what happens with the Russia.
The reality is that Stalin and the Soviet Union were as bad, if not worst, than Hitler and the Nazi regime. And for many years they were allies.
Germany could not have developed weapons like they did, if not with the strict collaboration of Russia. Germany could not have rearmed without all the oil and materials supplied by Russia.


The death count on Italy's hands during WW2, pales in comparison to the death toll and crimes that Russia and Germany committed.
In great part due to the utter incompetence of the Italian army and Navy. But also, because they were not as fanatics and evil.
But the thing is, no one paints Mussolini and his regime as good and heroic. Unlike what happens with the Russia.
The reality is that Stalin and the Soviet Union were as bad, if not worst, than Hitler and the Nazi regime. And for many years they were allies.
Germany could not have developed weapons like they did, if not with the strict collaboration of Russia. Germany could not have rearmed without all the oil and materials supplied by Russia.
I am not talking about how big their role was , but Italy clearly sided with Nazi germany in the early years and also annexed countries .


Gold Member
I am not talking about how big their role was , but Italy clearly sided with Nazi germany in the early years and also annexed countries .

Yes, Italy joined Germany, after 1938.
But Russia was allied with Germany even before Italy joined in with Germany.



According to a journalist-investigation, Russia mobilizes diabetics, sends them to the front without even providing insulin. They’re supposed to be in a category that is called, “fit to serve, with restrictions,” which is supposed to mean that they serve in rear. Nope, off to the front. Without insulin.
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Simps for Amouranth
That probably the amount of artillery shells that Ukraine spends in a hour of combat.

Almost obligatory reading.

Excellent and sobering article, not what I want to be reading tbh, although this struck me as rather amusing

Gady however was quick to emphasize that “no Western type of military can really do this sort of combined arms operations at scale, with the exception of the United States. But even the United States Armed Forces would have a very difficult time breaking through these defensive layers because no Western military in the world currently has any experience in breaching the types of defenses in depth that the Russians put up, in the south and east of Ukraine.”

Ahem, the Americans would've established Air Superiority and would then B52 the absolute shit out of the defensive lines, if the Americans got involved and by god I wish they would, they'd make mincemeat out of those cunts, as it stands the West simply needs to keep up the support, if it's going to be a war of attrition then Ukraine will eventually win


"Sweden, Finland, Netherlands assist in restoring power in Kherson after dam destruction"

Maldives need to be wingclipped, all those offshore accounts and now this:

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According to a journalist-investigation, Russia mobilizes diabetics, sends them to the front without even providing insulin. They’re supposed to be in a category that is called, “fit to serve, with restrictions,” which is supposed to mean that they serve in rear. Nope, off to the front. Without insulin.
I bet putin gets a kick back from every Russian mail order bride sold to China, the level of cruelty and callousness toward his own people is mind boggling...maybe putins trying to purge groups he deems undesirable. Given how vile his leadership is that would make sense



According to a journalist-investigation, Russia mobilizes diabetics, sends them to the front without even providing insulin. They’re supposed to be in a category that is called, “fit to serve, with restrictions,” which is supposed to mean that they serve in rear. Nope, off to the front. Without insulin.
What is difference? They are probably not supposed to live long enough to need it. Typical Soviet/Russian tactic is "scouting by battle". You just send horde of disposable soldiers - recruits without experience, penal troops or sick people - on the enemy positions. Yes, most of the will die, but ensuing fight will reveal enemy fire stations and their range. Why bother with inteligence, when You can just use most abundant, but not most valuable, Russian resource, aka people.
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