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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I just want to know what's happening. I keep getting flak on here for it but I don't believe the information coming out on this counter offensive. If Russia said they had killed 30,000 Ukrainians and tons of equipment but only progressed a couple of miles nobody would believe them, but why does everyone just believe it when Ukraine says it. The facts on the ground doesn't match what is being claimed. Just watched a debate on Euronews and they were arguing over why it's going much slower than expected etc. They even claimed that perhaps at least 20% of all equipment given by the West has already been destroyed and that's why. Look, I don't believe the Russians either. All that matters is the end result. I just don't know why up till this war everyone accepted that propaganda was just a fact of war and to take information with a pinch of salt but since this invasion everyone just believes everything they are told. During World War 1, in the UK, there were posters claiming that the Germans eat children and that the Somme was a success even though 50,000 died in the first day and was the single worst day ever for the British military. They lied at the time and hid all the deaths from the public. Why do people think it's so different now.
Obviously nobody is going to do full disclosure truth about what is going on because for one it reveals operational information to their enemies and another they might not even really know. People like to laugh at the Russian's awful propaganda not because they are the only ones who are imperfect but because it is so bad that you can blow off some steam laughing at it and they more than deserve to be mocked.
Obviously nobody is going to do full disclosure truth about what is going on because for one it reveals operational information to their enemies and another they might not even really know. People like to laugh at the Russian's awful propaganda not because they are the only ones who are imperfect but because it is so bad that you can blow off some steam laughing at it and they more than deserve to be mocked.
I think people are getting the wrong end of the stick about what I am saying. I am just commenting on the use of propaganda and that's it. World War 1 was so ridiculous regarding the difference between what was claimed and the reality of the war, that from then up until now there was a general consensus that you should not entirely believe everything you are told. The British would say they inflicted huge casualties on their opponents and had very few themselves and only had moved the frontline about 10 metres. I am not criticising Ukraine, they are honest about the fact that they are not going to be open about any losses concerning both people and objectives as part of government policy, and I don't think they should for morale reasons, but we are looking from the outside. If you were to take at face value the casualties and the loss of equipment they have inflicted on Russia which is greater than what France, UK and Germany combined has in total numbers in some areas they should have got to Crimea by now, but they still haven't reached even their defensive lines yet. I think the reason why people are so confused by the slow progress of the counter offensive is that going by what Ukraine has claimed so far they should have smashed the Russians by now. The most logical explanation is that the information is not entirely true rather than Russia have finally figured out to fight as some pundits have claimed.
I think people are getting the wrong end of the stick about what I am saying. I am just commenting on the use of propaganda and that's it. World War 1 was so ridiculous regarding the difference between what was claimed and the reality of the war, that from then up until now there was a general consensus that you should not entirely believe everything you are told. The British would say they inflicted huge casualties on their opponents and had very few themselves and only had moved the frontline about 10 metres. I am not criticising Ukraine, they are honest about the fact that they are not going to be open about any losses concerning both people and objectives as part of government policy, and I don't think they should for morale reasons, but we are looking from the outside. If you were to take at face value the casualties and the loss of equipment they have inflicted on Russia which is greater than what France, UK and Germany combined has in total numbers in some areas they should have got to Crimea by now, but they still haven't reached even their defensive lines yet. I think the reason why people are so confused by the slow progress of the counter offensive is that going by what Ukraine has claimed so far they should have smashed the Russians by now. The most logical explanation is that the information is not entirely true rather than Russia have finally figured out to fight as some pundits have claimed.

Where you see someone believing propaganda egreigiously why don't you call them out on it with evidence of the contrary? This generalised strawmanning is closer to concern trolling than addressing anything actually happening in this thread.


I just want to know what's happening. I keep getting flak on here for it but I don't believe the information coming out on this counter offensive. If Russia said they had killed 30,000 Ukrainians and tons of equipment but only progressed a couple of miles nobody would believe them, but why does everyone just believe it when Ukraine says it. The facts on the ground doesn't match what is being claimed. Just watched a debate on Euronews and they were arguing over why it's going much slower than expected etc. They even claimed that perhaps at least 20% of all equipment given by the West has already been destroyed and that's why. Look, I don't believe the Russians either. All that matters is the end result. I just don't know why up till this war everyone accepted that propaganda was just a fact of war and to take information with a pinch of salt but since this invasion everyone just believes everything they are told.

So far everything ruZZia has said has been the opposite. When ruZZia starts to say Ukraine is winning I am getting worried. You have two cultures conflicting in this war in terms of arms and minds. ruZZia doesnt have to appease the western audiences so they can lie with their teeths whistling. Ukraine's lies or truths will leave a legacy and if Ukraine wants to be part of the west, EU and NATO after all is said and done they will have to walk a somewhat thinner line when it comes to propaganda. Not reporting on their armys death and losses to media is not propaganda. Its common sense.

During World War 1, in the UK, there were posters claiming that the Germans eat children and that the Somme was a success even though 50,000 died in the first day and was the single worst day ever for the British military. They lied at the time and hid all the deaths from the public. Why do people think it's so different now.

Because we the west have moved forward as a society. ruZZia hasnt and neither have some of the other banana republics. Ukraine has to also think of their soldiers in living numbers unlike ruZZia. They have to value life the live through this. Especially to hold on to an competent army. And that has been shown literaly through this war.
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I think people are getting the wrong end of the stick about what I am saying. I am just commenting on the use of propaganda and that's it. World War 1 was so ridiculous regarding the difference between what was claimed and the reality of the war, that from then up until now there was a general consensus that you should not entirely believe everything you are told. The British would say they inflicted huge casualties on their opponents and had very few themselves and only had moved the frontline about 10 metres. I am not criticising Ukraine, they are honest about the fact that they are not going to be open about any losses concerning both people and objectives as part of government policy, and I don't think they should for morale reasons, but we are looking from the outside. If you were to take at face value the casualties and the loss of equipment they have inflicted on Russia which is greater than what France, UK and Germany combined has in total numbers in some areas they should have got to Crimea by now, but they still haven't reached even their defensive lines yet. I think the reason why people are so confused by the slow progress of the counter offensive is that going by what Ukraine has claimed so far they should have smashed the Russians by now. The most logical explanation is that the information is not entirely true rather than Russia have finally figured out to fight as some pundits have claimed.
I've been following what is going on and am not surprised at all by the current situation. It would be good if the Russian army broke, but Ukraine was always facing serious problems with not having as many people and having problems getting the arms they need, which friendly countries have very real problems producing. I get that maybe some people only follow social media accounts that hype up every explosion or clip of Ukrainian soldiers doing well and can be confused about how things are happening, but that is not all the information out there.


I think people are getting the wrong end of the stick about what I am saying. I am just commenting on the use of propaganda and that's it. World War 1 was so ridiculous regarding the difference between what was claimed and the reality of the war, that from then up until now there was a general consensus that you should not entirely believe everything you are told. The British would say they inflicted huge casualties on their opponents and had very few themselves and only had moved the frontline about 10 metres. I am not criticising Ukraine, they are honest about the fact that they are not going to be open about any losses concerning both people and objectives as part of government policy, and I don't think they should for morale reasons, but we are looking from the outside. If you were to take at face value the casualties and the loss of equipment they have inflicted on Russia which is greater than what France, UK and Germany combined has in total numbers in some areas they should have got to Crimea by now, but they still haven't reached even their defensive lines yet. I think the reason why people are so confused by the slow progress of the counter offensive is that going by what Ukraine has claimed so far they should have smashed the Russians by now. The most logical explanation is that the information is not entirely true rather than Russia have finally figured out to fight as some pundits have claimed.
The answer to this "conundrum" is the fact Russia has had a year to prepare for the offensive, laying extensive mine fields and defensive fortifications. Russia also has air and artillery superiority. With those facts, any offensive will be slow and costly. We're not going to see any sudden progress or breakthrough in this conflict.
I think people are getting the wrong end of the stick about what I am saying. I am just commenting on the use of propaganda and that's it. World War 1 was so ridiculous regarding the difference between what was claimed and the reality of the war, that from then up until now there was a general consensus that you should not entirely believe everything you are told. The British would say they inflicted huge casualties on their opponents and had very few themselves and only had moved the frontline about 10 metres. I am not criticising Ukraine, they are honest about the fact that they are not going to be open about any losses concerning both people and objectives as part of government policy, and I don't think they should for morale reasons, but we are looking from the outside. If you were to take at face value the casualties and the loss of equipment they have inflicted on Russia which is greater than what France, UK and Germany combined has in total numbers in some areas they should have got to Crimea by now, but they still haven't reached even their defensive lines yet. I think the reason why people are so confused by the slow progress of the counter offensive is that going by what Ukraine has claimed so far they should have smashed the Russians by now. The most logical explanation is that the information is not entirely true rather than Russia have finally figured out to fight as some pundits have claimed.
I think it's you getting confused?

Firstly, why would you compare propaganda from ww1/2 to today's wars? They are totaly different wars, being fought in different ways.

You had to rely on any news from the state in ww1/2, it was more for keeping up morale back in the home countires than conveying accurate news. People didn't believe it fully back then either, but they also didn't have access to any other type of news, so it was that, or nothing. No one thought germans ate children. It was a joke. Something that the allies could rally around in a pub, or on the front line. Much like some people call the russians Orcs. They are obviously not a fantasy Tolkienian race, but it allows people to joke about them

Now we have access to anything on the Internet, posted by hundreds or thousands of people, all saying the same or similar things, so you can get a bigger and better picture of what is happening, untouched by the state

Who says that Ukraine should have reached crimea by now?
Even with the supposed loss of equipment, Russia does have spares, poor that they may be. They buy weapons from friendly countries or on the grey market. They replace the losses like any invading force would

People aren't confused as to why the counter offensive is slow. Its to expected. Russia had 6 months roughly to dig in, mine, camouflage etcetera...anyone who thinks that a few hundred Ukrainian soldiers at a random point would storm defences and break russian lines were deluding themselves from the start. These are probing attacks and attrition. Trying to find weak points and slowly driving the Russians back. It isnt D-Day, tens of thousands of troops supported by a massive naval bombardment, air attacks, and having special forces behind enemy lines causing havoc

Your perspective on this war, and how it is covered, compared to others is way off...its a bit unsettling that you are thinking this way
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They kill a lot of civilians in the months and years after the conflict. There are duds in every payload that can and do go off when they are found.
I'm leaning with you on this

I understand the need & want for these weapons by Ukraine, but that doesn't mean its right. Though its not a black & white situation

I'd prefer cluster ammo to not be used at all. I see the short term good it could do, but also the long term bad, and I don't think it's worth the short term "bonuses". There is a reason that most countries have signed up to not using them. Same with chemical weapons. They are horrible weapons with the potential to do a lot of bad, to the wrong people

The one thing Ukraine has in spades is good public opinion, and the decent world is willing to help them because they have the right optics

As soon as dead civilians, or children missing limbs start turning up in the news IN UKRAINE because of these weapons being use by ukraine, the public will turn off and support will wane (the same can be said for ANY weapons being used in mainland Russia. Dead Russian kids and blown out hospitals do not look good)

I'd rather take surgical strikes, however few and expensive they may be, than cluster bombing the whole of Eastern Ukraine
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So far everything ruZZia has said has been the opposite. When ruZZia starts to say Ukraine is winning I am getting worried. You have two cultures conflicting in this war in terms of arms and minds. ruZZia doesnt have to appease the western audiences so they can lie with their teeths whistling. Ukraine's lies or truths will leave a legacy and if Ukraine wants to be part of the west, EU and NATO after all is said and done they will have to walk a somewhat thinner line when it comes to propaganda. Not reporting on their armys death and losses to media is not propaganda. Its common sense.

Because we the west have moved forward as a society. ruZZia hasnt and neither have some of the other banana republics. Ukraine has to also think of their soldiers in living numbers unlike ruZZia. They have to value life the live through this. Especially to hold on to an competent army. And that has been shown literaly through this war.
There is no greater evidence than the frontline barely moving no matter the numbers that are claimed. You literally cannot get more hard evidence than that. You are the one claiming something without evidence by saying that the West has moved on. What evidence is there of this because this must have only happened since 2022. Also Ukraine before the conflict was incredibly corrupt and this is not up for debate because it's one of the reasons the EU is still hesitant about them joining. You can look this up. This is not an opinion. Nobody believed the Ukrainian government before the war so why now. They have not all of a sudden done a 180. Now is Russia more corrupt, yes but nobody is claiming otherwise. But I do feel like since the war everyone has had a lobotomy in regards to Ukraine. Ukraine is not a liberal country as with most of Eastern Europe. Its very similar to Poland. They hate the Russians but they are constantly sanctioned along with Hungary for being undemocratic. I feel like the hatred for Russia is blinding people. The Russians admittedly are probably the worst we have had since the Nazis and so I understand the hatred but that doesn't mean the Ukrainians are telling the truth. It makes no logical sense for it to negate the other. I feel like this is such a post social media way of thinking. Look we will see in time whether I am right on wrong and I will leave it that.


I think it's you getting confused?

Firstly, why would you compare propaganda from ww1/2 to today's wars? They are totaly different wars, being fought in different ways.

You had to rely on any news from the state in ww1/2, it was more for keeping up morale back in the home countires than conveying accurate news. People didn't believe it fully back then either, but they also didn't have access to any other type of news, so it was that, or nothing. No one thought germans ate children. It was a joke. Something that the allies could rally around in a pub, or on the front line. Much like some people call the russians Orcs. They are obviously not a fantasy Tolkienian race, but it allows people to joke about them

Now we have access to anything on the Internet, posted by hundreds or thousands of people, all saying the same or similar things, so you can get a bigger and better picture of what is happening, untouched by the state

Who says that Ukraine should have reached crimea by now?
Even with the supposed loss of equipment, Russia does have spares, poor that they may be. They buy weapons from friendly countries or on the grey market. They replace the losses like any invading force would

People aren't confused as to why the counter offensive is slow. Its to expected. Russia had 6 months roughly to dig in, mine, camouflage etcetera...anyone who thinks that a few hundred Ukrainian soldiers at a random point would storm defences and break russian lines were deluding themselves from the start. These are probing attacks and attrition. Trying to find weak points and slowly driving the Russians back. It isnt D-Day, tens of thousands of troops supported by a massive naval bombardment, air attacks, and having special forces behind enemy lines causing havoc

Your perspective on this war, and how it is covered, compared to others is way off...its a bit unsettling that you are thinking this way

The problem is that Western officials and Ukranians themselves hyped up the counteroffensive to a completely unreasonable degree to where many people naturally feel mislead. For months they told us about how Ukraine has everything its need, how the counteroffensive will 'shock' everyone and we'll feel it, how Russia's army is on the verge of collapse and demoralized, hungry, & tired mobilized men will simply run away from the front. Some Ukrainian officials including Budanov even made ridiculous claims that Ukraine would be in Crimea at some point during the summer. Clearly none of this turned out to be true, but instead of acknowledging the mistakes and missteps many of these same people are doubling down and acting like everything is going to plan, even though it clearly isn't.
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The problem is that Western officials and Ukranians themselves hyped up the counteroffensive to a completely unreasonable degree to where many people naturally feel mislead. For months they told us about how Ukraine has everything its need, how the counteroffensive will 'shock' everyone and we'll feel it, how Russia's army is on the verge of collapse and demoralized, hungry, & tired mobilized men will simply run away from the front. Some Ukrainian officials including Budanov even made ridiculous claims that Ukraine would be in Crimea at some point during the summer. Clearly none of this turned out to be true, but instead of acknowledging the mistakes and missteps many of these same people are doubling down and acting like everything is going to plan, even though it clearly isn't.

It should probably be noted that a lot of the talk coming out of Ukraine was targeted at NATO in terms of putting pressure on them to supply more weapons.

The fact is, Ukraine could have been in Crimea at some point in the summer, if they'd been given enough weapons to accomplish that. This clearly has not happened.


I'm leaning with you on this

I understand the need & want for these weapons by Ukraine, but that doesn't mean its right. Though its not a black & white situation

I'd prefer cluster ammo to not be used at all. I see the short term good it could do, but also the long term bad, and I don't think it's worth the short term "bonuses". There is a reason that most countries have signed up to not using them. Same with chemical weapons. They are horrible weapons with the potential to do a lot of bad, to the wrong people

The one thing Ukraine has in spades is good public opinion, and the decent world is willing to help them because they have the right optics

As soon as dead civilians, or children missing limbs start turning up in the news IN UKRAINE because of these weapons being use by ukraine, the public will turn off and support will wane (the same can be said for ANY weapons being used in mainland Russia. Dead Russian kids and blown out hospitals do not look good)

I'd rather take surgical strikes, however few and expensive they may be, than cluster bombing the whole of Eastern Ukraine

The thing is, the cluster bombs have been handed over because they are frankly ten a penny, cheap to reproduce, and not an important part of any of America's stockpiles of weaponry around the world. The White House is handing over stuff it can easily afford to go without, and is not handing stuff over that is important to them.

This rather speaks volumes about their actual commitment to the war in Ukraine.
The problem is that Western officials and Ukranians themselves hyped up the counteroffensive to a completely unreasonable degree to where many people naturally feel mislead. For months they told us about how Ukraine has everything its need, how the counteroffensive will 'shock' everyone and we'll feel it, how Russia's army is on the verge of collapse and demoralized, hungry, & tired mobilized men will simply run away from the front. Some Ukrainian officials including Budanov even made ridiculous claims that Ukraine would be in Crimea at some point during the summer. Clearly none of this turned out to be true, but instead of acknowledging the mistakes and missteps many of these same people are doubling down and acting like everything is going to plan, even though it clearly isn't.
I agree with all of that

that is propaganda at work

if Ukraine were to publicly say, we will recover a few miles here and there, at the loss of around of 20% men & equipment in a month, do you think the world would be spinning it positively? No. It would not. Would it be true. Yes. Does the general world want to hear the truth. No. It does not, because its not good news

There is a reason that there are propaganda departments and a state driven story. To keep the positive news cycle going for them. Big claims = big news, positive news. Positivity brings happiness. Politicians use that Positivity and happiness to sign off on more equipment being sent to Ukraine. Look at the bridge ews today. Drones doing there jobs. Cool. Send more drones, they are doing a top job. The real news probably is that Ukraine sent 20 or 30 drones, some failed completely, some got shot down or out of the water and a lucky 1 or 2 hit a target and caused minor damage to a bridge. Looks good for TV, but this isn't going to stop russian trains bringing supplies in via that bridge

Just apply logic to any state driven news. Its that simple. Keep your own personal expectations in check. Do not take everything you hear, good or bad, at face value


There is no greater evidence than the frontline barely moving no matter the numbers that are claimed. You literally cannot get more hard evidence than that.

Evidence of what? That the counter offensive takes time? Yea..its takes time.

You are the one claiming something without evidence by saying that the West has moved on. What evidence is there of this because this must have only happened since 2022.

The stark constract with Western and ruZZian society when it comes to goverment lies,human rights, democracy and journalism is so great that if you cant see that by youself there is no proof for me to give to a blind man.

Also Ukraine before the conflict was incredibly corrupt and this is not up for debate because it's one of the reasons the EU is still hesitant about them joining. You can look this up. This is not an opinion. Nobody believed the Ukrainian government before the war so why now. They have not all of a sudden done a 180. Now is Russia more corrupt, yes but nobody is claiming otherwise. But I do feel like since the war everyone has had a lobotomy in regards to Ukraine. Ukraine is not a liberal country as with most of Eastern Europe. Its very similar to Poland. They hate the Russians but they are constantly sanctioned along with Hungary for being undemocratic. I feel like the hatred for Russia is blinding people. The Russians admittedly are probably the worst we have had since the Nazis and so I understand the hatred but that doesn't mean the Ukrainians are telling the truth. It makes no logical sense for it to negate the other. I feel like this is such a post social media way of thinking. Look we will see in time whether I am right on wrong and I will leave it that.

One of the reason why Ukraine has been so corrupt is ruZZia and FSB. Its the legacy of Soviet Union what lingers. Poland and Hungary are two completely different matters and their sanction with EU are a different case so I dont get into that. This is not news if you think it is. Yes there is a reasonable hate towards ruZZia in any country that has a memory of their stink in their history. Especially as their actions even today still show how they have not moved forward as a society.


of course its going slowly, russia laid down a metric fuck tonne of mines across the entire country and have artillery set up from the 1700s aimed right at the front line, without a big airforce its going to be a grind.
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One of the reason why Ukraine has been so corrupt is ruZZia and FSB. Its the legacy of Soviet Union what lingers. Poland and Hungary are two completely different matters and their sanction with EU are a different case so I dont get into that. This is not news if you think it is. Yes there is a reasonable hate towards ruZZia in any country that has a memory of their stink in their history. Especially as their actions even today still show how they have not moved forward as a society.

Exactly. Historically, yes, there has been corruption in Ukraine, because that's how it was built up, the Soviet influence

But for years now, before this part of the war, Ukraine has been leaning towards the west, & slowly cleaning up its corruption as it wants to become part of Nato. Ukraine is a Liberal country in repects to other ex-Soviet countires, exactly why it fits in with the west's ideals

I'm really beginning to think that guy is very misled or just a troll


Gold Member
NGL, I'm pretty disgusted that the Americans will give the Ukrainians this nasty fucking weapon that kills far more civilians than it does soldiers, but won't commit to ATACMS which could end the fucking war.

Yeah, ATACMS should have arrived a long time ago..

Just wanted to add that cluster munitions have already been indiscriminately used for 500+ days with a ~30% "failure rate" by ruZZia, and now there are millions of unexploded munition. (plus the millions of mines).

As a comparison US cluster munitions only have ~3% failure rate and the chance of it being used or causing injuries/death against civilians by Ukraine is most likely much lower.

The problem is that Western officials and Ukranians themselves hyped up the counteroffensive to a completely unreasonable degree to where many people naturally feel mislead. For months they told us about how Ukraine has everything its need, how the counteroffensive will 'shock' everyone and we'll feel it, how Russia's army is on the verge of collapse and demoralized, hungry, & tired mobilized men will simply run away from the front. Some Ukrainian officials including Budanov even made ridiculous claims that Ukraine would be in Crimea at some point during the summer. Clearly none of this turned out to be true, but instead of acknowledging the mistakes and missteps many of these same people are doubling down and acting like everything is going to plan, even though it clearly isn't.

First of all, it's not a big secret what has happened, and contrary to what some people believe, Ukrainian MoD has been open about it. Some people also seem to somewhat unknowingly lumping morale boosting into the known and unknown mix. Yeah; Sometimes it's benefitial to hype up a counteroffensive, doesn't mean it's conspiratorial.

But in the end some of the explanation of the slow counteroffensive is surprisingly simple (some of my smart buds here already partly mentioned it):

1. The ruZZians had plenty of time to prepare, and they prepared by literally using millions of mines..

2. Ukraine does not have the necessary air superiority to take out the artillery that is preventing mine clearance equipment to do its job.

3. The west have been very slow to give Ukraine the necessary weapons for the offensive, some of the weapons necessary did not reach Ukraine soon enough. AFAIK much of the mine clearing equipment they're using is captured ruZZian equipment. It seems like Ukraine had to change strategy, using HIMARS to take out ruZZian artillery used against demining operations.

..They obviously need the F-16s, badly.. And even Taiwan's HAWK.. Because with 23 HAWK systems they'll be able to cover the entire big front line thus denutting RuAF.
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I think people are getting the wrong end of the stick about what I am saying. I am just commenting on the use of propaganda and that's it. World War 1 was so ridiculous regarding the difference between what was claimed and the reality of the war, that from then up until now there was a general consensus that you should not entirely believe everything you are told. The British would say they inflicted huge casualties on their opponents and had very few themselves and only had moved the frontline about 10 metres. I am not criticising Ukraine, they are honest about the fact that they are not going to be open about any losses concerning both people and objectives as part of government policy, and I don't think they should for morale reasons, but we are looking from the outside. If you were to take at face value the casualties and the loss of equipment they have inflicted on Russia which is greater than what France, UK and Germany combined has in total numbers in some areas they should have got to Crimea by now, but they still haven't reached even their defensive lines yet. I think the reason why people are so confused by the slow progress of the counter offensive is that going by what Ukraine has claimed so far they should have smashed the Russians by now. The most logical explanation is that the information is not entirely true rather than Russia have finally figured out to fight as some pundits have claimed.

aint nobody got time for that GIF

Mate, when you learn what paragraphs are, I might bother reading at least some of that.



(Chonhar is on northern route out of Crimea)


How stupid have you be to travel to Crimea during the war? Especially after the first time the bridge was blown up.

Does anyone still believe the "Crimea is no different to any other part of Russia" narrative that the Russian government is desperately pushing?


The answer to this "conundrum" is the fact Russia has had a year to prepare for the offensive, laying extensive mine fields and defensive fortifications. Russia also has air and artillery superiority. With those facts, any offensive will be slow and costly. We're not going to see any sudden progress or breakthrough in this conflict.
We as west have a share in this because of late fighter jets .. but yeah.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Russia is trying to move away from Western tech and wants to build a domestic mobile ecosystem built on "technologies independent of Western IT giants." It cites Aurora, the Linux-based smartphone OS developed by Russian company Open Mobile Platform, as an example of this policy.

Glorious Soviet People's Operating System will crush the Western imperialists.



Looks like the cluster ammo arrived right on time.

Ukraine Situation Report: Kyiv Claims Massive Russian Buildup Near Kharkiv​

Ukrainian military leaders say that Russia has assembled 100,000 troops in the east for an attack to draw reserves from the counteroffensive.


Looks like the cluster ammo arrived right on time.

Was probarly sadly due to this buildup they sent them. Wonder what sort of equipment those troops have, and, mainly T-55's?

Another meat grinder coming up.. :\

They’re definitely getting ready to try and take back Lyman. Ukraine has known this for a while now.
The issue is Russia hasn’t been able to take any city in over a year now. Wagner has. Russia has multiple flailed offensives.

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What will happen is that Russia will buy more and more Chinese tech, which has even more spyware.
Xi Jinping will even know the color of Putin's underwear, by the hour.

Or press a button and make everything break LOL
Another meat grinder coming up.. :\

On the one hand, when you see 100,000 zerglings coming, you are happy that what few guns you have are packed with bomblet-spewing charges. On the other hand, more decisive measures may have prevented a situation where 100,000 poor idiots had no choice but to run into a wall of death.

Given Putin's nuclear posturing from the beginning, and the "slow escalation" approach to engaging the problem. I don't think there is a black and white answer here. Even though I do think we have been too slow as the game panned out, and not decisive enough, I don't think it's easy to draw a hard line on this. Every tiny escalation may well be carefully measured; the weaker Russia becomes, the greater a strong escalation is likely to scare the shit out of Putin and make him do something crazy. By dragging it out and "kicking the can" we also give him the opportunity to be assassinated or something. Best thing that happens is that he is taken out, before feeling TOO backed into a corner. But *just* fenced in enough meanwhile, to try and make him quit.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I mean Ukraine is using the same tactics from the beginning: maintain a positive kill ratio and grind them down through accelerated attrition.

Eventually they have to concede terrain or they spread so thin Kharkiv happens.

The problem with the assault force equipped with western weapons is that when they lost western gear people lost their shit. So they’re going to wait until they have a shot at bursting a defense line and opening terrain to bring them up to the front so that they have a victory to justify the images of leopards laying in the mud.
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