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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Slovak citizens raise $1.6 million for Czech ammunition initiative after government refuses to contribute Over 23,000 people have donated to the campaign so far, one of whom is former foreign minister Ivan Korcok, who lost to Fico's ally Peter Pellegrini in Slovakia's presidential election on April 6.


We can buy Patriot systems for Ukraine, says Dutch PM. "We know that many countries are sitting on large piles of Patriot systems, maybe not wanting to deliver it directly. We can buy it from them, we can deliver it to Ukraine, we have the money available. It’s crucial."


Russia appears prepared to create “environmental havoc” by sailing unseaworthy oil tankers through the Baltic Sea in breach of all maritime rules, the Swedish foreign minister has said.​

The fleet generates a huge amount of revenue for Russia’s war machine, bypassing western sanctions that try to block access to insurance if Russia sells the oil above $60 a barrel. In practice as little as 20% of Russian oil is sold below the price cap.

Russia and China are not natural allies. The only thing uniting them is that they are both ruled by dictators with personality disorders who think that the US has a hit list of dictators to receive the Gaddafi treatment, and they are on it.

Neither the British, Americans and Soviets were natural allies during the last war, circumstance found them however.


I would like to know if that woman actually believes the shit that comes out of her own mouth, I have to believe she is being paid and doesn't because the alternative of being that downright stupid/insane is just mind boggling. Her constant horse shit about ukraine being nazis triggers the absolute shit out of me and I just can't believe anyone in the west would really believe it.

On a slightly different topic, can someone explain why her threats to remove speaker dick are a bigger problem than the motion to remove already in progress? Wouldn't she just be doing whats already underway?


I would like to know if that woman actually believes the shit that comes out of her own mouth, I have to believe she is being paid and doesn't because the alternative of being that downright stupid/insane is just mind boggling. Her constant horse shit about ukraine being nazis triggers the absolute shit out of me and I just can't believe anyone in the west would really believe it.

On a slightly different topic, can someone explain why her threats to remove speaker dick are a bigger problem than the motion to remove already in progress? Wouldn't she just be doing whats already underway?
We have these kind of politicians in our country as well. They are in every country for that matter, and more and more lately.
They are not idiots. However, they are scumbag human beings, and they are selected and instructed to act this way, in order to apeal to a very low IQ (though sadly very numerous) base.
It's the good cop bad cop scenario, but for retards.



Dnipro… there are killed and injured. Including children. Russia feels emboldened and acts in full impunity, escalating every day. Ukraine urgently needs more air defence #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

Ukrzaliznytsia also said this was a mass attack by the enemy on the region's civilian rail infrastructure, which MIGHT indicate a switch of tactics by fascist Russia from attacking energy infrastructure.
More video from Dnipro taken just after the Russian missile strike near the railway station.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Another aide bill including much needed anti-air missiles is finally working its way towards fruition from the US.


General Budanov, head of the GUR, reaffirms that the Russian Tu-22M3 was shot down this morning by Ukrainian missiles.

“We shot down the plane at a distance of 308 km, using the same means as we did with the A-50. The preparation took us a week.”

More than 300 units of Russian equipment were destroyed by the units of the 79th Air Assault Brigade near Novomykhailiivka.


And, fuckers for holding this up for six months, thousands died waiting.

The US House voted to bring up for consideration a bill on aid to Ukraine, 316 voted in favor, 94 against.

All amendments will now be considered after which a final vote will take place on Saturday.

Whilst waiting, another doubletap, RuSSians targeted firefighters in Donetsk Oblast while they extinguished fire from previous attack. Fortunately, the firefighters were not injured.


I've been pretty hard over on dissauding people from thinking that dumb and odious people like MTG [Marjorie Taylor Greene] are knowing Russian assets, and that they're mostly performance artists. But yes, someone on her staff (or some other Republican staff) had to cough up "Transcarpathian."

Mike Johnson was also caught with his pants down and Putin's dick in his ass.

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Mike Johnson’s Shockingly Pro-Ukraine Speech Really Sticks It to MAGA - New Republic

The House speaker’s comments wrecked one of the far right’s most ridiculous, reprehensible tropes.

It was a remarkable moment: After introducing a package of bills that includes military aid to Ukraine, Mike Johnson flatly told reporters on Wednesday that enabling Ukraine to defend itself is in the best interests of America and the world. This surprised a lot of people who had wrongly assumed the House speaker was effectively functioning as a stooge for Vladimir Putin—and Donald Trump—and would thus slow-walk Ukraine aid to death before ever allowing a vote on it.

“I really do believe the intel and the briefings that we’ve gotten,” Johnson said, in a moment that became a mini-speech. “I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe if he were allowed. I think he might go to the Balkans next. I think he might have a showdown with Poland, or one of our NATO allies.” If so, he added, we might find ourselves sending troops to defend allies from Putin later. Did we really hear the speaker say that he believes what our intelligence services have told him about the long-term consequences of cutting off aid to Ukraine?

A big MAGA conceit is the idea that a nefarious deep-state network of senior federal bureaucrats, nongovernmental experts, and technocratic and managerial elites lurks behind the push to fund Ukraine—and that it’s making up lies about Russia’s war to create a pretext to fulfill a broader set of sinister globalist aims.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene recently tweeted this: "The Ukraine scam is up. If our Republican majority in Congress funds Joe Biden’s war against Russia on behalf of Ukraine (because he’s a puppet on strings) then Republicans are tools of the foreign war loving deep state."

This is probably MAGA’s most elaborate exercise in up-is-down totalitarian-style propaganda of all: Biden is being manipulated by a deep-state “scam”—i.e., the idea that Ukraine is worth defending—to carry out a war against Russia, which has been magically transformed from aggressor to victim.

The horrible atrocities against Ukraine the world has witnessed, Putin’s declarations that the sovereign democracy of Ukraine isn’t a real country and shouldn’t exist, the consequent effort to erase it with murderous conquest—all of that disappears in this fog of MAGA propaganda. This sort of thing is why even some senior Republicans suggest that a number of House GOP lawmakers are operating under the influence of Russia.

Johnson’s affirmation that he believes our intelligence services on these matters is a direct rebuke to those MAGA tendencies.

Plenty more analysis and examples in the article.

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Simps for Amouranth
Ffs... Where do you even start when it comes to that thundercunt Kumrade Majorie, how can such an obvious Russian asset who actively works to completely undermine the US political system at every turn and who spews the craziest fucking shit get to her position in power?? Is there not laws in place to ensure people of obviously low iq and nefarious intentions get fucking stopped before setting foot in Washington? Has no one wire tapped or tried a honeytrap on the cunt? I would never hit a woman but by fuck I want to punch that cunt straight in the face...

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Ffs... Where do you even start when it comes to that thundercunt Kumrade Majorie, how can such an obvious Russian asset who actively works to completely undermine the US political system at every turn and who spews the craziest fucking shit get to her position in power?? Is there not laws in place to ensure people of obviously low iq and nefarious intentions get fucking stopped before setting foot in Washington? Has no one wire tapped or tried a honeytrap on the cunt? I would never hit a woman but by fuck I want to punch that cunt straight in the face...

Because the way things work in America, if you win the primary on a safe R or D district you’ll always get elected no matter how much of a clown you are. Very few people vote in primaries and they’re demagogues and ideologues so it’s a tempting proposition. This came quickly to the light during the Obama years when the tea party started using this to move the republicans to the right under threat of a primary challenge.

This happens because it is legal in America (thank the Supreme Court) to manipulate electoral districts in your favor. If districts were contested by mandate we wouldn’t get radical clowns from both sides and America would move to the center.
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Is this the moment when Ukraine asks for half the Bradleys ever built ( around 3000 ) and ammo for them, they still have 49.500 millions left for assorted goodies and Ka-BOOMsies and we all sit with a nice drink and popcorn and we watch live The Charge of the Armored Cossacks raze their way from Kharkiv to Vladivostok? 🫡🇺🇦
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No amendments pass. Get Rekt Moscow Marge. 🖕🏻

Last chance, Motion to Recommit, meaning last chance of ammendment, gets even less votes from Republicans than ammendments. 4/5ths of the House (Reps and Dems ) say NAY. Get Rekt Texas Rep. 🖕🏻

And THE BILL...give the tools to people that deserve it so they can fix their problem...

YAYS will have it!

And people are handing Ukrainian flags to the House😄🇺🇦



Some Reps chanting 'Ukraine!Ukraine!Ukraine!' to their fellow Repubes and waving the flag.

Now, since Pentagon have everything set to go, I wanna see the biggest, fastest, meaniest Steel Airlift the world has ever seen rain on top of the thrash that is far from their dumpster. 🤨🇺🇦🫡

Other parts are passing too... Tyrants around the world hate this one trick. 🤓

Sic Semper Tyrannis. 🫡🤨🇺🇦🔪 🩸😵🇷🇺
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Is this the moment when Ukraine asks for half the Bradleys ever built ( around 3000 ) and ammo for them, they still have 49.500 millions left for assorted goodies and Ka-BOOMsies and we all sit with a nice drink and popcorn and we watch live The Charge of the Armored Cossacks raze their way from Kharkiv to Vladivostok? 🫡🇺🇦

Fuuuuuuuuuck 3000 bradleys charging into the enemy would be incredible! Besides, the army IS in the process of replacing them with a new model (go Lynx!) sporting a brand new 50mm cannon (now that is firepower!).
Doesn't this have to pass the other house ? before it can be approved which some are saying won't happen till Tuesday. Though I believe the US Armed forces have been preparing for this so before the ink is even dry Ukraine is going to have lots of goodies rolling over the border.


Oh, well. Congratulations America. You finally developed a set of fucking balls. Let’s hope it’s not too late, eh?

And the republicans need a fucking purge of the MAGA twats now. It’s become painfully apparent a few loonies are holding a respectable party hostage.
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I wanna show you something.

A few months ago, I received a mail from a guy. He is a Ukrainian fellow living in Poland that, from the onset of the war, started lifting more than his weight and collecting, buying, packaging and flying to and from US and other parts, CATs, tourniquets, MEDbags etc. He was one of the firsts and most prominent volunteers on Reddit...someday someone will write about how Redditors helped saved thousands of lives and helped kill thousands of orcs through crowdwarring, but I digress...

He contacted me just in February this year thanking me for my donations two years ago, for my kindness and solidarity with his people, and wanted to give something in return. He offered me one Ukrainian commemorative bill. I said yes, of course, although I didn't think I deserved nothing in return, I would love to have one.

I received it just before Easter/Holy Week. I opened it and was amazed by the bill, but more amazed there was another inclusion. I wanted to write him back right away, but then I thought I would after Easter/Holy Week.

Things weren't as dire and it really seemed Europe was pulling it's head out of it's ass, just in time. But it was all just smoke and mirrors...our politicians were as always, lying through ass and teeth, stalling and trying to politick themselves out of a situation their voters wanted them to get further in. Meanwhile, in the US, the long hard road into hell continued.

How could I write that guy that risked money, life and ass, while he was watching and living how our promises and our word, our values DIDN'T MEANT SHIT and tell him 'hey, thanks for the goodies, hope things are good and good hunting' 🙂?


I was fucking wordless. Sad and utterly ashamed, I was watching how our politicians appeared to be Chamberlaining us into a WWIII where we would probably have to fight first the enslaved meat waves of the poor Ukrainians those sons of bitches Russians could get their shit-covered hoofs on, because that has always been their MO, enslave others to do their shit. Because SHIT is what they always do.

Well, suffice to say, I was in a very dark place regarding hope and shit. Couldn't write back, and like fuck could open that envelope, take out the things and look at them, much less share them here. I didn't deserve them, not by my actions, but by the inactions of others.

I still think I don't deserve this, and I won't until I see the last russian soldier come to murder and russian civilian colonizer transplant is either the other fucking way of the border back into the dumpster they came from to trample over the bones of people murdered in their own house, or it's fertilizing the lovely Ukrainian Chernozem...

Then, maybe then, I will feel like I did enough to deserve a gift for my kindness.

Maybe when I go to that legendary Crimean Beach Party, I've had a few of these and a few of those, I will be able to take them out, look at them and think 'A better man than me gifted this to me for trying to be ONCE a trilionth of a fraction of what many millions of men, women and children in his country were every fucking day'. And I'm surrounded by peoples from all places all over the world and walks of life EXCEPT Russian, Iranian, Chinese and N.Korean, partying their brains out...maybe then.

Maybe then, when the Ukrainians enjoy peace and prosperity bought with the Blood Price( a bit of theirs, A FUCKING LOT OF THEIR NEIGHBOURS') and their neighbours either murdered their way into freedom at last through the corpses of their Tyrants, or kept being Russian and set course into the greatest ass spanking the world ever saw, and the oblivion of their entire civilization and identity, maybe then, I will feel that what little could I give was enough to deserve it.

Because I'm still fucking ENRAGED and ASHAMED it had to get so dire for them when we promised, FUCKING PROMISED, they would never walk alone.

Because maybe there are 1, 10, 50 guys&gals still walking this earth thanks to my kindness, and all I can think of is Oskar Schindler's 'not enough' monologue when I look at these gifts and I just want to cry my heart out when I could have given more...and I didn't. 😭😭😭💔💔💔🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

But now, if we *really* pulled our heads out of our asses and cleaned our own shit from our faces, maybe in a few weeks, when all I hear and watch on Reddit and the news is how the 3rd Ukrainian Wrecking Ball is eating the Nth Motorized Rifle Division for breakfast and sending their wives and children their freshly shitted skulls, I won't be as sad and ashamed to write back, thank him for such enormous gifts and tell him ' I got you fam, and we will got you till the end' 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🇺🇦🤜🏻🤛🏻🇪🇦✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

Meanwhile, I will just leave here this because I just want to share it with like-minded folks.





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I wanna show you something.

A few months ago, I received a mail from a guy. He is a Ukrainian fellow living in Poland that, from the onset of the war, started lifting more than his weight and collecting, buying, packaging and flying to and from US and other parts, CATs, tourniquets, MEDbags etc. He was one of the firsts and most prominent volunteers on Reddit...someday someone will write about how Redditors helped saved thousands of lives and helped kill thousands of orcs through crowdwarring, but I digress...

He contacted me just in February this year thanking me for my donations two years ago, for my kindness and solidarity with his people, and wanted to give something in return. He offered me one Ukrainian commemorative bill. I said yes, of course, although I didn't think I deserved nothing in return, I would love to have one.

I received it just before Easter/Holy Week. I opened it and was amazed by the bill, but more amazed there was another inclusion. I wanted to write him back right away, but then I thought I would after Easter/Holy Week.

Things weren't as dire and it really seemed Europe was pulling it's head out of it's ass, just in time. But it was all just smoke and mirrors...our politicians were as always, lying through ass and teeth, stalling and trying to politick themselves out of a situation their voters wanted them to get further in. Meanwhile, in the US, the long hard road into hell continued.

How could I write that guy that risked money, life and ass, while he was watching and living how our promises and our word, our values DIDN'T MEANT SHIT and tell him 'hey, thanks for the goodies, hope things are good and good hunting' 🙂?


I was fucking wordless. Sad and utterly ashamed, I was watching how our politicians appeared to be Chamberlaining us into a WWIII where we would probably have to fight first the enslaved meat waves of the poor Ukrainians those sons of bitches Russians could get their shit-covered hoofs on, because that has always been their MO, enslave others to do their shit. Because SHIT is what they always do.

Well, suffice to say, I was in a very dark place regarding hope and shit. Couldn't write back, and like fuck could open that envelope, take out the things and look at them, much less share them here. I didn't deserve them, not by my actions, but by the inactions of others.

I still think I don't deserve this, and I won't until I see the last russian soldier come to murder and russian civilian colonizer transplant is either the other fucking way of the border back into the dumpster they came from to trample over the bones of people murdered in their own house, or it's fertilizing the lovely Ukrainian Chernozem...

Then, maybe then, I will feel like I did enough to deserve a gift for my kindness.

Maybe when I go to that legendary Crimean Beach Party, I've had a few of these and a few of those, I will be able to take them out, look at them and think 'A better man than me gifted this to me for trying to be ONCE a trilionth of a fraction of what many millions of men, women and children in his country were every fucking day'. And I'm surrounded by peoples from all places all over the world and walks of life EXCEPT Russian, Iranian, Chinese and N.Korean, partying their brains out...maybe then.

Maybe then, when the Ukrainians enjoy peace and prosperity bought with the Blood Price( a bit of theirs, A FUCKING LOT OF THEIR NEIGHBOURS') and their neighbours either murdered their way into freedom at last through the corpses of their Tyrants, or kept being Russian and set course into the greatest ass spanking the world ever saw, and the oblivion of their entire civilization and identity, maybe then, I will feel that what little could I give was enough to deserve it.

Because I'm still fucking ENRAGED and ASHAMED it had to get so dire for them when we promised, FUCKING PROMISED, they would never walk alone.

Because maybe there are 1, 10, 50 guys&gals still walking this earth thanks to my kindness, and all I can think of is Oskar Schindler's 'not enough' monologue when I look at these gifts and I just want to cry my heart out when I could have given more...and I didn't. 😭😭😭💔💔💔🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

But now, if we *really* pulled our heads out of our asses and cleaned our own shit from our faces, maybe in a few weeks, when all I hear and watch on Reddit and the news is how the 3rd Ukrainian Wrecking Ball is eating the Nth Motorized Rifle Division for breakfast and sending their wives and children their freshly shitted skulls, I won't be as sad and ashamed to write back, thank him for such enormous gifts and tell him ' I got you fam, and we will got you till the end' 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🇺🇦🤜🏻🤛🏻🇪🇦✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

Meanwhile, I will just leave here this because I just want to share it with like-minded folks.






Happy Excuse Me GIF


Gold Member
Doesn't this have to pass the other house ? before it can be approved which some are saying won't happen till Tuesday. Though I believe the US Armed forces have been preparing for this so before the ink is even dry Ukraine is going to have lots of goodies rolling over the border.
It does, Chuck Schumer said they’ll vote on it Tuesday. He’s the Senate majority leader and the Senate isn’t compromised like the House is. It will pass, and then will undoubtedly get signed by the President that day. The Pentagon has likely issued orders to key commanders to prepare transport aircraft for immediate departure Tuesday night as soon as the ink has touched paper.


Also, passed to using seized Russian assets to fund Ukraine. We're talking hundreds of thousands of millions right now on hand, and prospectively triple that.

Also, passed to give seized weapons shipments from N.Korea, Iran and whomever to Ukraine.

How 'bout that, Hijo de Putin? Your money will buy the bullets that will kill your Empire.

Also, the bullets you bought will be shot unto and kill your Empire.

I will love when Russia gas stations feed the tanks of the Tanks and Bradleys that are Attilaing their way through the steppe.
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Speaker Mike Johnson:

'US can send weapons to Ukraine 'within' days'

Now, lets Polish truckers paid by Putin try and stop the Steel Train. Probably the first Bradleys to cross into Ukraine will have a few of these suka meatbags chained to the front limbs open like some sort of Mad Max Mercedes star. 🤓

Judging by news and activity in and around NATO bases over Europe, the first of the deluge is fucking ready to cross. Lines of Abrams and Bradleys in dessert camo parked in railway cars in Germany. And judging by activity and news from US, there's a fucking tsunami coming.

Im just gonna post my favourite video about this überchad Dog of War. And I really really hope they will be given in enough quantities we get to watch a fully fledged rout and Frontline break, and orcs jumping out of their armor and running for Mama Babushka AGAIN.

'Cry 'HAVOC!', and let slip the Dogs of War!'

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Gold Member
I wanna show you something.

A few months ago, I received a mail from a guy. He is a Ukrainian fellow living in Poland that, from the onset of the war, started lifting more than his weight and collecting, buying, packaging and flying to and from US and other parts, CATs, tourniquets, MEDbags etc. He was one of the firsts and most prominent volunteers on Reddit...someday someone will write about how Redditors helped saved thousands of lives and helped kill thousands of orcs through crowdwarring, but I digress...

He contacted me just in February this year thanking me for my donations two years ago, for my kindness and solidarity with his people, and wanted to give something in return. He offered me one Ukrainian commemorative bill. I said yes, of course, although I didn't think I deserved nothing in return, I would love to have one.

I received it just before Easter/Holy Week. I opened it and was amazed by the bill, but more amazed there was another inclusion. I wanted to write him back right away, but then I thought I would after Easter/Holy Week.

Things weren't as dire and it really seemed Europe was pulling it's head out of it's ass, just in time. But it was all just smoke and mirrors...our politicians were as always, lying through ass and teeth, stalling and trying to politick themselves out of a situation their voters wanted them to get further in. Meanwhile, in the US, the long hard road into hell continued.

How could I write that guy that risked money, life and ass, while he was watching and living how our promises and our word, our values DIDN'T MEANT SHIT and tell him 'hey, thanks for the goodies, hope things are good and good hunting' 🙂?


I was fucking wordless. Sad and utterly ashamed, I was watching how our politicians appeared to be Chamberlaining us into a WWIII where we would probably have to fight first the enslaved meat waves of the poor Ukrainians those sons of bitches Russians could get their shit-covered hoofs on, because that has always been their MO, enslave others to do their shit. Because SHIT is what they always do.

Well, suffice to say, I was in a very dark place regarding hope and shit. Couldn't write back, and like fuck could open that envelope, take out the things and look at them, much less share them here. I didn't deserve them, not by my actions, but by the inactions of others.

I still think I don't deserve this, and I won't until I see the last russian soldier come to murder and russian civilian colonizer transplant is either the other fucking way of the border back into the dumpster they came from to trample over the bones of people murdered in their own house, or it's fertilizing the lovely Ukrainian Chernozem...

Then, maybe then, I will feel like I did enough to deserve a gift for my kindness.

Maybe when I go to that legendary Crimean Beach Party, I've had a few of these and a few of those, I will be able to take them out, look at them and think 'A better man than me gifted this to me for trying to be ONCE a trilionth of a fraction of what many millions of men, women and children in his country were every fucking day'. And I'm surrounded by peoples from all places all over the world and walks of life EXCEPT Russian, Iranian, Chinese and N.Korean, partying their brains out...maybe then.

Maybe then, when the Ukrainians enjoy peace and prosperity bought with the Blood Price( a bit of theirs, A FUCKING LOT OF THEIR NEIGHBOURS') and their neighbours either murdered their way into freedom at last through the corpses of their Tyrants, or kept being Russian and set course into the greatest ass spanking the world ever saw, and the oblivion of their entire civilization and identity, maybe then, I will feel that what little could I give was enough to deserve it.

Because I'm still fucking ENRAGED and ASHAMED it had to get so dire for them when we promised, FUCKING PROMISED, they would never walk alone.

Because maybe there are 1, 10, 50 guys&gals still walking this earth thanks to my kindness, and all I can think of is Oskar Schindler's 'not enough' monologue when I look at these gifts and I just want to cry my heart out when I could have given more...and I didn't. 😭😭😭💔💔💔🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

But now, if we *really* pulled our heads out of our asses and cleaned our own shit from our faces, maybe in a few weeks, when all I hear and watch on Reddit and the news is how the 3rd Ukrainian Wrecking Ball is eating the Nth Motorized Rifle Division for breakfast and sending their wives and children their freshly shitted skulls, I won't be as sad and ashamed to write back, thank him for such enormous gifts and tell him ' I got you fam, and we will got you till the end' 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🇺🇦🤜🏻🤛🏻🇪🇦✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

Meanwhile, I will just leave here this because I just want to share it with like-minded folks.





Me and my family made a sizeable donation, and someone gave me a chunk of a Russian tank as a keychain 🤣:


With what I’m guessing are the co-ordinates of where it was blown up?
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Things are looking up.

But, everyone should remember that tens of thousands died due to political games.


The ICC need to step it up, and charge politicians who obviously support foreign hostile nations, globally. We shouldn't allow trading votes and popularity for lives anymore.
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Gold Member
Things are looking up.

But, everyone should remember that tens of thousands died due to political games.


The ICC need to step it up, and charge politicians who obviously support foreign hostile nations, globally. We shouldn't allow trading votes and popularity for lives anymore.
This, so much. It grosses me out how we have this many turncoats who can betray their own for so little.



The Ukraine aid bill passed by a margin of nearly 200 votes. A gang of morally compromised ideologues held up the will of the American people to support an ally in the fight of its life. Remember the “nay”votes today and render them unemployed tomorrow.

1/3. Respect for the 101 Republicans who voted their conscience on Ukraine aid despite all the propaganda and pressure.
2/3. Pride in the 210 Democrats who voted yes (without a single no vote) on aid to Ukraine.
3/3. Appreciation for all the Members (@jamie_raskin, @jasmineforus, my own Rep. @rosadelauro, so many others) who could see and articulate Ukraine as an issue of justice.
4/4. And gratitude to the thousands and thousands of you who worked for this. In a great cause every little thing makes a difference. @razomforukraine

To all the republicans who just booed me and my colleagues on the House floor for Ukraine flags here’s my answer — screw putin and Slava Ukraini!

Rep. Adam Smith responds to Marjorie Taylor Greene: The sponsor of this amendment is basically saying if we pass this bill, we are advocating for the deaths of Ukrainians. That is uniquely demented way of looking at this. From a Russian propaganda standpoint, they invade and it’s our fault for helping them defend themselves. That is argument here against supporting Ukraine and it literally makes no sense.

115 combat clashes took place at front line in Ukraine in one day. In total, the Russians launched 15 missile strikes and 63 airstrikes and fired 109 times from multiple-launch rocket systems on the positions of Ukrainian troops and populated areas.


Stunned fury in Moscow. Medvedev fantasizes about a second civil war in America, other officials focus on the fact that the House voted on Hitler’s birthday. Putin’s bet that he will outlast Western resolve has failed…

Excellent news from the Hill in DC tonight on the vote to support Ukraine This will bring much wanted aid to its fighting troops that are also fighting for our freedom. We are grateful to the people of the USA for their efforts.
But now is also the time to remember that the EU now have to increase our own production of armaments, ammunition and supplies to aid Ukraine on a long term basis. Tonight’s vote show the necessity of this. We have to do our own homework as well.
Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström

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I think don't mater how many bradleys or abrams are given to Ukraine, they will need those damn F16 for support. I hope they are finally included.
EU countries have had f16's technically ready to hand over for ages, it wasn't the usa delaying these although it would have been much wiser to have started the training much earlier. It's just training fighter pilots is time consuming and they also need crews to maintain them although they should be easier to train than pilots. They also need somewhere in Ukraine to base them at where russia can't drop a missile on them.

We should keep our expectations in check for the what the f16's will do, when they first hit the skies in ukraine I don't expect we will see them bombing the front lines. They will probably be used to try deter and stop russia from using the glide bombs by engaging the bombers from safe distances inside ukraine and also to probably help with missile/drone attack defense.

Although how useless the russian s300/400 anti air seems to be (don't seem to be real effective in russia or crimia lol or recently iran) maybe they might be bold enough to take a run at the crimian bridge to announce their arrival. Ukraine seems to be going after alot of AA targets recently so I'm wondering if they are a little closer than we are being told.


It's very concerning, that more than half of Republican senators are still doing Putin's bidding.
What a bunch of traitorous bastards.
Yeah the stunned fury in Moscow quote stands out

They thought they had bought enough American politicians off and were relying on November elections to indefinitely delay aid.

Russia is so fucked. People act like st Petersburg and Moscow are Russia. Once the economy tanks there's only so much brainwashing can do.


Just the confirmation of the aid coming is already having an effect based on some of the tweets I've been seeing. Morale went way up for soldiers on the frontlines and they're dipping into their strategic reserves of munitions which were being held back since they had no idea when they would be able to get that stuff replenished.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Yeah the stunned fury in Moscow quote stands out

Yep well put - the stunned fury is really telling.

It's so messed up that Zelensky is forced to frequently tour the world with his tin cup and collection plate, given that Ukraine is not only striving for survival, but really striving against one of the West's most insidious and irredeemable adversaries. How is it NOT in the US interests to see Ukraine prevail, and see Russia hobbled, defeated, and ultimately dismantled? This is a (proxy?) war that the West must win, so the number of western politicians and influential figures willing to forsake Ukraine and side with Russia is really alarming and infuriating.
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Just the confirmation of the aid coming is already having an effect based on some of the tweets I've been seeing. Morale went way up for soldiers on the frontlines and they're dipping into their strategic reserves of munitions which were being held back since they had no idea when they would be able to get that stuff replenished.

Yeah, they were definitely holding some stuff back as a last ditch strategic measure. Now they can quickly rush them to the frontline.

Russian infantry and armor are about to get some more artillery coming back their way


Yep well put - the stunned fury is really telling.

It's so messed up that Zelensky is forced to frequently tour the world with his tin cup and collection plate, given that Ukraine is not only striving for survival, but really striving against one of the West's most insidious and irredeemable adversaries. How is it NOT in the US interests to see Ukraine prevail, and see Russia hobbled, defeated, and ultimately dismantled? This is a (proxy?) war that the West must win, so the number of western politicians and influential figures willing to forsake Ukraine and side with Russia is really alarming and infuriating.

Putin has successfully bought a lot of right wing US politicians. And terrified a lot of left wing politicians. Both via the medium of social media.


Putin has successfully bought a lot of right wing US politicians. And terrified a lot of left wing politicians. Both via the medium of social media.
The US has a lot of its own confusing political factions, and some would be against supporting Ukraine even without outside influence. The issue for the republicans is that it is getting to the point that certain people are shitting themselves as all the weird extreme political factions on the right getting what they want is dragging the presidential race out of any chance of possible victory.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Christ, the Senates is on "state work period" fuck-off time until Friday, the 26th. Hopefully the majority leader ropes them into a special session to send the various aid packages to the president for signing sooner this week. Look at this schedule, imagine getting paid $174k and working like half the year:

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