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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I remember he even said in an interview that he has to post a photo or video of his team as soon as possible.
Then he said later due to current circumstances it’s not a good idea to make a photo with the other members….
hasans team



The pictures of the people in the supposed team on their website were stock photos from models.
Track record

Was supposed to show pictures of game : didn’t happen
Was supposed to do a Q&A : didn’t happen
Was supposed to show stuff in June : didn’t happen
Was supposed to show stuff in July : didn’t happen
Was supposed to be 💯 releasing on Aug 10th : didn’t happen

And people say team fake does not believe in coincidences 😜
Team Real - I'll ask again. What time today do we get the big reveal?
If we don't get a big reveal on the anniversary of PT, what's the next date on your calendar you'll move it to?
Hideo in Turkish means Kahraman

I swear to fucking God, if this information doesnt convince you

yeah looking back, this was a dead giveaway. add in all the other "coincidences" and its pretty obvious whats going on. looking foward to the reveal. like i kept saying, our gut instincts were right. go back to the original thread when abandoned was first shown. one of the first comments was "this is hideo kojima". somehow people figured it out instantly.
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Airbus Jr

Hideo in Turkish means Kahraman

I swear to fucking God, if this information doesnt convince you ...
If this is true so kojima is hasan himself

But seriously at this point im really fed up with his hide and seek game
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Team Real - I'll ask again. What time today do we get the big reveal?
If we don't get a big reveal on the anniversary of PT, what's the next date on your calendar you'll move it to?
Next goalpost move : upcoming State of Play, Aug 19th
If that fails : Gamescom 2021
If that fails, there’s a rumored Playstation show in Sept.
And if that fails, there’s a rumored Playstation show in Oct.
And if that fails, there’s a rumored Playstation show in Nov.
And if that…
Bill Murray Movie GIF by Hollywood Suite


yeah looking back, this was a dead giveaway. add in all the other "coincidences" and its pretty obvious whats going on. looking foward to the reveal. like i kept saying, our gut instincts were right. go back to the original thread when abandoned was first shown. one of the first comments was "this is hideo kojima". somehow people figured it out instantly.
Learning Arms GIF

But looks like it's not enough for others
It’s 11pm now in Japan, so the 12th is soon over, but I think they will time it similar to the original announcement, since Sony mostly abandoned (no pun intended) and focus more on the markets where console gaming has a bigger market.

So let’s see if on the 12 (US) time something is happening, if not it’s possible they keep it until the next Sony event or the gamescom.


since the beginning, this has read similar to Q-ANON conspiracies lmao just give it up man. They wouldn't be rolling with some sketchy indie studio who has Abandoned older games before and overall this have been sloppy and unprofessional. Sony should really shut this clown show all down, it makes them look bad. Just have your fun but don't get mad when your illusions don't come to life.

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If you try hard enough anything can be connected to anything, no matter how anemic the ties. This is how conspiracies work. Coincidences can be found anywhere if you're creating weak links.
Yeah, except that there is a load of coincidences here that aren't just "anything".

We can't explain why Jason Schreir interviewed Hasan and walked away believing there was something here. Even if he didn't believe that Hasan was Kojima, he also couldn't prove he wasn't. Yet instead of raising the warning flags due to this obvious scammer he just wrote a piece about him with no follow-up. No follow-up even in the face of all of the accusations of scamming/his history etc.

We can't explain why Shu rather than addressing the issues has responded with nothing more than "hmmm" and an emoji. When Sony is fully aware of what's happening..

We can't explain, outside of coincidence (albeit a huge one) that Hasan's name means Kojima or that the pic of the island that translates to Kojima as well, or the face that it is a face that Hawaii Kojiams works have multiple references to Hawaii, through out the years.

It's a fact that Kojima has MULTIPLE connections to the Dutch, down to naming the Decima engine after a Dutch ran Japanese artificial island in the Netherlands. It's a fact that the actress for Quiet is from the same exact location as Hasan and that Kojima has been working around that part of the world, and with people from there, for the last few years in particular.

These are just some of the small facts, that are facts, not coincidences.

But most importantly, it is a fact that at this point allowing such an obvious scammer on their marketplace makes Sony look bad, and yet they are continuing to allow this to go on. That's not subjective, this makes Shu, Sony, Jason, and anyone else involved with this "obvious scammer" look bad. That's not subjective.

So yeah, there's plenty of coincidences, but people aren't here pulling this shit out of nowhere.

PS. It's also a fact Kojima has done all of this before and he's not averse to doing things like this in general. We cannot ignore that because it's convenient. There's a history here.
exactly. can't wait to see the massive disappointment that awaits. this whole situation would be a good case study on the gaming community.
And what will it mean if all of teamfake is wrong? What will that mean for gaming? We can't act like anything like this has happened before, it has.

I get, it's easy to be smug and laugh at team real, the reality is teamfake is also going off feels here.
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since the beginning, this has read similar to Q-ANON conspiracies lmao just give it up man. They wouldn't be rolling with some sketchy indie studio who has Abandoned older games before and overall this have been sloppy and unprofessional. Sony should really shut this clown show all down, it makes them look bad. Just have your fun but don't get mad when your illusions don't come to life.

And yet they haven't. Instead, they just send out emote to their user base. I mean dude, at some point you either think Sony is completely incompetent or there's something bigger than you think.

No one is in a fucking echo chamber. Equating this to Q is so goddamn insulting and uncalled for. Like that' just so far over the line. We already have people making flat earth jokes. Like, fuck off. That's fucking gross. This is a goddamn game, not people talking about overthrowing the govt and fucking babies.

Like chill the fuck out just because you don't like what some people are saying. The only reason to compare it to Q is becaue you want some of us to shut up because...what you don't likw what's being said here? Then fucking leave. IT's a goddamn game forum. Equating it to something that heinous shows how overtly invested you are in this being a negatvie. Like why are you here? Fucking troll. Jesus that's just gross. It's a game. Don't come in here with your equation to right-wing nuttery. That's so far over the line.

Everyone here has a right to be whatever side they want. They don't have the right to insult any side by equating them to disgusting extremeist groups because they disagree with the premise of a game reveal. That's disgusting, and I think we can all agree there's no place for that here.
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If this is true so kojima is hasan himself

But seriously at this point im really fed up with his hide and seek game
It is true. I checked myself.

Put Hideo in Japanese on Google Translate and check the translation in Turkish

There are a metric fuck-ton of names that derive from the word "hero", across all cultures. First names and family names, it's not uncommon. It's not enough to convince anyone.
Yeah, and by chance their name match. And initials.

Add it to the fuck ton of coincidences that you guys are trying to ignore
This makes Sony look bad isn't compatible with the absolute shit shovelware I can buy right now on PSN.

Does Sony allow said shit shovelware to get to the top of their games and to be commented on by Shu with nothing but an emote rather then stepping in to stop what, to so many of you, is such an obvious scam?

Can you explain how, from a business standpoint, this is a good look? Or is Sony less competent than random neo gaf posters?


Gold Member
Does Sony allow said shit shovelware to get to the top of their games and to be commented on by Shu with nothing but an emote rather then stepping in to stop what, to so many of you, is such an obvious scam?

Can you explain how, from a business standpoint, this is a good look? Or is Sony less competent than random neo gaf posters?
The business standpoint is that whatever shit Hasan delivers as purchasable has the potential to go viral and Sony will get a cut from that. Don’t underestimate shovelware that starts trending resulting in a significant amount of purchases.
I think you're over estimating what percentage of PS owners follow the blog or follow/pay attention to Shu on Twitter.
I'm not overestimating that BBGame studios has amassed thousands of more followers on Twitter since the 10th. Not overestimating that this was on the top of trending on Sony. Not overestimating that Shu has been messaged repeatedly about this, as well as Shcreir, and Geoff, all who have connections to this and all who have refused to say a word.

Fo such an obvious scam a whole lot of people, and large corporations, are allowing their names to be dragged through the mud over this.

Once again, I will ask, how from a business standpoint, does this look good? What would be the purpose for allowing this to continue? What would Sony gain? Why not stop this? Because it's funny? Businesses don't just take a credibility hit by allowing some "known obvious dumb scammer" (who's committing the most blatant no money, no pre-order, scam in history I might add) for laughs. That just doesn't happen. So please, explain why this is all allowed? Still.
The business standpoint is that whatever shit Hasan delivers as purchasable has the potential to go viral and Sony will get a cut from that. Don’t underestimate shovelware that starts trending resulting in a significant amount of purchases.
Where's the pre-order then? How do you suspect they make money after this? You guys have said yourself, this is horrible, looks like a scam, incompetent, etc. Yet you also think Sony will somehow make enough money to justify it....? Even though all his previous work obviously couldn't make any money. The logic makes zero sense.

like what's the scam? How do they profit from here unless this is something bigger than what it seems? Who going to buy this game from a developer that can't even get a teaser launch right? You guys said yourself, his games aren't worth shit no one would buy them. Yet you also think this is....what again? To make money? Investors? What's the goal? If you can't see that this makes no sense....

I get it, you guys are adamantly team fake, but yet none of you have laid out a clear end goal here. Sony allows this to profit....off of what? There's no pre-order. Who's going to buy a game from a developer that can't even launch a trailer. This guy can't both be this incompetent and yet also Sony thinks, with everything going on, they'll somehow make enough profit to justify all of this. That doesn't hold weight, like at all.
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Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
You're really over estimating the potential damage of this just being a bad indie game. This doesn't jeopardise anybody reputation apart from Blue Box - if this is a bomb you really think it'll damage Sony's brand?

Outside of some of this thread and Reddit how many people do you think are putting such high stakes on this?


IDK if I'm gonna regret posting it here but he follows a lady on twitter with the same last name who is also from the Netherlands.
Good to know!

I looked through her profile and found her website: http://www.larissamakelaardij.nl/
Scroll down to bottom. Hasan Eser made the website.

Now look at Hasan Kahramans Twittername: @HasanEKahraman

Hasan Eser Kahraman.

Still no webhistory before 2021 whatsoever.
Next goalpost move : upcoming State of Play, Aug 19th
If that fails : Gamescom 2021
If that fails, there’s a rumored Playstation show in Sept.
And if that fails, there’s a rumored Playstation show in Oct.
And if that fails, there’s a rumored Playstation show in Nov.
And if that…
Bill Murray Movie GIF by Hollywood Suite
The Kojima Xbox games will have hints for a PT Metal Gear remake. It'll be 5 episodes because there's 5 metal gear games.
Like folks, unless you think Hasan is just scamming Sony for...time (cause there's ZERO money involved) then what's the scam? What's he trying to accomplish again? Why would Sony just say, yeah this is okay? No one has presented a vaild argument for what this is. Other than "it's a scam". Okay, but for what? There's no money involved, no pre order, no real game, no asking for any monetary value, he's already partnered with Sony, he's already gotten interviews with some of the biggest names in gaming. What's the scam? Attention? And then.....what? What's the scam here?
You're really over estimating the potential damage of this just being a bad indie game. This doesn't jeopardise anybody reputation apart from Blue Box - if this is a bomb you really think it'll damage Sony's brand?

Outside of some of this thread and Reddit how many people do you think are putting such high stakes on this?
You continue to ignore the question....what's the scam? What do you think he's trying to accomplish here? Where's the money being asked for? What's Hasan "scamming"?

And yes, it does damage one's reputation if, say a big name in gaming journalism says, yeah this all seems legit and I' won't follow up on all the obvious scammer/lies/asset flips because....why again? That seems a pretty big ding to credibilitty. And no, it's not just some small thing. You act like this hasn't blown up and was trending on Twitter, that BB hasn't amassed a massive amount of followers, that everyone from Geoff to ABC news is following BB Game studios. That's not a small indie studio thing. This is a much bigger deal than you want to believe. Those are all just facts. Why ABC of all places? That's not gaming press, generally.

BB has gone now has about 60k followers on Twitter. This is a 200-page thread. There's a whole other thread about this. There are multiple subs on reddit dedicated to this. Some of the biggest names in gaming follow this. The Producer of The Future Game Show has been heavily tweeting out BB related tweets for some time. This has a lot more attention than you want to think.

Not to mention, as I have said, for such an obvious scammer, Shu sure is happy to address it only in a way as to poor more fuel on the fire, not trying to end it. That just doesn't make sense. Especially for such an obvious scam.
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You're really over estimating the potential damage of this just being a bad indie game. This doesn't jeopardise anybody reputation apart from Blue Box - if this is a bomb you really think it'll damage Sony's brand?

Outside of some of this thread and Reddit how many people do you think are putting such high stakes on this?
Outside of gaming forums and Reddit, how many people put any stake on PT and Phantom Pain?
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I actually already said I didn't think this was a scam (as in asking for money for a product that doesn't exist, using PS5s to mine bitcoin etc), it's just a delusion that generating hype will translate into sales for his mediocre indie game.
What game? Where is the actual game? Abandoned? We don't even know that's a game. I mean he himself said that wasn't even it. So this leads to what....What game? How is one going to be revealed after this? Sony is allowing this to continue because.....of a ficitional game we don't even know exist and that, we can all agree, Hasan, wouldn't make dick from after this. Yeah, that makes sense. Checks out.
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