No. There are facts. We know for a fact he was interviewed with Jason. We know for a fact that Jason believes he is real. We know for a fact that Jason believes there is something here. We know for a fact that Kojima has a history of this. We know for a fact that Sony is aware of what's happening. We know for a fact that Kojima has not engaged with PT-related content, on the anniversary, till now. We know for a fact that Geoff is actively tweeting about PT. We know for a fact that KojiPro has studio support in the Netherlands. We know for a fact that multiple people Kojima is associated with have worked out of the exact town BB Studios is supposed to be located. We know for a fact that Hasan's name translated to Kojima. We know for a fact that the island in Hawaii that is his pic does as well. We know for a fact that said island is believed to be "fake" though it's not. We know for a fact that Decima, the engine that Kojima named, is named after a Japanese-owned, Dutch ran, artificial island in the Netherlands. There are all cold hard facts.; Not coincidences. Facts.But there are no "facts" there is simply heaps of speculation.
The only facts we are dealing with is that Hasan has a history of not delivering products, seems ill equipped to deal with this added exposure he has bought himself and makes assertions about his "team" that doesn't seem to exist. There's nothing that explicitly links to a deal with Sony besides some tweets that can be interpreted either way. It's all just very strange. It certainly doesn't inspire hope that this is something larger than an indie project.
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