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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


You need to look more closely
Hasan could do better than that...come on now.


At least there wasn't much filler between the videos, they actually got to the next game pretty quick
It was a 20min event, they had no choice. Wait until you have a lot substance to actually show something, like nintendo is doing, or don't show anything at all.
"Hyping Japanese devs" and then delivering this, is not just dumb, it's detrimental to the format.

I like Sony, but I think they are doing a very poor job with states of play recently, not counting the ones focused on one game.

Back to the topic... still team Real, but this is a gag going for way too long and I for one am starting to search for a fast forward button by this point.

A girl can only tease you enough until you move on...


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Just stop getting hyped for State of Plays, they aren't the format for big announcements.. and then be happy to see some smaller ones/some media of things to come.

Sony could just relegate this stuff to tweets but having "shows" helps bring more eyes to things.

They generally expectation set, anyone whose expectations are out of whack are kinda doing that on themselves.
Marketing obligations for those games? Other than Playstation Studios, do you think any of the games showed here are really worth the risk of getting backlash for having a half event during a war? Either they do it or not and they chose to do it (which I applaud) but I really doubt they would just do a half event because they absolutely have to. It's a risk for all the companies involved.

However, time will tell. I understand that not only you think Abandoned is a Kojima game but also that it is Silent Hills, right?
Well, there was no big announcements other than these games, which I am sure Sony is obligated to announce around now. There were no first party announcement and we know that they have a lot to show / announce. The only thing Sony announced for themselves was the Returnal update, but this could also not wait for a later time.

I am still convinced that Abandoned have something to do with Kojima and also Silent Hills. There are far too many coincidences for it to be nothing. For some reason Hasan was able to predict the date of the state of play correctly around a month ago. It is also strange that we never have seen Hasan again, apart from 2 short videos. If Hasan is really a person, nothing he is doing makes sense, so he must have a serious mental problem. I mean on one hand, he is clearly trying to connect it to Silent Hills to get attention, but on the other hand, he is doing things to distance the game from Silent Hills (making the posts, that they are independent, making these 2 videos to address the people), so he seems to have no plan what he is doing. Then again, when he just wants to make a few bucks, release the game without any previous demo and some people will be stupid enough to buy it. But no, instance he is making an app and is making a playable prologue (which is completely separate from the game). Why would he do that, to show people "hey, look how shitty the prologue is, this is a warning, don't buy the final game"? Then there are still the endless other coincidences, no nothing about this whole thing makes sense and there must be more behind it.

I will stay team until either Hasan showed his shitty Prologue or Kojima announces his next big game.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I don't really care if people move goalposts, I will still always be here for you as I think you guys are just really special <3
Just stop getting hyped for State of Plays, they aren't the format for big announcements.. and then be happy to see some smaller ones/some media of things to come.
You are 100% right, I didn't thought that Abandoned is there, but still I though perhaps there are 1 or 2 good things in it. But there was nothing of interest for me.

I know it is my fault for always hoping and getting disappointed every single time. I mean thinking back about the showcase there was a lot of high ranking Sony people hyping the event up, which had at least some nice things in it, so we should expect that if apart from the announcement, no one is hyping it up, it will be a waste of time.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
and with reckless abandon we bare our souls to the almighty kojima so that he may bless us with eternal and everlasting love


Well, there was no big announcements other than these games, which I am sure Sony is obligated to announce around now. There were no first party announcement and we know that they have a lot to show / announce. The only thing Sony announced for themselves was the Returnal update, but this could also not wait for a later time.

I am still convinced that Abandoned have something to do with Kojima and also Silent Hills. There are far too many coincidences for it to be nothing. For some reason Hasan was able to predict the date of the state of play correctly around a month ago. It is also strange that we never have seen Hasan again, apart from 2 short videos. If Hasan is really a person, nothing he is doing makes sense, so he must have a serious mental problem. I mean on one hand, he is clearly trying to connect it to Silent Hills to get attention, but on the other hand, he is doing things to distance the game from Silent Hills (making the posts, that they are independent, making these 2 videos to address the people), so he seems to have no plan what he is doing. Then again, when he just wants to make a few bucks, release the game without any previous demo and some people will be stupid enough to buy it. But no, instance he is making an app and is making a playable prologue (which is completely separate from the game). Why would he do that, to show people "hey, look how shitty the prologue is, this is a warning, don't buy the final game"? Then there are still the endless other coincidences, no nothing about this whole thing makes sense and there must be more behind it.

I will stay team until either Hasan showed his shitty Prologue or Kojima announces his next big game.

Personally, I'm 90% sure Hasan is a fraud. You don't need to sell games to make money, he could have gotten a few investors. I think he thought himself capable of doing a big thing and he lost control of it. Now he is scrambling to try to make it.

I can't wait to find out too. I'd be ecstatic if it really is Kojima somehow because I love his games.
The thing with the timer does not go out of my head. If really Hasan stopped it, how did he do that, I don’t think he has so good channels to Sony that he can stop the timer on a short notice. I think Sony set the timer but forgot to delete it after play changed and only recognized the mistake once the timer appeared.
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The thing with the timer does not go out of my head. If really Hasan stopped it, how did he do that, I don’t think he has so good channels to Sony that he can stop the timer on a short notice. I think Sony set the timer but forgot to delete it after play changed and only recognized the mistake once the timer appeared.

The timer was counting down to what he had set for the games release date. He changed the release date to 2022 and the timer stopped.

You do realize he isn't calling up Sony to do this right? He's doing it from his dev account. Literally a second of work.
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The timer was counting down to what he had set for the games release date. He changed the release date to 2022 and the timer stopped.

You do realize he isn't calling up Sony to do this right? He's doing it from his dev account. Literally a second of work.
No, Sony would set the timers which is why they’re all different and some games get none.

If they were automatic based on release date then they’d all act the same way.
Whatever team you're on, can we all just agree that, if it's an ARG, it's a pretty poor one? They should be looking create mounting excitement, not disappointment, disillusionment, and eventual disinterest.
Team Real: "Hasan is so incompetent and awful at everything he does, and his teasings are so idiotic and simplistic that the only explanation is that it's an ARG by Kojima about a dev who is absolutely terrible at his job, which will be revealed later to be actually Kojima."


Team Real: "Hasan is so incompetent and awful at everything he does, and his teasings are so idiotic and simplistic that the only explanation is that it's an ARG by Kojima about a dev who is absolutely terrible at his job, which will be revealed later to be actually Kojima."
Well, at least you're entertained.

Maybe I should take back what I said. Could be it's all going according to plan. =P


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
The thing with the timer does not go out of my head. If really Hasan stopped it, how did he do that, I don’t think he has so good channels to Sony that he can stop the timer on a short notice. I think Sony set the timer but forgot to delete it after play changed and only recognized the mistake once the timer appeared.
It's likely just misuse of the self publishing tools Sony provides.

Any normal dev would go through certification process ahead of a release date, would have that ironed out, and then start working on patches. They have the game out there for 1-2 weeks in the system before launch because they then can give out download codes.

Sony likely isn't building some tool meant for internal folks and external "partners" with a bunch of checks and balances to ensure release dates don't creep up w/o a game going through cert.

I've worked on dozens of web apps for internal to companies or working with partners, actually quite similar to the Sony situation. You don't spend ages writing logic to stop people from doing things that they have no reason to attempt to do, especially if they don't actually harm any data or anything like that. You build the tools based on the thought that the people using it know what they are doing and are trained to do the right things, and then you handle all of the cases where mistakes can break shit. Vs. building something for the general public where you might spend more time on that sort of logic.

The entirety of this has been you guys going "This guy is doing things I've never seen, SONY MUST BE BEHIND IT" when it's really likely more "This guy is doing things I've never seen because these are dumb things to do and nobody other than this weirdo does this."

But in the end, none of us have any idea how common random games letting their release dates creep up is... we don't all go through the Playstation store staring at every shitty indie devs info and seeing if a countdown starts. Half the people here thought countdown timers were special/never used and I quickly proved that wrong.. but why have we not noticed them before? Why WOULD we notice them? lol


Gold Member
Hassan is a con artist.
Yeah this reminds me of the KatharsisT ruse in 2020 that was complete and total horseshit! Same thing is going to happen with this. Lets just try to enjoy our buggy, short, woke low budget bloober silent hill in a couple of years. Hopefully it has masahiro ito designs and a yamaoka soundtrack.
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How is this thread still going lmfao reading earlier pages of people comments is great for laughs yall need to let it go
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Hassan is a con artist.
I think it's giving him too much credit)) I doubt he's malicious either. Probably trying to make something resembling a game, now that he has public attention, and finding it way too hard. He was just playing his little delusional games, same as before, but suddenly people took him seriously! All eyes on him! It's his big chance, but he's woefully unprepared for this.
Can I steal this for my avatar?

New version for you if you're interested with updated 8k gun from Silen....I mean Abandoned...(edit: I mean resi evil )

By the way, according to the same reddit post, the first pic is photoshopped! 😲
It's ethan from resi evil 7/8. Hasan has literally done what I've done, strip the background from an image and layer it on top of another picture. Maybe I should start making indie games 🤔
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New version for you if you're interested with updated 8k gun from Silen....I mean Abandoned

By the way, according to the same reddit post, the first pic is photoshopped! 😲
It's ethan from resi evil 7/8. Hasan has literally done what I've done, strip the background from an image and layer it on top of another picture. Maybe I should start making indie games 🤔

Amazing! Love it!

Thanks a lot.

Edit: Just read that subreddit and it's crazy. Much more elements that lead me to believe what I thought about Hasan being a conman. He really did take a bunch of people for a ride. There is no way he can release a game that will make everyone forget about all this.
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Amazing! Love it!

Thanks a lot.

Edit: Just read that subreddit and it's crazy. Much more elements that lead me to believe what I thought about Hasan being a conman. He really did take a bunch of people for a ride. There is no way he can release a game that will make everyone forget about all this.
Or .. the subreddit is part of the ARG to have you abandon all hope in the game.
Amazing! Love it!

Thanks a lot.

Edit: Just read that subreddit and it's crazy. Much more elements that lead me to believe what I thought about Hasan being a conman. He really did take a bunch of people for a ride. There is no way he can release a game that will make everyone forget about all this.
Sad thing is, he's still taking people for a ride
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