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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Datamined screens from PT demo (you’re never supposed to see this)



Silent Hills was always going to be a Sony exclusive. I’m still sticking to abandoned is Silent Hills. Also, regarding Blue Box Studios...any way they are related to Sony ICE team? This game is definitely not low budget with what they’re going for: native 4k60/photogrammetry/realistic mo-cap.

Our team is still unravelling the power of PS5 but we’ve made amazing progress so far. The console allows us to process high quality motion capture, all running at 60 FPS and rendered at a native 4K resolution. We’re making sure the environmental quality is as close to the real thing as possible. In all, the result is realistic graphics, smooth character animations and minimal loading screens

Hasan: Abandoned is our passion! We have a lot of experience with animation and art. We want to create an animation-driven game that consists entirely of smooth, realistic motion capture animations. Every interaction in the game therefore has a unique animation that is never repeated. As a result, you get a game that feels realistic and cinematic.

Hasan: Eating and drinking is one of the survival mechanisms in the game. Similarly, one must hunt wild animals if the player cannot find food. Within the open game world, there are plenty of places to find food. One can also get sick when drinking dirty water or consuming old food. I can't reveal more yet.

And it's true that you want to keep a resolution of 4k and 60 frames per second? That's a noble pursuit with the beautiful graphics we've seen so far.Hasan: The graphics are part of the game design - it creates the realistic atmosphere. The PS5 is indeed powerful enough to render 4k images of this caliber at a steady 60fps. With a lot of optimization!

again I think these guys are related to Sony internal ICE team.
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Okay marketing team, make these accounts in the early/mid 2010's for a game that comes out in 2021/2022. Also make sure to actually develop a couple games around 2015 and release them under Blue Box. Then under the fake account you made, post various patch notes and answer questions on steam about your "ruse" games. You also have to make your website correspond with those fake games and advertise it for Xbox even though we are making a game for PS5.

This intern for Capcom (?????) is a genius
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We already know the craziness kojima went to with Moby Dick, He could very well be taking this even further than just hiring an actor

I wouldnt put it passed him if he found some semi-shady practically Defunked Studio and contracted them in name to act as a "ghost" name until its fully revealed.. The crappy games, questions on steam, the website and accounts are remnants of the companies passed that also act to mislead anyone researching for legitimacy.


I did cast a vote and as of now I am in the minority
Yet it looks like you are intrigued enough to stay and watch...
Which could mean two things:

1 - You want to see the meltdowns.
2 - We may be onto something, but maybe not right on the money/there is more to it than that.

I follow your posts closely since the Next gen specs thread early days, so don't think it's the first, though.

Also, I don't think this is said enough around here: we really appreciate your input on things. Thank you man!


Ask me about my Stream Deck
We already know the craziness kojima went to with Moby Dick, He could very well be taking this even further than just hiring an actor

I wouldnt put it passed him if he found some semi-shady practically Defunked Studio and contracted them in name to act as a "ghost" name until its fully revealed.. The crappy games, questions on steam, the website and accounts are remnants of the companies passed that also act to mislead anyone researching for legitimacy.
All that previous craziness was when he was beholden to corporate overlords at Konami. Now that he's independent with a studio named after him and a financial backer like Sony who is alright with a little insanity, the full auteur can come out.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Yeah I gonna go with Silent Hills being a remaster quadrilogy & a Silent Hill 5
rumours said there was 2 games in production after all..
They’re advertising the app on PSN.
Just woke up and something came to mind, hear me out...

The new PSX that we heard about and Sony is working on. I can't see them organize it as an in-person even that soon, and even if it was, with the pandemic they wouldn't get people flying in from all over the world like before.
What would you do if you're Sony and want to get as many people participating in it as possible?

Make an app dedicated to it on PSN and let people virtually participate, watch the trailers, maybe have some 360 cameras for VR viewers, etc.

Now what was it again Hasan was teasing for a week now? :messenger_winking:

I'll admit this one is more of a long shot, but not entirely out of the realm of what's possible.

Btw, sorry if someone beat me to it, i'm 4 pages behind since I went to sleep lol
There seems to be arguments for both sides, but still for me there is enough evidence, that there is more to this than an independent title.

1. All we have about this Hasan guy is one picture only. I would assume as a CEO with a company of more than 50 people, you would have at least some media presence or some old recordings.

2. First he gets a PS blog for his game, which is already a nearly impossible task for a developer with nothing essential in their past, but then they intentionally fuel the silent hill rumors with their tweet, which would certainly not be received well by Sony and I am sure they don't want to damage this relationship.

3. Okay more than 50 employees but with no social presence as well? Last time I have heard, the Netherlands seem to have internet.

4. Long relationship with Sony? How, why, for what?

5. A PlayStation 5 app? I would assume it would take a developer with more experience to come up with something revolutionary like this?

6. They delay the app for 3 days due to localization delays? First of all a small new developer would probably satisfied to have the thing running in one language. I am not familiar how you get an app to the Sony store, but I would assume you need to send it to Sony and they will check it (and any revisions) before it gets approved. So 3 days seems much too short for this.

7. Geoff was clearly not telling the whole story and lied intentionally with his direct message photo, where there was no answer yet to the inquiry and also no date, which means he would have needed to take the photo shortly after receiving the question about promoting the game. I don't know about you, but I normally don't take photos of messages which I receive...
He later distanced himself from the whole thing, but I mean what should he have said? How could he continue with not revealing anything?
Additionally, just imagine you manage to have some kind of Geoff for promoting your game, would you also like to damage this relationship by promising photos but then send nothing? Hell if I would have said to Geoff I will send pictures, I couldn't sleep anymore before the pictures have been sent.

8. All the people who supposedly spoke to Hasan have no real evidence about their conversation. Even if they spoke to someone, that could have been again an actor or stand in.

9. Hasan is delusional and believes that he lives in Japan and therefore is active during the day in Japan.

So this is either a big troll and this is a big well known company (probably Kojima productions knowing his history) or Hasan is a CEO with a god complex, who believes that relationships are not worth anything.


They haven't updated with the new date yet.
Oh snap! It is real. I didn't see this in the mobile app, so wasn't sure. That's good to know. Definitely supports the idea that this isn't done indie dev.

What a bunch of fucking amateurs. This is what happens when you let some flakes start your sub. The requirements for the job aren't high. Just have enough fucking conviction to stay the course until definitive proof either verifies your beliefs, or blows them out of the water. These cowards lack that. The sub should mutiny.
Have you ever gone through the submission process to get something launched on the Sony platform? I've gone through the standards process a few times and it's not easy unless you have a working relationship with the platform holder, a lot of money to bribe them with, or actually have the product in a good state ready to go. Yes they let small questionable games on the platform, but they all have to deliver at a basic level and have the financials all lined up before applying to launch. If this guy really has something coming out and there is advertising on PSN and a post on their blog and a video on their channel, that's a hell of a lot of smoke for no fire.
I know, that’s exactly what I was asking when I said how did this guy get a blog post and get into the PS5 Dev program; I know it isn’t trivial.


I cant find any code that has 5 dots in height.
The first image is from the Death Stranding Director's Cut trailer. I tried looking and no seems to have decoded it yet. I've been trying to decode it using Braille for the past 2 hours but I either suck at it or it's just not Braille.

I don't know why I think I would be better at this than the multitude of people who attempted it 10 days ago. I was hoping someone here is better at this stuff.
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I cant find any code that has 5 dots in height.
It look like Braille writing, which is 3 dots in height, could be two lines (6 dots) one other the other (2nd picture) ?

Edit : no it's 5 dots, doesn't work with Braille.
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To the naysayers what exactly do you believe? You have only 2 real possibilities

1. BBGS is legit but has nothing to do with Kojima or Sony. Which means this 'indie' dev has 7 studios assisting him and 50+ devs under him to make what? The most high budget indie game ever made? The guy who made such illustrious titles such as 'rewind' and the 'haunting' that sold 10 copies, out of the blue is fully backed by Sony and has money to have a studio exactly as large as Kojima Productions and do full mocap for every single animation.

2. Hasan is just a liar and everything he said in his tweets is just a lie. In which case, to what end? What's the plan here? Lie to everyone, release a trash tier asset flip, end his career, and then what?

I think there is third possibility that is much more likely - It IS indeed a scam, a scam that's going to end up in Kojima Island in Hokkaido prefecture 41°21′34″N 139°48′18″E.


Got the clean version from reddit:
Random thoughts :
So 11 dots high column.
Minimum 1 dots per column, max 5. There is always 1 least 1 gap between dots of the same column. Same for the lane, never 2 consecutive dots.

Or the columns are shifted from 1 dots every second columns. So maybe shift every second columns 1 "tick" up or down could give something...

I like this kind of stuff. I'll think about it.


Random thoughts :
So 11 dots high column.
Minimum 1 dots per column, max 5. There is always 1 least 1 gap between dots of the same column. Same for the lane, never 2 consecutive dots.

Or the columns are shifted from 1 dots every second columns. So maybe shift every second columns 1 "tick" up or down could give something...

I like this kind of stuff. I'll think about it.
I think the row count is actually 12


2. Hasan is just a liar and everything he said in his tweets is just a lie. In which case, to what end? What's the plan here? Lie to everyone, release a trash tier asset flip, end his career, and then what?

Does he need to have a masterplan? Can't he just be a moron who stumbles through things and doesn't really know what he's doing?

  • Guy won the lottery with an asset-flip pitch and got Sony to tell him "yeah, whatever, it looks decent enough, you can publish in on PS5 once it's finished, and a demo earlier on if you want". Content is scarce right now, so he got the trailer published and a blog post published about it. As far as Sony was concerned, that was (and has been) it.
  • Then people on the internet went wild witg the mental gymnastics, and immediately started saying he was secretly Kojima, over nothing else than his game "making no sense" as a PS5 release otherwise (if they only knew...).
  • He run with it because why not, he must have thought it's free publicity. But with the "Abandoned = S____L" he overstepped, somebody at Sony, Kojima or Konami gave him a call, and he had to publish a full retraction to specify in unquestionable terms that he has nothing to do with either Kojima or Konami. At this point, he's legally safe as long as he doesn't say anything else hinting at him being developing a new Silent Hill (which, in fact, he did not do).
  • People refused to take the very very obvious hint, either the idea of him being Kojima was just too funny to let reality spoil it, or they just really really want it to be true, and started digging around for ANYTHING related to him hat could in ANY way be traced back to ANYTHING connected to Kojima or Silent Hill. Of course, if you look really really had and stretch the facts a bit, a couple of very circumstantial pieces of evidence are bound to crop up.
  • He's now in full panic mode because he doesn't know how to stop it, he's afraid people will want his head on the 22, so he starts pushing the envelope back ("Oh, the app will launch, but it won't actually contain anything initially"; "Oh, sorry, the launch was pushed back by a few days, stay tuned").
Does this sound believable enough to you?


I think the row count is actually 12

So 12 like the number of semitones in an Octave in music (if I am correct)

I tried quickly the beginning into the musicbox website. Sounds a bit random. There is kind of a progression but yeah, it doesn't sound promising xD
I don't have time now for the rest. I'll check later
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