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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!

Sailor Moon R 40


Oh, right. Those characters are still around.

And this episode gets a bit sad. Is it weird that I felt more sad for Saphir than Chibi-Usa? :p

Hm... Guess not much of this will happen in Crystal? Since
they're already dead and such...


You mean it wasn't different already? :p

It's totally different, except for the parts where it's completely the same except much weaker.

At the moment, it has apparently reached a phase where (for a while) it would be pretty difficult for them to try (and fail) to match up with the 90's anime. But, never say never.


Well, Crystal is meant to be like the manga, so I wasn't expecting it to be like the 90s anime going in.

Although I will say that Classic and R in the 90s anime still felt like it had some parallels to the manga, while SuperS and Stars were completely different.


Goldfish Warning! 33

The Goldfish goes on a quest to earn money to earn money to buy potato chips. Heh, I remember that feel when buying potato chips felt like the most expensive shit ever.
Goldfish Warning! 33

The Goldfish goes on a quest to earn money to earn money to buy potato chips. Heh, I remember that feel when buying potato chips felt like the most expensive shit ever.

I remember watching it thinking, "I wish potato chips were that cheap over here"! Poor Gyopii though.


Sailor Moon R 2

I have complaints.

Specifically, I don't buy for even one second that Luna couldn't have avoided bringing the girls back into this. Usagi, sure, but the other four? I don't buy that as forced circumstances or an accident at all. Luna wanted that and she made it happen. Artemis was pretty damn opposed to the idea of restoring the memories of the girls, but Luna was in favor of it. If their roles had been reversed I might not be so sure of this, but Luna did want to turn the girls back into Soldiers.

I mean, the crux of it is that Usagi's been caught and Luna jumps speaking out in front of the girls, goes "whoops" then hands their memories back to them. There wasn't any reason for Luna to jump out then, though, and even less for her to speak. Usagi wasn't even in any real danger, considering we know that the monsters this season (and possibly last season) don't need to kill their victims to get the energy they want. Luna could've snuck around, could've not spoken, hell, she could've hung back and let the girls free Usagi given how much they fought anyway.

And sure, the idea is that the girls 'wanted' back in whether they consciously knew that or not, but they were alarmingly blase' about it when Luna brought it up afterward.

Nobody was like "Hey Luna you don't get to decide what we do and don't remember." or "Oh my God we died and you're pulling us back into that." Nah, they're just like "Ma'am yes ma'am a new threat you were right to wake us up again."

Which is chilling if you think about it. These girls have been fighting long enough that subconsciously they can't help themselves from doing so, and they trust Luna's guidance so implicitly they don't even consider that they may die fighting her war again. There's a weird kind of emptiness to that that I can't quite put my finger on but that I find unnerving.

More than that, though, there's Usagi. I understand that she felt lonely being the only one who remembered, but even she wasn't that hesitant when Luna mentioned bringing the other girls back on. Unless all that laughter was a facade for some deep, deep pain, there didn't seem to be much memory of just how terrible things had become for her at the end of last season.

And I mean, the end of last season was some Zeta Gundam Tier "War is Hell and it will Eat You Alive" stuff. Those weren't Super Robot Heroic Sacrifices. Usagi wasn't emboldened and strengthened as her friends died around her.

She looked like fucking this:

In sum, although I recognize all of this is being glossed over in order to undo the "we probably won't do this show any more" ending of last season as quickly as possible, it sort of freaks me out just how chill all these girls are about the fact that they've just reupped for a conflict that basically killed all of them.


Well, kind of the whole fate of the Inner Senshi is to be Moon's bodyguard.

Kind of tragic when you think about it, and something you'll probably take more notice of if you ever read the manga.


Goldfish Warning! 35

The quest for Minako to obtain her Melon is on. Kinda surprised she doesn't just buy one herself, given she always seem to be using the school's money for self-gain. :p


Well, I was curious to see what Hattsu thought since he just saw R for the first time.

I'd probably say R's my favorite season. Wiseman is GOAT.


You rarely ever see the human side characters after R. I think Naru shows up like once in S and SuperS, and not at all in Stars.

Naru shows up briefly in Stars with Umino prior to their eloping.
(It's a fun thought.)

It did seem kind of tragic, like they were saying goodbye before
everyone started dying horribly.

Possibly the twilight atmosphere the scene had.


I like how, no matter how many times Toei adapts Sailor Moon (90's anime, PGSM, Crystal), they will always find someone new to ship Nephrite with.
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