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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


I wonder if Crystal would lead to any more games in the universe. I could see a slice-of-life esque visual novel being pretty fun.


I wonder if Crystal would lead to any more games in the universe. I could see a slice-of-life esque visual novel being pretty fun.
It feels like they do everything right, except the anime. The merch is great, the musicals are awesome. Maybe they just struggle with the digital.. I wonder how bad a game would be. lol


It feels like they do everything right, except the anime. The merch is great, the musicals are awesome. Maybe they just struggle with the digital.. I wonder how bad a game would be. lol

Heh, I went into a local gaming center, and a group was watching PGSM. I commented about how much I disliked Crystal and the owner, a huge fan, jokingly said I had to get out. She loves it. I wonder if that's the common opinion among women fans, they both loved the manga.

They like PGSM as much as I do(re: enjoy it fully for how silly it is), so they weren't all bad. :p


I thought Crystal started off good but fell apart as it went on, especially with how poorly Act 12 handle the climax. Shouldn't have bothered to alter the story there.

Although, I've actually been liking Season 2 of Crystal a lot so far.
I'm enjoying Crystal so far. My only complaint with it is that S2 episodes seem too short for what they are trying to do. Like they are trying to give the girls more story but it's just done way to quickly.


They kinda expanded on Mercury Vs Berthier a bit, but for Jupiter Vs. Petz it went by really fast.

Time spending so much time on the transformation scenes Toei!


Goldfish Warning! 36

Minako and Beryl have a bidding war over a computer, and Aoi finds his one true love apparently. Also, Madonna makes a cameo. P


Heh, I went into a local gaming center, and a group was watching PGSM. I commented about how much I disliked Crystal and the owner, a huge fan, jokingly said I had to get out. She loves it. I wonder if that's the common opinion among women fans, they both loved the manga.

They like PGSM as much as I do(re: enjoy it fully for how silly it is), so they weren't all bad. :p

I don't know how to reply to that without sounding sexist. And English is my third language, so someone's bound to get angry at me for this.

But, I believe women have a different view on things? I don't mean all, but most. Men tend to look for the technical part (aka how it was made/what it should LOOK like) while women are just more forgiving in general. I think they care less because they just.. don't see it the way men do.

Perhaps we, the ones who find it bad, are too picky? Or maybe they are too careless? We don't really know who is on the right side, but I think it's understandable that they seem to care less if it sucks, because they don't have the same kind of uhh... deep view into ~anime politics~. Sorry if this makes no sense.

I think because more men are into gaming, anime and such they get to see things from a more "advanced" view. Does this make any sense at all?

A lot of girls (again, not speaking of all females!) like bad stuff because they don't know any better. Hah. I guess that summons it up.
I don't know how to reply to that without sounding sexist. And English is my third language, so someone's bound to get angry at me for this.

But, I believe women have a different view on things? I don't mean all, but most. Men tend to look for the technical part (aka how it was made/what it should LOOK like) while women are just more forgiving in general. I think they care less because they just.. don't see it the way men do.

Perhaps we, the ones who find it bad, are too picky? Or maybe they are too careless? We don't really know who is on the right side, but I think it's understandable that they seem to care less if it sucks, because they don't have the same kind of uhh... deep view into ~anime politics~. Sorry if this makes no sense.

I think because more men are into gaming, anime and such they get to see things from a more "advanced" view. Does this make any sense at all?

A lot of girls (again, not speaking of all females!) like bad stuff because they don't know any better. Hah. I guess that summons it up.

Well, as a woman I can say that I find Crystal OK (Although the way they handled the Shitennou at the end nearly made me stop right there) but not great. It's nice to see more Sailor Moon, it's nice to see something closer to the manga since I feel it did some stuff better, but it's underwhelming in so many ways. The art and animation ranges from alright to downright bad (far inferior to the manga drawings visually), it really tries to squeeze too much into episodes, it has had some odd choices for where to diverge from the manga, and honestly I wanted to see something build on top of the manga rather than just largely follow it line for line. I wanted to see something done with the Shitennou, which they did in the most half-assed manner ever and which they ended in the worst way possible. I wanted to see more about the other senshi but if anything we had less. Basically, it is so-so for what it is but what it is doesn't match what I really wanted.


It would be easy to get over the bad animation if the story was great, but it really isn't. I also miss the good humour, and what got me into the 90s SM in the first place: Reaction faces. It sounds silly, but I really like the original because of that.. Of course there are other things too. But it was a part of the humour!

Perhaps female anime fans tend to stick with Tumblr while the men use Twitter.. I dunno, really. SM in general is girly (nothing wrong with enjoying it as a guy though!) and I guess a lot of girls just enjoy the idea of strong women with girly outfits. The negative aspects of Crystal I've seen by guys have been more constructive, to be honest. Not that it matters.


As a kid I often felt the show got too goofy. I was really surprised to see how serious the manga was. Usagi is less of a crybaby because of embarassing dumb situations, instead she almost feels like depressed in the manga.
Kinda weird though that Crystal cuts almost all of the humor that was in there too.


No point in crying over spilt milk.. at least I hope those of you who don't enjoy the anime still have something else from the anniversary you enjoy. I'm very into the merchandise so I'll be fine!

And I'm super duper hyped for the 90s HD Remaster in April!


My friends feel the same way about Crystal that I do(great to have more SM, shame it's so dull), but every female I've met seems to adore the show, so yeah, that's probably why I've drawn that conclusion. (As it goes, my girlfriend doesn't even like SM, so that's not a factor. She's into Naruto.)

Incidentally, I like tumblr more than twitter because it's a lot easier to sift through the garbage. Twitter can be overwhelming. Art is easier to take in.

Honestly the anniversary doesn't have much to offer me, besides maybe the redone mangas. I have my ADV SM sets, so DiC can bite it for all I care.


Most people I know outside the internet enjoy Crystal. Although I guess it should be noted that these people haven't seen the 90's anime/PGSM, or read the manga.

Also, almost March 15th in Japan. Happy Birthday:


It's also Naoko Takeuchi's birthday.


It feels like I got my heart broken when I saw what a boring person Furuya really is in real life... (well, through his Twitter anyway). Who am I supposed to fangirl over now?
Probably won't matter since it's from different audience and the same versions.

That's what I think too...it's just weird that we technically should have gotten first episode of S today on Hulu but nothing's there.

The only problem is whenever you go to google "Sailor Moon" and "Hulu" anything to try to find out, you get 100 news posts about how Sailor Moon is gonna be on Hulu last year. :p


Actually, I got that wrong. If Hulu starts S on 90-91, then it'd finish on a 126-127 nicely. SuperS would start on 128-129, and then we'd get towards the end 164-165, and 166 as a single episode. Stars will start 167-168, and finish on 199-200. So SuperS is the one that will cause a problem.
Sailor Moon R 43

Well, it's a clip show, so... :p

"We're showing footage from the new season!" Just enough to fill the next episode preview...

So, that Doom Tree arc wasn't really that bad, even if it's "filler" that's not from the manga. It had some funny bits and a nice ending and the same with the start of the Black Moon Clan arc with Rubeus and those sisters.

The Black Moon Clan ending though... I didn't like that one very much, mainly because of Wiseman. That's the kind of villain I dislike in a bad way. He got that teleportation that enables him to appear whenever it's most beneficial to him, and the way he pulled himself together when he got beaten is just so frustrating. Sure, there's been lots of other teleporting characters, but somehow they're less annoying. And there's also the evil
Black Lady Chibi-Usa
which is a bit meh. Don't really care since it's

Other than that there were some really funny episodes like the Minako nurse episode.

Overall, there's more good parts than bad, so 3.5/5 planetary symbols in total:


Sailor Moon R 57


So, I have to say I genuinely like Eiru and An a lot more than anybody in the Dark Kingdom. They're more characters than anyone from the Dark Kingdom. The Dark Kingdom were a bunch of Super Robot holdover villains who stood around and did things based upon their one note personalities. Nephrite was secretly good, Jadeite was Glemmy Toto, Zoisite was a Bitch Queen and that other guy was allegedly competent. Queen Beryl's one defining character trait was inexplicably wanting the En D myion.

By contrast, Eiru and An have their own sort of personalities, they have emotional conflicts, they have interests and they have a sort of unified arc of discovering and experiencing humanity via Japanese Teenage Culture. It's not the most amazing or revolutionary thing, but compared to last season's villains, they're engaging.


Yeah, the R villains are my favorites for the series. Dark Kingdom villans kinda lost me after Zosisite. Endymion could have been a cool villain, but he didn't really do anything until the finale.


Another thing I think R has going for it is that something happens every episode. There's an ongoing arc that has developments from one episode to the next. It doesn't feel like last season where I could skip many episodes and not feel like I'd missed much besides terrible, terrible Youma designs. This season every episode feels like it counts.

Also, the animation feels much improved. Everything is cleaner, more mobile and they're doing much more visually interesting things with every scene this season.

Mamoru still sucks tho


I think R had the best pacing, mainly because Black Moon was the only arc that didn't revolve around enemies constantly trying to steal something from random people, and thus felt the least tiresome. Oh, and R's probably the season where Mamoru gets the most screentime. :p


Goldfish Warning! 37

Minako finally finds a partner to go to the restroom with her, and Wapiko is showing more sides to her personality. :p


And deprive Naru of him? She could do worse, admittedly.

Poor Naru could've wound up with Mamoru. Guh.

Sailor Moon R 59

So this was far and away the best arc of the entire show thus far. The villains were morally grey. They were charismatic, interesting, had their own growth going on. The Scouts underwent their own growth over the course of this series, too. Mamoru was still useless, but at least we got to see him and Usagi develop together over their contrived baby situation, rather than past lives dictating they be together.

I really don't have much to complain about. The reboot was short enough for me, and Usagi's reactions to it were actually good for her.

The thing about Usagi is that as this series goes on and on, I see her vapid teenage girl behavior becoming more and more of a facade she puts on. Because when shit truly hits the fan and she seriouses the fuck up, Usagi is actually a pretty cool, determined and emotionally resonant character. The more being Sailor Moon effects her, the more Usagi becomes the mask. Kind of like Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne, I guess. The longer she's a super hero, the more the vapid nobody becomes the false identity.

At the same time, it's sort of good to know that she IS growing, since we eventually find out that she's going to be the God-Queen of Earth someday. It helps to see her suffer, to see her err, and to see her resolve strengthen.

Eiru and An sure look a lot like Macross 7's Sivil tho



Crystal Episodes 11 & 12

So. damn. boring. You could just listen to the audio and know what's going on.


This is dull even as background noise. I don't think I can stomach R unless it really reinvents the wheel.

Young Beryl and the Four General background was nice, but it was mere seconds of interest amidst minutes of boredom.

(Incidentally, Ami's apartment was bigger than I pictured it.)
I saw this pop up on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissDreamSubs/posts/10153671836577971

Hey, Dreamers!

We got a report from the ‪#‎SailorMoonCrystal‬ panel at Anime Japan, earlier today. Here's what's talked about:

-There will be a new musical, set to run in September & October. Info and dates, forthcoming.
-A Sailor Moon karaoke bar and cafe will open up on April 5, and will run through May 5th. Flyer for this: https://twitter.com/KillMeNeko/status/579103240387571712

There's no news on if there would be a third arc, after Crystal is done. We hope to hear about it, very soon.

Thanks to @ KillMeNeko, on twitter, for being there, and providing news from the panel.


Was watching a Disney classic and this pops up.

I am more of a Sailor V fan and I am surprised it never got animated. I wish it did, I really liked it.
PGSM did a Sailor V special, would have been nice if the 90s anime did too. Wouldn't trust modern Toei to do it.

The thing about Usagi is that as this series goes on and on, I see her vapid teenage girl behavior becoming more and more of a facade she puts on. Because when shit truly hits the fan and she seriouses the fuck up, Usagi is actually a pretty cool, determined and emotionally resonant character. The more being Sailor Moon effects her, the more Usagi becomes the mask. Kind of like Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne, I guess. The longer she's a super hero, the more the vapid nobody becomes the false identity.
I really enjoyed Usagi's development in R too, kind of a shame S and SuperS started off by undoing the development. :/ Oh, and the next episode is when Ikuhara replaces Sato as the director, so except a shift in tone.

Crystal Episodes 11 & 12
Crystal botched the manga's climax. R redux has been good so far though, I think you could try skipping ahead to it.

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