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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Goldfish Warning! 38

Minako and Beryl go to the art museum, then later, Bad Ox saves a cat from being hit by a car. Sound familiar?


Sailor Moon R 61

This arc is kinda off to a bad start after last arc's end. Chibi-Usa is triggering a lot of unhappy memories of her from when I was a kid, but more importantly there are just way, way too many contrivances going on here.

1) Trunks Chibi-Usa comes back from the future to warn that Cell the Dark Moon people are going to destroy the world. So now we have time travel, and for simplicity's sake I'll merge all time travel related complaints into this.
2) The entire brainwashing Usagi's family thing to conveniently allow the new status quo to be perpetuated forever.
3) And this one really gets my goat, Mamoru breaking up with Usagi for reasons. If he has actual reasons, they should have been made known to the viewer, rather than just leaving us baffled at what a callous douchenozzle he is. But more than that, it's the constant tease with Usagi and Mamoru. They're always not-together for some stupid, melodramatic reason rather than their relationship being permitted to grow in any natural, realistic way. OH NO THEY CAN'T DATE CUZ HE IS EEEEEVIL. OH NO THEY CAN'T DATE BECAUSE ONLY HE ISN'T ABLE TO REMEMBER. OH NO THEY CAN'T DATE BECAUSE TIME TRAVEL. Jesus Christ.

I appreciate that they're trying to develop Usagi by giving her problems to deal with, and tearing lovers apart is a great way to build dramatic tension in a love story, but I really wish it was for reasons a little more believable than Newtype bullshit magic.


The thing about Usagi is that as this series goes on and on, I see her vapid teenage girl behavior becoming more and more of a facade she puts on. Because when shit truly hits the fan and she seriouses the fuck up, Usagi is actually a pretty cool, determined and emotionally resonant character. The more being Sailor Moon effects her, the more Usagi becomes the mask. Kind of like Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne, I guess. The longer she's a super hero, the more the vapid nobody becomes the false identity
Maybe? I mean from what little we know of Neo Queen Serenity there are wee little dots and spots of Usagi dorkiness (Not being able to write in Kanji, her letters basicaly reading like Usagi at the appropriate age wrote them, dodging ceremonies) though she might just be able to pull it off at will rather than be victim to her id as she is in show.

Then again, I view Kaiba-man as Seto Kaiba finally letting go of all the nonsense of YuGiOh Duel Monsters so I might be reading into that a bit hard and on Usagi's side.

Eiru and An sure look a lot like Macross 7's Sivil tho
If they were defeated by the power of Fire Bomber there wouldn't be a dry pair of underpants in all of Japan.


Just saw how much the German Sailor Moon boxsets cost in Switzerland compared to Germany.
Almost a hundred Swiss francs, while they cost about half of that in Euros!
And then they wonder why we just come over the border and buy our stuff right there.
Sailor Moon S 01

Well, it is a new season after all...

New enemies appear and everybody gets their ass handed to them. Luckily some possible allies arrive that saves the day. Oh, and Usagi still got problems with studying of course.


Sailor Moon S 01

Well, it is a new season after all...

New enemies appear and everybody gets their ass handed to them. Luckily some possible allies arrive that saves the day. Oh, and Usagi still got problems with studying of course.

Oh to be a fly on the wall when you experience the glory of the Death Busters.
Sailor Moon S 02

How original.

So, they fight a puzzling catwoman this time and Sailor Moon gets a new upgrade thanks to cosmic love. And we learn that the enemies are after the Holy Grail? That Holy Grail?


Yeah, the designs in S & SuperS are something. A lot more perverse than what we got in the Sato era.

I think it's funny that they show the new attack for the Inners in the opening, but we never see them use it in the show. Sigh.


Koan is the worst.

Or maybe Berthier is the worst.

I don't like any of these girls who work for Rubeus.

Is this all a metaphor for old timey time traveling pimp and his circus attire prostitution ring?

Bring back Eiru and An . . .


Sailor Moon R 64

So while this arc is better paced than the old Dark Kingdom days, I can't help but hate Dark Moon arc the most of all. I mean, for starters, why can't we tell Usagi what's going on? Sure, you could argue that Chibi-Usa is withholding information for the sake of maintaining the timeline, but then why is Mamoru having visions? Why only him? I can't help but feel like it's for the sake of forcing drama between Mamoru and Usagi and perpetuating the already tired "will they won't they" that has had no reason to exist for the last 20 some odd episodes.

And that's at the heart of my problem with this arc, really. It feels entirely too forced for the sake of this drama that doesn't need to exist. I mean, for a show all about girls falling in love, Sailor Moon is startingly uninterested in actually depicting relationships. Remember Yuichiro? Wasn't he dating Rei? Did that just get undone by the end of season rest button? Now that Rei's memories are back, shouldn't her feelings for Yuichiro be? And why, why, for the love of God why are we watching yet another arc where Mamoru can't be with Usagi?

I mean, let's assume that Mamoru has figured this shit out: why is he avoiding her? Why does having visions of the future make him suddenly treat her like shit? Why do these stories always wind up having this approach taken by the man? Is it really love if you decide your best bet is to lie and treat the other hilariously bad without so much as an explanation?

I mean being excessively generous and assuming Mamoru isn't just the world's biggest turd and completely unworthy of the affection of any other living thing, Beryl included, what kind of fucking moron doesn't factor plausibility into this plan? "OH IF I SUDDENLY TREAT USAGI LIKE SHIT, SHE WILL DEFINITELY NOT FIND THIS SUSPICIOUS. This is like watching a kid cry and throw rocks at a dog to get it to run into the woods for its own safety. Except the kid is firing a goddamn gattling gun with fucking johnny 2 by 4's plank strapped to his face.


Having vented, I will grant this episode one thing: for the first time ever it managed to make Chibi-Usa less than a terrible brat by portraying her in a more reasonable light: as that of a frightened child who is in way over her head. Her shitty brattiness begins to make sense under those circumstances.

Her complete inability to recognize her own goddamn parents, however, does not.


Some pictures I took from Sailor Moon merchandise shown at Anime Japan, thought it might interest some of you.
Very nice, thanks for sharing!

Just saw how much the German Sailor Moon boxsets cost in Switzerland compared to Germany.
Almost a hundred Swiss francs, while they cost about half of that in Euros!
And then they wonder why we just come over the border and buy our stuff right there.
Geez, that is expensive.

How original.
Images like the one in the screenpart I think detail one of my biggest problems with the seasons, SMS is really the point where I couldn’t deal with the resetting of Usagi’s character, but I did like the stuff for the Inners. Also, Tomoe is a hilarious villain.

Koan is the worst.

Or maybe Berthier is the worst.

I don't like any of these girls who work for Rubeus.

Is this all a metaphor for old timey time traveling pimp and his circus attire prostitution ring?

Bring back Eiru and An . . .
The villain in the R film is like Eiru and An if that is a constellation prize.

Sailor Moon R 64

So while this arc is better paced than the old Dark Kingdom days, I can't help but hate Dark Moon arc the most of all. I mean, for starters, why can't we tell Usagi what's going on? Sure, you could argue that Chibi-Usa is withholding information for the sake of maintaining the timeline, but then why is Mamoru having visions? Why only him? I can't help but feel like it's for the sake of forcing drama between Mamoru and Usagi and perpetuating the already tired "will they won't they" that has had no reason to exist for the last 20 some odd episodes.

And that's at the heart of my problem with this arc, really. It feels entirely too forced for the sake of this drama that doesn't need to exist. I mean, for a show all about girls falling in love, Sailor Moon is startingly uninterested in actually depicting relationships. Remember Yuichiro? Wasn't he dating Rei? Did that just get undone by the end of season rest button? Now that Rei's memories are back, shouldn't her feelings for Yuichiro be? And why, why, for the love of God why are we watching yet another arc where Mamoru can't be with Usagi?

I mean, let's assume that Mamoru has figured this shit out: why is he avoiding her? Why does having visions of the future make him suddenly treat her like shit? Why do these stories always wind up having this approach taken by the man? Is it really love if you decide your best bet is to lie and treat the other hilariously bad without so much as an explanation?

I mean being excessively generous and assuming Mamoru isn't just the world's biggest turd and completely unworthy of the affection of any other living thing, Beryl included, what kind of fucking moron doesn't factor plausibility into this plan? "OH IF I SUDDENLY TREAT USAGI LIKE SHIT, SHE WILL DEFINITELY NOT FIND THIS SUSPICIOUS. This is like watching a kid cry and throw rocks at a dog to get it to run into the woods for its own safety. Except the kid is firing a goddamn gattling gun with fucking johnny 2 by 4's plank strapped to his face.


Having vented, I will grant this episode one thing: for the first time ever it managed to make Chibi-Usa less than a terrible brat by portraying her in a more reasonable light: as that of a frightened child who is in way over her head. Her shitty brattiness begins to make sense under those circumstances.

Her complete inability to recognize her own goddamn parents, however, does not.
Chibiusa can be annoying at first, but she does have a lot of development in the series. I thought she was fine in later-R and S, not bad in SuperS either but it was annoying how screentime she dominated.

The human characters like Yuchiro basically start to get phased out after R, and thus plot points involving them just kinda vanish. I think there was just too many characters to juggle.

Given that you don't like the four sisters, I imagine you wont like the second third of R too much. Hope the final third of R appeals to you more.


Here's where I'm at with Chibi-Usa. When she's behaving like an actual child who is terrified of the world she's been thrust into I don't mind her. Like, she's had some good, childlike moments like the entire curry episode, more or less.

But the problem I have with her is that far too often she behaves instead like she's a teenager like the rest of the gang, and it makes her come off less as a bratty princess lashing out at a world that justifiably scares her and more like a bitchy teenager doing bitchy things for bitchy reasons.

I acknowledge that that's difficult to really differentiate from a writer's stand point, and so I'll be forgiving. In fact, I'm giving it my all to be as forgiving of Chibi-Usa as possible, since MadP said that 1) Hito really liked her and 2) Hito would've wanted me to give her a second chance.

But fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Mamoru and the Dark Moon lot. Nothing about Mamoru's behavior is good, and frankly I kind of wish Usagi would get over him because oh my God what an asshole he is. I just want to send him a note telling him that you can distance someone from yourself or even break up with someone without needing to be a colossal asswipe.

And the problem with the Dark Moon sisters is they all have one, single character trait: vain bitch. Where Eiru and An had distinct personalities, quirks, and arcs none of these women have anything so far. In a way they're worse than the Dark Kingdom because at least Nephrite, Kunzite, Jadeite and Zoisite were all distinct in character.

This is like an arc where all of the villains are Zoisite in a different wig.


Sailor Moon R 68

Well, I'd be an asshole if I didn't appreciate this episode. The plot is kicked off by Chibi-Usa wetting the bed. She spends the episode as terrified and frightened as she has ever been, and Usagi, after some guidance from Luna, spends the episode finally easing up on her. It all culminates in the Dark Moon Clan pinning Chibi-Usa at a construction site and the scouts fighting to save her.

The animation bump was glorious.

What really got me, though, was how Usagi pulled her shit together and damn near went full Shonen on the Dark Moon Clan's asses. I've mentioned it plenty of times before, but I really like it when Usagi seriouses the fuck up. What's especially, dare I say it, cool about her, though, is that Usagi's actually a very active force in a world that's strangely passive.

I mean look at the Dark Kingdom Arc. Queen Metallia laid around and bossed around Queen Beryl. Queen Beryl sat on her ass and bossed her four generals around. The four of them, in turn, bossed around the Youma who then waited until their plans were foiled before lifting a finger to fight the Scouts. It was this huge chain of command of people essentially just talking to each other.

On the other end of it you had The Moon Goddess, embodying herself in Queen Serenity, who in turn was sort of just occasionally popping up. In the meanwhile Artemis was sending messages to Luna, who in turn had to guide the Scouts. Although neither as big nor as well oiled a machine as the Dark Kingdom, the Moon Kingdom was still ultimately full of people sitting around doing little more than telling a teenager to do all the hard work.

It pops up a little with Eiru and An, too, in that the Doom Tree can speak the entire time, but chooses to let them wreak havoc via Cardians rather than try to teach them so that they can survive. We have it again here with the Dark Moon Clan. They're a nebulous group of five working for Wiseman who in turn seems to either lead or represent the Clan as a whole in its invasion of the Earth. On the other side you have Sailor Pluto sending a little girl out to risk the fate of a future world.

But Usagi doesn't really sit around and dish out orders. As the series goes on, she's gotten more and more capable of knowing and doing in battle what she needs to know and do. She still cries sometimes and still needs bailing out by Mamoru, but compared to early on Usagi's made some good progress.

It's also one of the things I'm hoping Chibi-Usa is meant to do: help Usagi step away from all the childishness by giving her an actual child to have to deal with.


Chibiusa can be pretty annoying in the beginning, but she does mature and develop a lot in the series, something that starts as early as the climax to the current arc you are on (74).

I thought she was fine after that. Although it does bug me that everyone got shafted in favor of Chibiusa in SuperS, but I didn't really have any problem with her characterization there.


Man, I really hope Crystal covers Infinity. S Usagi is so annoying.
I agree. S was where I couldn't really handle the resetting of Usagi's development. I did like the stuff for the Inners, even if they were starting to get overshadowed by the Outers.


Chibiusa can be pretty annoying in the beginning, but she does mature and develop a lot in the series, something that starts as early as the climax to the current arc you are on (74).

I thought she was fine after that. Although it does bug me that everyone got shafted in favor of Chibiusa in SuperS, but I didn't really have any problem with her characterization there.

The more they develop Chibi-Usa the less her introduction makes sense. Like, she's a scared little girl who got dumped through time and received some vague help from Sailor Pluto, right?

Where did she get the handgun and why did she have it and why did she pull it on Usagi at the start? That entire intro is weird when juxtaposed with the little girl who wets her bed.


So anyone want to think of a Saturn-themed title for April?

The more they develop Chibi-Usa the less her introduction makes sense. Like, she's a scared little girl who got dumped through time and received some vague help from Sailor Pluto, right?

Where did she get the handgun and why did she have it and why did she pull it on Usagi at the start? That entire intro is weird when juxtaposed with the little girl who wets her bed.
Hmm, well when she first shows up, as far as she knows she is the only one with powers to abuse (ala Luna P) and was probably much more confident until Koan's attack later where she realized there was powerful enemies after her?


What subs? Hulu?

And I mean, they call themselves the Black Moon Clan, in English lolz

Nah, I got me some fan subs, which would more than serve to explain the discrepancy. Do you mean the English version calls them Black Moon, or have they been saying Black Moon in English and I've just been too busy with the subs to notice?

Cuz if its the former I gotta say that my memories of watching Sailor Moon when I was like, 7, don't provide that much help, haha. If it's the latter I got no defense either, hahaha.


or have they been saying Black Moon in English and I've just been too busy with the subs to notice?
I think this one.

To be honest, I never even noticed the transformations and attacks were said in English until Hitokage pointed that out to me, so don't feel bad.


I think this one.

To be honest, I never even noticed the transformations and attacks were said in English until Hitokage pointed that out to me, so don't feel bad.

LOL. I watched two episodes today, but nobody brought up the Clan name at all, so I dunno. They might not, period, since I feel like I'm reaching the end of the arc. I kinda feel like these "Sisters become not evil anymore" episodes would matter more if the sisters had had more development, but I suppose that the sheer number of characters in the cast at this point makes that hard.

Like, I haven't seen Naru and Umino once this whole arc. I dunno that Naru has even met Chibiusa yet.


Well, now that they have the whole group together, the supporting characters like Naru were gonna get pushed aside.

Naru does appear towards the end of R though, and it's kinda implied
she realized Usagi was Sailor Moon
. So at least there's a good in-universe excuse for it.


I don't have the episode handy at the moment to listen, but if she says "ankoku" she's most likely referring to darkness/something gloomy (like evil people, "The people from that dark clan, Black Moon Clan"). Example in Sera Myu: Ankoku no Purinsesu ~Black Lady~ "Princess of Darkness, Black Lady".

The fansubs are wack. I can see why you are confused. But the original and official name is Black Moon Clan, even written in katakana.

If someone said ankoku no tsuki, he/she meant it as the dark/evil people from the black moon clan kind of thing. I know the English dub uses different names sometimes but this was probably just poorly translated.

Check out the SM wikis if you get lost/confused in the future, lots of helpful info there on the entire show and its adaptions if you wanna read about stuff.

I love reading wikis.. Could stay there for hours. :3


So I started reading short stories. The first story was that Chibiusa Vampire storyline that Toei adapted for the SuperS specials, so it wasn't anything new for me. Looking forward to the other stuff though.


I don't have the episode handy at the moment to listen, but if she says "ankoku" she's most likely referring to darkness/something gloomy (like evil people, "The people from that dark clan, Black Moon Clan"). Example in Sera Myu: Ankoku no Purinsesu ~Black Lady~ "Princess of Darkness, Black Lady".

The fansubs are wack. I can see why you are confused. But the original and official name is Black Moon Clan, even written in katakana.

Those look like either ADV or DiC's subs. Fan subs tend to be very... flashy.


I'm trying to remember if that was ever said in the manga. That might have been in there for the benefit of children who wouldn't know what "black moon" is.

Edit: I checked through the first half of the arc. "Ankoku" is used in other contexts (once as "Ankoku Wakusei" = Dark Planet), but never as Dark Moon.


If you wanna stick with what fansubs are saying then go ahead.... I can't believe you wanna keep talking about it. lol


I checked episode 76 on Hulu and there's no Dark Moon. She says "I'm one of the leaders of the Black Moon Clan and the one in charge of conquering the 20th century." So that's how Viz did it.


I'm trying to remember if that was ever said in the manga. That might have been in there for the benefit of children who wouldn't know what "black moon" is.

Edit: I checked through the first half of the arc. "Ankoku" is used in other contexts (once as "Ankoku Wakusei" = Dark Planet), but never as Dark Moon.

Could be, I guess. I mean, I honestly don't know. It makes more sense than assuming that the writer originally intended on both Black Moon and Dark Moon to be terms central to this storyline.

If you wanna stick with what fansubs are saying then go ahead.... I can't believe you wanna keep talking about it. lol

I'm sorry for talking about Sailor Moon related things in a Sailor Moon topic.

I checked episode 76 on Hulu and there's no Dark Moon. She says "I'm one of the leaders of the Black Moon Clan and the one in charge of conquering the 20th century." So that's how Viz did it.

Haha, I feel like she definitely did not say anything about conquering the 20th century there in my subs. Can't exactly go off to check other subs, either, cuz I'm stuck with what I brought with me to China. In the end I guess it's not important, but it's certainly amusing.
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