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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Goldfish Warning! 23

Minako tries to offer herself as an exchange student, and has to train Chibi-Chibi to be the new manger. Their personality clash leads to some hilarious antics in this episode. Imagine how easy a Chibi-Chibi run school would be.


Goldfish Warning! 24

The kids try to find a way to have fun in their strict class, and Chibi-Chibi suggests sneaking out in that brief period of time he's turned around. Pretty funny to see them race against the clock.


Viz's "season one part two" came out three months after "season one part one", so it's probably safe to guess that it'll take three months for each half-season, or six months for each season, or two and a half years for the entire series. Which would suggest that the next set will be coming out in May.

But there might be an actual HD release of Sailor Moon in Japan in April, and that might throw a BIG wrench into Viz's plans for the series.

This just in:

The 90s anime re-run in April will be a remastered version!

What: Sailor Moon (Original) HD Remaster Ver.
Start: April 6th 2015, 18:30
When: Every Monday from 18:30 (JST) (30 minutes broadcasts)
Where: NKH BS Premium

Source: http://sailormoon-official.com/information/hd.php

If the image on that page is a valid representation, it will look MUCH better than Viz's Blu-rays.




Goldfish Warning! 25

The Goldfish finds his first love, and later fireworks commence. This episode really uppped the whacky faces you later see in SM, the ones that Ayumi and Hattsu seem to like. :p


Viz's "season one part two" came out three months after "season one part one", so it's probably safe to guess that it'll take three months for each half-season, or six months for each season, or two and a half years for the entire series. Which would suggest that the next set will be coming out in May.

But there might be an actual HD release of Sailor Moon in Japan in April, and that might throw a BIG wrench into Viz's plans for the series.

Not sure why you're bringing up the 90s anime (by quoting me) when we're talking about Crystal?


Not sure why you're bringing up the 90s anime (by quoting me) when we're talking about Crystal?

I assumed that cmurph was talking about Viz's American release of the 90's anime.

- America is releasing the 90's anime on Blu-ray (Crystal most likely won't be released until Viz finishes dubbing the 90's anime).
- Japan is releasing Crystal on Blu-ray (and might soon release REAL Blu-rays of the 90's version, making the Viz release obsolete).

Viz's first season (part 2) just released a few days ago, so it seemed to me that he was asking when the next American set comes out.


Ahh, right! I don't keep up with Viz.

How likely would a Bluray of the 90s be after they decide to air a HD remaster? Why not just wait for a Bluray if they make one, since they did that with Crystal?


Yeah, I was talking about the Viz releases, sorry.

I guess the best guess would be May since it was three months between season 1 vol.1 and vol.2.


Ahh, right! I don't keep up with Viz.

How likely would a Bluray of the 90s be after they decide to air a HD remaster? Why not just wait for a Bluray if they make one, since they did that with Crystal?

I don't know enough about Japan to comment on the likelihood that they'll release Blu-rays of the 90's anime (assuming they really did find a source for that). Since it's 200 episodes, maybe they'll stick to HD streaming. I don't know. I've heard that the market for anime in Japan is difficult these days, so publishers like to abuse their fans (with high prices and low episode counts), and they try to abuse foreign markets so that Japanese fans can't easily escape the their bad treatment by importing.

Viz got the rights to the 90's anime and Crystal, and they decided to re-dub the 90's anime, and once they're finished that they intend to use the same voices to dub Crystal. That's why they're waiting to release Crystal.

Toei gave Viz DVD masters for the 90's anime, and Viz said that DVD doesn't sell anymore, so it must be Blu-ray. Then Viz said that true HD for 90's Sailor Moon doesn't exist anymore (apparently they asked, and Toei said so). So Viz is "upscaling" DVD to Blu-ray. Viz also did a bad job on their DVDs.

Madman Entertainment in Australia got the Australian rights from Viz, and they said that they want Blu-ray, but they're not going to touch Viz's upscale. If it's not real HD, then there's no point. And Madman is going to re-do Viz's work on the DVDs, because Viz did it wrong.

If it's true that Toei just "found" the HD source for 90's Sailor Moon, then Viz is going to be in trouble and I don't know what they're going to do. They should scrap the entire project, release Crystal on Blu-ray for now, and wait until they can do the 90's Blu-rays the right way. But Viz is not going to like changing their plans like that. It will cost them money, and they've already been trying to ignore mistakes and keep on pushing forward.

If this new HD source is real, Madman in Australia is going to wait for it. They're not going to follow Viz down a bad path.


Goldfish Warning! 26

Queen Beryl attempts merge her school with Minako, but perhaps an ulterior motive is present. Later, we got some whacky horror adventures, which is always fun.


Best part is I never got to see the end of R way back during the Dub Days, so most of the end is still relatively mysterious! :eek:
Sailor Moon R 37

How embarrassing...

Everything about Crystal Tokyo, Chibi-Usa and the Dark Moon Clan gets explained and Sailor Moon gets kidnapped by Demande. Everybody, even the enemies hates that this happens, but luckily Tuxedo Mask manages to find a hang glider and rescue her.


Goldfish Warning! 28

Minako and Beryl have a showdown to see who who can survive the heat longer. Meanwhile, it appears the shark is sticking around. Yay!


Goldfish Warning! 30

Watched 30 by mistake. Oh well, decent episode of the teacher trying to stop Wapiko running. Gotta wonder if she can outrun the Road Runner too.


Goldfish Warning! 32

Minako's mother arrives, and antics ensure!

Speaking of, do we ever see the real Minako's parents in Sailor V? I need to re-read that.


Is it a bad sign that Viz hasn't announce anything yet for the Series 2 Blurays?

Yes. Or a good sign, depending on your point of view (since the Blu-rays are pointless upscales, and the DVDs are broken/deserve to be recalled).

Set 1 (season 1 part 1) opened up for Rightstuf preorders four months before it was released. Set 2 (season 1 part 2) also opened up for preorders four months before it was released.

Set 2 came out three months after Set 1. It's preorders opened up a full month before Set 1 was released (and a full month before Viz was hit with a backlash over the quality).

If Set 3 (season 2 part 1) was going to have released in a similar timeframe to Set 2, we would have heard about it two months ago.

Viz's packaging idea wasn't complicated. They made an artbox for Set 1, with space for Set 2. That means five matching artboxes. Set 1 came with a Limited Edition trinket, a coin. Set 2 came with a Limited Edition trinket, some cards. There's literally nothing shocking in the packaging. The only delay could come from the episodes themselves, either some unknown issue with the new dub, or the known quality issues which they didn't realize until after they had already taken money for Set 2 (the obvious answer is the second one).


Did the test pass?

It sure did!

I wanted to see if Mike really is always the last person to post in this thread. lol

And I was correct! But I can suspect he won't post right after this, because of me writing this. wahaha

It sure did!

I wanted to see if Mike really is always the last person to post in this thread. lol

And I was correct! But I can suspect he won't post right after this, because of me writing this. wahaha


You'd be right with him not posting right after you, because that would be me!

Happy Birthday Mike!
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