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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


I'm not really sure what you are trying to say. Are you asking if the manga is worth buying? I think it is, but it is a lot different to the 90's anime, so don't go in expecting that.


One of my favorite things about Sailor Moon is Usagi's faces. It was the largest thing I noticed about the show that made me watch it.

Love this one, lol. So cute.



Goldfish Warning! 16

Minako enters a dream-state universe where Chibi-Chibi has a different personality. Not really a fan of these type of stories, since when you invert a character's personality, it personally feels like the original appeal of that character is gone.


I'm not really sure what you are trying to say. Are you asking if the manga is worth buying? I think it is, but it is a lot different to the 90's anime, so don't go in expecting that.
Yeah,I figured it would be different. Still, if it's worth the read I'll give it a shot. Maybe I'll even buy her more. I think she bought the first five volumes at once.
Goldfish Warning! 16

Minako enters a dream-state universe where Chibi-Chibi has a different personality. Not really a fan of these type of stories, since when you invert a character's personality, it personally feels like the original appeal of that character is gone.

Chitose's ideal world isn't something we all want. Losing happy go lucky Wapiko would be the worst!


Yeah, serious Wapiko is no fun!

NoRéN;151569509 said:
Yeah,I figured it would be different. Still, if it's worth the read I'll give it a shot. Maybe I'll even buy her more. I think she bought the first five volumes at once.

The manga is a lot different to the 90's anime. It moves a much faster pace, focusing more on the story & character development rather than character antics. Despite what I just said about character development in the manga, some of the famous henchmen from the 90's anime will come across as underdeveloped here due to the fast pacing, and some characters like Rei have entirely different personalities in the manga. Another thing to note is that the manga focuses more on Usagi's romance with Mamoru than her friendships with the Inner Senshi. Finally I'd also say the manga is a lot darker than the anime, with Usagi just brutally killing enemies as opposed to healing enemies. So it kind of depends if these changes appeal to a lot.

There's a prequel manga called Sailor V focusing on Sailor Venus, which I think was more in-tone to the 90's anime if you want to try that out.


NoRéN;151569509 said:
Yeah,I figured it would be different. Still, if it's worth the read I'll give it a shot. Maybe I'll even buy her more. I think she bought the first five volumes at once.

There are two six-volume box sets available. They're $45 each on Amazon.com. That makes it $7.50 per-volume instead of the usual $10.

You might also want to pick up two volumes of Sailor V (prequel) and another two volumes of "short stories" (basically sequels).
There are two six-volume box sets available. They're $45 each on Amazon.com. That makes it $7.50 per-volume instead of the usual $10.

You might also want to pick up two volumes of Sailor V (prequel) and another two volumes of "short stories" (basically sequels).

I wouldn't call the "short stories" sequels. With the exception of Parallel Sailor Moon they all take place during the normal series period and released during the original run. Additionally, people should be aware that out of all the "short stories" only Princess Kaguya's Lover (Which is the basis for the S movie) and Casablanca Memory are what I'd call serious stories whereas the rest are, effectively, gag stories.


Goldfish Warning! 17

Minako abuses her powers to become teacher but keeps messing up her puns (SEE IT IS THE SAME CHARACTER). Then later, Minako wants to build a swimming pool which distresses Aoi, since he doesn't know how to swim. A lot more enjoyable than yesterdays episode, since this was more character-antics based than the previous episode.

Oh, and I didn't know how to swim when I was in Lower School either. :(
Goldfish Warning! 17

Minako abuses her powers to become teacher but keeps messing up her puns (SEE IT IS THE SAME CHARACTER). Then later, Minako wants to build a swimming pool which distresses Aoi, since he doesn't know how to swim. A lot more enjoyable than yesterdays episode, since this was more character-antics based than the previous episode.

Oh, and I didn't know how to swim when I was in Lower School either. :(

Lol, wow, just wow. Although to be fair SM Minako is generally messing up sayings, not puns. Close enough, I suppose.


You know, it didn't even seem like the 90's anime had any idea of what to do with Minako's characterization until late R.

I think the main problem was that they set Rei as the main rival and Ami as the straight man, and probably had no idea on how to insert Makoto and Minako into the dynamic. Minako kind of recovers as the series goes on, but Makoto only gets shafted even more in later seasons.


God.. I'm so done with the OT section and all its ignorant people. GAF is such a shithole. lol
I'll hang out with you guys more. :3



Goldfish Warning! 18

We get a new character called Michael, who is the president of the Drama Club. I like this guy, and wouldn't mind if he sticks around.


Makoto is that you? o_O


Goldfish Warning! 19

Minako sends Chibi-Chibi and the others to suspect Queen Beryl's school, and later there is a dodgeball game. Really enjoyed this one. We hadn't got to see much of the rival school, so seeing them in a new place was quite refreshing.


I'm now starting the fourth volume of the manga (Kodansha) and I've got some mixed feelings. Spoilers below.

As long as the manga doesn't get serious I tend to really enjoy it. The trope-ridden dialogue only works for me when the story is being fun but as soon as it goes dark it becomes nearly unbearable. Not to mention that the climax of the first story arc is difficult to follow (perhaps due to the original writing, the translation, or a little of both) ending up with me losing any emotional attachment I had to what was happening.

Also, while I knew going into it that the first story arc is rushed, I was okay with it until they
go to the moon
. I would have really liked a little respite at some point between that moment and the end of the arc... it just felt too nonstop. I'm really curious to see how the original anime handles the latter part of the arc.

I think the lightheartedness of the manga really comes through well despite the unnatural dialogue, and I love the scrapbook feel of the art so I'm sticking with it till the end. I just hope that I enjoy it.


I had a similar reaction to Dark Kingdom when I read it. Some of it was a bit hard to follow due to how wonky the art was how times, like I mentioned, that infamous Minako scene could have been an entire page of content. The art gets better in the next arc, though.

The 90's anime version is different since it has Usagi and Rei as the leads, and the latter gets a major personality revamp in the anime. It's also a lot more focused on comedy and character antics than the story. Personally I thought Dark Kingdom in the anime started to really get good when Rei debuted and kept getting better until the end of the Zoisite arc, where it just started to drag until the excellent two-part finale.


Goldfish Warning! 20

Minako and Queen Beryl finally confront each other, in golf! Oh man, their interactions were gold this episode. I really enjoy their rivalry.


Goldfish Warning! 21

We get a Hansel & Gretal story---oh wait, that was just a tease. Instead we get Beryl trying to make Minako envious, and a food thief attacking the school. Good episode, but I would have liked to seen a genuine fairy tail episode, like that Snow White episode of R.


Woot, that would make a good purchase as long as it is at a reasonable price.

R has some of the best songs in the series: Ai no Senshi, Moon Revenge, and La Soldier. Classics.


Goldfish Warning! 22

Chibi-Chibi forms a band! Kinda made me wonder. Did the Starlights ever recapture their success after Sailor Stars, or were they just a one-hit wonder?


Woot, that would make a good purchase as long as it is at a reasonable price.

R has some of the best songs in the series: Ai no Senshi, Moon Revenge, and La Soldier. Classics.

Unfortunately, this particular R soundtrack has none of those songs (but it's got Otome no Policy...). It's not a complete "R soundtrack", it's one of (and these four CDs are some of) the dozens of CDs they released for Sailor Moon back in the 90's.

This release has two things going for it:

1: That it's being rereleased at all (the Japanese soundtracks went out of print many years ago).

2: It's 24-bit audio. CD audio is 16-bit. This is a high-quality remaster that went back to the original source. Unfortunately, if you can't tell the difference between MP3 and CD (like most people), you stand no chance of being able to tell the difference between 16 and 24 bit. Still, nice to see quality workmanship once in a while.
Sailor Moon R 35

Everybody starts hating ChibiUsa, and then Sailor Moon shows up and ruins everything ;P

Nah, but ChibiUsa shows off her power level and a familiar looking character lurks around in the future. Looks like there'll be time travel soon.
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