To be fair, I can see why she'd feel that way.
I've sort of come to expect it, but this one seemed like it came from a new direction, so it sort of surprised me.
Here's her posts, for the purposes of accuracy.
I tend to see MLP as an extension of what I started 20 years ago with Sailor Moon, an exploration of my feminine side.
Most of the bile thrown against bronies (that I've observed) tends to be hostility towards the breakdown of gender roles, and it manifests by people pointing out the porn and making claims of sexual deviancy, or pointing out fedoras and highlighting social ineptitude.
But Jet Wolf doesn't seem to have a problem with the porn, she's worried about grown men (who already have all of the shows) taking Sailor Moon away, like they took MLP away, and saying that bronies don't want to let little girls enjoy their shows.
The vast majority of bronies aren't like that, and I just finished watching season 4, and the show hasn't missed a beat. It's the same as it ever was. I guess I was a bit taken aback. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it and didn't mean to cause a thread derail. Jet Wolf's entitled to her own opinion, I just think she's been exposed to some pretty lousy bronies.
But then, another aspect of it is that grown men have always been a big part of Sailor Moon's demographic, and some would say that Sailor Moon is more shonen than shojo anyways. I should stop typing already.