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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!

Finally caught episode 1 of Crystal.

Really enjoyed the art style. A lot more than I thought I would. The opening and ending were both good, although can't touch the classics for me.

Usagi still sounds adorable. Love the colors, I'm excited. Gonna be painfully waiting the whole year for just season 1 to be over.

The older sequence is better. In the new one the tiara moves too slowly compared to the amount of effort she is putting into the throw.

It's amazing how her hair doesn't get damaged in either one.
Excel Saga was excellent, so out there. Then Puni Poemi came and....yeah. Excel referenced just about everything though, still a cool nod.


Setec Astronomer
I honestly can't tell if that's a joke or what passes for translation these days.

Ayumi: By the way, if you're jonesing for the old Sailor Moon's antics and facial expressions, I implore you to check out Ojamajo Doremi. It's by Junichi Satou and Takuya Igarashi, two of the three series directors featured in the old SM anime, and features a lead character that's a lot like Usagi with a younger sister that's a lot like Chibiusa. It's actually better than SM when it comes to character development and maintaining a large cast to develop with, but at the same time you do miss Ikuhara's influence and his particular brand of humor and style.


Agree that tumblr limiting gif sizes SUCKS.

Episode 17

I like how this swimsuit shows up in a later episode, and Usagi is all casual about it. Then again, it was less public of a place when it shown again later on, if I remember correctly.


Isn't that the teacher with Naru? I feel like that would be awkward.

Episode 18
This is one of the more grim episodes, and it helped show me how good the score was when I first watched it.


Loved both of this week's episodes. I actually had no memory of episode 17, and I loved how fierce Sailor Moon was, including needing to defeat the monster on her own even after Mercury and Mars had shown up.

Episode 18 was great because of the creepiness factor. Dolls are creepy.

That reminds me, the monster designs really peaked during Season 1. They just get progressively more cartoonish and silly, not to mention become less and less of a threat (although since it usually ends up being 1 monster vs 5 or more senshi, can't really fault the poor monsters).


I honestly can't tell if that's a joke or what passes for translation these days.

Ayumi: By the way, if you're jonesing for the old Sailor Moon's antics and facial expressions, I implore you to check out Ojamajo Doremi. It's by Junichi Satou and Takuya Igarashi, two of the three series directors featured in the old SM anime, and features a lead character that's a lot like Usagi with a younger sister that's a lot like Chibiusa. It's actually better than SM when it comes to character development and maintaining a large cast to develop with, but at the same time you do miss Ikuhara's influence and his particular brand of humor and style.

Thank you, I will give it a try once I have enough time on my hands. I decided to download a bunch of new anime episodes and find something I will enjoy.
I just finished reading the manga and I am speechless. I can't believe I waited this long to read it. I had a hard time putting it down. Definitely one of the best manga I've ever read.
I just finished reading the manga and I am speechless. I can't believe I waited this long to read it. I had a hard time putting it down. Definitely one of the best manga I've ever read.

I just finished it earlier this week too! It was so good! I wish there were more side stories, and romances for the other senshis, but aside from that I loved it


I need re-watch too. S is my favourite alongside R but I haven't re-watched the former in a while.

Did Naoko Takeuchi actually approve of the Viz Dub Casting? I've heard that quite a bit but haven't seen a source for it.


Oh, I was just curious to see if she approved the dub cast out of curiosity, not as some form of validation to Viz's Casting Decisions.

Will you even be checking out the dub?


Yeah I'm curious to check the dub out but I can't really imagine myself watching primarily the dub. Way too attached too the Japanese voices at this point.


Did Naoko Takeuchi actually approve of the Viz Dub Casting? I've heard that quite a bit but haven't seen a source for it.

Original manga creator Naoko Takeuchi will personally approve the new dub's cast.

#sailormoon deets: This Sailor Moon release will have a new English dub cast blessed by the creator herself.

John asks:

With both NISA re-releasing Card Captor Sakura, and Viz re-releasing Sailor Moon, we're getting a bunch of classic magical girl shows on Blu-ray! But neither company managed to get the old dubs that aired on American television, which a lot of people remember fondly. Will we ever see these old dubs again, or are they just lost forever?

I don't know that they're lost forever, but they're certainly not going to resurface anytime soon.

A little background... It's hard to imagine today, but back in the 90s communication with Japan was anything but easy or cheap. Email wasn't common until the VERY late 90s (especially in Japanese companies), and forget about sending audio and video online. The only way to communicate was to call, send faxes (at very high international phone rates) or send something by international post. So, in the anime business, once a show got licensed to an American company, the Japanese licensor really couldn't do much to supervise the adaptation process.

Today, of course, is a much different story. Producers expect (and receive) a huge amount of control over the US packaging, dub scripts, casting, and everything else. But back in the 90s, the companies got away with just about anything. Usually things went fine, and sometimes permission was asked before anything too crazy was attempted. But quite often, the American company just went ahead and did things, and the producers of the show wouldn't find out about it until it was too late. A lot of shows were altered quite a bit during this period -- Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura among them -- but we can only guess as to what was authorized and what wasn't.

Another problem is that while Japanese copyright law and the entertainment system over there is supposed to let the original creators of a show sign off on creative decisions and otherwise maintain control over their creations, that often didn't happen back in the 90s. The publisher of the original work, acting as their agent, would just take care of things, and the creator wouldn't even be consulted. This was especially an issue with shoujo manga and female manga artists. Flash forward to today, and if those artists are now powerful and successful, then you can bet they're going to be a lot more controlling of their work... and probably are not willing to keep approving the existence of versions they never liked.

When a show gets licensed rescued, the licensor often doesn't even have the rights to the adapted version (especially if the company doing the adaptation before was a big company like DIC or Nelvana). A new company rescuing a show like that would have to track down the rights to the adapted show separately. But even if they did, the licensor would have to OK its use. If the licensor is embarrassed over what happened before, or the creator was frustrated that their show got heavily adapted, there is no way they'd OK a re-release of it.

Frankly, the only reason we're getting so many re-releases of 90s dubs is because a show is so old that often nobody in Japan cares anymore.


Having lost some Greek dubs for various Disney movies I can only feel sorry for the people who have grown up with the old English sub. Nostalgia is a bitch. :(


I can guarantee that Viz is pulling to put out an "Fighting Evil By Moonlight" Set of Season 1 and R (The dubs for S and SS are basically a down mix of the original so there's not much to do there) but I can imagine Naoko going Nuclear the moment anyone suggests it.

That said, my opinion of Carl Macek kinda went up a few notches (It's a bit low given his role in Robotech still being a thing all these years, accidental or not), he was apparently on call to do the Dic dub but left with Tracey Hawks (The first english Usagi VA) after being told that he couldn't keep it to being set in Japan.


I can guarantee that Viz is pulling to put out an "Fighting Evil By Moonlight" Set of Season 1 and R (The dubs for S and SS are basically a down mix of the original so there's not much to do there) but I can imagine Naoko going Nuclear the moment anyone suggests it.


"Viz Media announces 'Fighting Evil By Moonlight' Set"

Next Day: Viz Media loses the rights to Sailor Moon.

I was gonna post that, since I follow that Ayaka Komatsu page on Facebook.

I think it is funny that Minako's actress would be the underwear model of the group.



Just finished the Dark Mercury storyline in PGSM. I always wish they did more with this dynamic, as it felt like they went for the climax per-maturely. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Does a Sailor Senshi turn evil in every version of this franchise?


Yeah, its a shame the old dub won't ever be re-released probably. The series would not of become so popular without it. Sure, its inaccurate, but for a show airing on TV in kids blocks, I guess it makes sense to a degree.

Using english names and music made it more relatable for kids at the time I think. I dunno, it might of taken off with it mostly the same as Japan, but those english songs are still catchy and are still embedded in many peoples heads.

How much was actually cut from the initial series? Im unsure of most of the details in how much they differ.


Yeah, its a shame the old dub won't ever be re-released probably. The series would not of become so popular without it. Sure, its inaccurate, but for a show airing on TV in kids blocks, I guess it makes sense to a degree.

Using english names and music made it more relatable for kids at the time I think. I dunno, it might of taken off with it mostly the same as Japan, but those english songs are still catchy and are still embedded in many peoples heads.

How much was actually cut from the initial series? Im unsure of most of the details in how much they differ.

I think the show would have done just fine with an accurate dub. The show got huge ratings in Canada because YTV gave it a good timeslot. It got lousy ratings in America because they couldn't get a good timeslot, until the Cartoon Network gave it one, and the ratings jumped.

YTV would have been happy to air the show unaltered. YTV was willing to air kids shows that had swear words in them, because if a show went too far, well... that's what the [bleep] button was for. They picked up Gundam Wing, and the opening song was still in Japanese, so they said "nice" and put it on the air. And Canadian audiences loved it.

Cartoon Network put the show on next to characters with names like "Tenchi". Their audience was willing to handle Japanese names.

One of the bigger censorships of the original dub was that they changed Zoicite's gender to female, to avoid having gay men in their show. It's been argued that they had to censor the gays, because America wasn't ready to see gay people existing, but I don't believe that. DiC and Optimum simply didn't have the courage to be a leader (in a market that had a reputation for being edgy, and already had gay people on display, albeit with a smaller spotlight). By the time they censored Haruka and Michiru, DiC and Optimum were widely considered to be a bunch of backwards-thinking dinosaurs and a pathetic joke for doing so.

I consider myself to be a fan of the dub, and I've got the entire dub on DVD, and I've got Terri Hawkes' autograph, but she could have toned it down a notch or three, and it really wouldn't have hurt the show.

Also, DiC killed the series after 65 episodes, because they had already sold off the lucrative merchandising rights. Most other owners would have pushed the series though (Pioneer and ADV and YTV and Irwin and so many others tried to push DiC), so without DiC, we probably would have had all five seasons, including SailorStars, in a short timeframe.

And regarding the 65 episodes, DiC/Optimum cut/merged episodes and tied three different storylines together under the "Negaverse" banner, in order to make an ideal 65-episode syndication package. And then the show bombed in syndication. YTV pushed for 17 new episodes, which is not a syndication package. 13 episodes is a syndication package. Did YTV ask DiC/Optimum to cut four more episodes? Hell no, they asked DiC/Optimum to stop cutting episodes. And then when Cartoon Network saw 85 episodes were available (not a syndication package), they said "Oooh nice, can we have that?" DiC/Optimum literally chopped up the show for people who didn't want it, and the people who wanted it would have preferred to have the whole thing.

One more! DiC/Optimum tried to censor death.
Queen Beryl
was "blasted back to the Negaverse". But kids cried when Maxfield Stanton died. That's proof that kids could see right through the censorship, and DiC/Optimum were wrong to even attempt it.


So.. I never watched this show dubbed, and I'm wondering now, will the new dubs be as bad as the Sailor Moon Crystal subtitles?

The SMC subtitles are a huge joke, in several of the languages.. I know that the dub cast doesn't really have anything to do with the Japanese staff, I'm just really hoping they will interpret/translate the Japanese audio themselves and not go by those awful new subtitles.


Yeah, what's with the subtitles? Possibly the worst I've seen on CR.

I know, right? (The new subtitles are the same everywhere, btw, at least from what I've seen.) It's like they hired someone to Google Translate a text file with the audio script. You'd think they'd get at least English done better, but no. My friend showed me a screenshot with Malaysian subtitles, where they turned "大丈夫じゃない” (I'm not okay) into "I'm okay". This error is not fatal and the story doesn't twist from the mistake, but the subs in general from what I've seen are just plain awful.

Saw screenshots of it with English subtitles and they seem to use Japanese honorific in it, which I think is extremely silly and out of place. No need to preserve such thing if the international crowd is used to the old subtitles, even with English names.


Saw screenshots of it with English subtitles and they seem to use Japanese honorific in it, which I think is extremely silly and out of place. No need to preserve such thing if the international crowd is used to the old subtitles, even with English names.

What do you want them to do with Mamo-chan then?


What do you want them to do with Mamo-chan then?

I think you misunderstood my post, or I wasn't clear enough. Sorry about that.

Usagi already called him Mamo-chan in the original anime's English subs..

The point of my post was to point out that it's out of place to make this a new thing. If they already didn't do it in the old English subs, I don't think they should add it in the new.

I was referring to Usagi's teacher, by the way. I don't recall the old English subs ever saying "Sensei".
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