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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I gotta warn you guys that a lot of hardcore fans don't like the dub. As someone said, it was a product of a time when anime localizations were heavily altered.

I've been checking out a few clips of the Viz Redub out of curiosity, but I really doubt I'll commit to that. I guess at the end of the day, English Sailor Moon just isn't something I'm really interested outside of songs like "My Only Love" which I really like. I won't begrudge others if they prefer it, though.

Anyway, I did watch an episode of PGSM today:


Motoki asks Makoto on a date but she feels uncomfortable as she prefers being alone. Later on, Makoto defeats a youma and begins to realize that being a Senshi is part of her destiny, as Minako always harps on about. Nice to see some Makoto focused episode; I always felt like her character doesn't get enough love. As for that picture I added above, it is because my favourite part of this episode was when Makoto was choking on something and Usagi asks Ami to turn into Sailor Mercury so they can get some water.
While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I gotta warn you guys that a lot of hardcore fans don't like the dub. As someone said, it was a product of a time when anime localizations were heavily altered.

Hardcore fans of anything don't like any type of changes at all and are supremely supercritical. I remember that era very well and being a dub fan was difficult in a sea of 'all dubs suck' mentality on the internet.


Happy Birthday!



Come back to us! Can't you play Endymion in Crystal?

Hardcore fans of anything don't like any type of changes at all and are supremely supercritical. I remember that era very well and being a dub fan was difficult in a sea of 'all dubs suck' mentality on the internet.

I'm aware (I'm a film major and trust me that watching a dub of anything is one of the biggest crimes you can commit). That being said, let's never forget that while people dislike the dub for its changes, they also hate it because they think it for other aspects. There are people who dislike the dub's voice acting, dialogue, and music. As I said though, even though I'm not a fan of the dub, I wouldn't begrudge anyone for having a different opinion and liking the dub.
I watched the English dubbed version after watching the original Japanese version. I had some fun watching it. I don't think that I'd ever rewatch it, though, at least not on my own. I personally liked S and SuperS a lot more than DiC's dubs of the first two seasons, though, despite people here saying that I'd hate it.

DiC's editing in a lot of parts was...awkward. I don't mean editing like censoring, but as in the way that one scene transitioned to another. You'd get that loud tiara transition shot in the middle of someone finishing a sentence way too many times.

If people like the dub, though, then good for them. No one should tell you what to like or dislike. It's all up to you. People keep telling me that some stuff I like is crap (Post-Genesis Sonic games, Resident Evil 5 and 6), but I still love them, and nothing will change that.

Oh, and I actually tend to prefer watching anime dubbed most of the time, as long as it's decent. I don't like reading while I'm watching something very much. Haha.

Anyway, the Moon Pride EP is available on iTunes now, for those interested:


Sailor Stars 186

Best running gag.

I was tentative about this one as well given the preview's heavy focus on Chibi Chibi. Thankfully she was more hilarious plot device this ep than anything else, the show delivering on yet another solid humrous ep that's mostly Usagi being an idiot. If anything, it helped make her a little more endearing rather than the "just there" she's been so far.



The Four Devas finally all cross paths with Mamoru, which awakens his memories. Learning that Mamoru has gone missing in London, Usagi wants to travel to find him and Mio uses this to her advantage to set up Usagi with a youma. However, Mamoru returns as Endymion to help Usagi fight off the youma.

Overall I enjoyed this episode a lot mainly because I liked seeing the Mamoru/Shitennou interactions that we didn't see much of in the anime. I also wish we got to see Chibiusa team up with the Amazon Quartet in the anime, but I guess it is pretty overwhelming having a lot of characters.


Sailor Stars 187

Igarashi basebell ep that delivered and then some. Not entirely involved in the main plot thread at the moment so when it took a more serious turn, interest diminished.


Sailor Stars 187

Igarashi basebell ep that delivered and then some. Not entirely involved in the main plot thread at the moment so when it took a more serious turn, interest diminished.

There's an amazing baseball episode much later on in Doremi from where you are. Seasons away. But it's the greatest fucking thing.
Every one of at leastvtje first 5 scouts have their own "i will punish you" stance. Mars for example has points forward walk-like-an-egyptian style. Is there a pic where i can see all of those stances?


Could try youtubing their transformations and go by that.


While obscure James Bond/Pink Panther-type music plays, Ami and Rei are fighting off a youma at night and hilariously get caught by their police, who contacts their parents. Ami's mother wants her to transfer schools, while Rei gets into a fight with her father, causing a breakdown. We get some nice character growth for Rei here as we see her stoic personality breakdown. There was also really funny bits, such as Mio (Usagi's classmate who is actually an avatar for Queen Beryl) lurking in on Usagi's text messages with Mamoru.


so I watched a few episodes of the dub today...ok I'll admit that dialog is so cringe worthy! But damn, Sailor Moon's voice is SPOT ON - the music too is vastly superior to the Japanese. I suppose I would prefer a more accurate translation of the dialog though.


Sailor Moon 25

Makoto, an aggressive romantic, debuts as Sailor Jupiter. Meanwhile Zoisite, the best Shitennou member, takes over as the villain. I fucking love Zoisite; so cold, cunning, and frighteningly competent.


During this arc we learn of Seven Great Youma who are now humans, and Zoisite works to bring them back.


Target #1: Joe Crane the Troll...according to these Viz Subtitles.


Makoto fights with electricity, but....


...Usagi thinks she fights with Ice Cream. Usagi got a nifty upgrade with the Moon Stick that can heal the youma-humans.

Also watche Utena Episode 3. I was thinking we could do a write-up on shows that are connected to SM in some ways and add it to the OP. For example, for Utena, we could mention that Ikuhara worked on both and watching Utena is a good way to see what of the SM anime was influenced by Ikuhara. Thoughts?


The youma in Mako's debut was called Gamecen, but I think his name is actually Geisen. Meanwhile, Supreme Sundae's subtitle was Cream Puff Sundae. Weird.

Either way, I'm super happy we finally got to my favorite senshi. Not long before my second favorite shows up and the Inner Senshi are complete.
Sailor Moon 25

And here's Makoto.

Lots of new stuff. New sailor guardian, new enemies to fight and new evil plans. Usagi is the same as always though :p


Sailor Moon 26

Poor Luna, having to convince everybody that Usagi should be the team leader.

New friends in the previous episode and then helping out old friends in this one. A bit of a strange monster too. That final shot with the rainbow bridge was neat.

The sound quality on Hulu hit a new low though, now it's not only sounding like it's playing in a tin can at times, but there's also audio popping all the time.


Good News Everyone!
I watched Episode 26 on Hulu and the subtitle said I'll Punish You, thank Princess Serenity that Viz finally got the subtitle right.

Sailor Moon 26

Naru is depressed from Nephrite's death, so Usagi and Umino try to cheer her up, but they bump into a priest who is turned into a youma by Zoisite. Meanwhile, Luna tries to convince the other Senshi that Usagi is their leader. Funny episode that has a hilarious Boxing Youma who speaks in Engrish as if he was Mike Tyson. This episode also develops between Naru and Umino's relationship, and finally setting up the feud between Zoisite and Tuxedo Mask.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 34






Ami and Rei bond over their mutual bad relationships with their parents, showing that they ain't too different after all! Nice to see the two of them develop, with Rei becoming more forgiving to her father and Ami developing a voice to stand up for herself. As the episode ends, Mamoru bumps into Mio, which can't be good news.

Utena 4

Animal gags, animal gags everywhere.


I've never played that RPG, should look into it one day.

Also my friends took me to that DBZ theater screening and there was a dude who legally changed his name to Mamoru because of this series.
Oh, yeah, I forgot that she voiced Mai in the animes...then again, I've only ever watched them dubbed.

I know that she also voiced Excel in Excel Saga, which is a great show.

Anyway, Bandai's releasing a Tamashii Buddies series, and Sailor Moon is one of them:

There are also a whole bunch of Dragon Ball Z characters in the line.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about the re-releases. I love the Neo Geo style boxes. So awesome. Haha. I should buy them.

Anyway, I hope those Tamashii Buddies aren't expensive, and that they make more Sailor Moon characters.


Huh, apparently she is the dub voice actress for Sarah Michelle Geller in Japan?

I'd pick them up too, but the price seems a bit out of my range.


Guys, it occurred to me that this thread has been inactive recently, and I noticed Hitokage wasn't around despite a new episode of Crystal being released. Well it turns out he has passed away. The thread for it is here.

He was a better Sailor Moon fan than all of us. RIP.
Guys, it occurred to me that this thread has been inactive recently, and I noticed Hitokage wasn't around despite a new episode of Crystal being released. Well it turns out he has passed away. The thread for it is here.

He was a better Sailor Moon fan than all of us. RIP.
Yeah, it's horribly tragic news. :(


His first post in this thread:

Hi, everyone.

While it is true I have my differences with a couple of presumed regulars in this thread, it actually has nothing to do with why I never got around to posting in here. It really a combination of me always thinking about my promise to come up with a proper OP for this thread whenever I thought about it and me never actually subscribing to the thread so getting here meant going out of way as far as my normal forum browsing habits were concerned, because who ever clicks on the community tab? It's not just the unfulfilled promise that bugs me, but it's that I have it laid out in my mind and I never got the chance to really sit down and make it happen when it was of mind to do so.

Anyway, I started watching the Sailor Moon anime as the dub originally aired in 1995. I have since seen, watched, read, or listened to...

All of the original DiC dub.
All of the 90's anime series, in Japanese. Several times at different points over many years, and I'm fairly familiar with the staff involved in different episodes.
All anime movies.
All anime specials.
All CD albums not related to the upcoming anime. (I owned the Memorial Music Box and Memorial Song Box at one point, too.)
All Cassette Collection albums. (Audio-only dramas by the anime crew)
Played and beaten the Another Story RPG, and dabbled in all the games I'm aware of on Super Famicom, PS1/Saturn, and arcade. There was even that old PC fangame ages ago.
All of the live action series.
All live action specials.
All of the manga, in English.
All of the manga, in Japanese.

Pretty much my main oversight is the musicals and various merchandising. Also, "Ai no Senshi" was the very first MP3 I had listened to, back before Winamp was a thing. I endured the limbo between 1996 and 1998 where the fate of the show as entirely up in the air and the modern day level of access was only a dream to me, even going through Hitoshi Doi's old website to read episode synopsis. Yes, there was also that horribly misguided and desperate site, SOS. My overall thoughts on the treatment of the show in the west by companies and especially fans can be summed up similarly to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGIY5Vyj4YM

Sorry I'm late.



Oh my god... RIP Hitokage. :(

Gosh.. This is so weird. I didn't know him long but he was so nice.

He suggested me to watch Ojamajo Doremi and then proceeded to instantly PM me all the links.
I'm gonna start watching it now.

One of my favorite screenshots of the beautiful Ami - for HItokage.


Sad to hear about Hitokage.

It appears they are re-releasing the Fatal Fury films this month!

Actually, I only saw the Motion Picture in Japanese. The two OVAs I saw dubbed.

That's cool but the lack of Blu-ray release is disappointing.

I've only seen the Fatal Fury movie dubbed, never the OVAs. The dub was marred by heavy Canadian accents, as I recall. The main bad guy was doing this surfer voice for some reason, too. Always loved Masami Obari's character designs.


That's cool but the lack of Blu-ray release is disappointing.

I've only seen the Fatal Fury movie dubbed, never the OVAs. The dub was marred by heavy Canadian accents, as I recall. The main bad guy was doing this surfer voice for some reason, too. Always loved Masami Obari's character designs.

Yeah, I was hoping for a Blu-Ray release too.

Also, the cast is definitely Canadian, I recognize most of them from the InuYasha dub.

He suggested me to watch Ojamajo Doremi and then proceeded to instantly PM me all the links.

I had a similar experience, only with Utena, hence why I was posting reactions here.
Hello. I did not know this thread existed. I would just like to say hello. Might not post much here.

Anyways, I shall introduce myself with a story.

PGSM Finale (No real spoilers, but I'll tag it just in case)
I lived in military dorms, I payed for internet. A friend would visit to mooch free internet off me on my laptop, while I did stuff on my PC. I'm watching the last episode on my desktop, tears in my eyes, and my friend looks over and sees the show and starts cracking up laughing (because of how silly PGSM looks). I walk over and slam the laptop down on his fingers and tell him to GTFO. Really, though, I just kinda closed the laptop lightly over his hands. And he apologized and I continued watching and sniffling through the finale while he politely tried very hard not to laugh at how silly it looked to him and failing.
though I can't recall interacting with Hito, I met him when I joined up with this thread and was made aware of his knowledge of not only SM but of the Magical Girl genre. As with the other thread, I'd like to pay my respect to Hito. Rest in Peace.


Hi guys.

Let's keep this thread alive!
It is a lovely community and I refuse to let it go inactive.

Let's all stick together and love Sailor Moon like never before!



Yeah, this thread is just not going to be the same now that Hitokage is gone. RIP. Sigh, but I do hope we can keep this thread from coming completely inactive. That being said...


Zoisite and Minako team-up in an attempt to break-up Usagi and Mamoru, while Mio tries to kidnap Mamoru, and Kunzite is just being Kunzite. Overall I liked this episode for Minako's development in starting to become emotionally attached to her comrades. PGSM seems to pair Zoisite with Minako and Nephrite with Ami. So I guess either Makoto or Rei gets Jadeite while the other gets Kunzite?
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