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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Just got done re-reading Volume 3. The Dark Kingdom storyline had a bit too much exposition in the latter parts but I liked Usagi's character arc in it. She really came into her own taking on evil Endymion, similar to Buffy taking out Angelus in BtVS Season 2. Onto the Black Moon storyline and enjoying it a lot so far. I've always liked how the sisters in this arc were evil counterparts to the Inner Senshi.


Sailor Moon 29

Makoto develops a crush on Motoki, and when she and Usagi discover Motoki's girlfriend Reika maybe moving to Africa, both girls use this as their opportunity to strike. Meanwhile, Zoisite and Kunzite discover that Reika is one of the Seven Great Monsters.

Overall I really enjoyed this episode. Not only was the visual charisma really exceptional here, but the chemistry between Usagi and Makoto really shined here. This episode does a great job showing their romantic sides with them competing for Motoki. We also some interaction between Mamoru and Motoki (OTP). It's quirky side characters like Motoki that disappear as the series goes on that makes me like the latter seasons less. Heck, you could count Makoto in that too, given that she gets the least amount of focus in every season but this one (which is only because Minako shows up late anyway).





And another!


Mamo-chan in a nutshell.


Mamoru and Makoto's first reaction.


Sailor Moon passes the reverse-Bachdel test...




This picture doesn't seem to sad given what you just read earlier, right?


Sorry Annie, I guess you can't be a Sailor Senshi.

Edit: Completely forgot to mention the scene where Usagi cuts her finger while cooking, which is funny considering what happens to Minako in R. Also, I like how Zoisite was jealous that Kunzite thought Reika was pretty, since we haven't seen that side of Zoisite before.


That's what I hate about Sailor Moon

Makoto getting the shaft time and again. Minako kind of does too. Meanwhile mega bitch Rei kept getting focused on.


That's what I hate about Sailor Moon

Makoto getting the shaft time and again. Minako kind of does too. Meanwhile mega bitch Rei kept getting focused on.

Funnily enough, (spoiler for NSFW text)
she's usually the main star in most doujinshi I've come across. She's always the super dominant one, and appear more than the other Senshi


Weird, I always thought Ami was the one who appeared in those the most.

And yeah, Makoto gets shafted. She gets a lot of screentime in PGSM. The Toku seems to have her closest Usagi, where as the anime seems to have Rei as the one closest to Usagi.



It is Ami who appears most but Rei always felt like the most focused on since (I feel like) she always used her attacks more than others, and she was also made the de facto leader and whatnot.

But i have never watched PGSM. Need to do it. Especially if Mako-chan gets more screen time.


Sailor Moon 30

Incoming Yuchiro, another Yamcha-type character whose afraid of girls and is the apprentice to Rei's grandad.


Rei is mad at Grandpas treatment of Yuchiro, while Usagi finds it funny, leading to conflict.


A fed up Ami and Makoto leave due to the feuding of Usagi and Rei.


Usagi wants to reconcile with Rei, and think she can do it by pairing her with Yuchiro.


She's probably imaging fan-fic level of scenarios in her head.


However, Rei easily catches on.




New Drinking Game: Take a shot every time Usagi cries.


Usagi is still trying to reconcile with Rei, through other routes!


Zoisite appears to do his usual "turn character [Grandpa] into youma" routine.


While Mamoru appears to his usual "play Tom and Jerry with Zoisite" routine.


Wait a minute, no nosebleed? Yuchiro is a pure-hearted man.


And to show his love for Rei, he jobs so hard even pictures with him are smaller than usual.


As usual, Usagi saves the day.


Rei gives Yuchrio a kiss on the cheek, leading Usagi to tease her. FIN.

Over a pretty funny episode, but there isn't much to say about it. Yuchiro's a funny guy, and his underdogness is endearing. I will say that Rei does make for a good rival for Usagi, especially here since Usagi doesn't have Chibiusa to playfully argue with yet. Also, I totally forgot these guys in the anime!

It is Ami who appears most but Rei always felt like the most focused on since (I feel like) she always used her attacks more than others, and she was also made the de facto leader and whatnot.

But i have never watched PGSM. Need to do it. Especially if Mako-chan gets more screen time.

Setsuna tells Minako that she it the leader in Stars, but yeah, Rei felt more like the De Facto Leader there.

PGSM is awesome and Makoto definitely seems the closest to Usagi there, while Rei is in the anime. Not sure about manga, maybe Minako?


You've seen it right? I guess we can just discuss it here.

Utena is really a show one should probably watch at least twice. It's fairly dense in terms of its themes and symbolism. There are quite a few things which take on a whole new meaning after certain plot revelations.

With that, despite liking the show and its characters, I've only seen it once so far. It was also a little while ago as well. I was suggesting talking about it in the main anime thread as there are a few there who have seen it multiple times and have discussed its plot points much much more than I have. They could thus probably remember certain plot points or character motivations more clearly than I can recall at the moment is all.


I just finished reading Kodansha's Short Stories 2, and I actually enjoyed Takeuchi's journal of her "data collection trip" to the Kennedy Space Center.


Going to Europe tomorrow for 10 days so I'll probably be offline from GAF during that time. Take care, everyone! See you soon. :3


Meet the voices of Mamoru and Hotaru at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2014


In order to save Mamoru's life, Zoisite makes an agreement with Queen Beryl to kill Usagi. Zoisite conjures up a youma to kill Usagi, but after realizing that what he was doing was a betrayal to his Master, Zoisite saves Usagi from the youma and dies in the process.

Really emotional episode! It didn't occur to me today, that both in PGSM and the 1992 anime Zoisite creators a youma that kills a Shitennou member. In the anime it was Nephrite, but here it was Zoisite himself. I do like how in this version, Zoisite had a somewhat understandable motivation as opposed to being just evil. RIP Buddy. Best Shitennou always.

Your reviews are always amusing to read, especially with cute and funny screenshots. :3
Aww thanks, glad you enjoy them.

Utena is really a show one should probably watch at least twice. It's fairly dense in terms of its themes and symbolism. There are quite a few things which take on a whole new meaning after certain plot revelations.

With that, despite liking the show and its characters, I've only seen it once so far. It was also a little while ago as well. I was suggesting talking about it in the main anime thread as there are a few there who have seen it multiple times and have discussed its plot points much much more than I have. They could thus probably remember certain plot points or character motivations more clearly than I can recall at the moment is all.
Yeah, I can understand having only seen it once. There is a lot to watch, so it doesn't always seem ideal to rewatch something in its place.

So should we make an "essential roles" for the VA like we talked earlier?

I just finished reading Kodansha's Short Stories 2, and I actually enjoyed Takeuchi's journal of her "data collection trip" to the Kennedy Space Center.
I actually haven't read that yet. I plan on reading it after I finish re-reading the the regular manga.

Sailor Mars Figuarts ZERO:
Very cool!

Going to Europe tomorrow for 10 days so I'll probably be offline from GAF during that time. Take care, everyone! See you soon. :3
Have fun in Europe!

Have fun!

Back from my trip to Europe myself. Hopefully get some time to watch Sailor Moon this weekend ;)
Yeah, been wondering where you have been!


Actually, the DVDs I have are just subtitled in English, but I went to screencap from some random youtube video and that one had the best quality.
Sailor Moon 27

The fun of knowing the future.

That's some picture Usagi got of Ami. Also funny how Sailor Moon does her speech and then Sailor Mercury is... also there. Tuxedo Mask shows up too and does nothing at all. First episode with the changed OP and new ED.
Sailor Moon 30

Lots of comedy hijinks. Usagi and Rei have an argument, but good thing they have tasty daifuku and monsters to fight. That fixes everything. And even Rei's grandpa
was a monster with a Rainbow Crystal, eh?


Sorry about the inactivity, a few things have come up in my personal life. I'll leave this here though:


Now if we can just get a translation from the other VA's dialogue in that interview.


Unconfirmed Member
I had no idea this thread existed. Just wanted to drop by to say that Moonlight Densetsu is my favorite anime OP of all time. I really liked the Spanish lyrics when I watched it when I was little. Also, lots of SM cosplayers in Vancouver this past Animerevo. It's the main reason why I decided to check out Crystal.
Sailor Moon 31

The Sailor Guardians gets stuck.

And it's a pretty funny episode. Luna gets her own Tuxedo er... cat, Zoisite got rat problems, Tuxedo Mask just runs off with the
last Rainbow Crystal
and Usagi plays video games.


Sailor Moon 31

The Sailor Guardians gets stuck.

And it's a pretty funny episode. Luna gets her own Tuxedo er... cat, Zoisite got rat problems, Tuxedo Mask just runs off with the
last Rainbow Crystal
and Usagi plays video games.

Love this episode!

And lmao at Jupiter taking a nice long stare at Ami's goodies.


You asking me? Yeah. Like 7 weeks till that though. Watching on Hulu :p

Well, I'm watching a different kind of Episode 45 now.

PGSM Episode 45

"Chaozu Power!!!"

Minako has lost her power to transform, while Rei crosses paths with Mio. As Jupiter and Mercury fail to defeat the youma, Makoto resorts to self-destruction. I'll write more tomorrow when 'I'm not extremely tired and watched the following episode.


Alright senpais, be gentle with me. I'm extremely new to this whole Sailor Moon thing. As in, I believe I watched the American version when I was in Kindergarten or First Grade, and that was about 20 years ago now. So yeah. Anyway, a little while back, Hito asked me to watch the show, and I kinda had a heavy load but promised him I'd get to it. Things went down and now I'm fulfilling my promise to him. I'm four episodes into the show, watching the JP version this go around since I guess the American version was horrifically butchered.

As a side note, I have no background with this genre of anime. About 90-95% of the anime I watch is mecha, so that's sort of the context I frame everything in while watching this. Well, that and just trying to kinda think about the things I can learn from the culture/era of the show.

So some quick observations four episodes in:

1. The set up of the villains is extremely reminiscent to the one you find in old Super Robot shows like Getter Robo and Mazinger Z. Queen Beryl is the main villain, but she mostly sits on her throne, musing about evil and watching the good guys kick her minions' asses on TV. She works for a higher power, much like Emperor Gore of the Dinosaur Empire worked for the Grand Demon Yura, or Great Mazinger's Great General of Darkness worked for the Great Emperor of Darkness. Like these villains, she has her own sort of generals, in this case Jadeite. Jadeite himself doesn't always get his hands dirty, though, instead working via his own minions (the monsters of the week, if you will). Note that I'm not here to say that any of this is bad, just that it catches my eye. The goal, human energy, also reminds me a fair amount of Getter Robo G's Hundred Demon Empire's goal of stealing Getter Rays from mankind.

2. The way things work for Sailor Moon (what's the appropriate name to use here, anyway? Serena? Usagi? Bunny?) is also pretty similar to how they work for your average robot pilot. A fateful encounter, in the middle of enemy threat, sees her acquire her powers, with a sort of brief message that this is her destiny or what have you. This is a more standard set up that can probably be found throughout a lot of fiction, but I dunno, it just kinda reminded me of it.

Anyway, I assume the entire show runs off of Clark Kent logic, since Sailor Moon doesn't recognize Jadeite in episode 4 despite having met him in episode 3, and Naru doesn't realize that Sailor Moon is the same as her best buddy, even though it's not like Sailor Moon wears a mask.

She's also somewhat different from the average shonen protagonists in that she's not gungho about running out and beating the stuffing out of villains, but at the same time she's a lot less reluctant than say, many a Gundam protagonist. It'd be best to say that, if anything, she's rather turbulent about it. Which makes sense, since one's moods are fairly subject to change.

I can't decide yet if Luna is a bitchy demon who is using Sailor Moon and pressuring her to become a soldier without bothering to really explain the severity of the situation, or if she's a well-meaning servant of good who is more than just a little tired of dealing with a teenaged girl. Especially one as spacey as Sailor Moon.

And Sailor Moon is spacey. Like, she'll tell you she's a crybaby, but girl has her head in the clouds even more than that. All her friends are giggling teenage girls, too, but she's just, way, way spaced out compared even to that.

Anyway, that about wraps up my impressions of the first four episodes or so.


Welcome, I hope you have fun with Sailor Moon, it's a great series, although it can be quite formulaic at times, its strength are definitely the character interactions and the great villains imo, they're so much fun (Jadeite not so much).

The first season will always have a special place in my heart, it was the first anime I watched knowing it was anime and from japan and it made me a fan. But my favorite season is the third.

The best version of Sailor Moon is still the live action series, cheap looking costumes and ballet-fu battles aside, the writing and character development was really good.


Welcome, I hope you have fun with Sailor Moon, it's a great series, although it can be quite formulaic at times, its strength are definitely the character interactions and the great villains imo, they're so much fun (Jadeite not so much).

The first season will always have a special place in my heart, it was the first anime I watched knowing it was anime and from japan and it made me a fan. But my favorite season is the third.

The best version of Sailor Moon is still the live action series, cheap looking costumes and ballet-fu battles aside, the writing and character development was really good.

I think it's possible Sailor Moon is the first anime I saw. It's hard to say, because that time of my life is fairly shrouded in the fogs of memory, but I think it might've been. As to formula, I think after seasons of Getter Robo and GaoGaiGar, I'll survive that.
As a side note, I have no background with this genre of anime. About 90-95% of the anime I watch is mecha, so that's sort of the context I frame everything in while watching this. Well, that and just trying to kinda think about the things I can learn from the culture/era of the show.

If you've watched Macross 7 you should have a decent idea of how this series goes.



Welcome, and to address some of your questions/statements.

1.) Since you are new to the series, I'm gonna say straight-up that the anime is a lot different than the manga. The manga mainly focuses on the story, while the anime is more about having fun with the characters.
2.) Continuing from the last point, since the anime mainly focuses on the character, it doesn't really pick-up until Sailor Mercury & Sailor Mars debut (Episode 8/10). Not saying that the early episodes are bad, but that it just gets better.
3.) You can use any name for Sailor Moon's civilian form, but most common is Usagi since that is her name in original versions.

The anime is very good in my humble opinion. It's very heavy on character interaction, romance and visual humor. I do suggest that afterwards you watch live-action, for reason Pluto said, and read the manga too if you have time.

I'll give you a warning that some fans hate characters that debut in later season, like Chibiusa, and that may hurt the shows appeal since it relies on character interaction. Personally, I don't mind her, but there are some characters in later seasons I could have done without. That said you should still give every season a chance, they all have their merits.


Sailor Moon 31

A special cat comes to save Luna from being ambushed while Tuxedo Mask's theme plays. Later, he has a 6th sense to save Luna when she is in danger, similar to Tuxedo Mask. Mamo-cat?


Apparently, the name of the cat is Rhett Butler. This cat is mighty indeed.


Also, Mamo-Cat (secretly voiced by the ghost of Clark Gable) is Zoisite next target, but he is too busy jobbing to rats.


Actually, it kind of bothers me that this cat wont get to be with Luna. Damn you Artemis!


Overall I liked this episode for the gags of Zoisite getting trolled. Not only is he afraid of rats, but Tuxedo Mask randomly shows up to take his jewel. This is probably my favorite Luna-focused episode in the series.

Minako accepts to live in the present, and the Senshi finally defeat that Crystal Youma. More importantly, this episode turned 10 years old today. I kind of want to watch the rest of the episodes on their anniversaries, but I am prolonging watching this too much.


Oh man Chibiusa. Yeah I remember hating her, which is weird, because that was 20 years ago. It'll be interesting to see how I react now.



PGSM DVDs! I wonder if Viz can/will bring those overs? I mean, Zyuranger is getting a DVD release here...

Oh man Chibiusa. Yeah I remember hating her, which is weird, because that was 20 years ago. It'll be interesting to see how I react now.
I really hated her when I first saw Season 2, didn't mind her role in Season 3, and got tired of her being so overdulged in Season 4. That said, on rewatches I didn't find her nearly as annoying.

I just made some new avatars for whoever wants them: http://imgur.com/a/VZQEL

Very cool!
Sailor Moon 31

A special cat comes to save Luna from being ambushed while Tuxedo Mask's theme plays. Later, he has a 6th sense to save Luna when she is in danger, similar to Tuxedo Mask. Mamo-cat?
Mamoru WISHES he could be even a tenth as cool and heroic as Rhett Butler.



Minako dies, and Mamoru tries to take Materia on himself. I noticed that Minako is smiling throughout this entire episode. You don't see much of that in this series. Sad episode ;_;

Poor Usagi. :<

I could use this instead of a crying emoticons sometimes when something makes me sad.
But I'm not sure if I want to be posting a picture of poor Usagi crying...
Heh, there are a lot of pictures of Usagi crying to choose from.

Mamoru WISHES he could be even a tenth as cool and heroic as Rhett Butler.
So Mamoru is the human-wannabe of Rhett Butler instead then?
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