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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!

Yeah, it is a bit weird...

Anyway, Sailor Moon party is go!

Oh, goody! The rest of the episodes are finally showing up for me! Gonna start episode 2 in a moment.

So far, I'm fine with the voices, though it's weird hearing different voices coming out of them than I'm used to. Hah.

Edit: All I hear when Luna speaks now is Crimson Viper from Street Fighter...hah.


Watched the first two episodes and enjoyed them. I'm probably going to wait until we get to Ami and Rei's debuts to watch the dub again. So overall I think Viz has made a well-produced dub so far. While I’ll still always prefer the Japanese voices I don’t really have any aversion to watching this version, either.
The only weird voice so far is Shingo, who sounds older than everyone else. Hah.

Anyway, it looks like people on Tumblr like it...which reminds me, I made a post on my Tumblr about the dub being on Hulu, if anyone wants to reblog it or whatnot: http://sailordash.tumblr.com/post/96759355642/the-new-uncut-english-dubbed-episodes-of-sailor-moon

Anyway, I plan to rewatch the whole series with this new dub...though I don't know if I should save some of it for the Blu-ray/DVD release, or just keep watching all of it on Hulu since I'm kinda cheap. Hah. I'd been waiting for a years for an official release of the anime, since it's all on Hulu...I'm not sure if I want to buy the Blu-rays/DVDs until they get a lot cheaper.
Saw this on Tumblr:

I liked Jupiter's old English voice (even if I did always just hear Mega Man's voice in Legends 2). I'm curious to hear the new one...and I hope Senpai notices it!

...anywaayyy, watching episode 3 now.

Edit: Done watching all four episodes. I'm satisfied with this dub. Will definitely keep watching more.

Also, Blu-ray menus:



Hulu now has the new English Dub up to #23 and I checked out a bit more of it (Kate Higgins as Ami is the highlight so far). I probably wont check out another episode until they put Makoto's debut on there.

Speaking of debuts, still haven't watched Minako's debut on Hulu yet! Been so occupied with Crystal and the dub that I haven't gone back to the original.
Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me about that! I got so distracted by video games that I forgot all about the rest of those episodes being released today. Heh.

I might watch a few later on today.


Sailor Moon 33

Usagi's 2P Fighting Game Palette Revealed

Frustrating that Tuxedo Mask keeps getting in the way, Zoisite decides to target him directly. I like how, Zoisite is so frighteningly competent that he
even makes for a more successful Sailor Moon than Usagi does
. Oh, and Minako shows up in this episode way earlier than I remembered.

Gif of the episode:
Sailor Moon 35

Well... Tudedo Mask gets kidnapped, more information about the Moon Kingdom is revealed and Zoisite
, so there's a lot happening. Sailor Moon almost gives up as well, but Sailor Mars slaps some sense into her.

There's out of sync subtitles and the awful sound quality is back again. Hopefully they fix it later on :p
Sailor Moon 36

Usagi is still worried about Tuxedo Mask getting kidnapped so Minako takes her to a hair salon to cheer her up. Of course, the hair salon happens to be evil, and then somebody else turns out to be evil now as well.

The subtitles are fine in this episode, but there's still some bad audio. Audio pops in this one.


Anyone have a gif of Usagi getting hit in the head with a volleyball and barely flinching? Love it.

Episode 36 was weird cuz we finally see Venus transform but she doesn't even do a single thing against the enemy. Poor girl.


Do you mean this one?

Sailor Moon 34

In order to gain the rest of the Rainbow Crystal, Zoisite decides to have a final confrontation with Tuxedo Mask. This results in
Zoisite "killing" Tuxedo Mask and causing Usagi to awaken as the Princess
. I've always loved this episode for its iconic moments, and the insert song. I heard episode 35 subtitles are hard to follow. I admit that I've actually had to rewind a few times on this Hulu watch just to read a subtitle properly. This is odd since I never have a problem with subtitles. In fact, I even watched English-Audio TV/Films with subtitles, too.


Oh right. Haven't gotten around to re-watching 36 yet.

Also, going through some stuff on tumblr and I'd just like to note that I really enjoy the fashion style in that arc. Apparently, Takeuchi based a lot of her manga clothing designs on actual clothes. No idea if that holds true for the anime, though.


No one gave a shit about Ami's birthday, I guess.

Sailor Moon 35
Exposition time! We learn a lot about the girls past. While not a bad episode per se, this is a pretty serious episode (by this series standards) so there isn't much to post images or talk about. Oh wait, one big complaint, the audio felt really out of sync to me. Fix that, Viz!


Sailor Moon 8


/crying in a corner.

So I know we're only 8 episodes in, but holy cow I wouldn't count on these three to save the Earth. Usagi doesn't know what gravity is. I mean the last cartoon I watched where someone didn't know what gravity was was The Sword in the Stone, and King Arthur was excused because gravity hadn't been discovered yet. Meanwhile, Ami is like "I don't have any talents beyond studying!" And her special move is a bubble spray that creates a mist that slightly obscures enemies. Sailor Moon's Moon Tiara is an OHKO, sure, but it's also a one-time move, and she's proven to basically be incapable of handling crowds of enemies every single time.

And then there's Luna.

Luna doesn't know who they're even fighting. Doesn't know who the Moon Princess is. Mistakes Ami for a monster (fair enough, since every famous woman so far has been one!) and doesn't really seem to know how to handle working with a teenaged soldier. She has a contact she apparently communicates with frequently, but the fact is, it seems to me that Luna wasn't briefed for this mission at all, so I get the feeling the Lunar Government either set her up to fail intentionally or all of this mission was put together under the greatest of haste.

Cuz seriously, if it was just these three they'd be in some dire straits if Queen Beryl decided to bring out the big guns rather than let Jadeite's putty-tier Monsters handle it.

Also, and I realize that since we're using the same logic that Super Robot anime used I shouldn't be asking this, but, if Sailor Moon is such a big issue, why doesn't Queen Beryl try gathering this energy from anywhere else on the planet?

Still having fun, but I gotta get the stupid, petty complaints and questions out of the way so I don't have to worry about them when I'm enjoying the show.


I guess it is just MMPR logic; like how Rita only attacks Angel Grove. The series really doesn't really have a complex plot, even with all the symbolism in later seasons. The characters and their interactions are the real stand-out of the first anime. You'll see this when Rei debuts (#10) and the dynamic between her, Usagi, and Ami is formed.

Like hell! Still the bestest.
But no one posted on her birthday!
No one gave a shit about Ami's birthday, I guess.

Sailor Moon 35
Exposition time! We learn a lot about the girls past. While not a bad episode per se, this is a pretty serious episode (by this series standards) so there isn't much to post images or talk about. Oh wait, one big complaint, the audio felt really out of sync to me. Fix that, Viz!

No I gave a shit, I just haven't been posting in here.


Hmm. I think tomorrow I might start re-watching S. It has been so long, I miss it. :(

Anyone have a gif of Usagi getting hit in the head with a volleyball and barely flinching? Love it.

Episode 36 was weird cuz we finally see Venus transform but she doesn't even do a single thing against the enemy. Poor girl.

I think it's about the volleyball insert in episode 36.

And the subtitles in 35 are mistimed so they appear 1 second after characters speak.



A lot of people complain the first anime shafts Minako by
making Rei more of the leader than Minako
, but I think in Episode 36, Minako serves that role well.
Petite Etrangere is out from Miss Dream, though I guess there's not really much in the way of Myu interest amongst MoonieGAF. Unfortunately work and stuff means I won't get to check it out until Wednesday or Thursday :/

You ought to check this and the previous production, La Reconquista, out MikeMyers. The lady that plays Mamoru is reallllly good in the role.


Ooh, I'm jelly.

They just don't seem to come up much compared to people rewatching the anime or checking out the toku show.

The musical has a different presentation perspective than the anime. The anime can be seen by everyone at the same time, whilst the musical is airing in Japan, THEN gets sent as a stream or whatever later on. It isn't a first hand experience like the anime (for most of the international fans, at least) which is why it doesn't appear to be as "popular" as the anime. It is harder to share the same kind of experience with each other since not everyone have been able to go to Japan to view the musical. Surely you can enjoy and also form an experience watching it on the web, but it definitely isn't the same as viewing it Live. Sorry if my text makes little sense, I hope you understand what I mean.
Sorry if my text makes little sense, I hope you understand what I mean.

Nah, I understand what you mean :)

I just, as someone who lives in the middle of nowhere in a nothing country, have gotten used to watching that kind of live show (be it a concert, musical, or play) through the kind of delayed media that makes it available to everyone so I basically just look at them the same as having to wait for a show or film or whatever to come out and be subtitled even though I know it's different from the communal experience of seeing it as it was performed

Like, to relate it to something else: Kamen Rider airs Sunday morning, people in Japan or tuning in through something like Keyhole can see it then, but the rest of us wait until the fansub comes out Monday or Tuesday. Seeing a musical live or watching the stream of the final performance is like watching Kamen Rider on Sunday, seeing the fansub is like waiting the couple of days to see subbed Rider (or, in the case of older Myus, is like waiting for a group to sub a 90s Sentai series)


Speaking of Sailor Moon..

Went to Kiddyland today, and while I was browsing the Sailor Moon merchandise, a friend of mine suddenly spots me. The chance of running into anyone you know in Tokyo is REALLY small. And the fact that I was crawling inside the Sailor Moon shelves like a kid on Christmas was just super hilarious and perfect timing.
Sailor Moon 37

Luna discovers the shocking truth.

And Usagi goes to princess school which is another Dark Kingdom setup to get Sailor Moon. And as dumb a plan as it is, they almost succeed this time, only to fail because of themselves.
Sailor Moon 38

Nothing suspicious about a Moon Princess contest, nope.

And the reasons they have for figuring out who Sailor Moon is in this episode makes the plan from the previous episode seem genius. Luckily Yuichiro and Tuxedo Mask saves the day this time.


I like Sera Myu! I've been meaning to watch more of that myself actually. The anime is the most famous version, so of course a lot of talk is on that. Toku talk is really just me, honestly.

Sailor Moon 37

Usagi enrolls in a special seminar to become more like a princess, but that doesn't go so well! Meanwhile Kunzite has taken over the role of Queen Beryl's lead henchman, but his interests conflict with Endymions.

If you like Usagi then you'll love this episode, but there are also some other hilarious interactions such the GIF I posted and the
reveal that Artemis is the one behind the box
. The spoiler tag wasn't really an important plot point, but I tagged it since it is a hilarious scene and it is easy to forget that it happens in this episode. Overall, a funny episode like this was refreshing since the previous ones were a lot more serious. Not that I dislike those episodes, though.

(I kind of cut down on the GIF/Images when I post episodes review in-case it was making it hard for people to load this page when they visited).
I haven't checked out any of the musicals, unless you want to count that one they did with the PGSM cast... :/

I've thought about watching them, but I never got around to it. Maybe one day...maybe...


Sailor Moon is such a dangerous money sucking machine.. Especially when you live in Japan and can walk into a random store and see a lot of new merchandise lying around. Thank god I never felt the need to buy those expensive awful looking Pullip dolls.

There are a looot of things I want but haven't bought yet (they're not going anywhere - like the Figuarts (I only have 3 so far and really want Hotaru)). I mostly buy stuff I really want that will disappear soon/discontinue, such as fashion collaborations and ufo catcher prizes. RIP wallet.


Yeah, the new DVD release is going to burn a hole in my wallet.

Also I'm re-reading the manga. Just finished Vol. 3 not too long ago myself.
As much as I love the series, I don't know if I ever want to spend more than a few bucks on any merchandise related to it again. I kinda regret getting the Figuarts...as nice as it is, it's just...there. And cost me like $50 (in Amazon credit, but whatever)...I could have used that for video games!

I don't regret getting the Genesis game and the first SNES game, though.
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