The manga and anime are 20 years old, the live action series a decade, there comes a point where spoiler tags aren't necessary anymore.
I don't agree with that, this is the Sailor Moon Community thread, I think fans should be allowed to talk openly about the franchise. Of course we shouldn't directly address someone new and spoil him or her by quoting or by PMs but in regular conversation or in reviews no spoiler tags should be used at all, it is the new fan's responsibility to try to avoid spoilers, don't read the thread or skim it. You don't want to be spoiled? Skip the post that's clearly marked as being about PGSM 47.
I understand that being spoiled can be annoying (and I have been annoyed by it myself) but a community of long time fans cannot and should not be expected to censor itself constantly because someone new might wander into this thread. Not being able to openly talk about Sailor Moon in this thread of all places is borderline ridiculous.
is a pretty big plot point which was added to PGSM, and has no roots in the manga or anime.
At a time when the manga has just been re-released and the anime is just starting it's re-release, and the fandom has been re-energized and new people are coming into it... you're basically asking anyone with any intention of watching PGSM to GTFO. If this was exclusively a community of longtime fans, this thread would have been created in the 90's, not 2013.
I've seen a lot of talk recently about how spoilerphobia limits discussion, and how it's immature because "true" artistic discussion cares not for minor details like "plot", but can't people see how badly it limits discussion or how immature it is to talk down to people and kick them out of threads?
I don't think Mike was right when he said he was going to "spoiler tag everything", although I think part of what he meant was that he was going to increase his use of spoiler tags in his impressions of the anime, in addition to his impressions of PGSM.
I don't think that people should limit what they say. I think that, as a matter of courtesy, before you hit "post" you should take a moment to read what you just wrote (that's always a good idea), and if you see that you're spoiling something, it's a simple matter to swipe-and-click and make it disappear.
One click to reveal a hidden detail is not the end of intelligent discussion on the internet. When spoiler tags are properly used, people who know what you're talking about should have a pretty good idea what words have been hidden before they even click (which is more true than the nonsense I've seen from the anti-spoilerphobes, saying that anyone who knows anything about movies should pretty much be able to predict the entire plot of a movie before watching it). If spoilers aren't easy to manage because of cell phones, then it's cell phones that are killing intelligent discussion on the internet, not spoilerphobes.
People need to use common sense to determine what is a spoiler and what isn't, as well as "read the room" to determine what level of courtesy is appropriate. I know I'm sensitive to spoilers (ever since some asshole dropped massive spoiler bombs on something I really wanted to watch, which almost-completely ruined my enjoyment of it, and that was before the time-shifted issue of internet-TV became a big thing), but I know I've also spoiled things for other people (by accident). It's okay to make mistakes, but it just seems like a dick move to give up on the entire concept.
To Mike, I would say that you probably didn't need to spoiler tag
, but I could be wrong.
My common sense says that's not a spoiler, but feedback is required to properly feel out the boundaries.