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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!

I kinda regret getting the Figuarts...as nice as it is, it's just...there.

That's kinda why I stopped buying Super Sentai/Kamen Rider Figuarts. They're really nice, but then I pose them a couple of times when I first get them and then they just sit there. Not really a figure type of person in the end, could put the money to better use.

Though I'dve gotten Makoto and Haruka (and Mamoru if he ever gets one) if Bandai hadn't blocked them being bought through AmiAmi's English site.


As much as I love the series, I don't know if I ever want to spend more than a few bucks on any merchandise related to it again. I kinda regret getting the Figuarts...as nice as it is, it's just...there. And cost me like $50 (in Amazon credit, but whatever)...I could have used that for video games!

I don't regret getting the Genesis game and the first SNES game, though.

The way I see it, I'm just super happy most of the merchandise is based off of the old anime design. I don't really enjoy the new anime. but I certainly enjoy the merchandise. At least most of it.

Edit: I get what you mean with the Figuarts though, they're kinda expensive. Everyone I know know that I love Sailor Moon, and I was actually gifted 3 of them. lol
I try to only buy stuff I will "use". Like t-shirts and other fashion items. :3 Bought my first stationary yesterday, because it was so pretty.


Yeah, not really into figurearts. My main priority is buying the DVDs.

You know I realized that when I watched PGSM, I forgot to watch Act 0. I should change that soon!
You know I realized that when I watched PGSM, I forgot to watch Act 0.



Maybe I should save that one for the holidays?

Sailor Moon 38

The girls, along with Yuchiro, go on a Ski Resort. During this episode Usagi and Rei get paired-up, which combined with the antics of Yuchiro, always makes for a funny episode. Usagi and Rei really had good chemistry in the anime, in my opinion. It is funny to see how Minako is still viewed as serious at this point in the series, and she seems sidelined rather fast in this season. I guess her debut was mostly overshadowed by the Usagi and Mamoru reveals. Oh well...


Sailor Moon 9

Basically Queen Beryl is an idiot and if I was Glorious Demon King Ruler Who Lacketh a Name, I would be pretty disappoint in this woman. I mean Jadeite comes up to her and is like "Hey Majesty, I have a -GREAT- idea!" And Queen Beryl, instead of rolling her eyes and being like "Oh come on, Jadeite, you've fucked up eight times this week." She's like "ORLY?" and he's like "WHAT IF WE STEAL TIME!" and she goes for it.

I mean, Emperors Gore and Burai were dumb, too, trusting the likes of Demon Adolf Hitler, but come on, lady! Dude looks like Glemy Toto and he's failed every plan he's had. Maybe get a new minion? Maybe at least express displeasure? Which is another thing. Burai made fun of Hitler CONSTANTLY, but so far Beryl's been pretty darn chill about this.

Also, I'm fairly unclear on this point: When Sailor Moon beats her enemies, does the energy flow back to people? Because I could see Beryl being much less angry if not. If they're actually successfully harvesting energy things make more sense to me.


Hmm, don't we usually the victims get right back up once the youma is defeated? That would kind of imply that they get the energy back.


Hmm, don't we usually the victims get right back up once the youma is defeated? That would kind of imply that they get the energy back.

Right, which is what I'd assumed, but if Jadeite actually was successful in harvesting energy to some extent, it'd explain why Queen Beryl wasn't pissed as hell at the guy. I guess maybe she's just really chill.


I should have asked this earlier, but are the Burai mentions a reference to Zyuranger? Bandora is Hitler?

Also, I decided to watch ahead of you Hulu guys, sorry!

Sailor Moon 39

In this Ranma 1/2-esque plot, the girls all go to an Ice Skating ring, and Makoto really shines there. This is probably the first time in the series we see Minako blend in with the others, which is another plus for this episode. I really enjoyed this episodes over the topness, but at the same time I was kind of bothered that
for a Makoto-centered episode, a lot of the focus went onto Usagi/Mamoru. Then again I can't really complain because I loved Usagi and Mamoru in this episode.
Oh, and the youmas of this episode do awesome spinning kicks, right out of Street Fighter.

Sailor Moon 40

The Tsukino family go on a hot springs vacation, while Queen Beryl sends King Endymion there to investigate an urban legend. Wait a minute, were they really okay with just leaving a pet behind like that? Sure, Luna can look after herself, but I'm pretty sure no one in Usagi's family besides Usagi herself knows that. Anyway, I liked this episode for Usagi's interactions with her family, with the highlight being
Usagi's dad happily asking Usagi about boys, and quickly goes into road rage at the instant of Usagi hinting at Mamoru
One day, I'll finally do a Tuxedo Mask cosplay like I've been meaning to do for the last four years.

...but I'll be wearing a shirt, of course. :p


I've done Tuxedo Mask cosplay before.

I heard a rumor that Naoko Takeuchi described Mamoru as her ideal of the perfect man, I wonder if that is true?


I've done Tuxedo Mask cosplay before.

I heard a rumor that Naoko Takeuchi described Mamoru as her ideal of the perfect man, I wonder if that is true?

We all know that Naoko is the actual Moon Princess, so that makes a lot of sense! God, I don't know if I'm in love with 90s Mamoru or Furuya.. maybe both. But that shirtless scene is my favorite scene in Crystal so far because I'm an idiot.

Jouji Shibue is my favorite Mamoru, but Toru Furuya can SING!.

They sure know how to present him properly for the female fanbase.

A-At least he has a great taste in video games..! (RIP HxH)
Sailor Moon 39

Worse than Bambi.

The plan this time is at least slightly better than in the last episode, Makoto lifts a man and falls in love with anybody who even slightly reminds her of her senpai and Tuxedo Mask uh... saves the day again.
Sailor Moon 40

Dad to the rescue!

Usagi and family goes to a hot spring for vacation, but even there enemies shows up. Feel a bit sorry for Usagi in this episode. And they didn't translate the word yokai in the subtitles for some reason.


Just putzing with the dub, it's mildly hilarious that it baicaly turns the first 13 or so episodes into the "Tod Haberkon acts like an asshole" show.


Funny you watched 39 and 40 Mike, I just got done watching 41. Oh, and dub Jadeite sounds cool.

Sailor Moon 41

Endymion targets the Rainbow Crystal holders, but Ami tries to put a stop to that. I've always enjoyed this episode, but only recently did I realize that
Usagi almost-healing-Black-Lady-but-fails
was a complete rehash of this. Although I guess that is more of a criticism against the latter, and not this episode.


Yeah, I get that vibe too. I know you can't exactly get a word for word translation when you dub an anime, but sometimes the dialogue feels like fan-fiction.

Also is anyone going to that AWA convention this weekend that has Toru Furuya and Yuko Minaguchi among guest stars? I wish I could have gone and met them. :/


Geez, it really is as if they took the dialog off Tumblr.
Really? It's incidental dialouge at worst, her mumbling stuff about Mamrou's crapass fashion sense isn't that big a deal, surely?

I mean Umino's want to spout nerd nonsense ([Ami's] IQ is said to be over 9000!) and to talk like Molly out of the DiC dub during that bit where he was crossdressing is much more of a pressing thing, imho.

A thing that slays me every time but a thing nontheless.


Really? It's incidental dialouge at worst, her mumbling stuff about Mamrou's crapass fashion sense isn't that big a deal, surely?

I mean Umino's want to spout nerd nonsense ([Ami's] IQ is said to be over 9000!) and to talk like Molly out of the DiC dub during that bit where he was crossdressing is much more of a pressing thing, imho.

A thing that slays me every time but a thing nontheless.

It's something that fandom harps on incessantly. It's cliche.

And let's be honest, it's not like any of the other fashion is anything to write home about either.


The fashion sense for the girls got better later on, especially in SuperS. However, there were still some questionable outfits though.

By the way, Conan-san, do you have a bigger version of your avatar? I'veve been wondering that for a while. And I'm curious to know the story behind your tag Zoe, if you don't mind me asking.


Sailor Moon 42

The Dark Kingdom uses one of Minako's friends from her Sailor V days to manipulate Minako. It is kind of funny that a Minako-centered episode is one of the more serious episodes of this season. Also, Usagi's behavior is
completely out-of-character for her not to be compassionate and willing to kill the British Policewomen who stole Minako's boyfriend
. Overall a decent episode, and I love how athletic Minako is, even in human form!


Honestly by that point It's sort of clear that Usagi's in a nose dive into a complete Nervous Breakdown fueled by the whole todo with Mamoru and the Moon Princess thing that only gets better (Sorta, she's not very happy being
dragged back into the Super Hero Biz by the lengths of her hair
in R 1 and she only starts to completely get over it after the whole
Protective Breakup
storyline) such that she's deliberately using her fatal attack (when she's had access to and has been using her purification attack for a while before hand) on a Turned Human and using the excuse Minako gives her to do so.

It's about that time when she stops (deliberately at any rate, she might defend herself causing a bullet to bounce off her and hit the person firing but that's on the attacker, not her) using deadly force on anything that could even be remotely redeemed, Which causes the scizim of S and the best part of SS's finalé (Besides the fact that it ended, of course, I hope crystal gets a season 2 to explore the Infinty/Dream arcs cause SS could do with a rewrite)


Seriously though, give me five minutes and I could probably fanwank an excuse into why Sora X Tai was never a thing .... (Or I would if the post wouldn't be just "FUCK ZERO TWO" over and over)


Season 2 is actually my favorite Digimon season.

I definitely would like to see SuperS and especially Stars get another adaptation, since I liked them much better in the comic. Although, I'd rather see the people behind PGSM redo those arcs as opposed to the Crystal folks.


Season 2 is actually my favorite Digimon season.

I definitely would like to see SuperS and especially Stars get another adaptation, since I liked them much better in the comic. Although, I'd rather see the people behind PGSM redo those arcs as opposed to the Crystal folks.

Eh, I just want a good SS and a Stars get good adaptions which means doing the manga version for SS and not going back to the MOTW stuff for the middle of Stars.


In my opinion, SuperS is all over the place in terms of quality. Some episodes I consider the best in the franchise, while others are just zzzz....

Yeah not really a fan of the MOTW stuff in Stars either, but I love the early stuff with Nehelenia and the end. The one with Rei's cousin and the one with everyone at Usagi's house are favorites of mine too.


In my opinion, SuperS is all over the place in terms of quality. Some episodes I consider the best in the franchise, while others are just zzzz....

Yeah not really a fan of the MOTW stuff in Stars either, but I love the early stuff with Nehelenia and the end. The one with Rei's cousin and the one with everyone at Usagi's house are favorites of mine too.

Again, Last Episode of SS? Brillant stuff, but the rest (Besides the Age Switcharoo episode because both Usa's are hilarious dorks in that) (and a fair chunk of Stars) come off as ether lazy or using a series they know won't get canceled short of pulling a Kenshin to practice other visual styles (Honestly, you'd think Stars was a prototype for DoReiMi at the best of times)


The switch bodies episode I wasn't a fan of either to be honest. Mainly because the
Pegasus romance
got really awkward there.

My favorite's are the ones where Rei has a sidekick, Minako has two dates, and the Fisheye fashion episode.


The switch bodies episode I wasn't a fan of either to be honest. Mainly because the
Pegasus romance
got really awkward there.

My favorite's are the ones where Rei has a sidekick, Minako has two dates, and the Fisheye fashion episode.

To be frank, I just hope the Kai list that I'm using doesn't have the ep where 'Usa think's it's a bright idea to change in front of Pegasus.


Seriously though, what happened at Toei to think that was a good way to take the series? It's about as big a blunder as going from DP to BW for the pokemon anime (It went from "Ok show that I wouldn't mind as background nose" to "I want to suplex the writers" in about the span of three episodes)


Anime politics isn't my kind of thing, but I'm curious to know, who other than TOEI would you wish upon Sailor Moon Crystal?
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