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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Anime politics isn't my kind of thing, but I'm curious to know, who other than TOEI would you wish upon Sailor Moon Crystal?

Obligationary Trigger for the fun of it answer.

Alterntively. David Production know how to work around a tight budget so they'd be pretty good to do it.


Seriously though, what happened at Toei to think that was a good way to take the series? It's about as big a blunder as going from DP to BW for the pokemon anime (It went from "Ok show that I wouldn't mind as background nose" to "I want to suplex the writers" in about the span of three episodes)
I kind of figured Toei was trying to rebrand the franchise and target a newer audience with SuperS, hence why they had Chibiusa as the lead. Then that probably failed and then they tried to go the S route when they made Stars. At least, that is my theory.


I kind of figured Toei was trying to rebrand the franchise and target a newer audience with SuperS, hence why they had Chibiusa as the lead. Then that probably failed and then they tried to go the S route when they made Stars. At least, that is my theory.

The thing is (R Dub aside, no one likes Tracey Hoyt's performance. Stephanie Beard's the MPV of the Cloverway dub, though, go figgure) ChibiUsa's had a pretty good character arc all said and it lead up for her taking a more Main Character role.
She basically had Tommy's role from Power Rangers; Supporting Character, Evil Antithesis of the Heroes, Supporting Hero (Green ranger), Leader (White Ranger) but Toei utterly bungled it from just about every angle when they decided to go for the last part of the Character Arc with 'Usa.

Instead of ageing the maturity of ChibiUsa's story (following S, a story which basically boiled down to "We need to put down Hotaru least she goes Third Impact on everyone") up to the level needed, they aged down the story for everyone else to put it to what Toei thought should be the level of the audience at the time and it just didn't work.

Frankly, Sailor Moon as a cartoon was really only saved by an amazing Epilouge Arc for SS and a fairly good retread of S's story for the story's Ultimate Arc.

Looking at the times the manga volumes were being released and when the show was being aired, I wonder if doing another Ali/Ann like arc wouldn't have helped affairs.


Mike what are your thoughts of the DiC dub?
I've barely ever watched the DiC dub, but from what I remember:
1.) I wasn't too fond of the dialogue
2.) The acting was hit and miss, I liked Lita's voice
3.) I actually did like the music, including the songs they used.

Instead of ageing the maturity of ChibiUsa's story (following S, a story which basically boiled down to "We need to put down Hotaru least she goes Third Impact on everyone") up to the level needed, they aged down the story for everyone else to put it to what Toei thought should be the level of the audience at the time and it just didn't work.
Yeah, I could have accepted Chibiusa as the main character if Toei opted for progression rather than regression. Oh well, it is what it is.


Maybe it's just a Japan thing. Pokemon sort of fell down that wookie hole between DP and BW In that they dumbed Ash to the point of making him a complete tit who, amongst a lot of things, went into a Gym Battle half cocked and refusing to use his trump card the whole way and only got better in XY (Episode N was pretty good though, which is amazing given how much I really dislike Team Plasma) though to be fair, the show goes up from a 3 to a 7 instantly by not having Iris around.


I agree with you on Pokemon, that being said:

Sailor Moon 43

Usagi seems to have fallen out with the other Sailor Senshi, but Kunzite ponders wherever they have truly fallen out or if it is a facade. This episode features some funny interactions, including Rei's obsession with detail accuracy (keep this in mind for a certain SM-R reveal, and you will know what that is when you get there), and Ami punishing Usagi.

I know I said I wont post multiple GIFs, but this is too awesome:



Sailor Moon 44

Minako, actually acting like a leader in this part of the series, finds the entry to the Dark Kingdom hideout. While on their way to the hideout they bump into Kunzite, and have their final confrontation with them. I recently realized in the Crystal OT that Kunzite
is the only Shitennou to be killed by a Sailor Senshi in this version, although them beating Jadeite is what led Queen Beryl putting them to sleep
. Also, we get a nice flashback of the Moon Kingdom. The finale is coming up!
So, I've been getting back into basketball lately thanks to some video games and Kuroko's Basketball. I decided to see if I could find any basketball-related images of Sailor Moon characters, and I found these very '90s Fresh Prince-esque images of Rei!

Rei is so freaking '90s. Amazing.


Looking for Basketball Senshi? Look no further than:


But I do miss that 90s fashion. I bought the first season of BH90210 and it really brings back memories. Time to get Season 2 and 3.
Well, yeah, there's that, of course. The first reply in this thread was me posting this:

This thread's a real slam dunk!


Still the best scene in any version of Sailor Moon.

And here are the other gifs I had made just for the heck of it:

They really should have become professional players. Usagi was pulling off some real NBA Jam level stuff there.


Missed opportunity for a basketball spinoff.

Maybe SMC will show it some love, but I doubt it based on how by the book the show's been so far.


"Toru Furuya also really loved being in Kimagure Orange Road because he likes the idea of being loved by two girls"

Oh Furuya...

They really should have become professional players. Usagi was pulling off some real NBA Jam level stuff there.
Don't forget she also played volleyball while listening to Queen.

Missed opportunity for a basketball spinoff.

Maybe SMC will show it some love, but I doubt it based on how by the book the show's been so far.
Would have been nice if they added in the short stories into SMC. Would have helped flesh out characterization more.

Really, the only place Toei's showing love for Crystal is in it's BD release.
I wonder how Viz will handle the Blu-Rays for Crystal.


Imagine if PGSM Usagi was in that Ice-Skating episode of the first anime.

Sailor Moon 45

The Senshi finally head to Dark Kingdom, but there is one obstacle before they battle Queen Beryl.
The Four D-Girls are sent to stop the Senshi, and the fight ends in a draw with the four Inner Senshi dying alongside the D-Girls. Also worth nothing that in true Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-fashion the Green Ranger dies first
. This episode had great character-defining moments for everyone, but is so emotional, that I actually look forward to and dread watching this episode at the same time.


Imagine if PGSM Usagi was in that Ice-Skating episode of the first anime.

Sailor Moon 45

The Senshi finally head to Dark Kingdom, but there is one obstacle before they battle Queen Beryl.
The Four D-Girls are sent to stop the Senshi, and the fight ends in a draw with the four Inner Senshi dying alongside the D-Girls. Also worth nothing that in true Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-fashion the Green Ranger dies first
. This episode had great character-defining moments for everyone, but is so emotional, that I actually look forward to and dread watching this episode at the same time.
Oh lord, this episode. I was a total WRECK during and after I finished watching it (I was like 9 or 10 when I first saw it :$). When this starts near the end of the episode, goddammit, the tears couldn't stop flowing ;_____;

I remember commenting the episode with my friends the next day at school too, everyone was shocked.


Kimagure Orange Road has the most heartbreaking finale of any romantic comedy, ever.

That's what happens when the protagonist makes a choice, no matter the cost.
Hmm is that worth watching? I'll give it a look.

Oh lord, this episode. I was a total WRECK during and after I finished watching it (I was like 9 or 10 when I first saw it :$). When this starts near the end of the episode, goddammit, the tears couldn't stop flowing ;_____;

I remember commenting the episode with my friends the next day at school too, everyone was shocked.
Yup, I knew it was going to happen from the episode title, but god damn, this episode....


Does Toru Furuya play the main character in the OAV series too?

As for not knowing when to stop, yeah I hit that vibe when I rewatched Buffy this year. Season 6 and 7 felt like they were just made for commercial purposes only, but it gave us the musical episode, so I can't complain too much.


Imagine if PGSM Usagi was in that Ice-Skating episode of the first anime.

Sailor Moon 45

The Senshi finally head to Dark Kingdom, but there is one obstacle before they battle Queen Beryl.
The Four D-Girls are sent to stop the Senshi, and the fight ends in a draw with the four Inner Senshi dying alongside the D-Girls. Also worth nothing that in true Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-fashion the Green Ranger dies first
. This episode had great character-defining moments for everyone, but is so emotional, that I actually look forward to and dread watching this episode at the same time.

Not to be that guy, but there were 5 DD Girls.


I made a Guile's Theme Fits All to that episode(I bet you can imagine which scene), but it got slapped with copyright when Crystal came out.


Sailor Moon 46

The final episode, and the final battle! Really intense episode, with some great action and great character moments. These last-two episodes were probably my favorite climax for any Sailor Moon season, and I love the duet song "You're Just My Love" sung by Mitsuishi and Furuya at the end. This would have actually been the best stopping point in my opinion, but I love a lot of the material that comes after this, so I'm glad Toei Animation decided to continue the series.

I guess October is Sailor Moon R month. I know I watched it in April, but I'd feel weird watching S after Classic. Besides, I promised cj_iwakura I'd show Wiseman some love eventually.
Sailor Moon 41

Wait... Who was this again? *checks* Oh, Motoki's girlfriend... Hm... Where's Motoki been lately... Err... Anyway...

The Dark Kingdom plans to use the seven great monsters again, and Ryo comes back and has a date with Ami. The Sailor Guardians almost manage to save Mamoru as well, but alas...
Sailor Moon 42

Poor Usagi almost chokes to death, but nobody cares :p

Sailor Venus' past gets revealed and Usagi somehow learns to drive a boat by transforming into a sailor.

The sound in this episode is really loud on Hulu so turn your speakers down if you're watching it there.


Sorry for going kind of inactive in this thread (and the other), but I feel like Crystal is so slow at airing, we get so much dead time with nothing new to talk about. :<

I lurk here daily though! Mostly to check the funny reviews you guys post. &#9825;


The other thread is just for Crystal anyway, so I'm fine with that being inactive outside of days when Crystal airs.

C'mon. You can't One Piece-ize Furuya characters and leave out Tuxedo Kamen. For shame.


Sailor Moon R 47

We start a brand new season, and that isn't the only thing restarting here! Two new aliens crash on Earth, Ali & En, who have decided to prey on humans for energy. Time for Sailor Moon to fight the forces of evil again! A decent restart for a new season. I do like that Artemis actually gets some decent screentime here after his shaft in the first season.

(Oh, and I entirely love how Luna breaks the fourth wall and basically mentions how Naru appear to be the butt-monkey of the show).


That bit when Luna's reminding Usagi about everything is downright chilling to a certain extent. To a certain extent, you look back on this and you realise that her actions in later series (and her ultimate destiny) make a hell of a lot more sense.


Hmm, that is an interesting perspective. Could you elaborate?

Sailor Moon R 48

While the first episode reintroduced Usagi, the second episode of the second season reintroduces the Inner Senshi. The four of them are asked to audition or a TV Drama, but things take a turn for the worse when Ali & En interfere. Funny how this season takes two episodes to get the gang together, while the first season took a while. Granted, the first season had to take more time to develop the girls personalities in their introductions, but it still feels weird in retrospective how long it took for the gang to form together in Classic.

I wonder if Minako ever realizes that Artemis is always at some strangers house, or maybe she does and she just doesn't care?


As I've said before, from just about the second half of SM (the season) Usagi's pretty much on a one way tip into a nervous breakdown which then manifests itself when the Senshi, then Mamoru get bummped off one by one.

The dying wish she makes sums it all up, she doesn't want to fight if this is what becomes of it.

Then there's this episode which has Usagi being reminded of everything and she does NOT want to remember (The screaming of "NO!"). To her beifit she does, post this, just get on with it (and in 48 is pretty happy to fight alone if that means keeping the rest safe) but from that point on she
Only Kills Monsters and any "Human" kills are the result of misadventure, often the enemy itself

Whilst I've bagged on Super S for being childish, the ending of that season got that perfect; Usagi had every right and ability to
Utterly Destroy Nehellenia, Twice even if you count the SS Epilouge arc of Stars
but she doesn't and I think that is formed partly because she knows the horror of both Dying and Loosing people you love.


Oh, snap! The Dark Knight Returns! Been too busy playing Madden NFL 15? :p
More like too busy watching Fairy Tail.

No R episode review for tonight (I run the film club at my college and have to be up early for it ;_;) but I shall have done the Black Moon arc in the manga soon, so I'll do a write-up on that.



That is friggin adorable.

Probably just me then, but this makes me cringe severely because of how Duo Imagination is acting.

"XD; EHEHHE B-B-B-BAKA >u<;;;" etc
More like too busy watching Fairy Tail.

I don't even know what that is :(

I do see TheBatman always online on Xbox 360 playing Madden NFL 15, though. Always. It says he's on right now!

It's cool, though, TheBatman. I'm online playing an EA Sports game right now, too. <3
I've seen the name around somewhere, but never looked into it. Maybe I'll look into it soon and maybe give it a watch. I haven't really watched any anime this year besides Sailor Moon Crystal...well, actually, I did just finish watching all of Kuroko no Basuke (Kuroko's Basketball) recently. That show is hype.

Edit: Oh, yeah, I've also watched JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Space Dandy. I need to catch up on the last few episodes of those.
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