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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Yeah Crystal is the only new anime I've actually watched this year. Most of my time is going to rewatching Malcolm in the Middle on Netflix.

Oh and in case you missed the edit I said I'd love if PSN got a Sailor V game.
Yeah Crystal is the only new anime I've actually watched this year. Most of my time is going to rewatching Malcolm in the Middle on Netflix.

Oh and in case you missed the edit I said I'd love if PSN got a Sailor V game.

I actually edited my post to add in that I've also watched JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Space Dandy. I need to catch up on those. I've missed the last few episodes. Heh. Anyway, I saw your edit earlier. I'd love an official game, too. I think that everyone should get it, though, not just PSN. :p

Oh, yeah, I've been watching Malcolm in the Middle on Netflix recently, too. I actually got to watch a few episodes of it on a projector my dad randomly gave me, so I was watching that blown up to over 80 inches in my wall. It was pretty awesome. Hah. The projector setup in my room was really awkward and messy, though, so I got rid of it after a few days. It also turned itself off randomly, so I guess it's not a big loss. I should have tried watching Sailor Moon on it, though! Heh.
The only things I watched on it were Malcolm in the Middle, The Fifth Element, and the first half season or so of Kuroko no Basuke.

Probably just me then, but this makes me cringe severely because of how Duo Imagination is acting.

"XD; EHEHHE B-B-B-BAKA >u<;;;" etc

Maybe they want senpai to notice them? I don't know. Hah.


Sailor Moon 49

Makoto's friend is attacked by a Cardigan, while a new rose-thrower appears, but is he Mamoru? This episode was okay. It was nice that Toei threw Makoto a bone by
letting her destroy the Monster of the Week all by herself instead of Usagi doing it
, but the two subplots felt so distant to each other that I feel like this could have been two separate episodes.


Did you see the Kimagure Orange Road OAVs yet? Genuinely interested in your thoughts. Just hearing that song you linked me reminded me of that damn finale.

Also, the US version of Alan and Ann's flute theme was my start-up sound for months in the 90s.


I've watched exactly half of them. So far my favorite one is the one where he switches bodies with his cat and his goldfish. That was a pretty funny episode.

Oh and in one of them you hear Madoka talk in Engrish, which means you also get to hear Ukyo Kuonji in English. :p


Sailor Moon 11

Queen Beryl is fed up with Glemy Toto losing to a bunch of teenage girls all the time, so he decides to spend a ton of money and build an amusement park where he can forget his sorrow and relax.

Maybe if you got out there and did shit, Glemydite, you'd actually be able to stop these girls? One of them is a complete coward and another's strongest attack is a bubblewand. You work for the Empire of Evil Incorporated. FFS do something.


You know, Kill La Kill's villain clique leader makes me realize how much better she is at ruling.

Why kill your subordinates when they fail? It's adversity. Overcome it and get stronger.


The irony about Queen Beryl and her henchmen is that
she kills off the one member who seems to be winning against the Senshi


You know, Kill La Kill's villain clique leader makes me realize how much better she is at ruling.

Why kill your subordinates when they fail? It's adversity. Overcome it and get stronger.

In Beryl's position I would at least killed off Jedite. Jobber lost via the medium of plane to the face.


You know, Kill La Kill's villain clique leader makes me realize how much better she is at ruling.

Why kill your subordinates when they fail? It's adversity. Overcome it and get stronger.

or like you know send them all at the heroes at once. like if beryl told jadeite, kunzite, nephrite, and zoisite to all attack the senshi when it was even just the moon, mars, and mercury, they would've easily killed them lmao


The main point though is that Jadeite is a complete loser whose schemes involve letting some lady do the actual work while he plays around at an amusement park, pervs on women at the gym, or tries to sell ladies crap jewelry.

He might as well work for Tom Nook.


The main point though is that Jadeite is a complete loser whose schemes involve letting some lady do the actual work while he plays around at an amusement park, pervs on women at the gym, or tries to sell ladies crap jewelry.

He might as well work for Tom Nook.

Honestly, Beryl might have done better if she hired JJM Team Rocket.


Jadeite never died though and interesting plot point that was never touched upon again. Serena and friends could have delt with more doffy jadeite scenes for a few more episodes.


Sailor Moon R 50

Usagi, Mamoru, Ali, and En all end up going to a Virtual Gaming arena together, and when things don't go well between Mamoru and En, the Doom Tree duo launch an attack on the arena. This is one of my favorite episodes, and I didn't realize that some of the monsters that Mamoru was shooting at were the youmas from Classic. For example, I recognized the boxing priest. It was also nice to have a Usagi and Mamoru episode again, since it has been a while since we have had one. Oh, and did Toei actually let Makoto
defeat another youma, even if it was with the aid of Minako
? Praise the heavens.

Sailor Moon R 51

The girls go on a picnic, and Ali & En launch another cardigan. Didn't really care too much the plot of this episode, even if it was a Usagi power upgrade episode. We did get some pretty good humor though, so this episode gets a thumbs up from me.


Apparently Team Rocket are quite the challenge in recent episodes.

Whilst it's always been the case that they are ligit dangerous when they are not focused on the twerps, JJM have been getting better about not being completely clowned by Ash and his amazing Shock Rat


Sailor Moon R 52

Minako befriends a kindergartener who idolizes Sailor Moon, and later Minako and Usagi battle a cardigan targeting the children. You know, this is probably Minako's first real episode. Sure she had Episode 42 of Classic, but I feel like this episode does a better job of showing her personality more.


When I watched Goldfish Warning they actually used that same score.

Oh, and I just realized in this current watch that Ali & En are evil counterparts to Mamoru & Usagi. Can't believe I never actually noticed that. Speaking of which, I should watch my episode for tonight.


Oh, and I just realized in this current watch that Ali & En are evil counterparts to Mamoru & Usagi. Can't believe I never actually noticed that. Speaking of which, I should watch my episode for tonight.

It's probably why I find them so adorable. Is Ali and En their English names? I'm surprised &#12450;&#12531; became En instead of Ann.


I call them Ali & En because when you put it together it becomes Alien.

Maybe you can translate their Japanese names to English for us?


I call them Ali & En because when you put it together it becomes Alien.

Maybe you can translate their Japanese names to English for us?

It's the same in Japanese (&#12456;&#12452;&#12522;&#12450;&#12531; - Eirian). So your own translation works perfectly. What are their official English names?


Sailor Moon 12


Rei is kinda sorta a dick to Usagi for no reason at all. Like I don't even know what Usagi did to piss her off so much, but Rei was just like "Fuck you Usagi I'm taking Ami on this cruise instead of a boy just to drive home how much I HATE YOU."



He does a good "job" alright...

The roses were great. Everyone always makes fun of Tux uselessly "throwing flowers" at villains, but what kind of flowers penetrate concrete? They're lightning fast, and when they even slightly graze powerful individuals, those powerful people bleed.

The only reason he's not destroying enemies with them is that he uses them as warning shots, for whatever reason. Typically, Sailor Moon is engaged in battle, Tux is watching from the shadows and not helping, and when it looks like Sailor Moon is about to lose, Tux fires a sniper shot in front of the enemy, causing them to stop abruptly in their tracks, and assess whether they're going to have to fight Tux now, and whether their next footstep will prove fatal. At which point Tux is all "Nah, I wasn't going to kill you. I'm just fooling. What I was really doing is distracting you, and giving Sailor Moon a moment or two to catch her breath and get her head in the game. She's the one that's going to kill you. I just like to watch when she does it."


Perhaps it is time to get a new subtitle? We've had the current one for a couple of months now.

Sailor Moon 12

Rei is kinda sorta a dick to Usagi for no reason at all. Like I don't even know what Usagi did to piss her off so much, but Rei was just like "Fuck you Usagi I'm taking Ami on this cruise instead of a boy just to drive home how much I HATE YOU."
The 90s anime basically tuned Rei into a rival for Usagi. I guess because the anime was just going to be Usagi - Ami - Rei for a while, they had to make a notable dynamic.

Guess I'll be going as Sailor Moon for Halloween.. lol.
I'm going as Tuxedo Mask.

Oh, and by the way, I didn't get around to watching 53 tonight but from the part of it i did watch the subtitles say An.

The roses were great. Everyone always makes fun of Tux uselessly "throwing flowers" at villains, but what kind of flowers penetrate concrete? They're lightning fast, and when they even slightly graze powerful individuals, those powerful people bleed.

The only reason he's not destroying enemies with them is that he uses them as warning shots, for whatever reason. Typically, Sailor Moon is engaged in battle, Tux is watching from the shadows and not helping, and when it looks like Sailor Moon is about to lose, Tux fires a sniper shot in front of the enemy, causing them to stop abruptly in their tracks, and assess whether they're going to have to fight Tux now, and whether their next footstep will prove fatal. At which point Tux is all "Nah, I wasn't going to kill you. I'm just fooling. What I was really doing is distracting you, and giving Sailor Moon a moment or two to catch her breath and get her head in the game. She's the one that's going to kill you. I just like to watch when she does it."
Remember that one time Mamoru did throw a rose at a villain?

It completely one-shot Queen Beryl, too bad Queen Metalia had to bring her back.
The show would have been over so fast if Tuxedo Mask used his roses as a weapon instead of a distraction.

I wanna dress up as Tuxedo Mask for Halloween (been wanting to four years or so), but I don't really have the money for a costume and I'm probably just gonna be stuck at home again, so that probably won't happen. Maybe I'll just grab some fancy clothes from around the house and photoshop a top hat on. Hah.

Speaking of top hats...the only ones I can ever find are small, cheap plastic ones. They're not worthy of Tuxedo Mask!


I bought mine of here a few years back.

All this Tuxedo Mask talk. Maybe the thread title should be Sailor Moon Community Thread: The Tuxedo Mask Fan Club? Or is that going a bit too far?


You making your own costumes or buying one?

Buying it then tailoring it smaller ("yay" for being super tall and skinny). I've only done Mars before in a super cheap cosplay for Setsubun, so this will be my first time in a proper Senshi cosplay (for Halloween of all things). Probably gonna use the cosplay many times after, like Fuyukomi etc. :3 Great thing about Usagi is that I can use the same wig for many cosplays, like Usagi, Serenity, Super Sailor Moon, ++. I really love Eternal Sailor Moon but all the cosplays I've seen of her are very bad.

Doing Usagi's school uniform, btw. I hate her henshin shoes with a passion (which is why I did Sailor Mars since I could stick with red pumps).

Thread: The Tuxedo Mask Fan Club? Or is that going a bit too far?

I... think that's too much! We can love the characters in the community thread. :3
Probably gonna use the cosplay many times after, like Fuyukomi etc. :3

Doing Usagi's school uniform, btw. I hate her henshin shoes with a passion (which is why I did Sailor Mars since I could stick with red pumps).

Living the dream!

Should bring some toast for when you run around then ;P


Yeah that is a bit too far, but the toast joke is kind of old now. Any suggestions for a new one?
Would be nice with a new title.

"Chou Cream Sundae!"
"Come get your chocolate parfait" &#8592; T_T
"Don't kill us while we transform for 5 minutes"
"Still alive after transforming for 5 minutes"

Living the dream!

Should bring some toast for when you run around then ;P

I should print out a paper with a red cross over a toast, or picture of a toast with the text &#12300;&#12488;&#12540;&#12473;&#12488;&#12434;&#35211;&#12383;&#12398;&#65311;&#12301;


Would be nice with a new title.

"Chou Cream Sundae!"
"Come get your chocolate parfait" &#8592; T_T
"Don't kill us while we transform for 5 minutes"
"Still alive after transforming for 5 minutes"

"Transformation Immunity"
"Villains of the week needed, apply within!"
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