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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Hmm, not sure which one to go with. ;_;

What is the toast joke even from?


Basically, the toast helps establish Usagi's personality, since she is so late and clumsy she hasn't even eaten breakfast yet while rushing to school.Granted, I don't think the lack of toast is as damaging/extreme as some people have claimed, but there's the context for you since you asked.


So I guess I'll pick at least on subtitle from a user and run it weekly, since I have something in mind for November.

Sailor Moon R 53

Now Ali & En are targeting babies, their targets just keep getting younger don't they? Mamoru takes the responsibility of looking after one of the babies, and Usagi goes to help him. You know, I think given what happens once the main arc of this season starts, I think this episode helps as a set-up for it.


That link says February is the official release date, so assuming they continue do every three months for releases:

Sailor Moon: November 2014, February 2015
Sailor Moon R: May 2015, August 2015
Sailor Moon S: November 2015, February 2016
Sailor Moon SuperS: May 2016, August 2016
Sailor Stars: November 2016, February 2017
Sailor Moon Crystal: May 2017, August 2017


So that link says February, so assuming they continue do every three months for releases:

Sailor Moon: November 2014, February 2015
Sailor Moon R: May 2015, August 2015
Sailor Moon S: November 2015, February 2016
Sailor Moon SuperS: May 2016, August 2016
Sailor Stars: November 2016, February 2017
Sailor Moon Crystal: May 2017, August 2017

Viz has a similar release schedule with their Ranma blu-rays, so yeah, it wouldn't be surprising if that's what they're doing here. Though I'd think they'd want to release Crystal in a more timely fashion than three years after its debut.


It's a runner, same ol on that sort of thing.

I'm wondering if Sailor Moon will end up on Toonami again given the sudden loss of shows they suffered (Lost Star Wars, Batman and SymBiotic Titan in one go near about)


Hmmm, if it came to US Television I'd assume it would come to Toonami. Although I'm not sure if they want to add another 200 episode series since they just added DBZ Kai on there.

Unless the new anime gets new animation staff, I'm more than okay with only one season tbh.
Of Crystal? Well, if things keep going on at this rate, we'll be getting Black Moon. While Black Moon is my favorite arc, I hope I don't get to see Pluto and Chibiusa with poorly-animated faces. :(


Kai (asuming they won't do the Buu Arc) is about Two Years worth of Content at 90 episodes and Sailor Moon would last them about Four.

And given Bleach is dead and they can't run Big O 2 forever they'll be wanting more solid things on the block to hold them off between the aniplex paid slot(S) and the reruns.


It's a runner, same ol on that sort of thing.

I'm wondering if Sailor Moon will end up on Toonami again given the sudden loss of shows they suffered (Lost Star Wars, Batman and SymBiotic Titan in one go near about)

According to Paul Dini, Cartoon Network cancelled his gender-neutral show because it started to get strong ratings with girls. Cartoon Network is currently #1 in the boys demographic, and their current management wants to focus all of their resources on where they're winning. Apparently they didn't even care what Dini's male viewership was like, if he was getting female viewers, he must be doing something wrong.

If true, Sailor Moon Crystal has zero chance on Cartoon Network today.


Toei made Buu Arc Kai for the Western Audience in mind, why wouldn't it air on Toonami?

Even without Bleach, they still got three long running shows on there (Kai, Shippuden, One Piece) so I can't imagine them having a another long-running show. However, I can see them putting Crystal on Toonami.


Of Crystal? Well, if things keep going on at this rate, we'll be getting Black Moon. While Black Moon is my favorite arc, I hope I don't get to see Pluto and Chibiusa with poorly-animated faces. :(

The entire thing. The new anime. I don't want more than these 26 episodes, unless they magically give us an actual good animation.

The saddest part is that people seem to slowly accept it as it is. I don't think there is something wrong with that (frankly, I'm jealous of those who can enjoy it). I do like some parts of it (they seem to put all effort into Usagi so she can look quite nice in some scenes) but I mostly have a hard time focusing due to the hilarious animation. I don't think it should be acceptable. There no shame in giving us a better style. I don't know if this has happened in the past with other anime, but what are the chances of them giving us Black Moon, with actual good animation?

People say "but they will fix it in the Bluray". They didn't. They just made shit less shitty. It's still shit though. I enjoy the story.. I really like the story (huge sucker for MamoUsa). So at least I have that. lol
That link says February is the official release date, so assuming they continue do every three months for releases:

Sailor Moon: November 2014, February 2015
Sailor Moon R: May 2015, August 2015
Sailor Moon S: November 2015, February 2016
Sailor Moon SuperS: May 2016, August 2016
Sailor Stars: November 2016, February 2017
Sailor Moon Crystal: May 2017, August 2017

My goodness.


I know I asked you this when Crystal first started, but since we are good amount of episodes in, what is the general reception of Crystal in Japan from your experience?


I know I asked you this when Crystal first started, but since we are good amount of episodes in, what is the general reception of Crystal in Japan from your experience?

It's veeery small. At first people were hyped/curious/laughed at the concept art. People who care are mostly in it for the merchandise. I don't really run into people who like anime and also watch SMC. They don't seem to care for it. They don't like the style at all. I'm sure there are some that do though.

Here are some random quotes on SMC from 2ch:
There is usually more negativity than positivity.

"I don't like the style/the style doesn't fit because it's different from the old days."

「主役の声優さんを変えなかったのが惜しい 」
"They shouldn't have kept the same voice actor for Usagi/it's disappointing."

「梅沢さんてすごいプロデューサーだと思ってた 」
"I think Umezawa is a good producer"

「爆死不可避 」
This can be translated as "Unavoidable death from explosion", in a negative sense.

"It's really boring"

"The picture (animation) is too harsh"

"The sound (music) is worse"

Edit: Sorry if these aren't that literal. English is my 3rd language, but I tried!

The list goes on. :< I also saw someone mentioned that they hate it because it's a blasphemy to their nostalgic memories of the original anime. From what I gather, the international fan is actually far less harsh about SMC. I can understand that, really.


Hmm, everyone I know in real life thinks Crystal is boring and doesn't like it. The only compliment I've seen is that they seem to like the action better here. If there is anything good to come out of this, is that the US is finally getting a DVD release. Been wanting years to own the series.

Totally agree with the comment about Usagi's voice actress. Oh, and your translations were fine.
I like Crystal... :/

Aside from some weird animation/frames here and there (which isn't a big deal to me), I don't really have any complaints.
Hmm, everyone I know in real life thinks Crystal is boring and doesn't like it. The only compliment I've seen is that they seem to like the action better here. If there is anything good to come out of this, is that the US is finally getting a DVD release. Been wanting years to own the series.

Totally agree with the comment about Usagi's voice actress. Oh, and your translations were fine.

It hasn't blown me away the little that I've seen, but I'm happy to have it in the first place. Of course it'll never replace the original for anybody.


It hasn't blown me away the little that I've seen, but I'm happy to have it in the first place. Of course it'll never replace the original for anybody.

I feel the same. It's not a goddawful-piece-of-blergh but it definitely could have been better. I personally am only bothered by the animation. The rest is fanservice for me. I still love MamoUsa (even though Furuya isn't there). SMC has brought back a loooot of things. All that merchandise, collaborations, music (I really like the SMC music and the OP is nice), various local events. Right before the "Sailor Moon remake" announcement came two years ago, there was nothing out there. The only items sold around here was old vintage stuff at Mandarake. I went to Wonfes some years ago and only found ONE item related to SM. It was a figure from 1996. Now Wonfes is full of fanart, figures and a lot of stuff. If SMC never happened, I wouldn't be able to feed my passion by spending all my money on merchandise!


I like Crystal... :/

Aside from some weird animation/frames here and there (which isn't a big deal to me), I don't really have any complaints.
Haha, it does seem we are harping on Crystal a lot. In reality I don't want to scare off people who like Crystal (and other common complaints about the franchise, like Chibiusa). Their might be certain aspects about SM someone likes that I dislike, and their might be certain aspects about SM someone dislikes that I like, but ultimately we all like Sailor Moon in the end of the day.

Oh and I don't consider Crystal unwatchable. It just feels like Toei could have put more effort in it considering how long we waited. At least the Shitennou are sticking around, though.


Sailor Moon R 54

Rei organizes a concert where she can perform her own song, but a cardigan interrupts it and Rei shuts it down with her new attack. You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd assume this episode was written by Rei herself. Well all jokes aside, Corvo Sol this answers your question that the energy does go back to the person once the MOTW is defeated.


Sailor Moon R 54

Rei organizes a concert where she can perform her own song, but a cardigan interrupts it and Rei shuts it down with her new attack. You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd assume this episode was written by Rei herself. Well all jokes aside, Corvo Sol this answers your question that the energy does go back to the person once the MOTW is defeated.

Actually, the episode I just finished had Queen Beryl saying that Jadeite had managed to gather a lot of energy in spite of his failures, so either he's running off-screen ops or a loss doesn't send the energy back.

Sailor Moon 13


Rei and Usagi put aside their differences, not in the name of vanquishing evil and saving their home, but in the name of stopping Glemy Toto from being any more sexist than he already is. Tuxedo Mask shows up to save the day, only to realize that Jadeite has black magice and he has . . . well nothing. Tuxedo Mask is arguably even more useless in a fight than Ami.

Usagi thinks Motoki is Tuxedo Mask even though they could not more obviously be different people.

At the end of the episode Queen Beryl decides that rather than wait twenty seconds to hear Jadeite's valuable intel on who the Sailor Scouts are she'll just freeze him right this second as a show of how truly evil she is. She's so evil she's irresponsible. I kinda expect that the Great Evil Master or whoever is going to throw those words "We have no need for someone who fails again and again!" right into her own teeth, though.


Actually, the episode I just finished had Queen Beryl saying that Jadeite had managed to gather a lot of energy in spite of his failures, so either he's running off-screen ops or a loss doesn't send the energy back.
Hmm, maybe Dark Kingdom and Doom Tree energy stealing functions decently.

Oh, and congratulations on finishing your first Sailor Moon arc!


I finally watched the first episode of the new dub yesterday. I liked some of the voices, but Ugagi's brother Shingo was really bad. He just sounds too old for the character.

Also, I'm sad they didn't redo the songs in English. I know that's not standard for anime, but given how great the original English title theme was, I miss it (or a new version) in the new version.


I watched OVA 5 & 6 since the last time you asked me. It was the ones where he switches bodies with the popstar. Almost at the end, gonna be a tearjerker.

As for that Viz Media dub, well I'm sure they'll dub Rei and Minako's singing for Episode 54 and 192. I can't imagine how much else will get dubbed.


I just remembered this tidbit from the first interview about the new dub cast.


Charlene: Speaking of the recording, the really cool thing about the cast, when Josh was casting all the Sailor Guardians, because it is a very musical series, he wanted to make sure that all the Sailor Guardians, should the need arise--

Josh: --could sing.

Charlene: Yeah, they all had to have pipes on them. All of our key girls that sing a lot, just wow. They are good singers. Sends little chills up my spine.


Sailor Moon 55

Makoto suspects Ali might be Moonlight Knight and pursues him. Pretty funny episode; the trio of Usagi-Ami-Makoto is an underrated dynamic. Oh and is this the only time we see Makoto use Supreme Thunder Dragon? I don't recall her using it ever again after this.


Haha, maybe you should GIF the entire series, like how Chet Rippo basically has done with K-On!. Although, it might take a while, since it is 200 episodes.


Sailor Moon R 56

Mamoru is hosting a Snow White play at the school, and everyone joins as an actor/actress. However Ali, jealous that he doesn't get to play the Prince, sends a cardigan to attack the play. I think this episode is hilarious and does a great job of showing off everyone's personalities. Also, this episode is where the infamous talent joke is from.


Yeah it was just there for a limited time.


Wikipedia says her birthday is November 10th, but then they wouldn't be celebrating it now. Hmm, well, happy birthday! From the Fuck Yeah PGSM Girls Tumblr.
Sailor Moon 45


Was gonna say something about the Dark Kingdom only sending a handful of monsters when they're this close to the portal and everything, but... Yeah, being a magical girl is suffering... Sailor Moon also got her own Star Wars moment.
Sailor Moon 46

And that she does.

So the world
reset at the end? Or did it just go back to the way it was?

Pretty good overall. Sure, there are some weak episodes, but most of the episodes got either something funny and/or interesting happening.

Funny expressions are always a plus and there's some good sad parts. Even liked the anime original Naru parts.

Only saw a dozen or so episodes back in the day so there's limited amount of nostalgia I got for the series. The OP and first ED is something I remember and they're still good.

I give it 4/5 planetary symbols in total:


I'm starting to think Ayumi is the real life Usagi!

And to answer your question MikeHattsu, the world doesn't restart, but certain characters basically lose their memories.


Those last 3 episodes were all quite moving. Would have been even better if they named that particular episode something else though, so not to give away what happens.
Haha, yes. You can almost do episode summaries with their titles and a gif. Kinda funny..

I'm starting to think Ayumi is the real life Usagi.
No way, I'm actually way more similar to Sailor Jupiter than any of them. (&#12539;&#8704;&#12539;)


I meant I just grabbed from that website. Kind of like how you got that interview from youtube.

Actually, I hadn't seen the video itself before, but now I'm reminded that he was casted in the announcement and then he...wasn't. I wonder if he turned it down because he didn't like what Crystal was going to be?


I meant I just grabbed from that website. Kind of like how you got that interview from youtube.

Actually, I hadn't seen the video itself before, but now I'm reminded that he was casted in the announcement and then he...wasn't. I wonder if he turned it down because he didn't like what Crystal was going to be?

Ah, sorry, my misunderstanding. Yeah I don't understand that.. I was so hyped to get my tux back but then bam, "lolnofuruya". Makes me super curious about what happened. We'll never know but we can only assume. How come Kotono still wanted to do it? Something must've gone wrong since they both went to the event but he backed out or whatever.

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