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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Sailor Moon 59

The final confrontation between Usagi & Mamoru and Ali & Ann begin, and the protagonists defeat the antagonists by showing them what the power of love is all about. Oh yeah, the Inner Senshi try to help too, but they're useless.

While everyone was finishing Dark Kingdom on Hulu, I finished Doom Tree. I wonder if I'll finish Black Moon before they finish Doom Tree?
Did you not watch Crystal yet, Kdash?

Also you can request they email you your login information.
Yeah, I saw it as soon as it 'aired'. I liked it. That scene with Usagi and Mamoru in the park looked a bit weird at times, though, but there's been worse.

Anyway, I did ask for my info, but by then I had gotten locked out for too many failed login attempts. Heh.


Sailor Moon 59

The final confrontation between Usagi & Mamoru and Ali & Ann begin, and the protagonists defeat the antagonists by showing them what the power of love is all about. Oh yeah, the Inner Senshi try to help too, but they're useless.

While everyone was finishing Dark Kingdom on Hulu, I finished Doom Tree. I wonder if I'll finish Black Moon before they finish Doom Tree?

don't flaunt you going on ahead k bye thanks

in a perfect world viz would just release all the episodes at once. i wouldnt leave my couch for a week
Ge it ready for next time, but what would we watch? Maybe do the R film together or something?

Sounds good...but what exactly did you guys do last time, anyway? I know what you were watching (not how, though), and that you were using Skype, but...were you text/video chatting while watching, or...? I've used Skype like once, years ago.

Hm... Where in the chronology does the films fit in?

Somewhere during R, the second season...but it's not directly connected to the show's plot, so it doesn't matter. Same with the other two movies.
Sounds good...but what exactly did you guys do last time, anyway? I know what you were watching (not how, though), and that you were using Skype, but...were you text/video chatting while watching, or...? I've used Skype like once, years ago.

We did text chatting.

Can do voice chatting as well if people are up for that.


don't flaunt you going on ahead k bye thanks

in a perfect world viz would just release all the episodes at once. i wouldnt leave my couch for a week
LOL, I wasn't trying to brag. Besides, you can do the same.

Yeah, waiting 3 months per DVD release will be a pain. Am gonna love owning he damn thing though.


I broke down and preordered the first LE Blu-ray set from Right Stuff yesterday. I would have preordered both sets together, but there's no discount for doing so. Might as well wait till closer till February for the second one.


Do we know how the DVDs and Blurays will look like yet? I haven't decided to get the regular DVD set or the Bluray combo pack.

EDIT: Regarding the R film, you don't really need to have seen R to understand it. There's a new character in R, but she doesn't play a big role in the film.


Do we know how the DVDs and Blurays will look like yet? I haven't decided to get the regular DVD set or the Bluray combo pack.

EDIT: Regarding the R film, you don't really need to have seen R to understand it. There's a new character in R, but she doesn't play a big role in the film.

There's no way the Blu-rays won't look better, especially if they remastered them properly. Any cel animation that is actually remastered in HD and not just upscaled will display significantly more detail than an SD image. Even upscaled stuff should eliminate compression artifacts that you'd see on a DVD, and fit more episodes on each disc as well..


I think it is an upscaled release. I'm not really familiar with an upscale release, do you have any examples of anime being upscaled that I can look at?


I think it is an upscaled release. I'm not really familiar with an upscale release, do you have any examples of anime being upscaled that I can look at?

Well, nuts.

A few upscaled Blu-rays I can think of:

  • Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (one of my favorite series, looks very good IMO)
  • Samurai Champloo
  • FLCL
  • Gungrave
  • Fate/Stay Night
There are more, but I can't find a good list online.

Another benefit I forgot about is that the sound quality should be better. The new English dub should be lossless, and even non-lossless audio on Blu-rays usually has a higher bit rate than DVD audio.


Been enjoying the dub they redid for Hulu. Also been enjoying Crystal and it is insane the amount of fluff they cut.


Of those you listed I've seen Brotherhood on Blu-Ray, it looked really good. Oh yeah, forgot about the sound. I'll probably get the Blu-Ray, but it's kind of annoying that you have to get the combo pack just to get it. I wonder how they'll handle the films? Probably release them one by one to milk it as much as possible.


Of those you listed I've seen Brotherhood on Blu-Ray, it looked really good. Oh yeah, forgot about the sound. I'll probably get the Blu-Ray, but it's kind of annoying that you have to get the combo pack just to get it. I wonder how they'll handle the films? Probably release them one by one to milk it as much as possible.

Agreed, I hate how they often include the DVDs (coasters) in order to justify a higher price.

I'd buy the Sailor Moon movies individually if that was the only option, but a box set would be so much better. I'm sure stores would be happier carrying one set instead of 3 separate releases, too.


Yeah, I'll probably just sell the DVDs off to a friend. Maybe that will migrate the spending, haha.

Sailor Moon R 60

First arc gives us evil counterparts of Usagi and Mamoru, and now we get evil counterparts to the Inner Senshi. Oh, and Chibiusa debuts too. I really like the villains in this arc, and I feel like the action got better here. So I assume this is where Ikuhara took over as a director?


I think it is an upscaled release. I'm not really familiar with an upscale release, do you have any examples of anime being upscaled that I can look at?
Yeah, it's an upscale.

Toei remastered the series for DVD a decade ago. Viz got that version. Then Viz sent it to an American company to "create" an HD version. They de-interlaced it (480i isn't even 480p, it's more like 240p), blew it up to 1080p, adjusted the colors for some reason, blurred the picture to remove the jaggies, and then applied an artificial sharpening filter to disguise the blur.

People compared the high definition stream to the standard-definition Japanese DVD and found that Viz noticeably lost detail, which is inevitable when you mess with the picture that much. Although it is still significantly better than the DiC version we got two decades ago.

There's a good chance that Viz's DVD will have better picture than their Blu-ray (unless they downscaled their fake-HD source to make the DVD, which would be really stupid). The DVD just won't look as "smooth" as the Blu-ray.

I'm buying the Blu-ray, but I kind of feel like a sucker. The Blu-ray "limited edition" comes with an art box that also has room for S1 part 2. And an "artbook" which is mostly a chapter guide booklet. And some versions come with a collectable coin! It's a pretty weak limited edition (and there are ten more weak limited editions to buy). And the standard edition DVD is just fine. It's a DVD case, with a slipcover. That's a sensible indulgence, and more than I'd expect from the "cheap version".

I'm getting the Blu-ray for the art box, but the Blu-ray is letting me down, and the DVD is overachieving, so I feel like an idiot for paying more.

I broke down and preordered the first LE Blu-ray set from Right Stuff yesterday. I would have preordered both sets together, but there's no discount for doing so. Might as well wait till closer till February for the second one.
For a limited time, the second set comes with a couple of Rightstuf-exclusive cards. If you preorder now and from Rightstuf, you get a few trinkets. If you wait until February or buy from somewhere else, it becomes a useless LE that only exists to complete your previous LE. And once you buy one pointless LE for no reason, you're kind of going to be stuck buying the rest of them.

Man, I'm feeling cynical.


Aren't they already up on iTunes, the SD and HD versions? Can't we compare on there? There must be some screenshots around the internet.


For a limited time, the second set comes with a couple of Rightstuf-exclusive cards. If you preorder now and from Rightstuf, you get a few trinkets. If you wait until February or buy from somewhere else, it becomes a useless LE that only exists to complete your previous LE. And once you buy one pointless LE for no reason, you're kind of going to be stuck buying the rest of them.

I saw those... I just wouldn't have any use for them. About the only physical bonus items I care about are soundtracks or things with utility. I'm sure they're very pretty though.


Actually, while we are at it, do you think you can translate this interview for us? Don't feel obligated though, you don't have to do it.

Weird, I could've sworn I already did the other time you linked. Sorry!

I'll brief if, if that's okay. So it might miss a lot of words, but it should still make sense:

"Good morning, everyone! I'm Kotono Mitsuishi, the voice actor of Usagi Tsukino. Today we're visiting the studio where we finalize all the voice acting of the Sailor Moon anime. Well then, let's go!"
"Dun, dun, dun (she pretends to be Usagi here, as she opens the door)."
"Good morning! This is the mixing room. The voice actors stand behind the glass with their manuscript reading their lines into the microphone, while these people work to make the sound great."
"Good morning (again). This is Japan's favorite producer from TV Asahi *points at fat guy sitting down*. (She didn't mention any names but I think it might be Kenji Oota.)"

(I'm not gonna bother translating the animation, but it's from Sailor Moon R 54.)

Now to the actual interview:

ーVoice Actor Introduction Part 1ー

"Moon Prism Power Make-Up! I'm Kotono Mitsuishi, voice actor of Usagi Tsukino."

"Ooh~ I'm so excited!"

Q. What do you like about Usagi?
A. Everything.. I really like everything! Including her clumsiness. Even though she's a lazy and irresponsible heroine. I find that so cute. There's nothing about her that I don't like.

Q. Any difficulties developing this role (Usagi)?
A. This is the first time I'm doing a role like this, and the energy required is really high. This kind of energy doesn't come easily to me. During the recordings I have to tell myself "Energy... get energy.. work hard!" (I don't know if she's referring to Beryl on purpose, lol). That was the most difficult part developing this character, I think.

Q. Which memory/situation got stuck with you?
A. The tragic story of Naru-chan and Nephrite. I really like it. When I was reading the script from the episode, tears ran down my face. I cried.

Q. What would you like to tell the fans?
A. Everyone around are showing their love and yelling "Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon" passionately. And it's why the show will continue. We're now at season number two, and you can already find all sorts of toys around in stores. I hope you all continue to be big fans of the series! We will continue to do our best. Fly high, Sailor Moon! From now on, let's do our best together!


Will do Furuya's part sometime later. I hope it was helpful! Sorry for any error. It should have the main messages. But oh god Furuya's voice.... HNNNNNNNNNNGH.


Awesome, Ayumi!

When does Nephrite exit the series? Is there any kind of mini-arc closure at the end of the upcoming Season 1 part 1 DVD and Blu-ray sets?


I don't think it matters that much, it's not like anyone's just buying the first half of the season. The wait is annoying but it's not like having to wait after episode 24 is less annoying, maybe even more because of what just happened.


What do you mean by "What just happened?"

And he can watch Episode 24 on Hulu to get some closure until he gets the second set.

Oh, and great translation Ayumi. There's also one with Keiko Han there. Oh and yes, Furuya is awesome.


What do you mean by "What just happened?"
I meant what happened in episode 24,
nephrite being stabbed and dying with Naru crying and the senshi watching helplessly.
I remember when I saw the episode for the first time, the anime aired weekly here back then and waiting for the next episode was excruciating.

And he can watch Episode 24 on Hulu to get some closure until he gets the second set.
Right, I forgot about Hulu.


Sailor Moon R 61

Protective Break-Up
arc begins. We get some dramatic scenes here, but it's balanced out by a hilarious youma here. Already liking this arc a lot better than the previous one, to be honest.


Hm... I know this is the community thread and all, but... I don't think eastx has watched that part yet? Maybe spoiler tag it?

In happier news, I'm up to episode 31 on PGSM! Pretty soon I'll understand everything you guys talk about! Not that soon actually, because we only watch it when my daughter comes down to visit every 2 weeks. I could marathon through it but she's not as much of a TV watcher.

Thanks for the answers, guys. Kind of a shame they didn't end the first set on episode 24, but I guess then they'd have to find some extra content with which to balance out the second set.


Eh, might as well keep the spoiler tags consistent even when you finish. There will probably be new members who haven't seen a lot of the anime/PGSM/whatever.


Sailor Moon R 62

Ami considers moving to Germany. Watching this episode made me realize Mamoru is the anime version of Fred from Scooby-Doo; he gives orders and transports people but is pretty useless.

Hm... Which episodes are horror themed then?

Hmm, I was thinking either:

Sailor Moon 20: Usagi, Ami, and Rei go to that haunted house.
Sailor Stars 183: The Senshi go to visit Rei's cousin, features some Leatherface knockoff.
SuperS Specials: Haruka and Michiru get attacked by a puppet in a hotel, later on Chibiusa encounters a Vampire.

What does everyone else think?
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