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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Sailor Stars 171

First up, Rei and Michiru. Apparently Rei can make cat girl faces and whack her face with her own boobs.


Setsuna reminds that Minako is the leader of the Senshi, even though the last four seasons kept trying to push Rei in that role.


Finally, Makoto takes on Nehelenia herself. Finally getting solo time after previous seasons made her share her spotlight with Minako.


Love the Jupiter part <3

As for Usagi getting dumber or less mature, Minako is practically brain dead by Stars too. I love her though.


Sailor Stars 172

Sailor Saturn comes to wreck Nehelenia---oh wait, nevermind, we are gonna get another
redemption arc


Overall thoughts on this arc: I liked it until the end. The resolution just felt anti-climatic. It was nice to see Saturn fight, but I think the last six episodes of SuperS were better than this overall.


Sailor Stars 173

Mamoru goes abroad to study. Does anyone else find this out-of-character? I know it is inherit to the comic, but even there I found it out-of-character. So much for being her protector and being so deeply in love. Probably gonna jump ahead a bit, since I only really wanted to check out the climaxes of this season.

Also, Chibiusa,
died last episode and now just died again
? LOL.

Oh, and the ending theme sounds different. I know it is the same song as the Nehelenia episodes, but it just a bit off. Weird.


Sailor Stars 173

Mamoru goes abroad to study. Does anyone else find this out-of-character? I know it is inherit to the comic, but even there I found it out-of-character. So much for being her protector and being so deeply in love. Probably gonna jump ahead a bit, since I only really wanted to check out the climaxes of this season.

They probably were confident they were heading into a period of peace what with
the coronation
and all.


Sailor Stars 173

Mamoru goes abroad to study. Does anyone else find this out-of-character? I know it is inherit to the comic, but even there I found it out-of-character. So much for being her protector and being so deeply in love.

I think it fits. From what we know of him, he's an orphan and he works hard to keep up with things like school. From what I've seen in anime, the highest level of education in Japan is "study abroad". Usagi is still in school. Mamoru is still in school. Neo Queen Serenity is allegedly going to stop time soon and make the world perfect, but until then, Mamoru is still Mamoru, and he's going to work as hard as he can to improve himself.

Mamoru asked Usagi if she was okay with him going abroad to study, and being separated for a year (maybe more than just one), because he believes that he's strong enough to be apart from her (while acknowledging that it won't be easy for him either), and he suspects that she's strong enough to be apart from him. And I believe that he really would have turned down the offer if Usagi said "no", and not blamed or resented her for it.

Usagi lied and said "yes" because she wants the best for Mamoru, and quietly dismayed that she doesn't have that kind of strength, that it's going to kill her to be in a long-distance relationship, but I think that Luna was right, and season 5 Usagi is stronger than season 1's crybaby. Had things gone according to plan, I think Usagi would have handled the situation just fine. She would occasionally be obsessively wrapping his love letters in ribbons and running down the stairs anytime the phone rings, and the rest of the time she'd be going to school and hanging out with the girls.

And Mamoru basically got engaged to Usagi as he left! Usagi didn't realize the implication, but Mamoru definitely did.


Dunno if Mos Burger exists outside of Japan, but I saw Naoko's parody "Mog Mog" and ended up eating there today. Effective 23 year old advertising. wwww


Abandon all hope of the story being much cop up until right about when
gets of her arse and proceeds to fuck everyone's collective Christmas.


Sailor Moon 43-44

Okay okay, so let's get 43 out of the way first: Don't hurt me but I liked the English version of this episode a lot more. Although the English version cuts back on or out entirely stuff like the Usagi vs Rei dynamic and the joke about Ami asking Usagi a math question during the fight, I kind of felt like the cast had more personality. I readily admit that it could just be that I can identify differences in personalities in English much more easily than in Japanese, but I dunno. Like, a huge problem I have with the show right now is that there's not really anything that defines Sailor Venus at all. For the most part her character has existed either to move the plot along, or to remind you you don't know shit about the Sailor V storyline. I find it particularly hard to distinguish her from Usagi in any way save it be that Venus lacks Usagi's more noticeable flaws: particularly her cartoonish selfishness and tendency to cry at the drop of a hat.

That said, the English version felt funnier. It lent humor to an otherwise strangely out of place episode. And Episode 43 is really, really out of place. It's not that it disconnects to the sort of arc theme so much as the episode comes off as light-hearted. Like, everything around it is either standard monster of the week or gearing up for the series finale, but this episode is this weird mystery about the scouts fighting, it has Usagi orchestrating a plan to fool the Dark Kingdom (which is pretty out of character for her at this point) and it spends a lot of time on reporter antics. If this episode had aired earlier in the show's run, it would've felt much more natural, I think.

Episode 44 sort of emphasizes what I mean, as it's a sort of text heavy episode that's all about back story and plot developments. You could probably skip right over episode 43 and never realize you'd missed it. Granted Sailor Moon is a sort of weekly serial anyway, so that's not necessarily a criminal offense, it's just that, I dunno, the serious tone of the episodes surrounding 43 make it stick out.

Moving on to episode 44, there is a fuck ton of stuff I didn't get. Given the show's nature as part fairy-tale I'm willing to just straight up ignore stuff like "when in Earth's history was it ruled by a single prince?" and "How weird must it have looked for Beryl's army to start their on-foot trek to the Moon Kingdom? Did they lay on their backs on the ground and start running upward?" and get right on to what I feel is some more important stuff.

1. Is Queen Serenity also the Goddess Serene, or an incarnation of her? Like Is she Hylia, or is she Hylia reincarnated as Zelda? It's not a huge deal either way, I guess.
2. Is the Silver Millennium the same as the Moon Kingdom?
3. Are the Gods Queen Serenity mentions inhabitants of this Silver Millennium, or are they somewhere else? Because from what I gathered the inhabitants of the Moon Kingdom are human, but live much longer.
4. Were the Sailor Scouts inhabitants of the Moon Kingdom as well, or were they from their respective planets? Does this mean this pre-historic Solar System was much more inhabited?
5. Are Usagi and company the actual Sailor Scouts of yore, reincarnated, or are they descendants of them? Queen Serenity puts everyone inside bubbles and that's the last you see of them as they trickle off to Earth.

I feel like knowing at least some of the above is probably going to be helpful at some point in the next 156 episodes.


They probably were confident they were heading into a period of peace what with
the coronation
and all.
Good point, I guess that works.

And Mamoru basically got engaged to Usagi as he left! Usagi didn't realize the implication, but Mamoru definitely did.
Haha yeah, I still don't get how she didn't realize that. Even Luna got it.

Dunno if Mos Burger exists outside of Japan, but I saw Naoko's parody "Mog Mog" and ended up eating there today. Effective 23 year old advertising. wwww
Doesn't exist in California.

Nowadays it's all McDonalds clones in anime!
LOL, I thought I was the only one to notice that.

Abandon all hope of the story being much cop up until right about when
gets of her arse and proceeds to fuck everyone's collective Christmas.
I think my main problem was trying to make Seiya a love-interest, since it was really superfluous.

Sailor Moon 43-44

Okay okay, so let's get 43 out of the way first: Don't hurt me but I liked the English version of this episode a lot more.
It's cool, we all like different things.

Like, a huge problem I have with the show right now is that there's not really anything that defines Sailor Venus at all. For the most part her character has existed either to move the plot along, or to remind you you don't know shit about the Sailor V storyline. I find it particularly hard to distinguish her from Usagi in any way save it be that Venus lacks Usagi's more noticeable flaws: particularly her cartoonish selfishness and tendency to cry at the drop of a hat.
I'd say Minako is the same as Usagi, but just less flawed since she has had more experience than Usagi had.

That said, the English version felt funnier. It lent humor to an otherwise strangely out of place episode. And Episode 43 is really, really out of place. It's not that it disconnects to the sort of arc theme so much as the episode comes off as light-hearted. Like, everything around it is either standard monster of the week or gearing up for the series finale, but this episode is this weird mystery about the scouts fighting, it has Usagi orchestrating a plan to fool the Dark Kingdom (which is pretty out of character for her at this point) and it spends a lot of time on reporter antics. If this episode had aired earlier in the show's run, it would've felt much more natural, I think.
Fans always rave how the ’90s anime did characterization so well, but I don’t think it’s really that good for exactly the reason you mention here. Usagi's development gets hit on and off, and I really couldn't stand her regression by S & Supers, but I think Stars did a good job with her characterization though.

That said, most people usually cite 42 as the out-of-character one, so it's surprising to hear you call 43 out on it.
1. Is Queen Serenity also the Goddess Serene, or an incarnation of her? Like Is she Hylia, or is she Hylia reincarnated as Zelda? It's not a huge deal either way, I guess.
2. Is the Silver Millennium the same as the Moon Kingdom?
3. Are the Gods Queen Serenity mentions inhabitants of this Silver Millennium, or are they somewhere else? Because from what I gathered the inhabitants of the Moon Kingdom are human, but live much longer.
4. Were the Sailor Scouts inhabitants of the Moon Kingdom as well, or were they from their respective planets? Does this mean this pre-historic Solar System was much more inhabited?
5. Are Usagi and company the actual Sailor Scouts of yore, reincarnated, or are they descendants of them? Queen Serenity puts everyone inside bubbles and that's the last you see of them as they trickle off to Earth.
Don't know much about Zelda to answer that, yes, I actually don't know, I'd assume so if they were Moon's bodyguards, reincarnations.

Yup, caught me off-guard first time I watched.


Sailor Stars 183

The Starlights are filming a crossover between Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Super Sentai while Rei meets her cousin. I really enjoyed the Scooby-Doo antics in this one.

Speaking of Rei, I just got to her chapter in the Dream arc, and I forgot we see her grandad in the manga too (although he's a lot different to the anime one). Not sure what to think of it, since she seems have a genuine relationship with him, which kind of goes against her hatred of men. Although I do like the actual story of the chapter where she goes to the circus, since Takeuchi really set up the atmosphere there.


Hey guys,

I own "tuxedo-kamen" on Tumblr and wanted to know if anyone wants the URL?
Made it over 2 years ago and haven't used it since.

The thing is, I lost access to the account + associated e-mail years ago so I just made a support ticket to get back the access (hopefully providing them with my old IPs should be enough). So if I gain back access, whoever wants it can have the URL!

If not, I'll be posting it as a giveaway on my Twitter.

I prefer to give it to someone who will actually use it. It's a pretty popular URL (I guess it's what they call "canon URL") and I don't want any URL hoarders to take it and ever use it..
and since I don't use it, I'm giving it away so I won't be a hoarder. lol
Sailor Moon R 26

Better betray before getting betrayed! Too bad there's more characters who can betray. :p

Things happened faster than expected then, and Chibi-Usa finally finds out the truth? Hm... Well... I thought she knew already... And Tuxedo Mask gets everybody to jump into a black hole while he runs away again.


Sailor Moon R 26

Better betray before getting betrayed! Too bad there's more characters who can betray. :p

Things happened faster than expected then, and Chibi-Usa finally finds out the truth? Hm... Well... I thought she knew already... And Tuxedo Mask gets everybody to jump into a black hole while he runs away again.

The funniest part in this episode? Artemis hanging on to Venus' donk for dear life. His anaconda clearly wants some.


Sailor Stars 184

Everyone except Saturn and Pluto shows up at Usagi's house, antics ensue. Now that I've watched my favorite Stars episode I'm probably gonna go to the final battle, since I want to finish the series before my break ends this week.


Sailor Stars 184

Everyone except Saturn and Pluto shows up at Usagi's house, antics ensue. Now that I've watched my favorite Stars episode I'm probably gonna go to the final battle, since I want to finish the series before my break ends this week.

poor pluto and saturn, not even invited over.


Sailor Moon- First Series

This morning I finished the first season of Sailor Moon. What follows are my thoughts and impressions upon the series, presented as honestly as I can give them, in as best an effort to organize them as time allows.

There are certain elements I suspect are shared between every story-telling genre. There are sort of flashes of some subconscious story we're all telling again and again, if you will. I'm going to disregard that, though, for the sake of making some comparisons that I found profitable in easing myself into a genre I know basically nothing about.

For starters, I found the general lay out of Sailor Moon to be extremely akin to the lay out of the old Super Robot shows. The villain, Queen Beryl, is subservient to a greater power, and she orders her minions, who in turn dispatch the monster of the week. Her aim is the acquisition of a power source guarded by the heroes. Obviously things like this predate Super Robots, but its my main exposure to them.

Usagi is our average hero, plucked from the masses to wield a greater power as part of a larger destiny. This might come as blasphemy to some, but as the series wore on, I felt that Usagi was almost comparable to Amuro Ray of Mobile Suit Gundam. Kouji Kabuto has a lot in common with her as well, right down to several similar personality flaws, but where they differ is that Kouji's personality flaws didn't play into as grand a punishment as Amuro's did, and Usagi's character is at the root of a good chunk of the show's finale.


Left, Amuro Ray, Right, Kouji Kabuto

Usagi is an interesting character to me because she's presented as a somewhat exaggerated, but fairly acceptable fourteen year old girl. She's got her head wrapped up in fairy tales, has some personality issues stemming from her still being a child and others from her desire to be an adult, and responds with fear rather than exhilaration at the prospect of having to fight monsters on a daily basis. She can be selfish, incompetent, and comically stupid at times. However, what I found most interesting about her was that underneath this veneer of a dopey teenage girl was a well of unexpected strength and sobriety.

As the show draws to a close, this real Usagi is slowly made more and more apparent. She cares about the people around her, to the point that she wants to defend them from the Dark Kingdom by surrendering to them. One by one Usagi's foolish antics get the other Sailor Scouts killed off, until she's left with a hollow look on her face.

Honestly I liked this angle. This is why she reminds me so much of Amuro. As the war with the Dark Kingdom wears on, Usagi loses more and more people until it breaks her. She musters the last of her strength to defeat her foe, and in the end it leaves her broken in body and spirit. As the show draws to a close, we hear her wish one last time that she had been given a boring, mundane life instead of being drawn into this war. At that point, everything goes dark, and for a moment the audience is left to ponder the harsh fate of a girl forced into war, who watched her friends die because she wasn't able to protect them.

I liked this ending. It was harsh, it was cold, but it was also unflinching in its consequences. Usagi and her friends had been forced to pay the ultimate price to bring peace to the world. It was bittersweet and decidedly so for a show I assume was aimed at young girls, dreaming themselves of being a princess like Usagi.

But the show didn't end there. Instead it all comes back and its all been reset and everyone is okay and happy as if the show had never happened at all. And I'll be honest: I really don't like those kinds of endings much at all. It feels to me as if the show undid everything it had accomplished in the final episodes of its run. I see why it ended that way, and I understand that a sequel dictated that the Scouts survive and that everything carry on, but I think I would've preferred it to end on that melancholy note, leaving the retcon for the beginning of next season, since we have to retread some old ground next season now anyway.

Moving on, Sailor Jupiter was easily my favorite of the scouts. Her humorous flaw, her terrible taste in men, helped provide a romantic and foolish side to a character who was otherwise incredibly athletic and sensible. It balanced her out. I really liked how active she was, though. It kinda made me think of hot blooded protagonists, and I'm a sucker for those.

Also I mostly just felt that Supreme Thunder was the coolest move any of the Scouts had in their arsenals.

Anyway, I had a good time with this show, and I'll be carrying on with the series. I know there are some movies coming up, but beyond R being the next series I don't know what the order of things I'm supposed to watch is.


Glad you enjoyed it, Jupiter is indeed awesome. Speaking of Amuro, his voice actor is also the guy who does Mamoru actually. Oh, and yeah, the ending didn't of S1 didn't work out because the series was popular enough to continue. R had to start off with an anime-original arc to fix it.

I hope you have fun with Sailor Moon R. A lot of people don't like it because of Chibiusa, but I think her character development in the season makes her worth it. People also dislike a certain plot point between Usagi and Mamoru, but I think R is still really good. The villains were a step-up from Dark Kingdom, and the climaxes were really well done. I also think it's the season that has the least amount of shafting problems, since characters start to get shafted noticeably after R.

Regarding the films: The R film can be viewed as canon since Kunihiko Ikuhara (who became the lead director midway in R) was the creative force behind it, while the SuperS film cannot be viewed as canon since it contradicts the TV Show. The S film is can be viewed as either. My suggestion is to watch the R film after Episode 77.

poor pluto and saturn, not even invited over.
Yeah, they get shafted a lot. It's mostly just Uranus that gets attention, since really even Neptune gets stuck in Uranus shadow.


Well, Hulu has caught up to the original dub run. This is more or less uncharted territory for me from here on out.

Next ep... ewww... Why'd they have to give an important episode to the artist who sucks.


Well, Hulu has caught up to the original dub run. This is more or less uncharted territory for me from here on out.

Next ep... ewww... Why'd they have to give an important episode to the artist who sucks.

According to that Wikipedia article, the next two Hulu episodes that climax the arc will be the ones that got the highest ratings in the entire series.

Have fun with the remainder of the anime. Although given you didn't seem to care for the earlier parts...I can't really imagine the later parts changing your mind. Just don't forget the R film I guess.
So I got my little sisters who are 5 and 7 Sailor Moon S1 P1 from Viz on DVD for Xmas when I saw them in Florida. Today I just talked to them and they told me not only had they seen every single episode, they watched it twice once in English and once in Japanese and it's their new favorite show. Apparently it's all they've watched non stop for the past 2 weeks. My sister and I first watched the show on Toonami when we were around that age and now I've been able to pass down the joy to the next generation.


Sailor Stars 195

The Starlights have their final concert. Pretty good song too, time for the final battle of the series.

So I got my little sisters who are 5 and 7 Sailor Moon S1 P1 from Viz on DVD for Xmas when I saw them in Florida. Today I just talked to them and they told me not only had they seen every single episode, they watched it twice once in English and once in Japanese and it's their new favorite show. Apparently it's all they've watched non stop for the past 2 weeks. My sister and I first watched the show on Toonami when we were around that age and now I've been able to pass down the joy to the next generation.
That's pretty cool. Hopefully they to see the rest of Season 1 with next months release.
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