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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!

Hmm, was at the Book Store and noticed the book sizes seem different.



That would screw with me so bad >_>


Yeah, I just realized that some of the volumes I own are like the former, while the others are like the latter. The inconsistency bugs me.


I wish there had been. Then there wouldn't be so much whining about it not being used for Crystal.

Makes me wonder if all the people complaining about too much UsaMamo ever bothered reading the translation :lol
Most of the whiners appear to be dub watchers, hence the belief that it's a strong fighting song :lol


Sounds like a strong fighting song to me...I mean, it mentioned fighting twice right at the beginning! And those look like some pretty strong lyrics, thus making it a strong fighting song!


Also, forgot to mention, I'm really enjoying my re-read of the Dream arc so far. It kinda bothers that the anime changes who the owner of the Golden Crystal was. Still weird to think about how different the last three seasons of the anime are compared to the manga.


Okay I think in this part of the Dream arc I just read Haruka's arm is twice the length it should be. Not sure if I'm allowed to post manga images though.


You know what I Iove? Those people who claim that everyone who doesn't like Crystal are haters.

"Fuck the haters".

Just because someone doesn't enjoy something, it doesn't make them a hater.
I don't hate Crystal, but I don't like it. If I hated it, you would know.

Edit: Should have clarified I was silly enough to check the Sailor Moon Crystal tag on Tumblr again.. :v


The SM tags used to be good before Crystal was announced.. Very dead, but really easy to find cute images/screenshots etc. Now it's just.. Yeah.. A train wreck. lol


You know what I Iove? Those people who claim that everyone who doesn't like Crystal are haters.

"Fuck the haters".

Just because someone doesn't enjoy something, it doesn't make them a hater.
I don't hate Crystal, but I don't like it. If I hated it, you would know.

Edit: Should have clarified I was silly enough to check the Sailor Moon Crystal tag on Tumblr again.. :v

I disliked Crystal enough to quit after two episodes, but after I heard the first season had finished, I came back with significantly lowered expectations. And now I'm actually enjoying it for what it is.

I can see why people like it, but Toei really dropped the ball and it should come as no surprise to anyone that a lot of people dislike it. Although I don't think it did anything bad enough to earn "hate", unless some people really needed the new Sailor Moon anime to be great.


The worst part of Crystal is the long wait between episodes imo, two or three weeks is too long especially because most episodes aren't standalone stories, it's very serialized.

I'm planning a rewatch of the entire first arc, I think it will be more enjoyable if I binge it in a day or two.


I disliked Crystal enough to quit after two episodes, but after I heard the first season had finished, I came back with significantly lowered expectations. And now I'm actually enjoying it for what it is.

I can see why people like it, but Toei really dropped the ball and it should come as no surprise to anyone that a lot of people dislike it. Although I don't think it did anything bad enough to earn "hate", unless some people really needed the new Sailor Moon anime to be great.

In my opinion, "dislike" and "hate" are two completely different things.. dislike pretty much just means "doesn't like" and "hate" means actual hate, right? You can dislike something without hating it, but you can't hate something without disliking it.

And I agree, like I mentioned before, it's not a disaster. A lot of people enjoy it, and I wish I could too. It could have been worse, way worse. But I think it's perfectly okay to not like every single adaption of a franchise you enjoy.


Almost done with the Dream arc. Kind of feels anti-climatic that Nehelenia has the upper hand but Usagi rebounds through
power of love

Funny how we Luna always gets a human form in the TV adaptations but never Artemis.


You know what I Iove? Those people who claim that everyone who doesn't like Crystal are haters.

"Fuck the haters".

Just because someone doesn't enjoy something, it doesn't make them a hater.
I don't hate Crystal, but I don't like it. If I hated it, you would know.

Edit: Should have clarified I was silly enough to check the Sailor Moon Crystal tag on Tumblr again.. :v
With me it's a case of hate the player, not the game. Cause, seriously, Toei are not the people who should have been working on this.


So I finally transition jobs on Monday, meaning I can start Goldfish Warning! soon.

What's everyone's favorite manga arc? We don't talk much about the manga in here.


Anyone here ever see this Naoko Takeuchi interview from when the 90s anime started?

Question: How did the original cartoon Sailor Moon originate?
Naoko: First I dres Sailor V for a girls comic magazine Run-Run (Happy), a special edition of the well-known monthly Nakayoshi (Good Pal). The story expanded into Sailor Moon, which began to appear regularly in the original Nakayoshi magazine.

Question: How do you feel about it's coming on TV?
Naoko: The characters I initially created just for fun... now speak and move. They look fresher and more vivid now. Even I was - and still am - excited watching it.

Question: Why sailor-suited warriors?
Naoko: Osano-san, editor of of the magazine company, suggested a sailor-suited warrior fighting for peace. And I liked the idea.

Question: Who is your favorite character?
Naoko: I personally like Tuxedo Kamen. Well... my type is a blunt, handsome guy with long slanted eyes. Especially neat if he looks good in a formal suit or tuxedo. Thus, I made him... the man the heroine will come to love.

Question: Umino-kun is pretty funny, isn't he?
Naoko: [laughing] Yes. Many characters in Sailor Moon are not very easy to draw. They wear complicated or loud costumes, for example. Bit I can draw Umino-kun in five seconds, without drafting. In this sense, I like him. Of course, I treasure him as much as the other characters.

Question: Are you thinking of making more characters such as Umino?
Naoko: Well, I had never created such a character before. He might be the only character of mine who's so simple and funny. Umino is supposed to be relatively handsome, though, without the glasses.

Question: As the original writer, how do you perceive the animated version?
Naoko: It is said to be very difficult to adapt an original story into an animated cartoon. But I feel the TV version has been very well made, just as I was hoping, including the colors and voice-overs. And the development of the stories is quite satisfying, just as I expected.

Question: We hear that you love SFX (special effects) movies!
Naoko: Yes, it would have been neat if I could make a story like the Power Rangers series - a girls' version - where the warriors go fighting upon the instructions from a Central Command Post. It didn't turn out that way, though. Of course, from this concept came Sailor Moon. I had wanted to use five girls as the fighting warriors.

Question: A message for the fans, please?
Naoko: As the creator, I have been looking forward to the season's premiere with great anticipation. Please enjoy watching the program every week. I'll also continue to draw the magazine version. Please support both versions of Sailor Moon.



Goldfish Warning! 1

A girl who looks like an alternate reality Minako inherits her fathers will and decides to build a school. She meets a bunch of eccentric people there, including a girl who looks like ChibiChibi but has more personality.

Whacky facial expressions and visual gags ensure. Yup, I can see the similarities to the original Sailor Moon anime already.
Sailor Moon R 30

The episode where everybody eats a lot of cake.

Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars gets creamed, Tuxedo Mask speaks non-sense and a new enemy with a new plan appears. Using small statues of herself, eh? How narcissistic :p


So, for those keeping up with the series on Hulu, after Episode 77 is a good time to watch the R film. It can generally be watched anytime around 77-82, but I think it works best after 77 since when that is when it was released.

I think it is the only one that can be considered canon, since the TV Series director at the time was the creative for behind it.
Goldfish Warning! 1

A girl who looks like an alternate reality Minako inherits her fathers will and decides to build a school. She meets a bunch of eccentric people there, including a girl who looks like ChibiChibi but has more personality.

Whacky facial expressions and visual gags ensure. Yup, I can see the similarities to the original Sailor Moon anime already.

You've even got Keiko Han in it too. Her laugh in this is brilliant!


The art in R 30 looks so odd. I guess this isn't one of the normal teams?

Edit: guess it's the guy I normally dislike, but it was a bit different this time.


Goldfish Warning! 2

See, she really is Minako! Oh, and Yurika Queen Beryl sends people to spy on her, but it doesn't go so well.

Study Into The Danger Zone.
That's a good one. I'll consider that if no one has an alternate option.

The art in R 30 looks so odd. I guess this isn't one of the normal teams?

Edit: guess it's the guy I normally dislike, but it was a bit different this time.
Yeah, the drawing is pretty weird there.


Notice Rei's face? Thankfully, not as bad as her debut in pre-Bluray Crystal.

lol early Usagi gifs are the best.

That's from the last season though!
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