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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Just read the first Chapter of Stars. It definitely did a great job at the "gang is all united" vibe.

Although I complained about the Mamoru plot here, I can see why Takeuchi did it. Having him
be Galaxia's first target
definitely ups the stakes a lot, and shows that this last arc is going to be serious business.



Happy Birthday.

Damn, I realized that I missed Hotaru's birthday earlier this month. :(


Goldfish Warning! 3

Chibi-Chibi wants to go on a field trip, much to Minako's dismay. This Chibi-Chibi definitely got the troll part down. Later, everyone plays tag. Lots of whacky faces and good reaction shots too.


It's from Junichi Sato, the director of the first two Sailor Moon storylines. I thought it was close enough to Sailor Moon to post about it here.
It's from Junichi Sato, the director of the first two Sailor Moon storylines. I thought it was close enough to Sailor Moon to post about it here.

Kunihiko Ikuhara and Takuya Igarashi are episode directors as well. So you have every Sailor Moon director working on it. The same character designer and the same composer too (to the point that Goldfish Warning! and Sailor Moon actually share a piece of music and plenty of sound effects too).

Goldfish Warning! is basically proto-Sailor Moon!


I didn't know Igarashi worked on it, but I knew about Ikuhara. He doesn't seem to speak highly of it in the interviews I have though. :/


@ Zoe & Simply Sarah
No idea what kind of fashion you are into/what clothes you prefer wearing, but how are you liking the Sailor Moon fashion items so far?

(Sorry if I assumed your genders wrong, or forgot to mention someone here.)


Re-read the second chapter of Stars. Although I mention the sub-bosses were underdeveloped in the other thread, I do like how in the manga they actually win against the heroes now and then, making them legitimate threats.


Set 2 should be out soon.

So I wonder if Viz learnt their lesson, or if the Blurays are still messed up? Anyone willing to take one for the team?


Goldfish Warning! 4

Some guy has a crush on Chibi-Chibi, and later Minako starts a tea club but everyone in the club trolls her. So this series isn't just a prototype for Sailor Moon, but also a prototype for K-ON! :p
@ Zoe & Simply Sarah
No idea what kind of fashion you are into/what clothes you prefer wearing, but how are you liking the Sailor Moon fashion items so far?

(Sorry if I assumed your genders wrong, or forgot to mention someone here.)

Like Zoe, I'm not entirely sure which fashion items you're referring to.

Set 2 should be out soon.

So I wonder if Viz learnt their lesson, or if the Blurays are still messed up? Anyone willing to take one for the team?

In regards to the first question, my money is on the latter. Which means my answer to the second question is "Not me!" *coughs*

Edit: Please Toei, let us have the BluRays we deserve!


I'm not really big on overtly licensed clothing, but some of the Tralala stuff is understated enough for me to consider.
not that any of it would ever fit my fat ass

The tiara does look nice though :lol


Sorry, I forgot to reply!

Yes I mean just most of them in general, but also the casual non-cosplay stuff like Tralala. It's right down my alley, at least the blue skirt. So cute (but so pricey..) I never wear pants, only skirts or dresses. So I wish they would do more like this, but not like Honey Bunch and price is over 1万. ._. Tralala is a little pricey too (as well as their sister brands) so it's kinda expected I guess.

Bought a lot of Sailor Moon t-shirts though. Most of them suit different styles and sizes, it's great. Win for everyone. :3

That tiara though.. wow. The only thing missing is Sailor Moon shoes!
Let me start by saying that pretty much all of the earrings look awesome (and not cheap), although I very rarely wear any (Maybe it would be a reason to wear them more). That said, none of the other accessories seem that interesting, though. The pendants seem too costume jewelry for my tastes and the various bags aren't doing much for me either. Far too loud and/or pink to go with pretty much anything I or most other women my age would normally wear.

I agree with Ayumi that the Tralalalalala skirts looks cute and also that they're one the pricey side for what they seem to be. Also they're not really a style I feel I could wear to work at my current job, so it would be limited to being out and about. The other stuff isn't really my style.

Some of the tees look pretty neat too, but I mostly only wear tees when I'm around the house and feel the need for having a top on, so a 3000-5000 yen branded one, plus whatever shipping ended up being, is hard for me to justify.

And yes, the tiara is quite lovely. And then I saw the price was 370,000 yen. x_x


Read Stars Chapter 3. Was pretty funny seeing Rei in Minako's school outfit. The two of them have good chemistry together, can't wait until I read their short story together.

I've never actually read the entirety of the Short Stories.


Omg.... I wrote a lengthy post (on mobile) and an error ate it up when I hit Submit.
Should've copied the text first..



Well, I just grabbed the first manga box set and am anxious to dig into it in a couple hours. I've never seen past the first season of the anime (when it first aired in the 90's) and decided this would be the preferable way for me to experience the whole story. I think it'll be really fun to then watch the anime as it slowly releases on Hulu, as well as check out Crystal to see how it compares to the others.


Well, I just grabbed the first manga box set and am anxious to dig into it in a couple hours. I've never seen past the first season of the anime (when it first aired in the 90's) and decided this would be the preferable way for me to experience the whole story. I think it'll be really fun to then watch the anime as it slowly releases on Hulu, as well as check out Crystal to see how it compares to the others.

Have fun! Just don't go in expecting it to be like the anime, since the manga is less slice-of-life (although there is humor) and more focused on the story and character development. Some characters, like Rei, have entirely different characterization in the comic.

I consider myself a bigger fan of the manga than the anime, but personally felt the first arc was a bit rushed since the art was wonky at times. Still, Dark Kingdom was good at setting the mood, and the ending is really suspenseful. It is just a shame that Crystal botched the climax for that arc. :/


Set 2 should be out soon.

So I wonder if Viz learnt their lesson, or if the Blurays are still messed up? Anyone willing to take one for the team?

The Blu-rays will likely always be what they are. Standard definition 480i, deinterlaced (probably badly), blown up to 1080p, colors tweaked up to eleven, with a light amount of vaseline smeared over the picture so that nobody can see the flaws in the upscale (or the fine details that became visible in the Japanese remaster). That's pretty much standard procedure for foolishly making a Blu-ray when you don't have a high definition source.

The set 2 DVDs were being worked on when the set 1 DVDs released (and the poop really hit the fan), and Viz swore up-and-down that "their process" (making the DVDs by downsampling their flawed Fake-rays) was not the source of the problems (all evidence to the contrary), and insisted that the studio would continue doing this all the way through SailorStars, and that their process would not change (although the magic process which they use to transform the shitty stick-man drawings on cocktail napkins which Toei provided into works of art that almost resemble overfiltered versions of the Japanese remasters, is a labor-intensive process, hand-tuned for each episode, and might change, although change is definitely not needed, and we must insist that Viz's magic Blu-rays are superior to the Japanese remaster).

Even if Viz realized that they're supposed to straight-copy the SD materials, not filter them back-and-forth, their studio had certainly already screwed up some of set 2 before they learned that. And I have zero faith that they sent the studio back to fix whatever episodes they messed up. They will definitely print set 2 with some of the episodes using their flawed process, assuming they fix their process at all (and according to them, they won't).

They might have fixed the letterboxing issue for set 2, since they admitted that one was a problem. Or maybe it'll take set 3 before that gets fixed.

Now that Madman has come out and said that Viz's DVDs are messed up and their Blu-rays were a bad idea, that might put another level of pressure on Viz to get this crap sorted out before they release five seasons worth of flawed product, but sadly I expect Viz to stick to their guns on this. Viz seems to believe that they're right, or more cynically, Fake-rays are the best business plan when it comes to milking as much money as you can from millions of nostalgia-driven casual sheep.


Goldfish Warning! 5

Minako bans Valentines Day because she is upset that she never gets chocolate. Also, I noticed that the music in Sailor Moon is just recycled from this, which is funny because Digimon recycled Sailor Moon music.

Madman, truly the last hope for us to get a decent release of the 90's anime.


Since my other tl;dr post got eaten up, I'll post this instead.
Some of the fashion stuff I own or like:

Super cute Senshi school uniform pyjamas. :3

Had the first set of the Usagi lingerie, but gave it away
because it isn't non-flat butt friendly

These socks are pretty cute, esp. Serenity and Tuxedo Mask.

I have this in white and in blue-ish. Super comfortable night-wear, would recommend.

I could post my entire collection sometime, but I'm moving to another apartment on Sunday and reckon it will be easier to do it after unpacking. Got a lot of stuff I haven't even touched yet. But usually I just get stuff that I know I will buy but are limited editions/pre-orders. Other than that I don't really stress about buying it right away, so there are still a lot of items I'm gonna buy later on. :3

A lot of the items have been very hit and miss, imo. Some of them look great and other just look like garbage. Like these.. http://p-bandai.jp/fashion-net/item-1000090610/ Maybe I'm just biased because I hate gold jewellery and prefer silver. They did pretty well with the new wigs, except that Venus and Usagi have the same colors, and Mars' wig was a little thin. But at least they managed to put Usagi's buns on top and not the side, so huge credits for that.

A lot of the items are also soooo pink. D: I guess that's a money saver.. but I know a lot of males who are into Sailor Moon and would love some better t-shirt designs.
Stuff stuff stuff

Yeah, that's pretty much what I expect too. Basically butchered Blu-rays which have had something (upscaling) badly done manually that pretty much all Blu-ray players/TVs do an OK to good job of automatically. And then obviously butchered DVDs based off the butchered Blu-rays, but otherwise people might realize that quality DVDs being automatically upscaled look 100x better and clearer than their "carefully remastered" Blu-rays.


Read Stars Chapter 4. Hmm, wonder why the anime had the Starlights as the focus and the Outers in the background, while the manga balanced their screentime? I prefer the Starlights in the manga for the most part.

How is the wind is powerful enough to lift their hair up but not their skirts??? That makes no sense



Goldfish Warning! 6

Minako bans hot dogs which leads to them being illegally sold on the black market for a high price. Hmm, I wonder if this show is going to remain status quo? Not that I'm complaining about it, but it just seems to be sitcom-episodic rather than an episodic series with an overarching storyline so far.
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