I play about an hour at a time, I'm like just after getting
and I've hit level 50, got the
. I've been doing all the side-quests as well as random challenges that I enjoy, pretty much only activity I find kind of boring is that audio-surf-esque running automatically one. A couple frustrated me the first couple of times I tried them but I found a way to enjoy them all. 17 hours played, and I still enjoy using a lot of the powers, I guess it helps to pace yourself.
I love the world traversal so much, I've gotten like 850 clusters or something just because I love using a mix of jumping, dashing and gliding to land on very specific places. It feels so awesome to me when I can take off from one place like on high, then land specifically onto a cluster.
The main and loyalty missions are really great too, they have a nice variety to them and the simulation setting gives them a lot of freedom.
Would like to see them make a separate franchise akin to something like SR4 and Crackdown, since this fills the superhero gap for me a lot better than games like Prototype or inFamous. It knows exactly what it is, and it does it so well.