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Saints Row IV |OT| One Nation, One Crew


Finished it earlier today. Honestly, I really hope they take this as an opportunity to remove the open-world elements from the game. They've given themselves limitless options for missions - but not really full open worlds (unless they're much smaller & self contained). If the next Saints Row
is just a series of missions through history to try and eliminate the Zin from ever finding Earth, with historical homies from the collection
, I'd be perfectly happy. The side missions have honestly become so boring to me. Besides orb collecting, I feel ZERO incentive to do any of them. But the cutscenes, character customization, and core missions make for one of the best experiences I've had all year. SRV needs to focus on this series' new direction, and fully embrace the madness.

I hope SRV
is just a giant Assassin's Creed, Back to the Future, other time traveling media spoof


Just beat it and loved it. Besides the samey side missions repetitiveness (Volition's trademark). I enjoyed putting 30 hours into this game. Haven't done that in a while due to life, haha. But, I'm eager to see what will happen in the sequel.

Roddy Pipper was a nice fucking surprise. Homie for life!


You know, while I think a lot of people feel like the implications of the ending make it seem like they could go for another sequel with these characters, is it just me or did anyone else get the sense that "this is the end" of this particular saga? The finale felt like a huge hurrah and depending on how deep you went into the game it feels like a massive celebration of everything the franchise had to offer.

In a sense it felt like a bit of a goodbye to all the characters and this particular story. It's crazy that in little to no time the characters and series got up to this point. Despite thinking that The Third originally wasn't restrained enough, IV has kind of made me appreciate it even more in retrospect, it's just been such a cool adventure and it all comes together here. When we see Saints Row again, I don't think it's going to follow the story of the last four games.

On another note
I can't be the only one who actually felt incredibly sentimental during the credits when the main cast singing some Biz Markie faded out with Michael Clarke Duncan's track. I mean damn I loved that guy, that was an awesome tribute the team did. May he rest in peace.


Really frustrated with a bug on the PC version in the mission where you (I dunno mid game or something?)
Rescue Pierce
. Haven't tried it on single player, but on co-op once you get to the mission and do the first part, when the loading screen for the second part hits, it never finishes loading and hangs there. Really annoying. Friend and I tried 3 times and still no luck. At least we have some sidequests we can do...
Was playing coop last night with a friend and the game got all screwy. Then hilarity ensued.

It all started with an invisible car and my friend not being able to see any objects whatsoever.

Then I decided to drive around since my friend couldn't see any cars.

Then he sent my truck flying and it got stuck in the ground.

Then when my truck blew up, I fell through the street and was able to walk around underneath until I eventually fell through that and, after falling for a while, respawned back on the street.


Neo Member
Was playing coop last night with a friend and the game got all screwy. Then hilarity ensued.

Yeah ... stomping you in an invisible monster truck such that you hit the ceiling of the sky ... priceless ...

And ... since I'm posting now. I might as well say, I've been having a lot of fun with this game. I had a lot of fun with The Third as well. The world may not feel like it is living all that much and the cars don't seem all that useful, but you know what, I have super powers and the dialog and humor really sell it for me.

There are a lot of design issues I have with the side missions and the synergy of the abilities and how you fight the AI. They could have totally done some kind of rock/paper/scissor shit with fire/ice/shock ... but hopefully future titles like this can learn from these oversights ...

And then there's all these other issues with how often it crashes ... or the above bug where, for me, none of the network reflections for AI, cars, etc were showing anymore ...

BUT ... I've had fun - so much damn fun. I'm sad it is almost over.


For some reason most of my SR4 sessions end with some terrible glitch. I was just wrapping up the collectibles, destroying all the statues. I'm pretty sure I got all of them, but it says there's one left. Check the map, it's not there. When I exit the map and load up the quests menu to check my challenges, the game locks up. -.-'

I really hope this doesn't ruin my save file :(


After completing the game ( and it being like 7 or so days since I last played it) I still don't have interest to play it..

I only put like 18 hours into the game too. Just wish they did more to make the world more fun by offering more exploration and such ( pretty much why using the same map is such a bad thing)

Any cool mods made that spice it up?


Just finished the game myself. Wonder if SRV will be a continuation of this game's ending or if it will be a whole new thing.

I'm one of those who wasn't too into the dramatic escalation of scale that the series went through from SR2 to SR3 but, in a weird way, SRV could theoretically dial things back while also maintaining the series' hilarity if they decided to pursue what it entailed.


I also just beat it, it was definitely a chore to slog through all the masqueraded side quests (activities), but the main campaign was a blast. I was literally laughing the whole time, it was great to see the franchise come full circle with callbacks to the previous games.

Not sure how they can follow up this one, looking forward to finding out


I think I've hit a wall with this game. It's still a ton of fun to navigate the world, but I'm finding I'd rather aimlessly float around than continue tackling the many side mission checklists cluttering my quest log. The activities themselves aren't bad, but the way they're presented makes completing them feel way more like chores than it should.

Also just rescued the titular
Johnny Gat
and everything about that character outside of the initial mission is falling flat for me. Makes the reverence that everyone in your crew has for him ring false which takes me out of the game a bit.

Probably need to take a break for a few days before powering through to the end. Still have lots of positive takeaways from my time with SR IV so far and can't wait to see where it all ends up.
I hope SRV
is just a giant Assassin's Creed, Back to the Future, other time traveling media spoof

I'm hoping for a Doctor Who homie. Time travel fiction is filled with such awesome, memorable pop culture stupidity that they've got a ton of parody options.

Here's how I see Saints Row V playing out.
The Saints travel back in time to prevent Zin from ever destroying the Earth. But they hit a time rift, or some bullshit - and the crew gets spread out through the whole of time. The Boss & Gat find themselves stranded in the 80's - a new city, loaded with bad arcades, decaying dance clubs, and enough cocaine to bury a stripper. The majority of the game is then spent bumming rides off other time travelers (Doc Brown/Marty, Doctor Who, the crew from Dance Central 3), and exploring the city through different times periods where the different Saints are stranded. Kinzie could find herself in another 50's nightmare, Pierce could be fighting in the Civil War, and Asha might be taking down dinosaurs. Additionally, as you travel through time and fuck shit up - a butterfly effect occurs, and the original 80's city starts to change from your meddling in the time stream. Slowly you rebuild the ship, and obtain free roam over the time periods.

This all concludes with the Saints discovering that they've destroyed history beyond repair, and go back to the first moment in observable history - to fulfill their destiny and be the catalyst for the Big Bang. A final suicide mission to undo their destructive force on the world.

But from the ashes they rise to a higher form.
The other powers were decent at first too but quickly run out of steam when you upgrade your character to basically be invincible with infinite ammo on every gun and practically infinite health. But like I said that's a problem with games that are designed to be power fantasies, it's like playing a GTA game with a ton of cheat codes on. It's fun to dick around for a while but eventually you want an actual game with some challenge to it.

Obviously I enjoyed the game a lot more than you did, but I gotta strongly agree with this. I learned my lesson with this shit back in SR3. I literally never touched SR3 again after I bought infinite ammo, it just made getting into fights feel pointless. Made it a point to avoid upgrading things too much in this and I'm glad I did.


Just finished the game. Picked up the Fourth and Forty trophy along the way without trying, and that probably indicates my relationship with the game. Sure, it wasn't perfect: I'd have liked more unique side missions; some of the Diversions became a bit stale; and there's no good reason my Boss can fire blasts while jumping, but not bullets.

But to be perfectly honest, picking on this game for the things it got wrong or opportunities it missed feels churlish. More than anything else, the game felt like a love-letter to SR fans, and I received it in that spirit. Every main/loyalty mission was a joy. I loved the satire. The cast was perfect. The core powers never got old. The combat was not only the best the series has yet offered, it might be the best I've ever played in an open-world game.

This is probably the last PS360 game I'll buy, and it was glorious. Along with Gears and Mass Effect, Saints Row is a franchise that will define the current console era for me, and this game was a wonderful way to end the generation. I'll certainly be firing up the PS3 for the DLC when it drops.


Just beat it and loved it. Besides the samey side missions repetitiveness (Volition's trademark). I enjoyed putting 30 hours into this game. Haven't done that in a while due to life, haha. But, I'm eager to see what will happen in the sequel.

Roddy Pipper was a nice fucking surprise. Homie for life!

I know, right? How many people under the age of 30 will get the reference and undrestand why that was one of the single coolest unexpected surprises I have ever seen in a video game? That and other moments like:

You Got The Touch playing when you get the power armor at the end and the main character actually saying "One must stand, and ONE MUST FALL!". I'm flashing back to when I was 10 years old and seeing Transformers in the theater for the firs time.

There are a ton of jokes like this in the game that would be completely lost on anyone who didn't grow up in the 80s. I enjoyed the writing in SR2 as well as the excellent voice cast. SR3 was a fun game overall but the writing didn't really grab me. SR4, however, was one of the coolest games I had played in a long time on a lot of levels.


Just finished it.
The dance party was weird, but the post-credits tag and the reveal of the narrator was pure gold. And if they do make a sequel, they have lots of cool stuff they can do and really make the series its own thing.


I'm getting horrible micro stuttering in this game. I have to disable crossfire for it to be playable.

Try the 13.8B beta drivers. They remove the microstuttering issues when using crossfire as well as provide up to a 25% performance boost in GTA when running fullscreen at 1080p or greater.


I'm hoping for a Doctor Who homie. Time travel fiction is filled with such awesome, memorable pop culture stupidity that they've got a ton of parody options.

Here's how I see Saints Row V playing out.
The Saints travel back in time to prevent Zin from ever destroying the Earth. But they hit a time rift, or some bullshit - and the crew gets spread out through the whole of time. The Boss & Gat find themselves stranded in the 80's - a new city, loaded with bad arcades, decaying dance clubs, and enough cocaine to bury a stripper. The majority of the game is then spent bumming rides off other time travelers (Doc Brown/Marty, Doctor Who, the crew from Dance Central 3), and exploring the city through different times periods where the different Saints are stranded. Kinzie could find herself in another 50's nightmare, Pierce could be fighting in the Civil War, and Asha might be taking down dinosaurs. Additionally, as you travel through time and fuck shit up - a butterfly effect occurs, and the original 80's city starts to change from your meddling in the time stream. Slowly you rebuild the ship, and obtain free roam over the time periods.

This all concludes with the Saints discovering that they've destroyed history beyond repair, and go back to the first moment in observable history - to fulfill their destiny and be the catalyst for the Big Bang. A final suicide mission to undo their destructive force on the world.

But from the ashes they rise to a higher form.

The main thing I'm looking forward to in a SR5 is
the karaoke they end up doing while traveling in different time periods.

Nori Chan

I am an hour in after taking over a week to perfecting everything in SR3 and i am absolutely lovinbr it already. I can tell I'm going to have tons of fun and even more than the third one. Game of the generation don't fail me now lol


Obviously I enjoyed the game a lot more than you did, but I gotta strongly agree with this. I learned my lesson with this shit back in SR3. I literally never touched SR3 again after I bought infinite ammo, it just made getting into fights feel pointless. Made it a point to avoid upgrading things too much in this and I'm glad I did.

Yep, that is one of my main problems with this game, you never really get that challenge.

Few hours of fun sure, but it doesn't last long ( to me anyway)

Those few hours were pretty fun though ( I honestly feel I should have rented this)
Yep, that is one of my main problems with this game, you never really get that challenge.

Few hours of fun sure, but it doesn't last long ( to me anyway)

Those few hours were pretty fun though ( I honestly feel I should have rented this)

What sucks is that many of the main missions do have some good structure and challenge, but the 2 year old city only works as an obstacle course. I mean, an effort was made to make what was old new again and I appreciate that, but there was really no challenge in the "overworld".

One thing I find kinda weird is that the vehicles and pedestrians are all still present but not only do the super powers make them superfluous, the story does too. It's really kind of odd how the storyline informs your attitude towards things that are, in reality, identical. I felt a little wicked at first mowing down pedestrians in SR3, but since these were simulations the people felt like tumbleweeds. Not exactly a complaint, just something weird I noticed.

I really feel like some small changes could have improved the game quite a bit. Not using the Simulation Overrides (which are great) in the open world portion of the game for variety boggles my mind for starters. I would also have preferred them ditch activities completely and made side missions into short, unique parody challenges (I would have preferred even a bunch of unique 3 second Wario-Ware things to having to do Blazin 13 times), and made Wardens unique with different abilities and maybe had 3-4 of them patrolling the city looking for you at all times to liven things up.

Still, it's a fun ride and I really think the main missions make the game worth the effort. I will say that if I was to make a recommendation, it would be to wait for a Steam sale if PC is an option. I imagine this will be still more fun with mods in 6 months.

Jamie OD

Also just rescued the titular
Johnny Gat
and everything about that character outside of the initial mission is falling flat for me. Makes the reverence that everyone in your crew has for him ring false which takes me out of the game a bit.

I know exactly what you're talking about and it bothers me too. Part of it is because I've only played 3 and 4 but there seems there seems to be a big disconnect about how he acts and how the rest of the Saints expect he will act.

A running thread in the stories for 3 and 4 is the Saints wondering if they have forgotten their roots and become corporate, something that should be everything they are against. Characters like Shaundi even say "I wonder what Gat would think about this if he was here" a bunch of times. Then when you finally rescue him and bring him up to date on what the Saints did during his absence, he just accepts it and asks to go out and kill aliens. So after all that time building up the idea that Gat could be disgusted with what the Saints have become, it turns out he just wants to go on a killing spree and do other cool things. Maybe he's become emotionally stunted and can only express himself through violence but it still feels like the Gat who the Saints talked about for so long is a different person.


I know exactly what you're talking about and it bothers me too. Part of it is because I've only played 3 and 4 but there seems there seems to be a big disconnect about how he acts and how the rest of the Saints expect he will act.

A running thread in the stories for 3 and 4 is the Saints wondering if they have forgotten their roots and become corporate, something that should be everything they are against. Characters like Shaundi even say "I wonder what Gat would think about this if he was here" a bunch of times. Then when you finally rescue him and bring him up to date on what the Saints did during his absence, he just accepts it and asks to go out and kill aliens. So after all that time building up the idea that Gat could be disgusted with what the Saints have become, it turns out he just wants to go on a killing spree and do other cool things. Maybe he's become emotionally stunted and can only express himself through violence but it still feels like the Gat who the Saints talked about for so long is a different person.

Let's be real here though -
if you were something of a psychopath trapped in an alien vat having to relive your worst memory on repeat for years before your friends coming to rescue you after earth is destroyed, your first instinct is probably not to chew out your friends for "selling out". You'd probably be looking to get back on the guy who fucked with your mind for all that time, and there'd be no real opportunity to talk about selling out. Even if they did, the earth is gone, so it doesn't matter, and they'd all still be united for one common goal - get back on the asshole emperor and show them that you don't fuck with the Saints. That's as true to roots as they'd get.

I'm pretty sure Gat admits in the story that every Saint is important, and that kind of ties back to the Save Shaundi ending from SR3. You had the choice of killing Killbane or saving your friends, and this game follows up on what is arguably the honorable decision despite it being the ending that accommodates more to them being "sellouts" in the aftermath. It's not made as black/white in that regard. The Saints are a team more than anything, and Gat deciding that the best way to catch up or even put aside whatever qualms he might have had with them, would be to ignore everything and kill a bunch of people. It's the best, or even the only thing they could do in that situation. I think they handled him well.
I wanted to grab this on GMG cause of a coupon that makes it 25% off.. but it's out of stock.. WTF Digital Distributon. So, yeah, guess I have to pay $50. =\


I don't share the same view as others who are taking the ending as a hint towards SR5. SR4 was an amazing look back on the series and a good way to close it out. I think SR5 will be the start of a new "saga" so to speak.
Should I bother going for all Trophies, how hard is it? I'm at 65% so far.

I got the Plat last night, it's an easy Trophy set. Hardest part is probably the Medium and Hard difficulty Super Power Arena things, but they only took a few tries.

Some challenges are a grind; the ~750,000m Traveled in Alien Vehicle one is a rubber-band-on-controller job for example.

Grindy maybe, but very easy.


I don't share the same view as others who are taking the ending as a hint towards SR5. SR4 was an amazing look back on the series and a good way to close it out. I think SR5 will be the start of a new "saga" so to speak.

That's pretty much what Volition has said themselves. That if there will be a SR5 it will be very different from this.

Ploid 3.0

Oh wow, just beat the game... Dude gib me SR5 next gen, and all that crazy goodness.

ending spoiler stuff
My gawd time traveling saints. Saints reshaping the world, etc. etc. Such a rewarding ending. Though it could just end right there and be enough closure, but so much potential.


That's pretty much what Volition has said themselves. That if there will be a SR5 it will be very different from this.

I hope not. Despite being a user created character, The Boss is probably a top 3 character of this generation for me. I want more crazy Saints hi-jinks. Mostly more Boss, Pierce, and Kinzie.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Why is this game such a buggy piece of crap sometimes ugh. Can't use telekinesis on the key mission and have to basically start again.


I got the Plat last night, it's an easy Trophy set. Hardest part is probably the Medium and Hard difficulty Super Power Arena things, but they only took a few tries.

Some challenges are a grind; the ~750,000m Traveled in Alien Vehicle one is a rubber-band-on-controller job for example.

Grindy maybe, but very easy.
Ah thanks, I don't think I'll go for it; my game locks up now pretty regularly, losing progress.
Ah thanks, I don't think I'll go for it; my game locks up now pretty regularly, losing progress.

I had about 10-12 full system freezes over the game span.

Got into the habit of saving pretty regularly, especially when I was going for the "get x kills with y weapon" stuff haha.. Only lost my progress once though.
I had about 10-12 full system freezes over the game span.

Got into the habit of saving pretty regularly, especially when I was going for the "get x kills with y weapon" stuff haha.. Only lost my progress once though.

Thank God for the frequent autosaves, because my game regularly locked up, too. The one great thing about those code fragments (besides them being fun to collect) is that the game autosaves after every single one you pick up.

A few weeks ago, while waiting for the PC patch, I decided to go on a SR nostalgia trip and put in SR1 for the first time in years. BIG mistake. No autosaving at all, no checkpoints during missions, and if you fail at any level of an activity, you have to run ALL THE WAY BACK to the starting point to continue where you left off. I have no idea how I had the patience to actually 100% this game back in the day.


I am now convinced that playing as Nolan North is the only way to play and this is the best video game comedy ever. Fucking NyteBlade. LOL.

The french voice actress was killing me with some of her lines. After Zinyak quotes MacBeth:
"I don't listen to American hip hop." "It's a quote from Macbeth." "Oh sorry. I don't listen to Scottish hip hop."
I had Nolan on for the opening because I thought his voice coming out of a woman would be funny, but it was just weird. Definitely what Im going to use for a replay though.


Has anyone here experienced crippling game freezes in a specific mission? I'm asking because I'm in the last mission before the final mission and the game has frozen on me consistently at least 12 times in the mission "Batteries not Included". I have no idea what to do and I'm extremely frustrated and considering the fact that I'm basically done with the game and haven't had many technical issues with the game until now. Obviously I have the game installed in my 360 and is a brand new disc so I'm assuming that perhaps my save may have become corrupt somehow. I guess I'm going to have to wait for a patch, but it's really disappointing to have this happen right at the end basically.

Nori Chan

Omg this is already one of my favorite games of all time. I just laughed for like 5 minutes when I first romanced Kinzie. HOly shit I love this game


So my PS3 freezes up (except for the music) when going into the Downloadable Content menu. I've tried removing all game data from the console and reinstalling, but that did nothing to solve it.

Any ideas?


Anybody else having fun just running around the city completing a few more challenges after beating the game? I've been meaning to start a new game but I cant stop playing with my first Boss. >.>


Anybody else having fun just running around the city completing a few more challenges after beating the game? I've been meaning to start a new game but I cant stop playing with my first Boss. >.>

By the time I finished the game, the only challenge I had left to do was the travel x amount of miles in an alien vehicle. I had so much fun doing stuff during my play through that I put off playing the main missions until later on, so now that everything is done, I have no reason to stay in steelport :(

Can't wait for the story DLC to come out....only another 300km to fly till my platinum......


By the time I finished the game, the only challenge I had left to do was the travel x amount of miles in an alien vehicle. I had so much fun doing stuff during my play through that I put off playing the main missions until later on, so now that everything is done, I have no reason to stay in steelport :(

Can't wait for the story DLC to come out....only another 300km to fly till my platinum......

Aww man that's going to be a pain. Other than collectables and getting gold on the activities, I still some challenges to finish but its not looking too good for me either. Yep that dlc can't come soon enough. I feel like there still more than can do with this setting and I hope they deliver on it.


If SR IV proves anything, its that:

Super powers are very fun but get old kinda fast

No matter how many activities you add, at the end of the day for an open world game, the most important part is the world and exploration, which this game lacks a lot of and as such ruins the game and doesn't give much for a reason to continue playing or to return.

( to me anyway)
Hope the DLC are worth it,
If SR IV proves anything, its that:

Super powers are very fun but doesn't last that long

No matter how many activities you add, at the end of the day for an open world game, the most important part is the world and exploration, which this game lacks a lot of and as such ruins the game and doesn't give much for a reason to continue playing or to return.

( to me anyway)
Hope the DLC are worth it,
This is exactly how I feel. I haven't booted it up since beating it.
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