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Saints Row The Third |OT| Oscar Worthy Gameplay


To critique the plot of this game is to miss the point entirely.

I don't expect an epic plot, I just expect something that makes sense and doesn't completely contradict itself from one scene to the next.

If you are satisfied with lazy scripting in a game you paid for, then more power to you.


This is a hilarious complaint seeing how SR2 barely made any fucking sense at all.

What do you mean? I've played SR2 a couple of times and other than the gang storylines not mentioning each other, there wasn't a problem with continuity within the plot.

Hell, I'm still trying to understand why after SR2 the Saints would work with Ultor.
I can't help but wonder what this game would play like if it had fully destructible environments?
The more I think about it, the more I want to imagine a day when I'm a crotchety old man, lecturing to my whining little gamerkids, "Well... Back in my day airstrikes didn't t level buildings!" and having that blow their spoiled little minds!

Next gen better make this happen, or I swear to god...
Really enjoyed the game. One thing that's really disappointing (and frustrating) is that once you 100% takeover all of the neighborhoods, all of the gangs disappear. Which means that some of the challenges become impossible, like the one for taunting gang members. Hopefully this is something they can fix with future DLC.


So I'm guessing the reason I'm not seeing it listed on UK steam is due to more gameware bullshit along the same lines as brink?


Really enjoyed the game. One thing that's really disappointing (and frustrating) is that once you 100% takeover all of the neighborhoods, all of the gangs disappear. Which means that some of the challenges become impossible, like the one for taunting gang members. Hopefully this is something they can fix with future DLC.

Someone with the same problem say that if you attack the prostitutes in a gang area, they'll spawn even after 100% completion. Haven't tested it myself though.


Hell, I'm still trying to understand why after SR2 the Saints would work with Ultor.
I'm pretty sure Ultor works for the Saints, how else would they have gotten so big so fast on a global scale? It may seem like the other way around to the public though, for good reason.
Just blazed through the ending, what a ride.

I picked the
sellout ending and saved Shaundi
. The last fight
with Killbane totally reminded me of the Uncharted 2 boss fight, but thankfully it was much less annoying.

I actually thought the best part was the mission with
virtual reality. When I was fighting the boss at the end, I felt like it was Onyxia phase 2 (from WoW)! LOL, I was such a pro at dodging and I almost wanted homies to spawn and get toasted. Brought back memories.
Any time a game evokes emotion or memory like that is good, even if it was all nostalgia.

Also really awesome during
was the part of the fight where
you ride Killbane into the turnbuckle and punch him 10 times. I was counting along
just like I used to when I watched WWE. Awesome.

I tried to do more missions after the game ended, but I think I've OD'ed on the game. I just couldn't do it, I'll come back to it later. Good thing I have this pile of Batman AC, Forza 4, FIFA and Kinect Sport 2 to go through. What a crazy few weeks of releases.


I finished this game feeling exactly the way I did about Fable 3. It was a wild ride, and it had me the entire way through, but in the end there is so much content missing I can't possibly rate it over the 2nd game. When all is said and done it's a gigantic step backwards for the series.


An blind dancing ho
So people getting angry about the story continuity and plot holes...in Saints Row.

What next? Red Faction/Saints Row time line and universe debate‎ ?

This is just wrong. Guerrilla was great, but the shooting was the weakest part. Saints Row 3 destroys it.

To be fair It's my first impressions after like 3 hours or so in SR3 vs zillions of hours in RFG ( RFG is a 2nd nature to me now) so I need to get used to it before my final judgement.


So people getting angry about the story continuity and plot holes...in Saints Row.

I don't think continuity is too much to ask for. D-grade crap on TV manages to do a better job of it than SR:TT does. When you combine the poor story with the amount of content missing that was present in SR2 I think criticisms are fair.


I don't think continuity is too much to ask for. D-grade crap on TV manages to do a better job of it than SR:TT does. When you combine the poor story with the amount of content missing that was present in SR2 I think criticisms are fair.

Of course they are. There are just some in here who hyped this game to death and can't come to grips that it isn't as advertised.
Hell, I'm still trying to understand why after SR2 the Saints would work with Ultor.
I'm sure they explained at the start of SR3 that after taking down Dane Vogel the Saint's take control of Ultor to expand their influence. The saints become a household name and take over pretty much everything in Stilwater.


People called Romanes they go the house?
I'm sure they explained at the start of SR3 that after taking down Dane Vogel the Saint's take control of Ultor to expand their influence. The saints become a household name and take over pretty much everything in Stilwater.

Yeah, during one of the commercial spots, the Ultor Guy from the SR2 DLC is interviewed and explains how partnering up with the Saints was good for everyone, and that Ultor hoped to give the Saints a "second chance", or something to that degree.

As for the plot holes, I'm fine with stuff like the Penthouse
Getting blown up and being used in right after
, but stuff like
Killbane's unmasking/not unmasking and the whole Shaundi obsessing over Johnny's funeral (which is implied that The Luchadores crashed Johnny's funeral, not just blew up the Hearse with him in it)
is kinda really basic stuff to flub up.

As far as the boss goes, I really consider him to either have been "mellowed" from being obscenely rich and in charge of Stillwater, or Volition just decided to change him up from being a Sociopath. Otherwise, the Boss would have never taken the shit he/she does from Kinzie and Angel.

Just replayed the mission in which (mission related spoilers, obv.)
The ho's aren't ho's. That and the Cyrus mission had me laughing all throughout. "What happened between two consenting adults....blahblablah.

"I....uh, I like men." Lol.

Nope. Cockney voices completely destroys the song by missing every single note. It's the best

Have you tried zombie? :p


Along with the big arrows showing up in world to assist with the GPS, I also noticed that sometimes your car will also flash the appropriate turn signal as well to warn you of a turn coming up.

Also, the AI's predictable reactions can make for humorous results. Shooting out a tire, for example, will cause the AI to do an immediate three-point turn in order to try and get away. I did this to a motorcycle on the long highway bridge, who then promptly ended up going over the side due to running into another car trying to complete the three-point turn.

Seeing cars in front of you come to an immediate stop and the occupants immediately get out and run away freaking out when you're rolling in a tank is a nice touch as well. Just snagged the STAG tank and stored it in my garage when I was wrecking havoc with the regular tank and got maximum police heat. So good!


well not really...yet
Funniest moment of tonights playthrough:

A morningstar gangbanger grabbing a cop as a human shield.



If you go after Killbane the Saints take over Steelport, and make Pierce the mayor, despite having the current mayor on their side.

Maybe they got rushed, seems lame that they cut multiplayer to focus on the single player, but so much of the main story missions are just training for different activities and the writing is sloppy.
I believe Burt Reynolds dies if you go after Killbane, he's there with Shaundi and Viola if you go to save them.

They were probably rushed. One of the devs said this on Something Awful:
I get that you really like the game, so I feel it's only fair to help shed some light on something you likely won't hear anywhere else (unless you go bugging V-Singular on the official forums)

IMO, in terms of the raw resources required to get a game built and out the door, (and Kakesu can chime in if he feels otherwise) SRTT most closely parallels SR1. It's a new engine with all the stuff that comes with wrestling with new technology in a single game cycle. SR2 used the exact same engine and more than less built off the version of Stilwater from SR1.

That in super boiled down terms means that the city of SR2 had about 6 years of development in it.

Without going into too much detail, our cinematics manpower on SRTT was much less than it was on SR2 or SR1. I could go into numbers and I would probably be wrong, but my gut estimate is that we had anywhere from 50-75% fewer cinematics artists on SRTT.

I'm going to leave it as an exercise to the reader to compare exact headcounts between SR2 and SR3, but it's safe to say we did more with less. Because we had to.


They were probably rushed. One of the devs said this on Something Awful:
Sounds about right. Given the new engine and city, unless they had a ton of staff there was no way there were going to get as much content in as SR2 without another year's worth of dev time.
I just finished it and, like I mentioned earlier, holy shit. I went with green ending. Once the missions get going its fantastic. Now there's a huge sing-a-long to Sublime randomly during the credits as I write this! It doesn't hurt that i do love Sublime. Great game, I want to pick up the first 2 now.


Finished the game tonight, I haven't had this much fun in a game ever (except maybe Assassins Creed 2).

About the season pass, spoilers:

I noticed Gangstas in Space DLC is listed under the three DLC packs in the Season Pass. Gangstas in Space was the last mission so how would that work? The first DLC is scheduled for Jan 2012, then GiS for Winter 2012 (that's Feb isn't it?) and Trouble with Clones for Spring 2012 (which is March-May right?). I only ask because of the difference in seasons being from Australia.

It's just a shame the DLC is so far away, I don't think I'll have the game installed in two-three months so I won't be getting the season pass.


An blind dancing ho
They were probably rushed. One of the devs said this on Something Awful:

I kinda knew it...

Not sure if he will answer that, but I guess it's because that SR2 was built over SR1 (same engine, same map) so it was easier for them to put as many stuff into it and made complete package,here they were starting from scratch. (so SR4 might be SR2 all over again?)

and seeing how many THQ fired from poor Volition it was all clear, it's actually amazing what they have done under a shitty publisher like THQ.

But yeah hope they pull a SR2 again with SR4 :)
Really enjoyed the game. One thing that's really disappointing (and frustrating) is that once you 100% takeover all of the neighborhoods, all of the gangs disappear. Which means that some of the challenges become impossible, like the one for taunting gang members. Hopefully this is something they can fix with future DLC.

Yeah, I totally agree. The same problem existed in SR2. The player should be able to sell back properties to rival gangs for quick cash (and a revived enemy presence) or something similar IMO.
Maintaining some kind of challenge/threat for the player is obvious to me so Im not sure why Volition excluded this potential again. I still love SR3 though :)
You can get into trouble with gangs, even after %100'ing all areas, its just tricky.
I still got the odd call up on the phone, to kill off a spawn of enemies. Some assassination targets will spawn enemy gangs and if all else fails, you can complets an (easy) pimp escort activity. Just make sure the rival gang members are at the hooker drop off point when you complete the activity, and they will remain there when the activity ends.


I don't expect an epic plot, I just expect something that makes sense and doesn't completely contradict itself from one scene to the next.

If you are satisfied with lazy scripting in a game you paid for, then more power to you.

The story is one big tongue-in-cheek take off on film, TV, video game, and pop culture tropes. It isn't supposed to make sense, it's supposed to be as crazy and over the top.
I kinda knew it...

and seeing how many THQ fired from poor Volition it was all clear, it's actually amazing what they have done under a shitty publisher like THQ.

But yeah hope they pull a SR2 again with SR4 :)

It's not really that THQ's a shitty publisher, just that they're probably the leading publisher in the B-tier budget game and they can't compete with people like EA and Activision. But they try, fail, and end up hemorrhaging jobs as a result.

Meanwhile, this works out perfectly for EA and Activision, because if no one can compete in their arenas, then it means more money for them.
I kinda knew it...

and seeing how many THQ fired from poor Volition it was all clear, it's actually amazing what they have done under a shitty publisher like THQ.

But yeah hope they pull a SR2 again with SR4 :)

Agreed. Bravo to Volition for what they've done with limited resources and time. It is a great game, and I'm proud to have given them my $40.
This fucking game.

I'm about 70% in...i'm having a blast here, especially in co-op. I ended up making Solid Snake as a main character and he fits just perfectly in all the STAG missions. :]

I started to feel what some people were saying are setbacks from SR2 when I ran into a slew of minor gripes: After you get dual wield pistols or SMGs you can't go back to single. You can't upgrade the "Bear" vehicle now. Crib customization is basically gone.

All the new toys, features, and style certainly outweigh the gripes though. I'm liking this game a lot better than SR2 already.

Really enjoyed the game. One thing that's really disappointing (and frustrating) is that once you 100% takeover all of the neighborhoods, all of the gangs disappear. Which means that some of the challenges become impossible, like the one for taunting gang members. Hopefully this is something they can fix with future DLC.

Ahhh...that was one of my worries. I was hoping there was some kind of new game+ where you can redo the missions and choose the other branches.


At 98% completion for my first playthrough. Will start my second when I 100% it. But there's something I really hate about this game. The police AI is bloody atrocious. Now they just shoot you straight away and no longer try to arrest you and also if they shoot anywhere near you it will immediately raise your wanted level. This ruined one of my favourite things to do in SR2 or any open world game, taunting the civilians into attacking you and getting them arrested by the police.

Dead Man

I believe Burt Reynolds dies if you go after Killbane, he's there with Shaundi and Viola if you go to save them.

They were probably rushed. One of the devs said this on Something Awful:

THQ needs to give these guys some damn budget. They keep churning out great games.
I have the
kill the superhero
assassination mission where you have to rob a store to get him to show.

I walked into a store and started shooting my guns until the alarms went off, and I didn't see him, despite having 3 police shields under my map. What am I doing wrong?

Dead Man

I have the
kill the superhero
assassination mission where you have to rob a store to get him to show.

I walked into a store and started shooting my guns until the alarms went off, and I didn't see him, despite having 3 police shields under my map. What am I doing wrong?

For a robbery to count you need to aim your gun at the cashier until they get you some cash.


Cool Smoke Luke
I've been away so this would have been spoken about but is the PC version good this time because of the in-house development?

ITs fantastical.
some ati users have some performance issues but I haven't
I'm running 11.11 drivers and cap2 1920x1080 on ultra high settings

Driving I average 45 to 60 depending on area interiors are 60 to 90ish.. only occasionally do i notice dips into 30's.


So is there a way to get your uploaded characters downloaded that I'm missing?

You have to add characters to your 'queue' via the website. Except you can't add non-public characters to your queue. So what I did for characters I wanted to download, but didn't want public was: set them public, add them to queue, make them not-public. They'll remain in the queue. It's fairly unintuitive.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The game is fun as hell, but man, the performance is SOOOOOOOO bad on all platforms. I purchased it on PS3 and, while there is no tearing, the framerate is just so out of control to the point where it interferes with the experience. I've watched a lot of 360 footage as well and it looks even worse.

Then I tried the PC version at a buddies place this weekend. His machine is pretty decent as well (i7 2600k + 6970) and the framerate was extremely unstable. To get it playable we had to drop details a bit and limit the framerate to 30 fps. Even then it wasn't completely consistent. Without the limiter it jumps all over the place and feels generally poor.

Dead Man

You have to add characters to your 'queue' via the website. Except you can't add non-public characters to your queue. So what I did for characters I wanted to download, but didn't want public was: set them public, add them to queue, make them not-public. They'll remain in the queue. It's fairly unintuitive.

Thanks, I'll try again.

Edit: That worked a treat, thanks!


You have to add characters to your 'queue' via the website. Except you can't add non-public characters to your queue. So what I did for characters I wanted to download, but didn't want public was: set them public, add them to queue, make them not-public. They'll remain in the queue. It's fairly unintuitive.

How do I add them to my queue?

I have 4 characters, they're all set as public but the only options remaining are to name them, tag them or delete them.
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