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Salman Rushdie stabbed in neck, rushed to hospital (Up: out of surgery, on ventilator))


Gold Member
When some people have already laid a stake in the sand supporting their religion at all costs (to the death), you're giving way too much credit for those people to think rationally at Rushdie's novel.

I never knew it was about that until you told me.

All the media would tell is he's got a bullseye on his head pissing off Muslims. I thought his book was him ragging on Muslims and Mohammed for 100s of pages, because who the fuck who go hyperspastic at a fictitious story where it seems like he only talks about it here or there...... oh shit. I made the same mistake. Giving people too much credit.
"Giving people too much credit"

Potentially a fatal mistake


Sickening stuff. I saw a glimpse of the news this morning and have been busy all day only to see the latest update 🫤


In 1988, he wrote a book called satanic verses in which one of the fictional character hallucinates the life of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed. In which, Mohammed initially chooses Hindu dieties instead of the Abrahamic religions (Moses/Jesus) as Islam's background before changing his mind and blaming the error on the devil.

The book is a FICTIONAL novel about two dudes who survive a plane crash and turn into angels and demons. And muslims heard about that one FICTIONAL passage about Mohammed and threw a fit. Thats it. Thats all there is to it. Absolutely insane that people cannot handle something so simple.

Barbaric, stupid, weak fucks.

Dr Kaneda

In 1988, he wrote a book called satanic verses in which one of the fictional character hallucinates the life of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed. In which, Mohammed initially chooses Hindu dieties instead of the Abrahamic religions (Moses/Jesus) as Islam's background before changing his mind and blaming the error on the devil.

The book is a FICTIONAL novel about two dudes who survive a plane crash and turn into angels and demons. And muslims heard about that one FICTIONAL passage about Mohammed and threw a fit. Thats it. Thats all there is to it. Absolutely insane that people cannot handle something so simple.
There's more to it than that.

Prostitute are given the names of the Prophet Muhammed's wives.

The Prophet Abraham who is highly revered in Islam, and is presented within an Islamic context in the book not a Judaic-Christian one, is directly insulted.

The angle Gabriel, again framed within the Islamic context and given his Islam name Gibreel, claims that God is "balding man wearing glasses that suffers from dandruff"

The supposed Prophet is Rushdie's book as he is dying he was a vision of a pagan Meccan deity, implying she is either real or that he believes her to be real.

A character named after the Prophet's wife, Aisha, claims she is receiving revelation from Gibreel (once more framed directly within the Islamic context) leads here people to drown in the seas based on this revelation.

There's some other stuff as well but I can't remember it all. Rushdie himself said he was aware prior to release that he'd cause a shitstorm with the book.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. Nobody should have to live in fear for mocking a religion. Absolutely backwards.

Funny how we can criticise and poke fun at all religions, but Islam is totally off limit. Not only will you be labelled a bigot for "Islamophobia", but you'll also be risking your life.


Gold Member
I'm sure Iran will make a very public apology, offer to cover all medical expenses, vehemently denounce the fatwa, and widely distribute the book in Iran as a means of showing the world they are an enlightened, progressive culture that can interact with the world as an equal, not a barbaric bully, right....right?


There's more to it than that.

Prostitute are given the names of the Prophet Muhammed's wives.

The Prophet Abraham who is highly revered in Islam, and is presented within an Islamic context in the book not a Judaic-Christian one, is directly insulted.

Honestly… so fucking what?

Are some Muslims so weak in their faith that they can’t brush off the opinions or words of others about their prophet? Is he so weak a figure that he requires his adherents to kill anyone who insults him? Is it such a fragile, weak faith that it cannot cope with a mild insult?

All gods can and should be allowed to be insulted by those who don’t follow that religion. Because they’re not real things to those people.
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There's more to it than that.

Prostitute are given the names of the Prophet Muhammed's wives.

The Prophet Abraham who is highly revered in Islam, and is presented within an Islamic context in the book not a Judaic-Christian one, is directly insulted.

The angle Gabriel, again framed within the Islamic context and given his Islam name Gibreel, claims that God is "balding man wearing glasses that suffers from dandruff"

The supposed Prophet is Rushdie's book as he is dying he was a vision of a pagan Meccan deity, implying she is either real or that he believes her to be real.

A character named after the Prophet's wife, Aisha, claims she is receiving revelation from Gibreel (once more framed directly within the Islamic context) leads here people to drown in the seas based on this revelation.

There's some other stuff as well but I can't remember it all. Rushdie himself said he was aware prior to release that he'd cause a shitstorm with the book.
Okey, but why do people care.. shouldn't the Islamic religion go through enlightenment soon? I don't understand why they wish to stay in the dark ages.


Honestly… so fucking what?

Are some Muslims so weak in their faith that they can’t brush off the opinions or words of others about their prophet? Is he so weak a figure that he requires his adherents to kill anyone who insults him? Is it such a fragile, weak faith that it cannot cope with a mild insult?

All gods can and should be allowed to be insulted by those who don’t follow that religion. Because they’re not real things to those people.

Yes, and this is basically islam/christianity in a nutshell:

We're being ruled by a petty manchild who throws temper tantrums whenever someone doesn't adhere to his wishes 100%.

Christianity has managed to get with the times somewhat, but others *cough*islam*cough* are still stuck in the dark ages.


Here's the assailant.


How fucking cowardly of this 24 year old idiot to attack a 75 year old man.

Hope Rushdie recovers.
JK Rowling is getting threats that she's "next".

Religion of peace my arse. I can't imagine what she is going through. I'd be beefing up my home security (I'm sure already has security in place) and would be too terrified to go outside.
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Don't try to rationalize, guys

There's no reason to be found in religious extremism

Seems like Salman was already expecting a shitstorm after the release of the book. So the man has balls of steel.

Personally, I wouldnt bother and just write something else. "Freedom of speech" and all that, I know, but again, you can't reason with those people. You can't win against ignorance like this, so better avoid.

I hope he recovers. Guy not dying on the spot after multiple stab wounds is already a miracle.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
There's more to it than that.

Prostitute are given the names of the Prophet Muhammed's wives.

The Prophet Abraham who is highly revered in Islam, and is presented within an Islamic context in the book not a Judaic-Christian one, is directly insulted.

The angle Gabriel, again framed within the Islamic context and given his Islam name Gibreel, claims that God is "balding man wearing glasses that suffers from dandruff"

The supposed Prophet is Rushdie's book as he is dying he was a vision of a pagan Meccan deity, implying she is either real or that he believes her to be real.

A character named after the Prophet's wife, Aisha, claims she is receiving revelation from Gibreel (once more framed directly within the Islamic context) leads here people to drown in the seas based on this revelation.

There's some other stuff as well but I can't remember it all. Rushdie himself said he was aware prior to release that he'd cause a shitstorm with the book.
Good thing is that it is a fictional book about magical beings so no one should’ve taken it seriously.

Even if it was a non fiction book, no one should’ve taken it seriously. If one’s faith is so shaky that they get triggered by a random book then perhaps the problem is that person.

The Muslim world needs to condemn this attack in the harshest terms possible. This is the 21st century. If they can’t handle some fiction then perhaps it’s time to modernize Islam. No one forced this guy to immigrate to a country with freedom of speech laws. He couldve move to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. If he was born here then do the same. If they Cant handle Mohamed insults or drawings, go live in a country with blasphemy laws.
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Airbus Jr

JK Rowling is getting threats that she's "next".

Religion of peace my arse. I can't imagine what she is going through. I'd be beefing up my home security (I'm sure already has security in place) and would be too terrified to go outside.
What does jk rowling has anything to do with this? Any recent development i should know?
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Gold Member
Must not be paying attention to America with the "christian nationalists" lately. It is no accident that Muslims get more media coverage and things like this, but there are right wing fundamentalist sects in all religions.

But there's no way anyone out there can say all extremists are equal. How often does anyone see Christian, Buddhists etc.... go around putting bounties on people, chopping off their heads or staking out employees working at media companies (Charlie Hebdo) to finish them off?

I dont see it.

I'd bet all the money in the world if you insulted the typical Christian making fun of crosses and crucifixion, and a typical Muslim making fun of Mohammed, the chances of get a violent responses will be 10x better probability than the Christian guy.

Hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. Nobody should have to live in fear for mocking a religion. Absolutely backwards.

Funny how we can criticise and poke fun at all religions, but Islam is totally off limit. Not only will you be labelled a bigot for "Islamophobia", but you'll also be risking your life.
That's because there's strength in numbers. When you got like a billion Muslims in the world with potentially violent outcomes, people would rather avoid the topic for sake of sales, profits and not pissing off people who next thing you know waits outside your house holding a kitchen knife.

Now if the Muslim population was only 5,000 people in some obscure middle of nowhere village and people heard of this, everyone would be making fun of it. There's not much harm to be done when there's only a small pocket of people to deal with vs. a billion.

(Edit. Google says there's 1.9 billion Muslims on the world. That's literally 25% of the Earth's population)
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Snake Oil Salesman
Must not be paying attention to America with the "christian nationalists" lately. It is no accident that Muslims get more media coverage and things like this, but there are right wing fundamentalist sects in all religions.

Do Christians have their own version of a fatwa?


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

But there's no way anyone out there can say all extremists are equal. How often does anyone see Christian, Buddhists etc.... go around putting bounties on people, chopping off their heads or staking out employees working at media companies (Charlie Hebdo) to finish them off?

I dont see it.

I'd bet all the money in the world if you insulted the typical Christian making fun of crosses and crucifixion, and a typical Muslim making fun of Mohammed, the chances of get a violent responses will be 10x better probability than the Christian guy.

That's because there's strength in numbers. When you got like a billion Muslims in the world with potentially violent outcomes, people would rather avoid the topic for sake of sales, profits and not pissing off people who next thing you know waits outside your house holding a kitchen knife.

Now if the Muslim population was only 5,000 people in some obscure middle of nowhere village and people heard of this, everyone would be making fun of it. There's not much harm to be done when there's only a small pocket of people to deal with vs. a billion.

(Edit. Google says there's 1.9 billion Muslims on the world. That's literally 25% of the Earth's population)

There are also a billion Christians, but I guess if you mock Jesus or the Christian faith you don't need to fear for your life.

Velcro Fly

Do Christians have their own version of a fatwa?

Christians have definitely never killed or brought violence upon anyone for matters of faith before. Definitely not to retake land from non-Christians thousands of miles away from their homes after the land was resettled. Certainly not any non believers, perceived or otherwise. Absolutely not on their own people who did not act according to a book written by men thousands of years ago. Totally is not used as a justification for bigotry or abuse even today. Squeaky clean those Christians are.

The main difference nowadays is the Christian Church does not have dominion over very many countries anymore. The power of the pope is greatly diminished. Even in America there is supposed to be separation between church and state. Many Muslim countries the faith IS the state, which enables things like this because a religion becomes someone's entire identity, rather than just a small part of it.
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Imagine an irrational grudge simmering for decades...imagine being sympathetic to the cause of the freaking iranian regime, out of all of the rotten ones...imagine wanting to kill somebody because they dared mock your beliefs...
And this is coming from a "cultural" muslim (non religious, but a theist).
Somebody rightly pointed out that lashing out in this savage way indicates the fragility of one's faith. If you hold certain principals as true, why would it matter that another person doesn't? You considering him as a threat reveals your weakness, your inability to live in a world that challenges your views and philosophy...and yet you parade as a "believer"...
Morons defending the reputation of the omnipotent deity that created reality and what lies beyond, as if God was a defensless lady attacked by mobsters! The level of delusion involved is cosmic indeed.
Fuck this piece of shit! Fuck the Ayatollahs and their puppets! Fuck everybody who justifies taking the life of another human being in the name of their religion (Islam, today).
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Gold Member
I'm talking about today. Do they have anything that resembles a fatwa today?

Long time ago, every country warred at some point. As soon as they built up an army, they tried taking over countries due to religion, land, resources. But people, governments and religions grow up over 100s and 1000s of years. There's no barbaric raids and killings anymore because some crazy priest who doubles as a dentist using bird shit as fillings says the sun and moon aligns and it's time to go raiding in the name of god.

It would be like eternally hating Mongolia because 800 years ago Genghis Khan swept across Asia pillaging all foreigners he faced. He supposedly even reached parts of Eastern Europe. People care about modern times, not 800 years ago.
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Velcro Fly

I'm talking about today. Do they have anything that resembles a fatwa today?

Probably nothing formal, but you have Christian pastors running around talking about putting bullets in the heads of gay people. You still have bigotry and discrimination which is absolutely rooted in Christianity and the Bible. So no there is no slip someone signs off to have someone killed, but you don't really need to. It still happens anyway.


Another piece of garbage that should be treated accordingly.

Must not be paying attention to America with the "christian nationalists" lately. It is no accident that Muslims get more media coverage and things like this, but there are right wing fundamentalist sects in all religions.

Liberals forbid the usage of certain words. Even letters and gestures are frowned upon and you have the audacity of talking about right wing fundamentalists lmao


Snake Oil Salesman
Probably nothing formal, but you have Christian pastors running around talking about putting bullets in the heads of gay people. You still have bigotry and discrimination which is absolutely rooted in Christianity and the Bible. So no there is no slip someone signs off to have someone killed, but you don't really need to. It still happens anyway.

"Sir, this is a Wendy's."
"Sir, this a fatwa assassination attempt."


There's more to it than that.

Prostitute are given the names of the Prophet Muhammed's wives.

The Prophet Abraham who is highly revered in Islam, and is presented within an Islamic context in the book not a Judaic-Christian one, is directly insulted.

The angle Gabriel, again framed within the Islamic context and given his Islam name Gibreel, claims that God is "balding man wearing glasses that suffers from dandruff"

The supposed Prophet is Rushdie's book as he is dying he was a vision of a pagan Meccan deity, implying she is either real or that he believes her to be real.

A character named after the Prophet's wife, Aisha, claims she is receiving revelation from Gibreel (once more framed directly within the Islamic context) leads here people to drown in the seas based on this revelation.

There's some other stuff as well but I can't remember it all. Rushdie himself said he was aware prior to release that he'd cause a shitstorm with the book.
That says more about (the minority of) muslim psycho dickheads than it does about him. Aside from John Lennon, are there are any famous cases of people being killed/injured in the West by Christian fanatics for insulting God/Jesus relatively recently? It just doesn't happen, right? Any muslim that supports the attack should be viewed with great suspicion (to make it fair, I would say the exact same thing of any Christian that supported John Lennon's murder).
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