I have fond memories of this. Voxels have aged well too I would say, surprising. Haven't touched that since 98 or something.
Novalogic games were fun, not study sims, more arcady, but they were fun to play with. F-22 Lightning II, Armored fist 2, Delta Force, MIG-29 Fulcrum... Some amazing years in the genre and lifted by that engine.
I was more addicted to the Janes' sims though back then. Longbow 2 came in the same year with 3DFX and it blew my fucking mind. Was playing that coop with a friend, in the back seat or we would switch pilot/copilot, with microphones to talk, on a 56k modem. Witchcraft for the time.
1997 also had JST, Joint Srike Fighter from Innerloop and published by Eidos. F-35 & F-32 fighters, state of the art graphics back then. MPlayer to play online PvP.
Even the music I recall 27 years later
Another interesting one that I think aged quite well with a few mods is Enemy Engaged RAH-66 comanche vs KA-52 Hokum that released in 2000.
I was basically dedicating 100% of my time out of school on flight sims in that era