Welp. I've had it for about a month and somehow on my way to work, in my front pocket, the screen got cracked. I haven't dropped it, never had a problem with my OG DROID in the 2+ years I had it, so never thought I needed insurance, I'm now feeling really down.
I honestly don't understand how this happened. It was fine right before I put in my pocket before driving to work, but once I got out of my car, I took it out of my pocket to text a friend and saw from the home button up it was all shattered.
I'm mad and don't know what's going to happen when I go into Verizon today, but I'm thinking I'll just get a different phone e depending on what they want to replace/fix this.
This is supposed to have gorilla glass, like the DROID, right?
Welp. I've had it for about a month and somehow on my way to work, in my front pocket, the screen got cracked. I haven't dropped it, never had a problem with my OG DROID in the 2+ years I had it, so never thought I needed insurance, I'm now feeling really down.
I honestly don't understand how this happened. It was fine right before I put in my pocket before driving to work, but once I got out of my car, I took it out of my pocket to text a friend and saw from the home button up it was all shattered.
I'm mad and don't know what's going to happen when I go into Verizon today, but I'm thinking I'll just get a different phone e depending on what they want to replace/fix this.
This is supposed to have gorilla glass, like the DROID, right?
Can someone tell me how to set my wallpaper so it rotates and fits properly in landscape mode like the stock wallpapers do? I feel like an idiot but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I'm using Nova launcher as well if that matters at all. All my wallpapers are fine in portrait but when rotated only show a rectangle in the center of the screen instead of filling it completely.
Think warranty will cover it? Any way for that to be known hahaI have a weird feeling they got some defective glass in a few of these phones. I keep hearing this same situation over and over. Phone is fine and then all of the sudden the glass is broken. Its either a defect or gorilla glass 2 really sucks.
How long does the battery hold out fully charged? Does it see the end of the day?
Try changing security protocols and/or channel on your router, that did it for me on my gs2.
Picked mine up over this last weekend. Was going to hold out for the next iPhone as I was previously using an ancient 3GS. Couldn't wait any longer though as applications were entirely unreliable and the battery life on the 3GS was practically non-existent at this point. So, I took the plunge on the SIII and on Android in general.
Absolutely loving it. Coming from the closed walled off system of iOS - the degree of customization is incredible. Loving the Widget idea too. Took me a day or two to really get my head around the concept of it, but now that I have I can't imagine loosing that functionality. The device it self is also really impressive. Super quick. The screen is beautiful. Thinner and longer than the 3GS I had it still fits in my pocket - even better than the 3GS to be honest.
Right now my only real complaint is that the battery doesn't seem exactly stellar. Left the house full charged this morning at 730am and now 8 hours later it is at 60% with just some Spotify use on the way in, and lunch time web browsing over Wifi. When I stopped at the gym yesterday after work and continued to listen to music streamed over the network - the phone was at 15% when I got home at 8. Granted that was almost 12 hours with some heavy use on the network at the end - but for a brand new phone I kind of expected to get a pretty consistent full day out of it without having to worry about usage of music streaming/web browsing.
Is this unusual? Possibly a bum battery? Or were my expectations out of line finding the rest of the device such a huge leap over what I had been previously using?
I had the same reaction, especially coming from an iPhone where battery life is really good. Sounds like you are getting typical mileage from your battery so far.Battery sucks
I've already asked twice in that thread.there's an android games thread in the other forum. Try doing a search. I'd find it myself but I'm lazy
Weird. My battery life is amazing. And if I'm being a home body I can get three days out easily. Tethering watching big bang and streaming pandora ill get a full day. Much better than my 4s..
How are you getting 3 days? Mine lasts a day if I actually use the thing.
edit: what is a home body
I noticed that too. Go to your Settings -> Accounts and Sync -> Google/Gmail settings, and turn off Picasa web albums. That was causing a wake lock for me but after I turned it off everything was back to normal.
Weird. My battery life is amazing. And if I'm being a home body I can get three days out easily. Tethering watching big bang and streaming pandora ill get a full day. Much better than my 4s..
How are you getting 3 days? Mine lasts a day if I actually use the thing.
edit: what is a home body
Hard to determine that since I live in Arizona and this week has been 106+ degree weather.People with screens mysteriously cracking, was the phone and/or battery hot to the touch?
To add to this. My biggest gripes about this phone (mysterious cracking screens aside) is that it is absolutely dreadful at performing its function as a phone. Driving and talking is actually 100% unusable as calls break up so much (on Verizon btw and always have bars[previous phone never had these problems.]) and I can never hear, even with volume maxed and with the volume booster enabled. Speaker phone is laughably quiet (compared to OG DROID). Every single person I have talked to over the phone, everyone, has said they get feedback when talking to me. I have to turn my volume down past halfway for them to no longer experience that, so the microphone must be extra sensitive to cause that feedback.The reception on the phone is garbage, so battery life is going to be highly dependent on the signal strength in the places you spend the most time.
The reception on the phone is garbage, so battery life is going to be highly dependent on the signal strength in the places you spend the most time.
YMMV?I will probably get the SIII this week or next (international version).
What is this about cracking screens and bad reception? D:
It's actually better on the battery to leave it to Always stay connected, because connecting/disconnecting constantly between 3G/4G/wifi will be worse on your battery than just leaving wi-fi on with a 3G voice connection in the background. If you're still getting that issue with it always on, it could be a problem with the wifi chip on your phone.It's currently set to 'Only when plugged in' which is fine as it does turn off when the phone goes to sleep. Only the issue is, is that when I use the phone again it doesn't matter how long I wait, the wifi (although it's on) doesn't actually connect. When I go to the wifi options, I can see that it's still scanning. It doesn't pick up ANY routers. I turn it off, then back on and they all appear again and it automatically connects to mine.
I had this at random times with my GS2 as well.
i greatly miss my 9700 keyboard but I had the same issues as you and am so glad to have moved on. The Android OS is amazingI've got a 9300 BlackBerry... thinking about grabbing this phone soon. Can't wait, it'll be nice to be able to use the internet without having to turn off images(and not worry about it still not loading 75% of the time).
Anyone else got the same copy and paste issue where copying causes the app to crash?
Are you using SwiftKey? The only fix I have read is to reset the phone and start again. The issue only started once I installed chrome funnily enough. Has stuck around even after uninstaling
google Now working brilliantly on my S3 at the mo, running on a rooted samsung ICS rom.
love it.
Do you like Swiftkey? Sometimes it doesn't let me delete words and adds letters if I press the delete button. Also, I have huge trouble going to a specific part of my text as SwiftKey often jumps back to some place it has underlined.
That's happened to me, as well (the delete button adding text) on more than one occassion.Do you like Swiftkey? Sometimes it doesn't let me delete words and adds letters if I press the delete button. Also, I have huge trouble going to a specific part of my text as SwiftKey often jumps back to some place it has underlined.
It's actually better on the battery to leave it to Always stay connected, because connecting/disconnecting constantly between 3G/4G/wifi will be worse on your battery than just leaving wi-fi on with a 3G voice connection in the background. If you're still getting that issue with it always on, it could be a problem with the wifi chip on your phone.
When you say it can't find any routers, do you mean that yours is the only one in range or there are multiple others that also disappear?
I dunno if I can get 3 days but I can easily get 2.
This was more of a standby test than anything but it shows I can easily get 2 days of light usage, 1 day of solid usage.
That would almost certainly account for the difference!Red Mercury said:I used to put my iPhone in Airplane mode at my workplace because the signal reception was so terrible - but the SIII seemed better so I haven't bothered. (Now by better, I mean actually getting ONE bar of signal as opposed to none).
I don't know where you are, but in the UK the phone isn't tied to the number, but it may or may not be tied to the network.Can a family member use their upgrade to purchase a GS3 for the 2 year contract price and give it to another family member or does it have to stay at the number of the upgraded?
I'm in the US so its locked in to ATT. I know the number is on the SIM, but I wonder if its really as easy and switching them.I don't know where you are, but in the UK the phone isn't tied to the number, but it may or may not be tied to the network.