The Everyman
fuckis there anything in particular that stands out?
missing samsung logo under the front facing speaker, extra large gap between the screen and home button button.
sorry, that sucks man.
fuckis there anything in particular that stands out?
missing samsung logo under the front facing speaker, extra large gap between the screen and home button button.
sorry, that sucks man.
One more thing, vibrate mode on my phone doesn't work anymore. What I want is to just have sound on sound mode and just have vibrate on vibrate. Now however, if I enable vibration in sound mode it will work in vibrate mode too but if i disable it it doesn't and acts just like mute. Sound and vibration option is greyed out in all but sound modes. I tried all I could think of in the settings but cant figure it out. I run a stock rom, 4.1.2 jb.
I ended up buying an S3 on Craigslist.
That's fake as hell.
I'm sorry, man. That's truly a shame.
Any idea how much the s4 will run with and without contract. If I don't see a big jump I may just buy an s3 on March 14. Really need a new phone since my Droid incredible 2 is dead.
Not sure whether to just use Asurion and keep unlimited Verizon data plan or jump to a subsidized S3...
just got 2 OTA updates for Sprint S3. first one was about 153MB second one was 3.0MB.
that keyboard doubles the thickness of the phone though. yikes.
This is the only S3 case I could ever stand. Literally all other cases look terrible to me. Is there a reason they're all so shitty?
That's weird.
The OTA update from LJ7 to MA6 only updated my baseband.
Still says Android 4.1.1
Android wth
After root and the ROM + baseband downloads, I'm now on MB1 + Android 4.1.2.
That was too much work.
All my data was safe though, so no reinstalling.
Warranty voided though.
Wish I could get rid of this TouchWiz bloat safely.
Nova Launcher is great, but that touchwiz lockscreen just ruins everything.
Actually noticed the HDR setting for the Touchwiz camera. Why isn't this on for default?
just install the 4.2 gapps package for tw. it adds the 4.2 camera and launcher
This is the case I rock. My SO's brother got me it for Christmas because he knew how much I used my phone for watching movies and streaming. Love it to bits. I initially wanted to get something like that Case Mate (although not the one you've linked) but then remembered that the S3's screen tends to scratch really easily, and that screen protectors in general are just a long term way of spending more on protecting your phone than you should do.
Now I don't have to bother with them.
My sister dropped her S3 in the bathtub. She immediately switched the phone off, and she hasn't turned it on since yesterday. She's afraid the phone has gotten wet inside and she is waiting for it to dry up before switching it on again...
I ensured her that the S3 can deal with water for a short time and that her phone is fine. But she's stubborn lol
Just got the s3. Seems to be running warm/hot...it's not crazy hot but def noticeable. Is this normal?
Finally took the plunge and rooted/flashed CM10.1 onto my phone. So long touchwiz, I hardly knew ya.
Just did the same last nice. CM10.1 is so good.
Hey guys, I currently have an HTC Incredible right now and I *might* be upgrading phones soon. Probably not to an S4 or a Note 3 or anything just because of the money, but I should be able to upgrade to an S3 or a Note 2 if all goes well.
Does anyone have any opinions on the S3? I figure it'd be better to ask about the S3 specifically in this thread, since I imagine if I ask about both phones I'll probably get more S3 biased thoughts
But, either way, if anyone has any opinions to give on it at all, that would be great. My main focus is just better battery life when I won't be able to have a charger with me, though ease of web usage, texting, and potentially music are all important as well.
Are you guys on CDMA?
I had a fling with the last CM10 builds and early 10.1 builds, and there were some usability breaking bugs (e.g. Google Now not updating location.)
I'm on the latest snapshot for CM10.1 which was back at the end of January I think. It's really stable, haven't noticed any problems so far.
Is there any reason why my stock weather app would stop updating the weather? It worked fine up until a few days ago, now it won't update temperature and location unless GPS is on. It didn't used to be like this, and I didn't do anything to the settings, so is there a reason for the change?
Which carrier?
I'm getting my GSIII tomorrow, but I need suggestions for a case. I prefer a hard shell with no flex on the sides whenever I'm swiping side to side.
What are everyone's favorites?
I'm on T-Mobile. My brother did the same to his GS3 and he's on AT&T and he says it works just fine.
Wow, holy fuck, 7000MaH extended battery is amazing. Feels... liberating never having to worry about battery life again, ever.