anandtech with dat detailed preview:
Unlike today's other phone announcement, we can't say we were expecting to see LG come out with something of its own -- and it's a bit of a doozy, at that. Samsung's Korean rival decided not to let the Galaxy S III have the full spotlight for long, officially unleashing the Optimus LTE2. The mind-blowing portion of the spec sheet is its inclusion of 2GB RAM, a milestone we haven't yet seen in a smartphone. Additionally, the LTE2 will feature the company's "True HD IPS" display, WPC-backed wireless charging capabilities, Android 4.0 and a 2,150mAh battery that LG claims will increase the battery life by an astounding 40 percent.
the benefit is 2 elements instead of 3, which is a 50% space savings and means a much higher yield of usable panels. the only reason they use a pentile arrangement is they just can't reliably mass produce an RGB stripe AMOLED at that size with that resolution at this point in time.thanks, that makes sense. I suppose I'll have to try one out. What are the benefits of Pentile? Less battery intensive?
That, too.
I'll never understand the people that say that a 5 inch phone would be too large for their jeans. What the fuck kind of jeans are they wearing, anyway?
Anyway, repeating my question...looking to get a new Android phone this year and I am currently leaning toward waiting for this one... good plan or is there a better phone?
Would this be a worthy upgrade from the T-Mobile G2?
WTF at that LG phone. Holy crap speczilla. Pics and details of the device? Does it have it's own thread? And LG....LG....I've never really liked LG handsets :S
anandtech with dat detailed preview:
WTF at that LG phone. Holy crap speczilla. Pics and details of the device? Does it have it's own thread? And LG....LG....I've never really liked LG handsets :S
WTF at that LG phone. Holy crap speczilla. Pics and details of the device? Does it have it's own thread? And LG....LG....I've never really liked LG handsets :S
Anyone?Would this be a worthy upgrade from the T-Mobile G2?
anandtech with dat detailed preview:
that blows my mind too.One positive thing (which it blows my mind no other OEM has done) is add the option to display battery percentage alongside the battery indicator in the notification bar.
damn Samsung with the same 8MP came... oh wait...With Francois' help, I ran voodoo report on the SGS3 and we've obtained a lot of information, including the rear camera CMOS, which is an as of yet unannounced S5C73M3 8 MP BSI sensor. Without getting more information, I can't tell you pixel pitch or optical format, but it's clearly a latest and greatest CMOS that Samsung hasn't even made directly public yet.
Thanks.If it means anything, I have a G2 and plan on jumping ship to the SIII from what I've seen.
The G2 has served me well, but honestly outside of the Nexus and maybe the maxx this phone seems to be the obvious best choice. I'm open to switching OSs, but right now doesn't feel like a good time for ios/wp7 jump.
Edit: just read up on that LG Optimus LTE...where the fuck did that come from?
Really liking the blue one.
Gonna wait to hear more on the LG LTE2 now. Get the feeling LG are gonna sink it all in this to be their saviour "Hero" phone.
seriously underwhelmed. At least my GS2 doesn't seem like an outdated pos.
Also told my sister to get a one x, she was waiting to see what the GS3 was like and she likes the one x styling better.
Ahahahah nibs man you're never gonna settle on a phone. These hardware manufacturers are going to drive you insane with the next best thing being right on the horizon.
I swear there was an HTC phone that used a similar type of USB connector.
edit: it was extusb on their early android phones, though that was mini usb:
I'd assume its for accessories..
double tap Home for S Voice? oh wow... somebody call some lawyers...
Ahahahah nibs man you're never gonna settle on a phone. These hardware manufacturers are going to drive you insane with the next best thing being right on the horizon.
This doesn't seem isolated. At least not on the websites and blogs. Loooooots of talk from people arguing which of these two are the better phone. Wonder if it will show in marketshare two quarters from now, or if Samsung will just coast on pedigree alone. HTC is much closer to the S3 than they were with their last years phones in relation to the S2.
double tap Home for S Voice? oh wow... somebody call some lawyers...
It just seems to me that Samsung is hoping that better specs will be enough to pull in the buyers. I don't really think that will happen though, since there really is very few apps on android that will utilize that speed (at least in the international version). And so far as usability and smoothness in general usage is concerned, most users probably will probably not find the difference too substantial between this and the One X.
Another deciding factor that could be, is the fact that the Galaxy S3 has a micro SD card slot, that gives you the option to extend it's storage (up to 32GB). In addition, the Galaxy S3 has the option to remove and change the battery. If the battery is faulty after a year or so, you can easily change the battery or you just want a bigger sized battery, it atleast give you the option.,-the-Smartphone--Designed-for-Humans-and-Inspired-by-NatureMemory 16/ 32GB User memory (64GB available soon) + microSD slot (up to 64GB) Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) format, defined in Version 2.0 of the SD specification, supports cards with capacities up to 32 GB
anandtech with dat detailed preview:
That said, I think HTC has clearly won the industrial design and in-hand feel category this time around. The obvious comparison point is the HTC One X (Tegra 3). When I compare the two side by side, the differentiation really comes down to display, and camera. The One X LCD is beautiful, and the One X/S camera is a very good performer. Subjective UI snappiness between the two are actually very close even though the SGS3's Exynos 4 Quad clearly holds an advantage over Tegra 3, but it ends up being accessories rather than core which will define the better device.
So, is this the phone to get if I'm not going for iPhone?
double tap Home for S Voice? oh wow... somebody call some lawyers...
double tap Home for S Voice? oh wow... somebody call some lawyers...
TrollolololUnlike today's other phone announcement, we can't say we were expecting to see LG come out with something of its own -- and it's a bit of a doozy, at that. Samsung's Korean rival decided not to let the Galaxy S III have the full spotlight for long, officially unleashing the Optimus LTE2. The mind-blowing portion of the spec sheet is its inclusion of 2GB RAM, a milestone we haven't yet seen in a smartphone. Additionally, the LTE2 will feature the company's "True HD IPS" display, WPC-backed wireless charging capabilities, Android 4.0 and a 2,150mAh battery that LG claims will increase the battery life by an astounding 40 percent.
man i cant decide if i want the white or blue :/
the one x is a great shape ..but even the white on that phone is overly shiny/plastic looking .... this is where the textured back of the s2 was so good
Functionality wise, i think TouchWiz makes Android better in almost all cases. It's just so terrible looking compared to the beautiful stock look.
White model actually does not look too bad, but the blue(it's really more black imo.) looks horrible.
I just might consider upgrading my galaxy s to this if it gets good marks on battery life and camera and also if the new software features actually work well.
Functionality wise, i think TouchWiz makes Android better in almost all cases. It's just so terrible looking compared to the beautiful stock look.
White model actually does not look too bad, but the blue(it's really more black imo.) looks horrible.
I just might consider upgrading my galaxy s to this if it gets good marks on battery life and camera and also if the new software features actually work well.