Get that US stuff away, this is a real SII:
So good...
Hi five!! Preach it. I hope Bell here (Canada) continues with getting the proper international versions of the Galaxy line, not these basterdized carrier ones. Bleh
Get that US stuff away, this is a real SII:
So good...
Anyone know if the headphone jack is on the bottom or top of the device?
likelySo what are the chances of Verizon picking up this phone in the US?
The hate for the S3 is stupids, lets says Samsung put an ARM A15 dual core in it with a quad core GPU, 720P Amoled HD+, ceramic body but then you must think what can Samsung do to improve with the galaxy s4 next year? yep not much they can improve, i agree this is not the big jump from the S1 to S2 but its better than the iphone 4g to 4s jump and you also get removable battery, micro sd and 2 colors to choose from at launch and those options are not there with the other top smartphones on the market right now.
The hate for the S3 is stupids, lets says Samsung put an ARM A15 dual core in it with a quad core GPU, 720P Amoled HD+, ceramic body but then you must think what can Samsung do to improve with the galaxy s4 next year? yep not much they can improve, i agree this is not the big jump from the S1 to S2 but its better than the iphone 4g to 4s jump and you also get removable battery, micro sd and 2 colors to choose from at launch and those options are not there with the other top smartphones on the market right now.
No, because the iPhone 4 to 4S jump involved still keeping a beautiful design. The S3 could have at least not be a plastic piece of shit. Their whole presentation was trying so hard to be grown up. Make the phone not a Playskool replica.
I don't care about specs, for the most part. They're meaningless as the phones are good enough. Those on here talking about benchmarks as a dispositive factor in their choice of phone are crazy.
No, because the iPhone 4 to 4S jump involved still keeping a beautiful design. The S3 could have at least not be a plastic piece of shit. Their whole presentation was trying so hard to be grown up. Make the phone not a Playskool replica.
I don't care about specs, for the most part. They're meaningless as the phones are good enough. Those on here talking about benchmarks as a dispositive factor in their choice of phone are crazy.
If you're referring to the "keynote", I found that to be the most interesting part of this whole thing. Taking another page out of Apple's playbook, putting on a big press conference in the same style as Apple's to launch a phone.
For Apple it works because they do one phone a year, so it become an event. (You can debate the merits of that.) How many phones does Samsung do per year? Furthermore, how many Android "superphones" are released per year?
The hate for the S3 is stupids, lets says Samsung put an ARM A15 dual core in it with a quad core GPU, 720P Amoled HD+, ceramic body but then you must think what can Samsung do to improve with the galaxy s4 next year? yep not much they can improve, i agree this is not the big jump from the S1 to S2 but its better than the iphone 4g to 4s jump and you also get removable battery, micro sd and 2 colors to choose from at launch and those options are not there with the other top smartphones on the market right now.
No, because the iPhone 4 to 4S jump involved still keeping a beautiful design. The S3 could have at least not be a plastic piece of shit. Their whole presentation was trying so hard to be grown up. Make the phone not a Playskool replica.
I don't care about specs, for the most part. They're meaningless as the phones are good enough. Those on here talking about benchmarks as a dispositive factor in their choice of phone are crazy.
SII was overrated by the press and consensus last year. IMO it was surpassed by Galaxy Nexus 1 month after release in the US..
Are we really going to judge a phone based on dropping it? Do you drink out of sippy cups, too? I don't drop my phones, anyway. Give me the best design.LOL.. I dont get this plastic hate. I'll drop my plastic piece of shit and you drop your metal and glass device, lets see who comes out on top. I am actually more scared to drop my nexus than my Gs2 due to the metal sides it has.
it's really the girth that matters...
Are we really going to judge a phone based on dropping it? Do you drink out of sippy cups, too? I don't drop my phones, anyway. Give me the best design.
Are we really going to judge a phone based on dropping it? Do you drink out of sippy cups, too? I don't drop my phones, anyway. Give me the best design.
You clearly had an aneurism, its the only way to explain why anyone gifted with sight would chose that hideous home button over sleek capacitive buttons.
is this a good upgrade over the S2? my golly, my phone is not even a year old
Nahhhhhhh, just wait another year for the gs4!
Samsung could've skipped all this legal nonsense if they had gone vanilla Android from the get go ^_^
Nahhhhhhh, just wait another year for the gs4!
The hate for the S3 is stupids, lets says Samsung put an ARM A15 dual core in it with a quad core GPU, 720P Amoled HD+, ceramic body but then you must think what can Samsung do to improve with the galaxy s4 next year? yep not much they can improve, i agree this is not the big jump from the S1 to S2 but its better than the iphone 4g to 4s jump and you also get removable battery, micro sd and 2 colors to choose from at launch and those options are not there with the other top smartphones on the market right now.
Are we really going to judge a phone based on dropping it? Do you drink out of sippy cups, too? I don't drop my phones, anyway. Give me the best design.
SII was overrated by the press and consensus last year. IMO it was surpassed by Galaxy Nexus 1 month after release in the US, and in the international market it was surpassed by both Sensation XL and Galaxy Note a few months later.
I think SIII will be the best android phone for longer period of time this year both in the US market and the international market. I just don't see Moto or Sony making a better phone with a more "complete" spec sheet.
Vald was not the only idiot who overrated SII. That dude/dudette from Engagdget Mobile tried to have oral sex with the SGS2 in every podcast.
I will probably be getting the S3 come July...mainly because the One X bootloader is locked for AT&T. That and I like Samsung's task manager more than HTC's. At this point the only thing that would change my mind is if the S4 ends up performing worse on the S3 than the One X but I don't see that happening.
Galaxy Nexus had a better display, and if you want to pull the "in the US" card, then we can also toss out "pure Google" as a benefit too because the toro is a joke.
sensation.. comedian?
i'll give you the Galaxy Note, but i'm sure a ton of others will cry "too big!"
S1 to S2 was a pretty big jump though, the camera, screen, cpu and gpu were all incredibly competitive for 2011 and it had features most phones at that point didnt like HDMI via adapter, USB host(hell even the nexus doesn't have this out of the box) and was all around one of the best phones you could buy last year. the phone still has better benchmarks than a lot of phones releasing in the first part of 2012. I don't really understand how the GPU wasn't improved much when the Mali 400 is better than anything in the majority of S4 phones this year.1080p pressure sensitive hyper accurate multitouch septacore 5.1 speakers 14MP 4K video recording or 1080p60 video recording, kevlar
and the jump from S1 to S2 was big? what did they REALLY add? S1 had a beast GPU, S2 improved, but not much. AMOLED+ vs AMOLED is better, but a big jump? no. audio quality actually DECREASED!!!
well, that confirms it, you're a joke character.
You just said the hardware is "all pretty good," how are aesthetics not a valid preference to choose a phone at that point?I am just explaining the journalist backlash of the S3. I don't really care if you agree with my ranking of the phones.
I think people who spend so much time/energy on the look and material of the phones are stupid. I couldn't care less. If you take a look at a different consumer product category, say camera, oobody cares how good a camera look. Only 14 year old girls care about the looks of their cameras.
I think nowadays you can let your personal hardware feature preference to pick the phone for you. They are all pretty good.
Why couldn't they have made it a manly rectangle, I know it's shallow but I really don't like the look of the phone
I'm due an upgrade and my network (Three UK) is offering it as a preorder, free with the One Plan, shipping on or before the 30th May. I'm tempted to get an S2 or Galaxy Note instead. I'm currently rocking a crappy HTC Wildfire S, basically a Fisher Price Android phone![]()
I hear that, but I think I'd shudder every time I looked at it. Whichever phone I buy I want to use for 2 years or more, this is my first time getting an expensive/premium phone so I want to get it right first time. The Note is getting more and more attractive by the minute despite its gargantuan size!While it may look ugly, at least most people say it's fairly ergonomic to hold which I feel is a better tradeoff.
I hear that, but I think I'd shudder every time I looked at it. Whichever phone I buy I want to use for 2 years or more, this is my first time getting an expensive/premium phone so I want to get it right first time. The Note is getting more and more attractive by the minute despite its gargantuan size!
Dat hyperbole.
Looks like a phone to me.
. I think 80% of my hate for the phone's design goes to the bland ass back cover. They should've kept the same style with the bump as the GS2, nexus S and galaxy nexus.
If you can get the S2 on a 12 month contract I'd probably get that myself, I prefer the look of the international S2 over this S3, and whilst the improvements are nice I'm not sure it is quite justified in the contract cost.Why couldn't they have made it a manly rectangle, I know it's shallow but I really don't like the look of the phone
I'm due an upgrade and my network (Three UK) is offering it as a preorder, free with the One Plan, shipping on or before the 30th May. I'm tempted to get an S2 or Galaxy Note instead. I'm currently rocking a crappy HTC Wildfire S, basically a Fisher Price Android phone![]()
Was wondering, what does the S3 cpu have over the tegra 3?