I don't know..when I compared them side by side..the gnex did look more grayish. the bezel doesn't blend in like the GS2.
and no, mine wasn't defective...
and where did you find Gnex Anantechs black level measurements? can't seem to find it....I saw one for the Nexus S..
Too much

.... When I get the gs3 it will be my fifth upgrade, and then I plan on getting the whatever the next nexus is at the end of the year.
But if you're smart you can upgrade without spending much.
Went from gs2 -> gnex -> one x with very minimum pocket damage.
It's like a hobby
Its very comparable..
I still think the 4s is a lil sharper(especially text), but the one x screen is more vibrant without going really vibrant like the amoled.
Also, 4s screen seem to be a lil bit washed out compare to the One X. Black level seem to be better than the 4s also.
I'm not really sold on the GS3 till I make the comparison, i have a feeling it will fall a lil short compare to the 4s/one x...but I want it for its other superior features.
I'm very picky about screens..thats why I still have the best black level plasma currently.