Hi Guys, I'm a Verizon GS III.

Hi Guys, I'm a Verizon GS III.
I don't even know what this means :/
Just means they have a signed bootloader that makes it harder to load up custom firmware/OS.
But everything on the Play Store is fair game?
Also would circumventing the bootloader void my warranty?
verizon's blocked apps from appearing in the store before, but you can probably use something like market enabler to access it. not sure what the latest way is since I'm not overseas anymore.But everything on the Play Store is fair game?
Phone probably has the same counter that triggers when flashing roms, so if they find a way around that you'll be able to do so without voiding the warranty.Also would circumventing the bootloader void my warranty?
verizon's blocked apps from appearing in the store before, but you can probably use something like market enabler to access it. not sure what the latest way is since I'm not overseas anymore.
Phone probably has the same counter that triggers when flashing roms, so if they find a way around that you'll be able to do so without voiding the warranty.
Any news on Google Wallet support coming to the S III?
You can download the app on the Play Store...
Are there any Galaxy S III's in store for display in the US yet?
Are there any Galaxy S III's in store for display in the US yet (Verizon stores)?
I have and it doesn't seem to work with my phone; otherwise, I wouldn't have asked.
Yep. It's in the battery apparently.Your phone needs an NFC chip in it. Does the SIII have that?
Screw Fedex. It was out for delivery today, but instead of simply having the front office sign for it so I can pick it up after work, they said fuck you and will attempt delivery again tomorrow. Guess I'm working from home tomorrow.
Can't you show up to the FedEx office tomorrow morning before it goes out for delivery? I've done that with FedEx in the past - their truck doesn't go out right away so you should have time to get it yourself.
Your phone needs an NFC chip in it. Does the SIII have that?
I have and it doesn't seem to work with my phone; otherwise, I wouldn't have asked.
Welcome to the Verizon / Google pissing match on NFC payments. Verizon wants the biz and currently blocks Google Wallet on several devices.
How is google wallet different from level up? I use level up all the time, and your phone doesn't need an nfc chip to use it. Google wallet sounds kind of pointless.
Screw Fedex. It was out for delivery today, but instead of simply having the front office sign for it so I can pick it up after work, they said fuck you and will attempt delivery again tomorrow. Guess I'm working from home tomorrow.
This story turned out to be a hoax. It seems that the guy may have put his phone in a microwave in an attempt to dry it out after getting it wet. Either way, it didn't just spontaneously combust: -From the Android |OT| thread.... this doesn't look good.
Edit: One thing to note, this is apparently the international version which has been on the market for a while now. If this was a real issue, you would think it would be all over the news.
What is the best way to transfer music from a computer to a GS3? Is it possible to do via SBeam? I am on a macbook so I don't know if that would be an issue.
Plug it in via USB and copy the files over. As long as your computer supports MTP you will have filesystem access. External SD needs exFAT support, according to wiki you need 10.6.5 in order to have support for this.
Can I get an unlocked American version of S3? How is the International version?
Currently posting from mine. Gotta get used to the touch keyboard. Had to goto the FedEx site after work to pick it up. The box was crushed and opened but I could see the actual box was fine. All the Verizon bloatware on here is just ridiculous. Also I am kind of scared how everything on my droid magically transferred here without me even doing anything. I kind of don't know what to do with my new magic device....
is there a fix coming soon for cell standby?
Very first thing I did. HahaSettings -> Apps -> Select Bloatware -> Disable -> Repeat
Just got mine, its a beast, but then again I did upgrade from a Hero, anything is great compared to that lol
Welcome to the Verizon / Google pissing match on NFC payments. Verizon wants the biz and currently blocks Google Wallet on several devices.
Cmon son..... 4 different carriers in the US, and international versions also, all the others are unlocked, yours isn't.
And you are going to try and point the finger at the manufacturer? Really bad form there. They must be assuming other carriers locked it too, thats the only way I could see them trying to sell us on that horseshit.
It depends on the app. Android in general, no problem. But I had my Kindle books get messed up transferring a SD card. Kept saying I had to remove the books and download again in an endless loop.Can I just transfer my old sdcard into my new phone and not have it cause any issues? I have like 16gb of music on there, really don't want to format it.