I'm in the same boat. Had my Hero for almost 4 years. What a piece of shit. I'm thinking about getting this phone. Seems really cool.
Worth it, it will blow you away.
I'm in the same boat. Had my Hero for almost 4 years. What a piece of shit. I'm thinking about getting this phone. Seems really cool.
Its everything i hoped it would be! One minor complaint: I'm trying to burn the battery life down to 0 before my first overnight charge and I can't seem to get it to 0%, this battery is too good.
Got mine in today, it is GLORIOUS. I know this has been discussed before, but can anyone recommend a nice lightweight thin case for this thing? None of that bulky ugly stuff that people have been posting pics of ugh.
Its everything i hoped it would be! One minor complaint: I'm trying to burn the battery life down to 0 before my first overnight charge and I can't seem to get it to 0%, this battery is too good.
Its everything i hoped it would be! One minor complaint: I'm trying to burn the battery life down to 0 before my first overnight charge and I can't seem to get it to 0%, this battery is too good.
Should this actually be done? I figured battery technology would have been good enough by now not to need to do something like that. I've already charged it![]()
Its everything i hoped it would be! One minor complaint: I'm trying to burn the battery life down to 0 before my first overnight charge and I can't seem to get it to 0%, this battery is too good.
I think it just helps a lttle with accurate readouts. Not necessary at all.
Got mine yesterday afternoon and so far really happy with it. This is my first smartphone, and I'm coming from a Samsung Reality, whose touch screen stopped working right. So this is a pretty huge leap for me. I know there's the apps for Android thread, but what kind of Apps do people really use on their phone?
I've downloaded swift key, Flixster, Yelp, Chrome, and MyFitnessPal (the calorie counter thing). I've tried a couple of movie players but they all seem to choke on my 720p mkv test file which is disappointing. So what else do you guys use?
Any idea which I should get?
What kind of video is that? The stock video player plays my 720p mkv anime files just fine.Got mine yesterday afternoon and so far really happy with it. This is my first smartphone, and I'm coming from a Samsung Reality, whose touch screen stopped working right. So this is a pretty huge leap for me. I know there's the apps for Android thread, but what kind of Apps do people really use on their phone?
I've downloaded swift key, Flixster, Yelp, Chrome, and MyFitnessPal (the calorie counter thing). I've tried a couple of movie players but they all seem to choke on my 720p mkv test file which is disappointing. So what else do you guys use?
So my screen is taking a whoppin 45 percent. Am I doin it wrong?
Dayum, does cell standby really need 19 percent? Or is that just part of that error everybody is taking about?
So my screen is taking a whoppin 45 percent. Am I doin it wrong?
What kind of video is that? The stock video player plays my 720p mkv anime files just fine.
Other things: I love Reddit News.
It's an h264 mkv, with surround sound. The stock video player will give me smooth video, but no audio. One of the players I found will give me audio but video is like 3 fps, and I found one that does nothing just a frozen frame and locks up.
What is your mkv anime file? Did you put it on your internal storage, or the SD Card?
Gasp! It all makes sense. Now I have to find an APP that fixes my GAF addiction.You're using it too much duh. turn the damn phone off and stop checking GAF every 5 seconds.
Help, I'm going nuts. How do you remove the screen selection "widget" at the bottom near the icons? You know, the light white spots near the bottom. I can't find it anywhere in the options and I'm not finding anything on google. Thanks!
Fedex is excruciatingly slow. My old fascinate is gelling like half a day of battery life now, I really want my new phone.
get MX player
Thanks for the suggestion, works awesomely!
Is there anyone here with Verizon that does not have unlimited data?
If so what is your monthly average and usage habits like?
Ugh, unfair that it works for you but not for me
Edit: Is there any way to get version 1.6f instead of 1.6g?
The key thing for me was setting the audio to S/W mode.
Is there anyone here with Verizon that does not have unlimited data?
If so what is your monthly average and usage habits like?
You can download a different launcher from the market that won't have it and are more customizable...stuff like go launcher, apex launcher, nova launcher are decent. Avoid launcher pro.Help, I'm going nuts. How do you remove the screen selection "widget" at the bottom near the icons? You know, the light white spots near the bottom. I can't find it anywhere in the options and I'm not finding anything on google. Thanks!
Verizon seriously took out network options?One word of advice...
Be careful if you decide to use any toggle widgets, esp. the Wifi toggle. Since my Verizon SGS3 doesn't have a Wifi toggle (like everyone else...thanks Verizon), I put a toggle widget on my desktop. I used the HD Widgets toggle.
The problem is that when I toggled Wifi off, I stopped being able to stay on the 4G network. If I rebooted the phone it would briefly say 4G and then switch over to 3G.
The HD Widgets 4G toggle didn't work. It only took me to the Mobile Network settings screen. Verizon didn't include any options there for selecting they type of network. Googling around it seems that the other carriers have Mobile Network settings that Verizon didn't choose to include (surprise, surprise).
I did a factory reset of my phone as well but that didn't fix it. Luckily, I had Llama installed and remembered that it had some data toggle actions. I used its "Enable 4G" action. Llama reported an error that it couldn't fully enable "WiMax" but I've been on 4G ever since.
I don't know what the Wifi off toggle did (and don't want it to happen again).
Just though I'd share my experience incase this bites anyone else.
I've got unlimited data but I used to keep track of the amount of data I was using per month just incase Verizon ever did away with unlimited data.
I'm able to use Wifi a lot at home and work. Since Verizon started throttling 3G users who use more than 2GB a month, I've tried to be careful about the amount of mobile data I'd use. Most of my data use comes from streaming Google Music and the occasional Youtube video or Netflix show. Netflix really burns through mobile data quite fast so I never did much of that.
I would usually use anywhere between 500MB to 1.5GB of data a month while being mindful of the 2GB throttle. Before Verizon implemented that policy, I would occasionally use just over 2GB of data a month. My wife doesn't do any streaming, and she usually uses around 100MB or less a month for e-mail and occasional web browsing.
Now that I have a 4G phone and am capable of better quality streams, I plan on enjoying more of my unlimited 4G data than what I did on 3G with the throttling hanging over my head.
Hope that helped.
Edit: It's the streaming that uses the most data in my experience. Email and web browsing use much smaller amounts. So it depends on what you will want to do on the mobile network to determine what data tier would work best for you. If I had to purchase a tier just for my personal line, I'd probably get a 4GB plan. Of course, I don't really know how much 4G data I'm going to be using a month since the S3 is my first 4G phone.
Thanks for the detailed info, I am wondering how much streaming music say pandora from time to time will use up on 4G.
If you want, I can stream Pandora over 4G for an hour or so. I can post the results since ICS allows you to see the data use per app.
You can download a different launcher from the market that won't have it and are more customizable...stuff like go launcher, apex launcher, nova launcher are decent. Avoid launcher pro.
Verizon seriously took out network options?
Sweet deal![]()
Why avoid Launcher Pro? I use it on my droid x and it's fine, are the others that much better?
Here's the results...
Not to bad for an hour of streaming. That was 12 songs and 3 Pandora commercials. I think Google Music uses more data. The stream is at a higher bit rate I think but Pandora sounded pretty good.
Video streaming is another matter.
I used it on my Droid X as well. It was great and made the phone much less laggy. But it hasn't been supported for quite some time and I don't know if it plays nicely with ICS.
Why avoid Launcher Pro? I use it on my droid x and it's fine, are the others that much better?
Here's the results...
Not to bad for an hour of streaming. That was 12 songs and 3 Pandora commercials. I think Google Music uses more data. The stream is at a higher bit rate I think but Pandora sounded pretty good.
Video streaming is another matter.
One thing to mention is that Google Music can cache music locally, so it only downloads a song once, afterwards its played local. But of course its limited to your library and whatever is shared with you, unlike Pandora.
Is there a way to change that annoying water droplet noise to something else? I find the option to disable it, but I'd still like to have a menu sound. notifications are kept in: /system/media/audio/notifications. In theory, replacing those files with another sound file with the same file name should change the sound. The water drop file is called "S_Dew Drops"
There's a problem with this though, in that I don't think you can alter the permissions when you're not rooted, and by default you can't rename or create any new files in the /system folder.
Root Explorer can change the permissions but requires root access.
True. But with Google Music you can side load your entire library from a computer or down load on wifi eliminating any streaming. You are limited only by your phone memory/sd card.Good point. I guess it depends on how often you listen to the same stuff over again in a relatively short period of time.
The Google Music purchased from the Play Store is encoded at 320Kbps. One of my tracks is roughly 13MB for a 6min track. That's just one song. After two songs you're already past where you would be with the Pandora stream. If you are skipping around your library, Google Music will still download the track once it starts, I think, so that is just wasted bandwidth unless you go back to that track later.
Don't get me wrong, I love Google Music and almost listen to it exclusively. I've uploaded my entire music library to the cloud and since the Beta have been purchasing albums from Google instead of from other sources. But streaming it for a couple of hours could use a couple hundred MBs.
If I had a limited data cap, I'd be much more cautious about using Google Music and pin more of my most listened to albums to the phone. As it is, I've gone through my entire library and "thumbed up" all of my favorite tracks and I shuffle the Thumbs Up playlist as my own personal radio station where every song is sure to be a good one. Though sometimes you run into problems of consecutive songs that don't transition well or I may skip some tracks to get to another one better suited for my mood.