Is there any way I can root this to run Jelly Bean? Or shall I just get a Galazy Nexus
I am new to Android, looking for some help
Is there any way I can root this to run Jelly Bean? Or shall I just get a Galazy Nexus
I am new to Android, looking for some help
Yes, I will be staying with Verizon. I am on Unlimited 4G and can't get that anywhere else (not going to Sprint) so I'm in a tough situation.
Returning it would hit them slightly as it would leave me out of contract, so that's something I guess. If they don't get the next Nexus I will likely leave and go Straight Talk or something with a straight from Google Nexus.
have 91.4gb on dropbox![]()
I just picked up THIS Case, but from Best Buy. Right now they have this deal going on where if you buy the case (this one was $30) they will also give you and install the Invisible Shield screen protector for an additional $10.
Impressions of the Belkin case, so far from me, is that it works perfectly with the invisible shield in terms of covering the screen up until the case begins. The side buttons are only slightly harder to press, which I kind of preferred as I've already accidentally pressed the volume buttons while extending my thumb to type vertically. It's got a nice pliable, but hard casing feel. I feel pretty confident that If it fell it could handle the landing.
For a few dollars more they had another Belkin case that had a soft rubber skin that went around the phone and a hard shell that would fit over that. I didn't like the look, as I want to see my nice white phone, but it seemed like it would take an even harder beating, such as falling down some stairs.
That's incorrect. Returning within the 14 day period will negate the contract and reinstate your upgrade.If you return it you would lose your upgrade. Verizon will love you even more. I'd sell it if you're not going to keep it. And if you do, PM me price! lol
That's incorrect. Returning within the 14 day period will negate the contract and reinstate your upgrade.
Ah yes, you're right. That's actually the reason I got it in the first place since it was my last chance to use an upgrade and keep my unlimited.Yeah but that upgrade is worthless to you since you lose your unlimited if you upgrade to a different phone. Better off selling that and using that money towards a phone later you do want or even towards a developer edition.
Yeah, I think Im going to go with this case too.
Any issues with the camera? I mean with the cutouts being to close to the lens/flash?
have 91.4gb on dropbox![]()
Android comes preloaded in it's Alarm app a 'smart alarm' feature.
It basically plays a quiet soothing alarm 5 minutes before your alarms are meant to go up. If you're in deep sleep (ie 'sleep cycles' no movement) you generally sleep through it. However when you start waking up (ie 'sleep cycles' moving around) it pulls you out of sleep.
I'm sure there are hundreds of other apps that mimic sleep cycle on android though.
have 91.4gb on dropbox![]()
Damn I got like 6 :/
Hey can somebody help me with Google Voice? I have no idea how to send texts. I have logged into my Gmail already.
I don't see this anywhere on my Galaxy Nexus. It's on your GIII? Then I think it's a TouchWiz feature.
I see CM9 has been made available for the Sprint S3. Had been waiting for this ROM as my first attempt at rooting/flashing. Thing is, its a nightly version of CM9. What in the heck does that mean and how does it differ from a non-nightly CM9?
So I'm a bit confused here about upgrading (currently with Verizon) , I'm on a 5 line fam plan with 4 of them on the unlimited data plan, I just started going through the online process of upgrading to the gs3, first it tells me if I want to keep my fam plan the same(I do) then next screen asks me to select the data features I want, now in this screen I get allllll the data options available, 2gb, 4gb, etc but at the very bottom of the list I see "unlimited email and web for smartphones -existing feature" I click on the radio button and a pop up window displays my Added features (which includes "Email and data unlimited 29.99)...
Does this mean I'm keeping my data in place??? If this seems to be the case, can I just go into a Verizon store tomorrow and get the device and not change a thing on my plan??
Nightlies are likely to have bugs as they work to get the ROM completely stable.
You can keep unlimited data if
-you already have a 4g unlimited data plan...if you are coming from a 3g unlimted data plan theres no way to transfer that to a 4g unlimited data plan.
-purchase the phone at FULL retail(no 2 year discount)
Hmm, interesting. I thought even those of us who are grandfathered with unlimited LTE plans would have to change when upgrading.
I think he means he must meet both conditions.
Well after a day with the GSIII I have some opinions of it versus the Galaxy Nexus.
You can keep unlimited data if
-you already have a 4g unlimited data plan...if you are coming from a 3g unlimted data plan theres no way to transfer that to a 4g unlimited data plan.
-purchase the phone at FULL retail(no 2 year discount)
Is there any way I can root this to run Jelly Bean? Or shall I just get a Galazy Nexus
I am new to Android, looking for some help
Cell Standby- 38%
Screen- 19%
What the fuck?
Got this phone today and the only thing that I haven't been able to figures out is in the gallery. The gallery tries to sync pictures from my laptop through wifi and I would like to disable that, anyone know a link or how to do it?
Is it trying to do it through Nearby Devices (file sharing)?
Cell Standby- 38%
Screen- 19%
What the fuck?
So I wake up to another update (sprint), and go check the forums to find out wtf it was
- Google security update
So I read a little further...
"Looks like Google Search bar no longer searches anything on the phone. This comes on the heels of the Apple patent lawsuit against the search feature."
Oh, so you can push this out, but not the screen brightness slider?
That sucks, fucking apple shitting up the industry.
Crap double post
Sidebar what kinds of 4G speeds are you getting and what's your area?
I was getting 15mbps yesterday on fake Tmobile 4g in Fairfield, CA. I will take that.
The red phone looks cool, but I think it might look pretty different in real life just like how the blue looks compared to the press shots.
I need a little clarification on this. I have the unlimited data. It's only 3G because we don't have LTE in my city. I also pre-ordered this phone BEFORE the 28th when the share everything plans started. Will I still have unlimited data when LTE comes to my town?