No it's just being misreported.
Well then, this phone is awesome
No it's just being misreported.
Well then, this phone is awesome
Can someone point me to good live or normal wallpapers for the S3?
If you care enough the Cell Standby percentage is fixable. It is really using around 19% on my phone but was misreporting as high as 70% prior to the fix. Since it's just a cosmetic problem theres no real need.
Oh I was being serious, not sarcastic, sorry if there was a misunderstanding. I really really like this phone.
And is the fix easy? I'd like to know
Thats cool I didn't think you were being sarcastic! Just thought I should confirm that its only a cosmetic fault and it can be rectified.
There's the details for the fix for the i9300. If you have an American or Canadian GS3 the instructions may vary slightly but as long as you back up your power_profiles.xml before replacing them you should be fine.
Sweet, thanks! Also, I've been looking at custom roms and stuff (I tried a couple on my SGS1), what's this stuff about a flash counter?
Anything else I should know about?
Get GoSMS and then go to settings and receive settings and check Enable Group MMS. They will always come and go as an MMS.
Did you try my suggestion ;(Help!
On the main screen, the thing that shows the weather and time disappeared; how do I bring it back up? I looked in settings but only found 'wallpapers' which do not do the trick.
Any suggestions?
On the main screen, the thing that shows the weather and time disappeared; how do I bring it back up? I looked in settings but only found 'wallpapers' which do not do the trick.
Any suggestions?
Does anyone have good pictures of the red one. Trying to see how it looks outside of stock photos
These videos of the phone will give you an idea. I think they give you a good idea of what it looks like in person.
Yeah that behavior is what happens. Unfortunate we have to resort to a messy fix, hope Google adds support eventually. Not sure how to fix the notifications.Thanks, the setting was actually in the send settings, there was nothing about that in receive.
The group texting works now, but the program does some wacky stuff. When I get a response to a group text, I get two notifications (I did turn off notifications on the stock messaging app) I think one is for the individual convo and the other is for the group text because when I go to the message list the individual convo will be at the top of the list even if I haven't got an individual text from that person in a while. If I click on that convo and then exit, it goes back down the list. Really weird but I guess it will work for now. Maybe it works better in conjunction with the go launcher?
Also I lose the lock screen notification that says how many texts I missed. Any way to get this back? I couldn't find anything in the settings.
How do I stop the phone from vibrating when loud music is playing, so annoying.
How did you manage to add the bar with games, media, reading etc. to your start screen? Has it replaced the default bar which allowed you scroll through screens?What are you after? I've got a pretty sweet Breaking Bad wallpaper at the moment. All you need is something sufficiently high resolution (at least 1280x1440).
How did you manage to add the bar with games, media, reading etc. to your start screen? Has it replaced the default bar which allowed you scroll through screens?
That was achieved by using Nova Launcher. They're just labelled folders (Grid folder preview and Platform folder backgrounds in settings). I just set the desktop grid to be 6 wide and dropped apps on each other above the dock to create the folders. They aren't present on page 1 or 3 of my screens because I use those pages for big informational widgets.
This changes everything, cheers! I'm completely new to Android/Samsung, so I'm learning new stuff all the time.
is it that dark or is it brighter in person?
anyone having their wifi turn off and on randomly? im in a chat with samsung right now about the concern.
anyone having their wifi turn off and on randomly? im in a chat with samsung right now about the concern.
White or blue, boys?
What are you after? I've got a pretty sweet Breaking Bad wallpaper at the moment. All you need is something sufficiently high resolution (at least 1280x1440).
About the same. I think the quadcore is slightly better, but not by much.I'm looking to grab a SGS3 because of all of the development. I have the option of getting a 16gb international version or a 32GB Bell SGS3. Performance wise will the Quadcore version drain more power?
White or blue, boys?
Yo Gaf, I have a question but might be offtopic: my microSD card says its damaged, my phone wont accept it anymore. This is the 2nd time its happening, first it got damaged after playing some songs, now it happened right after I took a picture, are they that fragile? Its a class 10 from Samsung. :/
How to I initiate the 'search' function on the app/widget pages? Currently, I manually slide throw the app pages, but there has to be a search function, right?
Mine did this yesterday. I noticed that my 3G was on and wi-fi was off. I'm going to keep an eye on it, but I'm concerned if others are having the same issue.