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Sandra Bland Found Dead in TX Jail, Police Say Suicide, Family Disagrees

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Ya, that's photoshopped as hell, but the original itself is kind of damning, according to something I read:

I showed this to my dad, who had been going to school to become a mortician before he found it was just emotionally overwhelming.
To him, and with his trained opinion based on photos I found of Sandra Bland with as close to a neutral resting position as possible- these two-
Compared to the Mugshot here
To him, he sees clear signs of sinkage in her skin, even just from the photo.
Take note of her cheeks- even in the first photo I’ve shown, they’ve got a fullness to them, and her features are far from the bone-y visage we see in the mugshot. Her eyes seem to have sunken back, and her face looks a bit lopsided. This isn’t uncommon, it’s pretty normal for a cadaver’s facial features and skin to look like it’s slouched or lopsided if not treated or maintained correctly.
Parts of her skin also seem very VERY pale, which you typically see in a corpse. This is from when blood and fluids leave the skin, especially in the face where there’s a thinner layer of flesh over the bone, which causes a sickly white look.
Her lips are also very off-color, further indicating a lack of bloodflow or inhibited bloodflow.
Her eyes seem out of focus, her cheeks are sunken, her clothes aren’t touching her shoulders completely- further indicating she’s laying on the ground. (If you look at her hair, it’s clearly being pulled back by gravity.)

There’s no way she’s alive in that picture. They dressed up her corpse to make a cover story.

I honestly wouldn't put it past redneck police to cover up something as disgusting as this.
Yes, using your signals is certainly not important or anything.
I work across the street from a police station. The amount of people who speed, do not signal, text while driving etc is so vast in that fucking 5km radius I laugh at anyone who genuinely the police really give a shit about that stuff 99% of the time.

Also, not a police officer but you do have to actually comply with police requests such as step out of your car. The police can even cuff you if they feel it will ensure safety in the situation. That in itself is not implicit of you actually being under arrest. They can't arrest you without telling you why you are under arrest however. I dont really think they can make you put out a cigarette though tbh. That really is irrelevant of the law other than them just not wanting you smoking which if you are not under arrest is irrelevant
Police let that slide all the time.

Maybe not in podunk small towns that rely on traffic tickets for government revenue.
It seems that was this was . He was probably looking to give out tickets. Crap situation all the way around. i find it stupid to ask are you okay . What did he expect to answer with ?


Fuckin hell, GAF. Why do you make me respond to threads and comments like this. WHY.

So let me help you here: This is where it's important to still be a fucking human being after you've finished arguing the technicality of a thing. You know, seeing the forrest for the fucking tree. She told him *why* she changed lanes. She saw him coming up behind her (from her perspective that's what she fucking saw) and decided to move over as anyone is supposed to do (or otherwise has been told to do) when they see a law enforcement or emergency vehicle coming up behind them. Should she have technically flipped her blinker? Sure. But as a fucking human being, you're supposed to have the capacity to empathize a little bit, understanding (a) the situation and (b) that as a law enforcement officer your presence naturally makes people a little more nervous and prone to small mistakes...and guess what you do? You smile and move the fuck on rather than waste someone's time. You understand why they might be frustrated that you'd pull them over for something as inconsequential and explainable as this. Or better yet, you don't pull them over at all.

And this is the problem I continue to have with some of you who would rather resort to textbook definitions. You're not robots, despite your love for gundams and anime. Law by nature lacks nuance; nuance that human fucking beings are in the system to fill, applying judgements and proportionate actions based on context, measure and appropriateness.

The reason we're talking about this right now is exclusively because the officer escalated this situation. He did so not because she broke some significant law in failing to signal a lane change, but because he got fucking sensitive about her being frustrated about being stopped. Then he went from being sensitive about it to power tripping about it because how dare this ugly bitch talk to me this way! I'm an officer of the LAW. The rest writes itself as it has done so many times before. Some officers habitually forget that their duty is to protect and serve...even those who are frustrated, or upset. Even those who they may personally dislike for some reason. This woman posed no threat other than some word daggers aimed at his soul for being a petty douchebag. And yet he ultimately acted like she was the hardened felon that just escaped from prison that needed to be hog tied and hauled in.

Whom did his actions protect? Whom did this action serve? Easy answer: he protected his ego and served himself. And now someone who had a plan and a future is instead full of formaldehyde, sitting in box.

That's the forest. Step away from that fucking tree and recall what it's like to be a human again, people.

Superb post on this subject.


It seems that was this was . He was probably looking to give out tickets. Crap situation all the way around. i find it stupid to ask are you okay . What did he expect to answer with ?
He clearly wanted to escalate the situation. And the whole asking her to put out her cigarette thing was fucking petty.
He clearly wanted to escalate the situation. And the whole asking her to put out her cigarette thing was fucking petty.
Had something similar happen like ten years ago was taking a family trip some corvette hauls ass pass are minivan as we both pass a cop we get over thinking the cop was going to go after him . Nope same thing! He gives us the ticket for not signaling to get out of his way. We couldn't believe it . I just laughed in the backseat .
Fuckin hell, GAF. Why do you make me respond to threads and comments like this. WHY.

So let me help you here: This is where it's important to still be a fucking human being after you've finished arguing the technicality of a thing. You know, seeing the forrest for the fucking tree. She told him *why* she changed lanes. She saw him coming up behind her (from her perspective that's what she fucking saw) and decided to move over as anyone is supposed to do (or otherwise has been told to do) when they see a law enforcement or emergency vehicle coming up behind them. Should she have technically flipped her blinker? Sure. But as a fucking human being, you're supposed to have the capacity to empathize a little bit, understanding (a) the situation and (b) that as a law enforcement officer your presence naturally makes people a little more nervous and prone to small mistakes...and guess what you do? You smile and move the fuck on rather than waste someone's time. You understand why they might be frustrated that you'd pull them over for something as inconsequential and explainable as this. Or better yet, you don't pull them over at all.

And this is the problem I continue to have with some of you who would rather resort to textbook definitions. You're not robots, despite your love for gundams and anime. Law by nature lacks nuance; nuance that human fucking beings are in the system to fill, applying judgements and proportionate actions based on context, measure and appropriateness.

The reason we're talking about this right now is exclusively because the officer escalated this situation. He did so not because she broke some significant law in failing to signal a lane change, but because he got fucking sensitive about her being frustrated about being stopped. Then he went from being sensitive about it to power tripping about it because how dare this ugly bitch talk to me this way! I'm an officer of the LAW. The rest writes itself as it has done so many times before. Some officers habitually forget that their duty is to protect and serve...even those who are frustrated, or upset. Even those who they may personally dislike for some reason. This woman posed no threat other than some word daggers aimed at his soul for being a petty douchebag. And yet he ultimately acted like she was the hardened felon that just escaped from prison that needed to be hog tied and hauled in.

Whom did his actions protect? Whom did this action serve? Easy answer: he protected his ego and served himself. And now someone who had a plan and a future is instead full of formaldehyde, sitting in box.

That's the forest. Step away from that fucking tree and recall what it's like to be a human again, people.

My man. I'm tired of arguing about this shit, people forget what having a bad day feels.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Fuckin hell, GAF. Why do you make me respond to threads and comments like this. WHY.
Thanks for the lecture. I was merely commenting on the fact that apparently using your signals isn't important to some people. It's OT anyway, so I won't comment further on it after this post.
Dave Chappelle pegged it in Killin' Em Softly.

Comedians tend to be experts at using comedy to make truth easier to swallow. Mr. Chappelle is no exception and I'm glad he's back to doing comedy again. He was missed.

An Asian man hung himself in nail in Texas yesterday. Where is his thread!?
what happened and why? you can bet your ass that if there is any reason at all to believe there was professional misconduct or foul play on behalf of law enforcement, there will be a hundred posts from GAF in said thread before the hour ends. make the thread if so. otherwise, people die in prison all the time. the issue here isn't that she died; it's how she did and how she ended up in jail in the first place.
Fuckin hell, GAF. Why do you make me respond to threads and comments like this. WHY.

So let me help you here: This is where it's important to still be a fucking human being after you've finished arguing the technicality of a thing. You know, seeing the forrest for the fucking tree. She told him *why* she changed lanes. She saw him coming up behind her (from her perspective that's what she fucking saw) and decided to move over as anyone is supposed to do (or otherwise has been told to do) when they see a law enforcement or emergency vehicle coming up behind them. Should she have technically flipped her blinker? Sure. But as a fucking human being, you're supposed to have the capacity to empathize a little bit, understanding (a) the situation and (b) that as a law enforcement officer your presence naturally makes people a little more nervous and prone to small mistakes...and guess what you do? You smile and move the fuck on rather than waste someone's time. You understand why they might be frustrated that you'd pull them over for something as inconsequential and explainable as this. Or better yet, you don't pull them over at all.

And this is the problem I continue to have with some of you who would rather resort to textbook definitions. You're not robots, despite your love for gundams and anime. Law by nature lacks nuance; nuance that human fucking beings are in the system to fill, applying judgements and proportionate actions based on context, measure and appropriateness.

The reason we're talking about this right now is exclusively because the officer escalated this situation. He did so not because she broke some significant law in failing to signal a lane change, but because he got fucking sensitive about her being frustrated about being stopped. Then he went from being sensitive about it to power tripping about it because how dare this ugly bitch talk to me this way! I'm an officer of the LAW. The rest writes itself as it has done so many times before. Some officers habitually forget that their duty is to protect and serve...even those who are frustrated, or upset. Even those who they may personally dislike for some reason. This woman posed no threat other than some word daggers aimed at his soul for being a petty douchebag. And yet he ultimately acted like she was the hardened felon that just escaped from prison that needed to be hog tied and hauled in.

Whom did his actions protect? Whom did this action serve? Easy answer: he protected his ego and served himself. And now someone who had a plan and a future is instead full of formaldehyde, sitting in box.

That's the forest. Step away from that fucking tree and recall what it's like to be a human again, people.

So good.


Waller county is not that small.

Not that big either, Now I'm not screaming conspiracy, but I'm apprehensive to say she committed suicide Just based on the area, it's history and personal experience living there for 4.5 years. Even with the student body of PVAMU (a historically black university) making up a large portion of the population there the locals can still be quite unwelcoming and bigoted at times. I can tell you that pretty much none of my classmates are buying the suicide story just based on living in that community.


People keep talking about changing signals. She clearly ran a stop sign.
It seems pretty clear the cop pulled her over for the lane change, not the stop sign, based on his exact words immediately upon walking up to her. (2:40 in the newly uploaded, less-"glitchy" video.) "Hello ma'am, Texas Highway Patrol, the reason for your stop was you didn't fail -- you failed to signal a lane change." No mention of the stop sign.

I'm also curious why the audio goes dead silent from when he first U-turned to just before she pulled over. Might be innocuous, might not be.


Don Lemon right now, ugh. Said no one should mouth off and just comply to whatever the officer demands. Now he's yelling over Sunny.


A panel with a lawyer, a former FBI assistant director, and a director of public safety at a police department yet Wolf Blitzer gives Don Lemon almost the entire segment to give his opinion.
Fuckin hell, GAF. Why do you make me respond to threads and comments like this. WHY.

So let me help you here: This is where it's important to still be a fucking human being after you've finished arguing the technicality of a thing. You know, seeing the forrest for the fucking tree. She told him *why* she changed lanes. She saw him coming up behind her (from her perspective that's what she fucking saw) and decided to move over as anyone is supposed to do (or otherwise has been told to do) when they see a law enforcement or emergency vehicle coming up behind them. Should she have technically flipped her blinker? Sure. But as a fucking human being, you're supposed to have the capacity to empathize a little bit, understanding (a) the situation and (b) that as a law enforcement officer your presence naturally makes people a little more nervous and prone to small mistakes...and guess what you do? You smile and move the fuck on rather than waste someone's time. You understand why they might be frustrated that you'd pull them over for something as inconsequential and explainable as this. Or better yet, you don't pull them over at all.

And this is the problem I continue to have with some of you who would rather resort to textbook definitions. You're not robots, despite your love for gundams and anime. Law by nature lacks nuance; nuance that human fucking beings are in the system to fill, applying judgements and proportionate actions based on context, measure and appropriateness.

The reason we're talking about this right now is exclusively because the officer escalated this situation. He did so not because she broke some significant law in failing to signal a lane change, but because he got fucking sensitive about her being frustrated about being stopped. Then he went from being sensitive about it to power tripping about it because how dare this ugly bitch talk to me this way! I'm an officer of the LAW. The rest writes itself as it has done so many times before. Some officers habitually forget that their duty is to protect and serve...even those who are frustrated, or upset. Even those who they may personally dislike for some reason. This woman posed no threat other than some word daggers aimed at his soul for being a petty douchebag. And yet he ultimately acted like she was the hardened felon that just escaped from prison that needed to be hog tied and hauled in.

Whom did his actions protect? Whom did this action serve? Easy answer: he protected his ego and served himself. And now someone who had a plan and a future is instead full of formaldehyde, sitting in box.

That's the forest. Step away from that fucking tree and recall what it's like to be a human again, people.


I don't see how this wasn't immediately apparent to anyone who saw the footage of the arrest.


Kills Photobucket
Yes it's tragic, yes the cop should have and could have handled it differently. I don't see it as anything other than suicide currently , but if evidence comes out that shows otherwise I'm fine believing it as a possibility, but don't crucify the officers and police first. Let evidence come to light, and let's hope issues like this get their due diligence and get pursued instead of swept under the rug. She should have just complied from the start instead of throwing a tantrum, but not saying that excuses any of the officers actions. But I've seen these things happen many times before, it's best to just be cool and comply. Deal with it after the fact if they are acting unlawful because in the heat of the moment it's just not worth the possible outcomes.

Yes, it is best to just comply and be nice. But it's not required, and it's certainly not the job of some incompetent Police Officer to escalate the situation just because she wouldn't put the cigarette out. She was deprived of her freedom because some cop on a fucking ego trip felt slighted because someone wouldn't do exactly what he wanted. Being impolite to a police officer is not a crime and it is certainly not the officer's right to get revenge because he feels slighted by a woman who's only crime was failing to use a blinker.


Yes, it is best to just comply and be nice. But it's not required, and it's certainly not the job of some incompetent Police Officer to escalate the situation just because she wouldn't put the cigarette out. She was deprived of her freedom because some cop on a fucking ego trip felt slighted because someone wouldn't do exactly what he wanted. Being impolite to a police officer is not a crime and it is certainly not the officer's right to get revenge because he feels slighted by a woman who's only crime was failing to use a blinker.

She escalated the situation by refusing to comply with the officer's order to step out of the vehicle, not the other way around.


Kills Photobucket
She escalated the situation by refusing to comply with the officer's order to step out of the vehicle, not the other way around.

There was no need for the officer to ask her to step out of the car. The cop felt slighted and he was going to get his revenge by giving this woman a hard time.
I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out that being argumentative and uncooperative with cops is a bad fucking idea. I'd imagine many if not most black people get warned at some point by their parents about how to deal with police when you're pulled over - turn down the radio, keep your hands where they can be seen, etc. That's not blaming the victim, it's acknowledging the reality of a shitty situation and preparing accordingly.

That being said, given Lemon's history I'm not going to defend him personally. Would she still be alive if she hadn't acted the way she did? Probably, yes. But at the same time we cannot pretend like the main catalyst here is a cop who overstepped his duty and went too far over bullshit.


She escalated the situation by refusing to comply with the officer's order to step out of the vehicle, not the other way around.

The officer escalated it after saying "are you done?" when he knew that bland was irritated about the stop. He also said "I'm going to light you up!"
She escalated the situation by refusing to comply with the officer's order to step out of the vehicle, not the other way around.

He initially escalated things when he asked her to step out of the vehicle purely because of sass, and then further escalated things with forced removal, and even further with a head hitting pavement.


There was no need for the officer to ask her to step out of the car. The cop felt slighted and he was going to get his revenge by giving this woman a hard time.

A police officers doesn't require whatever your definition of "need" is to ask someone they've pulled over to leave their car. You get pulled over for a traffic violation and get asked to leave your vehicle, you leave your vehicle. That's the law.

She escalated the situation and forced him to us force to get her to leave the vehicle. Does that mean she should be dead now? Of course not, but there's no need to make up tales about how she only found herself in this mess because of a power tripping cop.
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