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SbF: Super Best Friends Play Thread: ReBoot


That fifar football story was kind of crazy since those stories are just a weird reminder that those people exist. I want to imagine the dumb American was super drunk since they were in a bar, but dunno.

Can't wait for that average Lost Song QL. I bought the game because I hate myself and I wanted to go in on it with a friend. Hopefully neither of them do the thing where they try to push forth that there's good parts of SAO. Pat occasionally saying Heathcliff is a good villain hurts.


Watching the Mirror's Edge playthrough, I have to say I'm with Pat on the speedrun thing.

Glitchy runs are fine for something like Awesome Games Done Quick, but I don't find it a fun way to play at all if it doesn't look good. I tend to want to make gameplay look more cinematic even if it isn't the most optimal way to play.
Can't wait for that average Lost Song QL. I bought the game because I hate myself and I wanted to go in on it with a friend. Hopefully neither of them do the thing where they try to push forth that there's good parts of SAO. Pat occasionally saying Heathcliff is a good villain hurts.
I dunno, there's concepts with potential in SAO, but the Abridged Series is way better all around.
listening to the latest podcast and always odd to hear about pat praising new vegas. I mean its a really good game but to me it has a lot of problems and all its got above fallout 3 is the attention to detail to the world, but with 4 its more obsolete and dated than ever. I will give new vegas the dlc because old world blues was really good but the initial start is really boring. guess its the divided thing with obsidian games where you either love the squeals to amazing games or hate them.
listening to the latest podcast and always odd to hear about pat praising new vegas. I mean its a really good game but to me it has a lot of problems and all its got above fallout 3 is the attention to detail to the world, but with 4 its more obsolete and dated than ever.
What New Vegas does right and what makes it amazing is why KOTOR 2 destroys KOTOR 1. "Writing quality" is a bit of an oversimplification, but it really matters. Opinions will vary, also.


I dunno, there's concepts with potential in SAO, but the Abridged Series is way better all around.

I imagine a lot of those concepts with potential are just what MMOs have been doing forever but translated into a VR format. Besides that I just think Pat and maybe Liam has some weird rose tinted glasses for the original SAO arc when it doesn't deserve anything.
listening to the latest podcast and always odd to hear about pat praising new vegas. I mean its a really good game but to me it has a lot of problems and all its got above fallout 3 is the attention to detail to the world, but with 4 its more obsolete and dated than ever. I will give new vegas the dlc because old world blues was really good but the initial start is really boring. guess its the divided thing with obsidian games where you either love the squeals to amazing games or hate them.

Better writing makes a huge difference in a game such as Fallout, to a lot of people that's the difference between enjoying and not enjoying a game. I don't think it's something you can just brush aside like Bethesda did with 4. And it's not just Pat, New Vegas is very highly regarded by a lot of fans.


Better writing makes a huge difference in a game such as Fallout, to a lot of people that's the difference between enjoying and not enjoying a game. I don't think it's something you can just brush aside like Bethesda did with 4. And it's not just Pat, New Vegas is very highly regarded by a lot of fans.
Not to mention better quest design in general (though not always QA'd) and much more elaborate roleplaying mechanics.
When I saw the dialogue options in the first gameplay be so simplified I already decided that I didn't want to play 4, it's that big a deal for me. Also the fact that half the trailer was the player shooting stuff, talk about missing the point.
When I saw the dialogue options in the first gameplay be so simplified I already decided that I didn't want to play 4, it's that big a deal for me. Also the fact that half the trailer was the player shooting stuff, talk about missing the point.

ihaven't played fallout 4 yet, but from the trailers and comments from friends, the game sends more like borderlands then fallout.
That fifar football story was kind of crazy since those stories are just a weird reminder that those people exist. I want to imagine the dumb American was super drunk since they were in a bar, but dunno.

I don't find that anecdote credible in the slightest, honestly.

An actual American with views that brazenly dated would not have exercised that much restraint in terms of slurs based on sexual preference, race/nationality, religious affiliation, etc. You don't get that stupid without tripping over into the full-on walking PR catastrophe territory, not unless you're doing it ironically.

The more likely scenarios are:

1. The story is pure fiction.

2. The story is "drunk fiction". (That is to say, "My friends and I went to the pub and got a bit tipsy. There was an American there with whom we became argumentative and increasingly belligerent. As I recall it, we are basically national heroes.")

I'd lean more toward the first, honestly, just based on how the story in general stinks of a poorly-constructed narrative. If I were his Creative Writing teacher I would ding him for one-dimensional, barely-credible characters and a surplus of plot convenience in his short story; we'll let the dialogue being completely unnatural-sounding slide on this one, on the assumption that he was presenting the "self-edited" version rather than verbatim.

D+ (He gets a few points because using a hulking Canadian stereotype as a Deus Ex Machina is at least choosing the right plot contrivance for his target audience.)
When I saw the dialogue options in the first gameplay be so simplified I already decided that I didn't want to play 4, it's that big a deal for me. Also the fact that half the trailer was the player shooting stuff, talk about missing the point.

This so much. Of course I'm one of the people who still hates Bethesda for ruining fallout in the first place. The city building aspect of the game actually makes me sad since I recall that being a feature of 'Van Buren' at one point.


Watching the Mirror's Edge playthrough, I have to say I'm with Pat on the speedrun thing.

Glitchy runs are fine for something like Awesome Games Done Quick, but I don't find it a fun way to play at all if it doesn't look good. I tend to want to make gameplay look more cinematic even if it isn't the most optimal way to play.

Well, the speedrun community isn't focused on what makes for the most entertaining run, but the fastest run in specific categories.

This is what fans of speedrunning look for, and now just the people who watch speed runs twice a year for charity.


I would actually get legit hyped for a Fallout New Vegas playthrough, or hell, just a quick look.
I wouldn't. I love the game, but it's not built for a long-form LP. I'm not really that interested in seeing anyone spend a ton of time trying to manage inventory weight or weird editing breaks where quests bug out or the game crashes, or generally just like a bunch of time where you're wandering out in the Wastes getting from point A to point B. I don't even think it lends itself especially well to a 'quick look', since the first hour of the game is not exactly prime viewing material.


People waiting on the direct still. Pat said Friday, Probably on the reddit.

D+ (He gets a few points because using a hulking Canadian stereotype as a Deus Ex Machina is at least choosing the right plot contrivance for his target audience.)
I don't want to immediately assume the guy is lying, but I won't disagree that it's largely comical in how perfectly dumb it is enough to sound fake. It sounded edited for better story telling or there's the possibility of it being fake. I'd also be surprised considering the guy had enough horrible burn skills to say all the women should of gotten fucked by more G.I.'s, but didn't go as far as to say any horrible slurs. Canadian thing felt a little too good to be true, but eh, just don't know if the guy was lying or not.
What's the deal with the latest "New Super Best Friends Play" on Vessel?

Three parts and the first part is 5 mins?


I wonder if this is a thing of machinima having them split up the content so it's a 3 times a week dose instead of a weekly 15 minute dose. Feels gross man.
Great news Pat (and anyone else who hates the dialog) , your one complaint about Fallout 4 is fixed in this mod
Cool, now have Obsidian write those lines and we can talk.

Seriously though, once a couple of good mods fix most of the problems I have with the game I'll pick it up when the GOTY version's eventually 80% off on Steam.

I wonder if this is a thing of machinima having them split up the content so it's a 3 times a week dose instead of a weekly 15 minute dose. Feels gross man.

If it is it has to be a change Machinima forced upon them, SBFP would never be the kinda people to start making 10 minute LP videos like SOME OTHER CHANNELS.


Website- Soma Part 9

Youtube- Soma Part 9

Website- Metal Gear Part 40

Youtube- Metal Gear Part 40
If it is it has to be a change Machinima forced upon them, SBFP would never be the kinda people to start making 10 minute LP videos like SOME OTHER CHANNELS.

Like, Comment, Subscroob, and Digg it so you can stay up to date and catch our next video a few days from now where we reach the stunning conclusion of Pat masturbating over how great his personal Patschwitz is. That video will be a whopping 6 minutes instead of 5 too.

Man, if this is really a thing they should probably be longer than 5 minutes honestly. 8-10 sounds better to me at least. I guess that's a lot more work though, but still, ehhhhh on 5 minute chunks.

I can't find the Lets Watch of the Direct. They said that it was going up on Sunday right?

Rendering and all that nonsense keeps fucking with them. Pat says Friday, probably.

Ooooh, they want direct feedback on their LPs:

Blind is winning for the moment. Ughhhhh.


Glad to see they're taking feedback from the fans. Kind of surprised that blind LPs vs non blind LPs are split.

If I had to choose between those two, I'd go double blind. I enjoy seeing their reaction at the time it's happening, rather than them telling us how they felt in the past.

It feels kind of boring when they're like, "Yeah, okay, this is going to happen and you solve it just like... this. Done." Instead of them having to figure out, and possibly being surprised about something that's happening.

I know quite a few people hate them running around and having no idea what to do, and honestly it kind of grates on me too occasionally, but I find it preferable to the alternative.


Un Rama
I think that's because of stuff like Until Dawn/Life is Strange/Tell Tale games, where going in double blind was good/great.

It should be obvious to them now what kind of blind LP game would make a good one. Until Dawn, Telltale and David Cage games? Yep. Metal Gear V, LOU etc etc? Wait for the dust to settle a bit before jumping in.


Ooooh, they want direct feedback on their LPs:

Ohey that's awesome !

Blind is winning but hey acknowledge that a duo with one blind + one with knowledge is the best possible outcome, if possible. I think at the very least they're very very aware of stuff after the past two months. With that acknowledged, yeah it's tough to chose between full blind or full prior knowledge, because they both have good aspects to it (full blind means more genuine reactions. Full knowledge means maybe more precise commentary but maybe less fun/rowdy). But I realize too not everyone can be a ResearchIndicates doing a trespasser LP, which is freaking platinum standard. So might as well go full blind for some series

The "Don't talk if it's a good story but who gives a shit about ride to hell" is winning which I think makes sense (because they're actually at their top freaking tier when they comment over a bad game)
Ugh... some people on Twitter don't fucking get that the first poll is what your preference is if the LP isn't a one blind/one experienced LP.


It should be obvious to them now what kind of blind LP game would make a good one. Until Dawn, Telltale and David Cage games? Yep. Metal Gear V, LOU etc etc? Wait for the dust to settle a bit before jumping in.
Exactly. They need to be way more careful when deciding on full LPs of new releases. The blind question is iffy.
Ugh... some people on Twitter don't fucking get that the first poll is what your preference is if the LP isn't a one blind/one experienced LP.

You mean me? I am here y'know.

Anyway, it's a shame that Blind is winning but hey the numbers don't lie. Blind can work out on certain, story based games like Life is Strange but when it's something like MGSV it just makes for a poor LP due to the game itself slowing to a terrible crawl.
If I had to choose between those two, I'd go double blind. I enjoy seeing their reaction at the time it's happening, rather than them telling us how they felt in the past.

It feels kind of boring when they're like, "Yeah, okay, this is going to happen and you solve it just like... this. Done." Instead of them having to figure out, and possibly being surprised about something that's happening.

I know quite a few people hate them running around and having no idea what to do, and honestly it kind of grates on me too occasionally, but I find it preferable to the alternative.

I find their non blind LPs pretty neat just because of the cool tricks they show off. Mirror's Edge is great example of this with Woolie showing off some cool speedrun tech. Really, they just need to pick better games to do double blind LPs of.


Excellent. Glad some of the feedback has got back to them and they are asking a wider audience.

Edit: Second could use expanding. Blinds LP's can be bad but one blinds are fine. As long as one person is knowledgeable enough it makes a good dynamic if someone isn't.
"It's generally agreed that the best type of LP consists of one person playing blind, paired someone who's already beaten the game. With that understood, which of the following do you prefer?"

You're referring to that right? The thing they mentioned prior to the poll?
I think that's because of stuff like Until Dawn/Life is Strange/Tell Tale games, where going in double blind was good/great.
I'd be kind of annoyed if that's coloring fans perspective and making them vote for that. Blind LPs have proven to be perfectly fine for linear story driven games. Add in some gameplay with things you need to pay more attention to than not at all is when you hit the bumps which double blinds aren't good for at all. I'd hope people are taking that into consideration when voting.
If I had to choose between those two, I'd go double blind. I enjoy seeing their reaction at the time it's happening, rather than them telling us how they felt in the past.

It feels kind of boring when they're like, "Yeah, okay, this is going to happen and you solve it just like... this. Done." Instead of them having to figure out, and possibly being surprised about something that's happening.

I know quite a few people hate them running around and having no idea what to do, and honestly it kind of grates on me too occasionally, but I find it preferable to the alternative.

I rather like one blind/one not and what you're saying isn't really painting the whole picture. It's one person discovering it for the first time while the other is rediscovering it. It's nice to have occasions where Pat or whoever catches things on a second playthrough that he wouldn't of caught on a first. Pat going from Heavy Rain is alright to oh man, this game is not as good as I remember is something you only really get that way. I think rediscovery for that already in the know person can be way more fun than a blind discovery. Rediscovery also gives the person time to think over the game and allow their opinion to become fully formed on how the game truly was to them. Then you can see the opinion morph throughout as I said with the rediscovery or seeing blatant plot holes or whatever.


*sigh* Disappointed with the poll results so far, but it's not surprising that the majority of people will want double blinds near the time of release. That's what sells and gets the new or more "casual" audience to watch their videos. But I always respected the best friends for not trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and I hope that doesn't start to change. It feels like they've been dipping their toes into that style over the past few months, but hopefully the fact that they're actually asking us means that they're aware and trying to step away from it.
*sigh* It's not surprising that the majority of people will want double blinds near the time of release. That's what sells and gets the new or more "casual" audience to watch their videos. But I always respected the best friends for not trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and I hope that doesn't start to change.

At the end of the day, the numbers don't lie. If that what a majority of their viewer base wants and that's what they want to move towards then it's their decision. This is their lively hood after all, and catering to the smallest part of your community isn't going to keep you afloat for long. It's disappointing to long time fans but eh, that's how the world works!
You mean me? I am here y'know.
Ah... well, yeah. It's the English major in me getting angry at the miscomprehension of blatantly obvious stuff, like what the poll's about.

It's great that you want one blind/one experienced LPs, but you shouldn't bitch that it's not an option when they explicitly point out that they already know that's people's primary preference and want to see what the people want if it's not a one blind/one experienced LP.
Anyway, it's a shame that Blind is winning but hey the numbers don't lie. Blind can work out on certain, story based games like Life is Strange but when it's something like MGSV it just makes for a poor LP due to the game itself slowing to a terrible crawl.
I suggested they make a poll about what LPs they should double blind, just so they have hard numbers on what people want and what they're perceived to be good at.


Un Rama
The talking one is a good question and I'm glad the 'listen when you should option' is winning.

The blind LP question is kind of a self defeating one. I don't think asking the people is the way to go the guys themselves should have a pretty good idea by now what makes a good LP. Some blind (when appropriate) some one blind and some knowledgable. Just depends on the game. This poll just makes it feel like they are trying to justify all the dumb blind LP's. Blind LP's aren't inherently bad but they can be (like recently)

Still it makes me happy they are seeking feedback. all the complaints must be too loud to ignore


Santa May Claus
*sigh* It's not surprising that the majority of people will want double blinds near the time of release. That's what sells and gets the new or more "casual" audience to watch their videos. But I always respected the best friends for not trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and I hope that doesn't start to change.

If it's between the two options, it's a tough call. First time reactions are really important to someone like me. I want to see them experience things for the first time. I don't give a shit how close it is to release, but that element is critical if it's a "blind" run.
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