Bryan Hawk is the greatest villain of all time
I've never seen an anime try so hard to make you hate a villain.
Bryan Hawk is great
But come on bruh. Its Griffith.
Bryan Hawk is the greatest villain of all time
I've never seen an anime try so hard to make you hate a villain.
I wasn't really serious with that claim, I meant more that he's one of the most irredeemable villains I've ever seen in a sports anime, except whenBryan Hawk is great
But come on bruh. Its Griffith.
I wasn't really serious with that claim, I meant more that he's one of the most irredeemable villains I've ever seen in a sports anime, except whenhe became scared for his life I kinda felt bad for him even though he wanted to kill Takamura too.
Looks like Sawamura might outdo him though.
How's the FFX lp doing so far? I'm getting the remaster on my ps4 next week so I decided to wait to watch the lp until after I finish the game. Is it off to a good start?
Mixed bag. Matt keeps recycling the same three jokes Ad nauseam. And is on controls for some weird reason. They also keep tripping over themselves even though they are using a guide. Even though this is supposed to showcase to Woolie (who hasn't played it) why the game is good they've grasped onto like two elements and are tearing it apart (for "comedic" effect")
First few episodes are super rough buts gradually getting okay.
"Always good to see you @2BFLiam even if its just for coffee!"
"@giocorsi Likewise! Looking forward to our next meetup!"
What is happening? Is Liam cheating on us? What world is this? Secret Best Friends Vita game confirmed?
Is Liam actually about to become the face of Vita?!
When would you ever need thisedit: oops, double post
here's a gif i made
When would you ever need this
In previous "Week of [new movie release]" when did the roundtable discussion drop?
This is the first time I have been straight up offended by a joke made in a video. As a black person on the internet you develop a thick skin to insensitive comments, but Matt's joke in the fisticuffs episode went too far. Saying Lucas must have gone to the "jungle planet" to get his wife is some old fashioned 1950's racism. Like WTF matt? That is some vile shit to be spewing as a joke.
This is the first time I have been straight up offended by a joke made in a video. As a black person on the internet you develop a thick skin to insensitive comments, but Matt's joke in the fisticuffs episode went too far. Saying Lucas must have gone to the "jungle planet" to get his wife is some old fashioned 1950's racism. Like WTF matt? That is some vile shit to be spewing as a joke.
No but it's okay because Woolie's there and he's black.
No but it's okay because Woolie's there and he's black.
I thought the SBF being pretty non-PC off the air was fairly well known? They often say they clean up on camera, and that's the type of thing they hint that they say around one another that they don't with the channel, usually.
I don't take as genuinely offensive, myself, but there's a reason they scrub up their banter somewhat.
This is the first time I have been straight up offended by a joke made in a video. As a black person on the internet you develop a thick skin to insensitive comments, but Matt's joke in the fisticuffs episode went too far. Saying Lucas must have gone to the "jungle planet" to get his wife is some old fashioned 1950's racism. Like WTF matt? That is some vile shit to be spewing as a joke.
I thought the SBF being pretty non-PC off the air was fairly well known? They often say they clean up on camera, and that's the type of thing they hint that they say around one another that they don't with the channel, usually.
I don't take as genuinely offensive, myself, but there's a reason they scrub up their banter somewhat.
I'm black and was also kind of offended, but knew with his knack for telling bad jokes, he didn't actually mean any harm.
I remember Liam's three/fifths a person joke on the podcast had me rolling, but Matt's made me cringe.
I think the issue is that Liam's hilarious joke on the podcast was well thought out and constructed in a manner so blatantly offensive that it was humorous. On the other hand,Matt's joke was blurted out in an attempt to be funny, and instead spouted out the kinda shit your racist grandpa says at Thanksgiving.
I fucking hate when Matt tries to make a joke when a black person is on the screen. All his shit usually ends up being "HAHA HA IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK"
Only thing about that channel that irritates me.
I uh
don't remember him ever doing this sort of thing
I uh
don't remember him ever doing this sort of thing
This is the first time I have been straight up offended by a joke made in a video. As a black person on the internet you develop a thick skin to insensitive comments, but Matt's joke in the fisticuffs episode went too far. Saying Lucas must have gone to the "jungle planet" to get his wife is some old fashioned 1950's racism. Like WTF matt? That is some vile shit to be spewing as a joke.
I don't think they removed the combo system from Force Unleashed. There should be a combo list in the menu. There's a whole thing where you could supercharge the lighstaber with lightning and force pushes.