Pat going on about the weapon being bullshit in Bloodborne, enemy jumps out of range and starts shooting the shit out of him.
I mean, it's good clearly, but everytime you go to say it's bullshit or broken or stunlocks, someone gets out of it and you take huge damage, so it's really not that Bullshit at all, just useful.
If he was actually successfully locking people into corners and taking no damage and putting in zero effort, then yeah, I'd agree, but otherwise they get out of the stunlock easily enough.
The weapon actually is pretty bullshit to be fair, he's just not using it in the most optimal way. The Whirligig is meant to make use of Beast Blood Pellets because it builds up the meter extremely quickly due to the multiple hits and the L2 lawnmower type move will shave HP off nearly 3x as fast.
Woolie's poor apartment if even more cramped with that mic equipment now, but wow does it sound good. I wonder about how it'll work with fisticuffs where they have to pass off controllers constantly.
I've been so used to the old mic used for the podcast that listening to the new mic here with the chill nature of the Christmas Cast is freaking me the fuck out.
Pat going on about the weapon being bullshit in Bloodborne, enemy jumps out of range and starts shooting the shit out of him.
I mean, it's good clearly, but everytime you go to say it's bullshit or broken or stunlocks, someone gets out of it and you take huge damage, so it's really not that Bullshit at all, just useful.
If he was actually successfully locking people into corners and taking no damage and putting in zero effort, then yeah, I'd agree, but otherwise they get out of the stunlock easily enough.
Okay, where's the real Super Best Friends? This new audio setup almost sounds professional. The Zaibatsu would never do something like that. Something terrible must've befallen them.
I feel like I'm not getting my money's worth with the New Super Best Friends. When I pay for my free entertainment I want there to be audio all the time. The fact I can hear the silence in the new podcast sucks because that is a second I could be listening to audio, such as Woolie's laptop.
Overall I'm disappointed with the Zaibatsu. I feel like I'm getting less for nothing!
Oh god when they get an office with a proper audio set up. They're gonna be the Super Professional Friends.
Word of advice to anyone here; Never, ever start streaming. The things you'll be asked to do and the amount of ass you'll be asked to kiss is on some next level of grossness.
Okay, where's the real Super Best Friends? This new audio setup almost sounds professional. The Zaibatsu would never do something like that. Something terrible must've befallen them.
I've been trying to prove to a friend that the troll logic is a riff on pat saying the exact same thing before when liam was threatening to cash out and cut his losses at the end of the year, but i cant find what podcast it was in, i know it was around the previous christmas cast. does anyone remember?
Janeway is a huge scumbag. Her priority lies in "get home" rather than all the rules she's supposed to uphold. I think he played it a little hard on the podcast, but he's not wrong. Certainly one of the least honorable Captains in the series.
I think Voyager still has its moments, but he's very right in saying that it has some of the worst episodes. And Janeway is that crazy. If she was more intentionally a descent into crazy it'd be cool.
Yeah, Enterprise is pretty terrible. From the woeful opening song (which is so bad I mean how the hell did they OK that?) to the fact it doesn't have any decent episodes until the last season when it was already too late to care.
Finally saw The Force Awakens. Absolutely brilliant. The first 15 minutes alone washed away the stench of the prequel trilogy and made me feel like a kid again, discovering Star Wars for the first time. The wait for Episode VIII is going to be unbearable.
Bloodborne The Old Hunters Part 7 - Hooray for more Bloodborne! I thought this episode was full of fun moments (well, not very fun for Pat, but fun for everyone else). Between
the crow ambush that made him fall
getting chomped on by a testicle-head
, there were some good laughs in this one. Now to see whether Pat trounces or gets punked out by
The best LP continues to be the best LP. Seriously its just too good with so many amazing moments and natural jokes and humor. \o/ at using a different weapon. enemy spoiler
I was hoping so hard that door head enemy would catch them out.
I was so happy when it did.
Regarding 'Why I Like The Thing', I love Matt's editing and solo work. He is so good at it so its a shame they don't make use of it more often. However while I enjoyed this video I found it pretty self-indulgent and kinda superfluous. Still I appreciate the message and the work put in. And to be honest I've found it hard to enjoy Matt recently with his dumb yelling so him actually having some interesting to say is good.
Regarding 'Why I Like The Thing', I love Matt's editing and solo work. He is so good at it so its a shame they don't make use of it more often. However while I enjoyed this video I found it pretty self-indulgent and kinda superfluous. Still I appreciate the message and the work put in. And to be honest I've found it hard to enjoy Matt recently with his dumb yelling so him actually having some interesting to say is good.
It's right up his ally so why shouldn't he get this off his chest. I also enjoyed his James Bond review, love to see more of things like that but he is probably always busy with work and doing stuff outside the schedule seem like extra work they can't do all the time.
Final Fantasy X Part 9 - Well... I don't know what I think of this episode overall. In their defense, I will admit that the cloister trials themselves aren't ripe with material for witty or interesting commentary, but at the same time, if you're going to use the guide for the trials, you should pay attention to the actual order of the steps.
Otherwise, it's same old, same old. Talking over cutscenes is blaaargh, but I think everyone can get a good laugh out of Tidus spazzing out in that flashback. It was good hearing Matt acknowledge that Tidus mans up over the course of the game; gives me hope that he won't try to take the piss out of every single thing he says or does when things begin to pick up speed.
Also lol at Woolie telling Matt to
name Ifrit "Rihanna" and then being unsure how to spell it himself
EDIT: Enjoyed that solo Matt video. I wouldn't mind seeing more of those in the future.
Final Fantasy X Part 9 - Well... I don't know what I think of this episode overall. In their defense, I will admit that the cloister trials themselves aren't ripe with material for witty or interesting commentary, but at the same time, if you're going to use the guide for the trials, you should pay attention to the actual order of the steps.
Otherwise, it's same old, same old. Talking over cutscenes is blaaargh, but I think everyone can get a good laugh out of Tidus spazzing out in that flashback. It was good hearing Matt acknowledge that Tidus mans up over the course of the game; gives me hope that he won't try to take the piss out of every single thing he says or does when things begin to pick up speed.
Also lol at Woolie telling Matt to
name Ifrit "Rihanna" and then being unsure how to spell it himself
EDIT: Enjoyed that solo Matt video. I wouldn't mind seeing more of those in the future.
FFX 9 - I'm done. There is nothing here. It's just yelling and forcing jokes. Hell, they aren't even jokes they are just saying things and hoping it sticks. Also watching them struggle while using a guide is making it unbearable. And its probably going to get worse. Why did they bother locking themselves into this LP?
I think the Bloodborne LP being so good is making the weaknesses of the FFX LP even more obvious.
I know the spider is attacking, but to me it looks like he fucked up super hard and fell out of his web, doing a comical faceplant into the top of a passing robin's head.
And yeah, Janeway's pretty bad. I think they wanted to try too hard to make her not stereotypically feminine/maternal, and their (poor) solution to that was to just make her really "hard" (by Star Trek standards) and kind of insensitive, even impersonal.
That kind of works for female commanders in "realistic" military organizations, but Starfleet is kind of this hyper-idealized powderpuff organization, so having a captain who isn't a trained therapist/psychologist/marriage counselor/space exploration buddy just doesn't sit right. Even Kirk was generally a pretty nice guy when he wasn't chasing alien tail.
FFX Pt 9: Ah, so Matt did get poisoned by Spoony's review, no wonder jokes were recycled from there. Too bad it's mostly shallow.
Even after watching them try to crap on it, I still can't understand the struggle with the Cloister of Trials. The complaint about holding 1 sphere at a time may be sound from a realistic world logic, but that is no more true than complaining about turn-based fighting, It's a short simple puzzle, I have no idea where Matt spent an hour doing one. Or maybe that's just more hyperbole to make a point. I don't even care that they use the guide there if they can't handle it.
Most recent Bloodborne was fantastic. Everything about the Research Hall is just set up so perfectly for getting lost in and then suddenly realizing you're not lost at all. I know the LP is over and I'm sure they get to it eventually anyway, but I couldn't stop myself from getting worked up pat consistantly missing the brain fluid both chances he had to get it.
i can totally see Mr Snip Snip being in the next Rustlemania rumble if they keep pushing him like this lol
Mr Snip Snip vs Hawtdog Man at Rustlemania 3
with Rage as special guest Ref