I want a gif of that zoom in on Colonol Animeman's face.
I want a gif of that zoom in on Colonol Animeman's face.
Calm down, the gif doesn't seem to be working so here's a webm
I want a gif of that zoom in on Colonol Animeman's face.
I want a gif of that zoom in on Colonol Animeman's face.
Doesn't it take like 50 hours to actually pilot a robot tho
Now I'm reminded you didn't get to pilot the real mechs in Xenosaga until the second game (the AWGs sucked they didn't count)
My favorite thing right now about the cast is Paige's (Pat's GF) twitter/tumblr and the chronicles of her life with our favourite angry gingerbread man
Calm down, the gif doesn't seem to be working so here's a webm
ahahahahahMy favorite thing right now about the cast is Paige's (Pat's GF) twitter/tumblr and the chronicles of her life with our favourite angry gingerbread man
Pat is reaching Dan Ryckert levels of weirdness.
Although soon we non-Vessel folk will get to see how well Matt handles blitzball. I cannot wait to see how they deal with the Goers' horseshit.![]()
I wish I could say the same lol. Impatient child-me skipped most of the tutorials because my thought process was basically "How bad could this be?" Then the game began and I was like "Okay, here we g- oh the Goers are already on the offen- oh they scored, well that's ok I won't let it go unans- oh I guess that didn't work, lemme just - oh the Goers are doing real well... So what do I do?..." The end result was I think 2-1 or 3-1 for the Goers.Maybe Woolie actually tries it, but man, I remember winning the game when I first played it. 2-1 final score,My Tidus didn't even have the Jecht Shot to rely on, but I got through! I actually was worried because I paid a lot of attention to the first tutorial, before Yuna get's kidnapped, thinking the game would start immediately, then didn't want to re-ready myself, so hoped for the best.Tidus one goal, Wakka the second.
Good times.
My favorite thing right now about the cast is Paige's (Pat's GF) twitter/tumblr and the chronicles of her life with our favourite angry gingerbread man
Holy shit, Pat.
could have just thrown 2 spoons at him tho.
You know that for Pat being sane is an impossibility.Or he could have been a sane person
Hell yeah, it's truly great.Saw Star Wars. Fantastic.
Haven't had so much fun watching a movie in years.
Hell yeah, it's truly great.
But did you see Mad Max?
WhaaaaaaNope. I'm more into adventurous movies like Star Wars anyway over stuff like Mad Max.
I'm catching up on the christmas cast and this talk about the PSO bet is making me lose it, if I was in Woolie's situation I would probably also grab my popcorn and enjoy the show.
Fucking Liam making up his own betting rules lmao
He sounded like a smug piece of shit in that convo. Pat should have just reached like he was gonna take the money and clock him in the face.
My favorite thing right now about the cast is Paige's (Pat's GF) twitter/tumblr and the chronicles of her life with our favourite angry gingerbread man
That's what she meant by "jar"But the problem is that the salsa needed to be in a bowl, not the chips.
This is a strong opinion, but I can't say you're wrongAnd the Salsa Con Queso needed to be in the trash, but that's another day.
tfw Liam can tell all the race jokes he wants and they're 100% hilarious everytime.
I also loved Pat getting tongue-tied while attempting to read the key's description.
Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Episode 10 - Yet another really great episode. There were a bunch of good lines. Just the thought of Gehrman sayingis so awkward it's hilarious. I especially liked when two sentences get crammed together"I'm gonna make a doll and crush that puss!". I also loved Pat getting tongue-tied while attempting to read the key's description.We are living failures together RIGHT UP THE ASSHOLE!
is the "dweeb" boss of the DLC and as such it can't compare to the other Old Hunters bosses, but at least it has *that* move to help its cool factor.Living Failuresis so super awesome and I almost wish I didn't beat her on my second attempt, just so I could savor that fight more.Maria
Their early reactions to theare so promising. I cannot wait!fishing village
I look forward to the upcoming "Pat Stares at HotS" video.
Such a shame they've had so much of the DLC spoiled. It would have been great getting some true first time reactions.
The lovecraftgasming is the best though <3
Yeah like Pat said it's almost impossible in his position to go in blind. Even the PS4 with it's sharing thing like just flatout puts big spoilery thing so you can't really be surprised. And I'd say it's a good idea if for Dark Souls 3 he just plays through it first and have either others watch for a replay or have someone else play (i'd be okay for Woolie to have another go. As long as he's guided I think it's totally fine, I enjoyed DaS2 a lot)
Woolie and Liam. You have your turtle style with Liam's gun jumper style.
Dota isn't somehow attracting more of them.
I'm really happy Liam is playing Trails of Cold Steel. I just finished the game, it's now one of my favorite RPGs of all time. There are so many fucking things about it I'm sure even more of the SBF would absolutely adore if they heard about it, but some of it would be mega spoilers and some of it would be like 'holy shit REALLY?'
Woolie and Liam. You have your turtle style with Liam's gun jumper style.
I will slightly disagree on that. Dota and LoL are well known as THE most toxic communities out there.
Alright Vessel spoilers for FFX part 13 which should be up on youtube in a day or two
Matt straight up fucking doing exactly the despicable shit I expected better than him. "Let me set Woolie up for this scene with completely the wrong intentions". And then, after Tidus and Yuna do their In-Character On-Script "terrible, awkward, stilted laughs". He straight up sandbags Woolie on ever being able to understand the intent of that scene, by talking about how it was "their best take i guess" and "its even worse in japanese" talking OVER the part of the scene where Tidus and Yuna are laughing perfectly normally about how awkward it is and sounds to try to force yourself to laugh out loud.
I really feel like Woolie would have immediately made Matt eat shit on that if he could just have heard the character dialogue instead of Matt's sandbagging.
Of course they're known for it, but that doesn't mean it's true. Almost every story about the toxicity basically boils down to "I played and a person flamed me, what a toxic community". There's 10 people in a game that lasts 30-60 minutes, of course there's a chance one of them is going to be an asshole at some point. I've played a shitload of games and in most cases people barely even talk except maybe one person being salty blames one of his teammates, which who gives a damn.I will slightly disagree on that. Dota and LoL are well known as THE most toxic communities out there.