Does SBF do GOTY podcasts?
So a season 1 episode (would Code of Honor be too racist? 'Cause it's pretty racist.), Yesterday's Enterprise, and random season 3+ episode.Yeah this would be cool even if it was only Matt and Pat and I've barely ever watched Star Trek, it could even convince me to watch it myself. Pick like 3 episodes, 1 bad, 1 good and 1 whatever and talk over them.
Does SBF do GOTY podcasts?
Shit's heating up on the Mefense of be Ancients front...
The problem is that most of them are PC only and aren't on GOG, so they might not work on modern systems. I know Klingon Academy requires some custom DLL just to render properly on modern GPUs.Looking forward to more Trek videos. There is a nice range of bleh-to-okay trek games and to be honest I could sit and listen to them talk about it for hours.
Shit's heating up on the Mefense of be Ancients front...
Shit's heating up on the Mefense of be Ancients front...
So wait, new to this thing, are they not playing ReBoot?
It'll show up every once in a while, you can find some of it already on the channel. Woolie is currently in his Naruro phase...again.
There's a great thread on reddit where people are actually talking about how garbage vessel is. I paid for two months out of support for the channel but tapped out when I couldn't watch a full minute of a bloodborne video without stuttering. What really sucks is the guys never say anything. Maybe its the contract they're under but they haven't answered any complaints about the service. Its the website all over again except tho time they want you to pay money for it. The upload schedule is fucked and its shit that its happened 3 times in the past week, and all we get is oops, don't forget to keep paying for vessel while we fix it! I'm already fed up and the contract has barely begun.
The last straw for me was yesterday after finding out that the last 2 Bloodborne parts were uploaded nearly 3 weeks ago. That entire service is a goddamn mess.
I would be happy if they went on the podcast or made an announcement saying "I know we goofed initially, here is how we're gonna fix it moving forward". But I know they won't. If we're lucky Liam will say 2 years from now that the vessel service was shit and he's glad they're done, just like he did with the website.
I can't wait when i'm going to have to fight Orphan on my new game +2, oh boy is that gonna be fun
NG+++ was a Nightmare, but oh man did it feel good to take him down alone.
I fought him the first time on NG+ so i was forced to kinda learn his moveset in detail to not get wrecked.
First phase is not as hard as there's some attacks you can bait for some easy punishing damage. And there's one where it's pretty easy to do a backstab (his big leap over you, just walk and not dash under it as he extends quite a lot in distance, and immediately turn for a backstab)
The second phase is fucking bonkers tho. It's all a matter of just waiting to place one hit and then backing the fuck off. Which makes it a pretty stressful and drawn out fight
The lightning I noticed always hits the mother's corpse and it's easier to dodge where you're on the water. But things are so hectic during this fight it's fucking hard to even know what's happening, especially on phase 2. Doesn't help that he's not easily staggered in phase 2 and shits all over you if you try to apply the maria strategy to him
There are two things to remember during the second phase. The first is to always hug close to him, and the second is to run towards the entrance during the lightening attack. The rest is all about reacting and learning to dodge/parry his moves.
There are two things to remember during the second phase. The first is to always hug close to him, and the second is to run towards the entrance during the lightening attack. The rest is all about reacting and learning to dodge/parry his moves.
Hugging him on second phase ? I try to be very vigilant but I remember getting distinctively wrecked by hugging.
To be fair, OoK is one of my least favourite bosses in Bloodborne. He's definitively a challenge, but he's way too hectic even as a Bloodborne boss. His pattern is annoying and he's just so damn frenetic, with some shitty tracking on some attacks and some stuff that is just way too unpredictable
Actually in the second phase stay in the water as far out as possible. Staying near land is asking for trouble.
The lightening doesn't go up to the entrance, so you're safe there too.
OoK is the one Bloodborne boss I have given up on. By that point I just could not give a fuck about beating it and just wasn't having fun learning the fight. Will be interesting to see how Pat beats it.
The lightning isn't the issue. With the way he jumps and the range of his attacks, you're likely to get hung up on the geometry of rocks, trees and Kos. It's best to fight him on the flat land in the water. He definitely feels like one of the hardest in the game for sure, but once you learn the tells on all his moves he's actually quite simple to abuse.
The lightning I noticed always hits the mother's corpse and it's easier to dodge where you're on the water. But things are so hectic during this fight it's fucking hard to even know what's happening, especially on phase 2. Doesn't help that he's not easily staggered in phase 2 and shits all over you if you try to apply the maria strategy to him
There's a great thread on reddit where people are actually talking about how garbage vessel is. I paid for two months out of support for the channel but tapped out when I couldn't watch a full minute of a bloodborne video without stuttering. What really sucks is the guys never say anything. Maybe its the contract they're under but they haven't answered any complaints about the service. Its the website all over again except tho time they want you to pay money for it. The upload schedule is fucked and its shit that its happened 3 times in the past week, and all we get is oops, don't forget to keep paying for vessel while we fix it! I'm already fed up and the contract has barely begun.
Wonder if they'll talk about PSN being down on the podcast.
It's kinda dime a dozen now when it goes down.Wonder if they'll talk about PSN being down on the podcast.
Wonder if they'll talk about PSN being down on the podcast.
I was going to ask where on Vessel you found that, and then realized: oh, it's on YouTube. I went back and checked on Vessel again and it's literally just not even there. Guess I know what (or what didn't) happen when some days had one/zero updates.Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 13 - At this point, I'd sound like a broken record saying this episode was great and this LP is great, but yeah...
Pat did as well with the boss as I expected... which is to say, he got wrecked as hard as most of us did with this fight. Can't fault him for thinking that anti-Kin gems would be the way to go, though I loved Woolie joking that now he has commit to his decisions.
Also, I couldn't stop laughing at Matt's line "entire moveset is just toys from the 90s." That one just got me.Orphan of Kos's
I was going to ask where on Vessel you found that, and then realized: oh, it's on YouTube. I went back and checked on Vessel again and it's literally just not even there. Guess I know what (or what didn't) happen when some days had one/zero updates.
That YouTube timed exclusivity, I guess.
wait whatIt's on vessel but you have to look back in the updates, it's litteraly buried some weeks ago
wait what
Yep, i discovered that before thanks to Vidula. The last part has been apparently uploaded ages ago
What the actual fuck. I've been waiting for this forever and wondering why they haven't uploaded the last one for a while now.
Is the steam group still active? Seems dead.
HOTS goes for a random select gimmicky maps with weird side objectives, and It's part of what changes it from something competitive to what I lack a word to describe as anything but "casual".edit: Also I'm not sure what their problem is with the game only using one map, you say it's inpenetrable but you want new maps? There's like 110 heroes and a billion items, believe me you won't get bored.