Man, X-Com seems kinda bullshit. Good lord.
The fact that Sectoids can both reanimate AND have someone under mind control at the same time is the most bullshit.
Any good one off's they've done lately? I've not been keeping up. I never did watch the Dying Light DLC video.
I'm amazed that Pat is still so passionate about making sure everyone views Superman as he does. He's pretty happy to die on that hill.Oh god, Pat tries to talk about comics again in OT.
It was alright, but I don't really remember anything notable from it other than the game looking real pretty.
The nintendo direct video that just went to youtube was great for watching Liam die about paper mario and seeing Woolie get ultra hype about Kirby. But there's not a whole lot to the rest of it.
Street Fighter V was a great video if you're into fighting games and fighting game talk, since they are all pretty up on the game. Digimon Cyber Sleuths, Deadly Tower Of Monsters, and Metal Slug 2.
Oh any of the Saltybet videos. Those are just as good as watching Saltybet itself.
Excellent! I'll start watching those. Thanks
Deus Ex starting now is perfect for me. Time to start getting back into their LP'sI asked for this.
The fact that Sectoids can both reanimate AND have someone under mind control at the same time is the most bullshit.
Just get the AWC and get Rupture on your Rangers/Specialists to deal with that.Sectoids are the least bullshit... well, next to standard advent soldiers. There is a reason they are like the third enemy type you meet in the game. The crap gatekeepers and andromedon do make you wish the worst then you had to worry about was a chance one of your characters might get mind controlled.
Sectoids are the least bullshit... well, next to standard advent soldiers. There is a reason they are like the third enemy type you meet in the game. The crap gatekeepers and andromedon do make you wish the worst then you had to worry about was a chance one of your characters might get mind controlled.
Just get the AWC and get Rupture on your Rangers/Specialists to deal with that.
By the time Andromedons started appearing I had two Psi soldiers with Domination. They were free tanks for me.
Gatekeepers were usually managed with EMP rounds or by nuking them when they appeared using damn near everything I had. They don't spawn more than one in a mission I don't think?
Gatekeepers were usually managed with EMP rounds or by nuking them when they appeared using damn near everything I had. They don't spawn more than one in a mission I don't think?
Having not watched Part 1 or played the game in like, two years my guess is:Christ I completely forget what the plot of HR is...
I should catch up on this LP.
I've always hated the distance discovered aliens can cover in fights. That's bullshit
He never asked for thisChrist I completely forget what the plot of HR is...
IIRC, there's a mod that lets you pick AWC perks.Well, that is random unless something has change since I last played, so good luck with that. Honestly, I rarely had a problem with either of those units because I took the out asap(they are both a bitch to kill though, often they will take up a whole turn of concentrated fire(if i don't just mind control them anyways) if you aren't lucky), but in the event you let them survive long enough to do shit, they can really mess your shit up.
I hear AP rounds are way better than EMP rounds in general, but Gatekeepers are like Sectopods - you usually get one or two per mission, depending on the type and difficulty.Gatekeepers were usually managed with EMP rounds or by nuking them when they appeared using damn near everything I had. They don't spawn more than one in a mission I don't think?
IIRC, there's a mod that lets you pick AWC perks.
I hear AP rounds are way better than EMP rounds in general, but Gatekeepers are like Sectopods - you usually get one or two per mission, depending on the type and difficulty.
That mod is super broken when it comes to balance. You can pick any of the possible AWC perks.
Yeah, that is way too much. I don't know what the options are, but I can just imagine the bullshit you can pull off with that.
Catching up on last week's podcast. Lol at Woolie failing to try to Daigo parry Matt and Pat's sandbagging tech during his cricket story.
At least you tried Woolie
Edit: And we even got a shoutout too lol.
Not enough, according to Woolie himself
cant wait for this podcast[/video] where Pat complains about __________ for 15 minutes while stubbornly clinging to his wrong notion about __________
Is there a weird buzz on the Superhot audio for anyone else? Is that from the game?
Part of the game
Edit: Wait, no its not.
Has he done anything other than voicing Necalli? Seems like an odd guest choice, especially considering the Necalli voice isn't really spectacular in any way.
4 hour podcast?
4 hour podcast? And is this the first time they put timestamps for the podcast?
I'd imagine he could just run a stopwatch app and click it when they change topics, but there's probably a lot more than just that. Idk how complicated it is to run a podcastI always found it pretty weird that Woolie edits the entire podcast together, but never take an extra second or 2 to write down the times. Its great that he does that now.
I totally get Woolie's disgust over Pat's MMO addiction. That stuff just sounds so disgusting when someone is explaining it, but it definitely caters to a specific type of person who thrives on pointless grinds.
Man the HR lp makes me want to replay it myself so freaking bad. I forgot how fucking good that game is