I think its about time Mize0dude makes his debut by having his ball's exposed on Woolie's couch.
I mean, if that's what Mike and Woolie are into, I'm okay with it/watching it.
I'm happy you guys will enjoy my downfall.
I think its about time Mize0dude makes his debut by having his ball's exposed on Woolie's couch.
I mean, if that's what Mike and Woolie are into, I'm okay with it/watching it.
I just realized how almost all the LPs going now are Torture Woolie LPs. Naruto, Reboot, NBA (although he's having fun with that you can hear him dying) and Minecraft.
You are not supposed to spill the beans like that
Now Woolie knows
savageDon't worry, none of them pay attention to this thread.
Woolie loves Naruto tho
Except when Woolie specifically mentions he listens on the secret fan podcast.Don't worry, none of them pay attention to this thread.
She looks as though she's had a lot of plastic surgery done so I don't know that you could blame someone for thinking that in game model looks weird.The modeling has it's issues, but in this picture she looks pretty close to the in-game model I think.
I dunno, the thing that gets me every time I look at her in-game model and her real life pic is how the lower part of her face looks like a fucking cone or something, because the lines are way too straight.She looks as though she's had a lot of plastic surgery done so I don't know that you could blame someone for thinking that in game model looks weird.
Don't worry, none of them pay attention to this thread.
Since it doesn't seem anyone posted the name the actress is Anya Engel-Adams. I'd be flabbergasted if she looks like this without having had work done. The angles of her face seem too perfect.I dunno, the thing that gets me every time I look at her in-game model and her real life pic is how the lower part of her face looks like a fucking cone or something, because the lines are way too straight.
Somewhere on Pat's computer, there's Evangelion fanfiction featuring himself. It's only a matter of time before the others find it and bring it to light.Man, we need to get the Zaibatsu to read shitty fanfic during stream interludes in Shitty Games Done Slow.
Somewhere on Pat's computer, there's Evangelion fanfiction featuring himself. It's only a matter of time before the others find it and bring it to light.
You left out the eighty pages of sexual tension between himself and Kaworu."Get in the mech, Pat."
Had trouble sleeping. I would've appreciated an early podcast but then I realise that they went into DST...
I'm going to do what any sane person at 4am does.
I'm gonna watch Sandwichgate 2. I can get behind this as a podcast. With Pat probably playing FFXIV in the background.
Daylight Saving Time? I dunno if that's the one they use. BST (British Summer Time) doesn't start for another 2 weeks so I'm getting their content earlier? Wait that means the podcast SHOULD be up. This is a late podcast I guess.
Also I just decided to relive this moment, that time Liam touched Pat's screen.
Also I just decided to relive this moment, that time Liam touched Pat's screen.
"I bet it would be very easy to steal a skeleton and put your dick in it"
This podcast is off to a great start.
id bet money someone has already done it
I'm team Woolie on trailers.
Fuck spoilers.
Civil War trailer I assume?
Yeah, it's not like the Batman vs Superman one.Haven't even listened to the podcast but that trailer isn't spoilery at all. It doesn't even show any of the last act.
Get out now. It's the worst.ok i need you guys expert opinion on something
should i keep watching Dexter after Season 4(which i just finished)?
i mean it cant be worse than Mass Effect 3s ending right?
Ah, I had misremembered it as the loot crate episode where Liam slapped a sticker on Pats TV.Daylight Saving Time? I dunno if that's the one they use. BST (British Summer Time) doesn't start for another 2 weeks so I'm getting their content earlier? Wait that means the podcast SHOULD be up. This is a late podcast I guess.
Also I just decided to relive this moment, that time Liam touched Pat's screen.
That's not a spoiler, even the people working on the movie said it was happening. The only question was if we'd see it in the trailer or not.Of course it is.
Worst part of the trailer I haven't even seen it and I've seen the moment...
Yeah, it's not like the Batman vs Superman one.
The Batman vs Superman trailer makes you wonder why it's even a Batman vs Superman movie.
i stumbled upon this gem in my daily neogaf sweep
I'm super bummed that none of them talked about how SFV is getting blown out in sales. I wanted to hear Matt, Pat, and Woolie die when they heard a Naruto game outsold the physical PS4 release.
I'm super bummed that none of them talked about how SFV is getting blown out in sales. I wanted to hear Matt, Pat, and Woolie die when they heard a Naruto game outsold the physical PS4 release.